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DĂƌŝĞŬĞ & ǀĂŶ tŝĞƌ
Emile Tompa
WaƵlieŶ D oŶŐeƌƐ
llaƌĚ : ǀaŶ Ěeƌ eeŬ
DaƵƌiƚƐ t ǀaŶ TƵlĚeƌ
:ƵĚiƚŚ E oƐmaŶƐ
Chapter 8
ZeƐoƵƌĐeƐ Ĩoƌ oĐĐƵpaƟoŶal ŚealƚŚ aƌe ƐĐaƌĐe͘ To alloĐaƚe aǀailaďle ƌeƐoƵƌĐeƐ aƐ
eĸĐieŶƚlLJ aƐ poƐƐiďle͕ ĚeĐiƐioŶͲmaŬeƌƐ ŶeeĚ iŶĨoƌmaƟoŶ oŶ ƚŚe ƌelaƟǀe eĐoŶomiĐ
meƌiƚƐ oĨ oĐĐƵpaƟoŶal ŚealƚŚ aŶĚ ƐaĨeƚLJ ;K,^Ϳ iŶƚeƌǀeŶƟoŶƐ͘ EĐoŶomiĐ eǀalƵaƟoŶƐ
ĐaŶ pƌoǀiĚe ƚŚiƐ iŶĨoƌmaƟoŶ ďLJ ĐompaƌiŶŐ ƚŚe ĐoƐƚƐ aŶĚ ĐoŶƐeƋƵeŶĐeƐ oĨ ƚǁo oƌ
moƌe alƚeƌŶaƟǀe iŶƚeƌǀeŶƟoŶƐ͘ ,oǁeǀeƌ͕ oŶlLJ a Ĩeǁ oĨ ƚŚe ƐƚƵĚieƐ ƚŚaƚ ĐoŶƐiĚeƌ ƚŚe
eīeĐƟǀeŶeƐƐ oĨ K,^ iŶƚeƌǀeŶƟoŶƐ ƚaŬe ƚŚe edžƚƌa Ɛƚep oĨ ĐoŶƐiĚeƌiŶŐ ǁŚeƚŚeƌ ƚŚeLJ
aƌe eĸĐieŶƚ iŶ ƚeƌmƐ oĨ ƚŚeiƌ ƌeƐoƵƌĐe impliĐaƟoŶƐ͘ Doƌeoǀeƌ͕ ƚŚe meƚŚoĚoloŐiĐal
ƋƵaliƚLJ oĨ eĐoŶomiĐ eǀalƵaƟoŶƐ iŶ ƚŚe oĐĐƵpaƟoŶal ŚealƚŚ liƚeƌaƚƵƌe iƐ ŐeŶeƌallLJ
EīeĐƟǀeŶeƐƐ ƚrialƐ are ĐommoŶlLJ ƵƐeĚ aƐ a ǀeŚiĐle Ĩor eĐoŶomiĐ eǀalƵaƟoŶƐ͕ ƐiŶĐe
ƚŚeLJ proǀiĚe a ƵŶiƋƵe opporƚƵŶiƚLJ ƚo reliaďlLJ eƐƟmaƚe ƚŚe reƐoƵrĐe impliĐaƟoŶƐ
oĨ a Ŷeǁ iŶƚerǀeŶƟoŶ ǁiƚŚoƵƚ ƐƵďƐƚaŶƟallLJ ŚiŐŚer reƐearĐŚ edžpeŶƐeƐ. TŚe preƐeŶƚ
paper aimƐ ƚo Śelp oĐĐƵpaƟoŶal ŚealƚŚ reƐearĐŚerƐ ĐoŶĚƵĐƚ ŚiŐŚ ƋƵaliƚLJ ƚrialͲďaƐeĚ
eĐoŶomiĐ eǀalƵaƟoŶƐ ďLJ ĚiƐĐƵƐƐiŶŐ ƚŚe ƚŚeorLJ aŶĚ meƚŚoĚoloŐLJ ƚŚaƚ ƵŶĚerlie
ƚŚem͕ aŶĚ ďLJ proǀiĚiŶŐ reĐommeŶĚaƟoŶƐ Ĩor ŐooĚ praĐƟĐe reŐarĚiŶŐ ƚŚeir ĚeƐiŐŶ͕
aŶalLJƐiƐ͕ aŶĚ reporƟŶŐ. TŚe preƐeŶƚ paper ǁill alƐo Śelp ĐoŶƐƵmerƐ oĨ ƚŚiƐ liƚeraƚƵre
ǁiƚŚ ƵŶĚerƐƚaŶĚiŶŐ aŶĚ ĐriƟĐallLJ appraiƐiŶŐ ƚrialͲďaƐeĚ eĐoŶomiĐ eǀalƵaƟoŶƐ oĨ K,^
WrŝŶĐŝpůeƐ͕ ŵethŽĚƐ͕ aŶĚ reĐŽŵŵeŶĚaƟŽŶƐ
ZeƐoƵrĐeƐ Ĩor oĐĐƵpaƟoŶal ŚealƚŚ are ƐĐarĐe ;ϭ͖ϮͿ. TŚereĨore͕ ĚeĐiƐioŶͲmaŬerƐ iŶ ƚŚiƐ
ĮelĚ