SENIOR ASSOCIATE / SENIOR LEGAL SPECIALIST [LAW DIVISION] Responsibilities Requirements Reporting to the Chief Legal Officer, you will act to protect the interests of Singapore and IRAS through: t(PPEMBXEFHSFF t"EWJTJOHPODPNQMFYJTTVFTPGJOEJWJEVBMBOEDPSQPSBUF JODPNFUBYTUBNQEVUJFT(45BOEPUIFSUBYFT t1SFGFSBCMZZFBSTPG1PTU2VBMJmDBUJPO&YQFSJFODF t1SPWJEJOH DMFBS QSBDUJDBM BOE FGGFDUJWF MFHBM BEWJDF JOWPMWJOHBENJOJTUSBUJWFMBXJOTPMWFODZMBXBOEPUIFS related areas of law necessary for IRAS’ functions t"QQFBSJOHGPSBOESFQSFTFOUJOH*3"4JOMJUJHBUJPOJOUIF WBSJPVTUSJCVOBMT)JHI$PVSUBOE$PVSUPG"QQFBM t$BMMFEUPUIF4JOHBQPSF#BS t"OBMZUJDBMJOEFQFOEFOUBOETFMGNPUJWBUFE t4USPOHDPNNVOJDBUJPOBOEJOUFSQFSTPOBMTLJMMT t(PPEVOEFSTUBOEJOHPGMPDBMUBYMFHJTMBUJPOXPVMECF BOBEWBOUBHFBMUIPVHIOPUBQSFSFRVJTJUF t1SPWJEJOHBEWJDFPOJOWFTUJHBUJPOTDSJNJOBMQSPDFEVSF FYFSDJTJOHQSPTFDVUPSJBMEJTDSFUJPOBOEQSPTFDVUJOHUBY offenders t%SBGUJOH DMFBS BOE FGGFDUJWF MFHJTMBUJWF ESBGUT UP SFnFDU policy intents Please submit your resume via Careers@Gov or email to [email protected]. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. Application deadline: 13 June 2014 Advertise in the Law Gazette’s Appointments section. ROLANDTON NICHE BOUTIQUE Be Part of the MAS Help shape Singap Team ore’s financial landsc ape Capital Markets Departme nt Assistant Director/Associate (Legal), ATMD BIRD global associa & BIRD LLP, tion with are highly Bird & a leading Singap self-mo Bird, tivated and ambitio is looking forore law firm in IT lawyer a individ us for the Corporate/C (for our following uals who IP & Techno ommercial (for our positions: Candid logy Practic Corporate/C Lawye ates e Group experience should have ommercialr ) Candid at in non-co Practic ates e Group ntentio least 2 years’ and should must have us Techno ) PQE, Candid logy-related preferably ate will corporate have 3 years’ been admitted be comme with advice. to practic PQE, rcial matter expected to corporate commercial work in telecom work suchwith experience e in Singap s, finance involvi munica broad range . ore and/or as merger tions and ng drafting, also be of IT, s and acquisiinterest in familiar negotia The success licensin procurement, ting and telco and with Softwa g arrange tions and practice, ful candidate advising Data exploit re licensin ments. 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You will for the award of civil manipulation and penalties for market You can expect to misconduct. be enforcement agencies. challenged intellectually and professionally as you work at play, as you serve You will gain insight into how capital markets participants closely with other regulators and as the legal landscape an important part of MAS' enhanced operate, and the rules enforcement regime for this area of Law, and regulations 6LQJDSRUHDVDßQDQFLDOFHQW under the which is fundamental in safeguarding and SFA. Your work will shape UHDQGHQVXULQJLWVFRQWLQXHG enhancing the reputation JURZWh. Requirements: of Ý Recognised Law Degree and admitted Ý At least 1 to 3 years of Civil/Commer to legal practice in Singapore Ý Willing to be a cial Litigation gation experience pioneer Ý Ability to be innovative in an emerging area of practice and creative in solving problems Application: To apply, please log on to our career eer page at http:/ h http://www.m / Information on the ers other positions is also o availab av available ailable lable able at the Singapore Closing Date: 7 August Public Service Job 2011 Portal at ůŽƵŶƐĞůǁŝƚ DĂŬĞĂŝīĞƌĞŶĐĞƐ>ĞŐĂ ͻ ͻ ͻ ͻ REQUIRES: PLEASE SEND DETAILED RESUME INDICATING LAST DRAWN AND EXPECTED SALARY WITH RECENT PHOTO THE OFFICE MANAGER, TO: M/S ROLAND TONG, 3 PICKERING STREET EMAIL: gkwan.bp@gm #02-22, SINGAPORE 048660. 8EOIXLEX½VWXWXIT[MXLYW P[IHS *SV8VYWXMWXLIWXEVXMRKTSMRXJSVEP ƌ͘ ďůĞƚŽďĞĐĂůůĞĚƚŽƚŚĞ^ŝŶŐĂƉŽƌĞĂŽƵƐĞ͘ ĂƌĞĐŽŐŶŝƐĞĚƵŶŝǀĞƌƐŝƚLJĂŶĚďĞĞůŝŐŝŽƐŝƟŽŶͿ͕ǁŚĞƚŚĞƌŝŶƉƌĂĐƟĐĞŽƌŝŶͲŚ ŐŽŽĚ,ŽŶŽƵƌƐĚĞŐƌĞĞŝŶ>ĂǁĨƌŽŵŽŶͿĂŶĚϰͲϲLJĞĂƌƐWY;ĨŽƌƐĞŶŝŽƌƉ ƚůĞĂƐƚϭLJĞĂƌWY;ĨŽƌũƵŶŝŽƌƉŽƐŝƟ 'ŽŽĚĐŽŵŵƵŶŝĐĂƟŽŶƐŬŝůůƐ͘ ƐǁĞůůĂƐŝŶĂƚĞĂŵ͘ ďŝůŝƚLJƚŽǁŽƌŬǁĞůůŝŶĚĞƉĞŶĚĞŶƚůLJĂ M&A PROJECT WORK LEGAL ASSISTANT, 3 TO 8 YEARS PQE. MUST HAVE SOLID EITHER CORPORATE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OR LITIGATION DEPARTMENT. EXPERIENCE GAINED IS ESSENTIAL. TRAVEL SOUND KNOWLEDGE IN IS REQUIRED. OF RECENT IP CASE LAW DEVELOPMENT 2. PRIVATE SECRETARY FOR PRINCIPAL CLIENT, MINIMUM 10 YEARS SPOKEN, ORGANISED SECRETARIAL EXPERIENCE. AND HAVE EXCELLENT PC KNOWLEDGE AND POSITION. MUST BE WELL PR SKILLS TO FILL FAST PACED CONFIDENTIAL TOP MARKET REMUNERATIO N WILL BE PAID TO THE RIGHT CANDIDATE. of trust and encourage We foster an environment We for effective teamwork. positive relationships develop with meaningful offer you the space to a total challenges. We adopt opportunities and fresh competitive remuneration, rewards focus comprising VIGSKRMXMSR EXXVEGXMZIFIRI½XWERHRSRQSRIXEV] ͻ ͻ LAW FIRM WITH SPECIALISED 1. savings, we understand As trustee of the nation’s In our hands we hold what it means to be trusted. real lives. and the future of real people ͻ ͻ ͻ G S O L I C I T O R S AIRCRAFT Awards FIRM OF FINANCE THE YEAR LAW Gala J`e^Xgf i\ Aviation Fina nce Asso N\Xi\cffb ciate k\Xd%@]pfl `e^]fiXdY `k`flj"dfk` Xm`Xk`feXe Xi\Xe\ncp mXk\[Xe[[ []`eXeZ\"[ hlXc`]`\[f n`ee`e^k\Xd peXd`ZcXnp fefkd`jjk iale`ficXnp fekfghlX _`jfggfikle \in_f_XjX\ijkfaf`efli c`kpkiXejXZk` Jk\g_\ejfe `kpkfnfibn e`ek\i\jk`e fej% `k_XeXnXi [\[`ZXk\[Xe?Xinff[`j X(.'p\Xif [ k\Xd`ji\Zf [\jkXYc`j_\ c[`ek\ Zc`\ekYXj\% ^e`j\[XjXc [Xm`Xk`fe]`eXeZ\ ieXk`feXccX n]`id \X[`e^gifm Xe[X `[\if]c\^X \ifjgXZ\^ifn`k_ X Pfln`cce\\ cj\im`Z\jkf lg%Fli Xnfic[n`[\ jb`ccjXi\gi [kf_Xm\Xe \]\ii\[Ylk \oZ\cc\ekX efk\jj\ek`X ZX[\d`Zi\Zf Gc\Xj\jlYd i[%:_`e\j\ c% cXe^lX^\ alc`XeX%k\fn `kpfli:MX 7j_c\^Xc%Zf e[Zfm\ic\kk \ikfD d% jAlc`XeXK\f nXk www.shl Fe\IX]]c \jGcXZ\ J`e^Xgfi\ ()#'' K\c\g_fe '+/-(\!-,-)) =Xo!-,- -(-'' ))-(--( For enquiries, please contact Anthony at +65 63490172 or email [email protected] R R
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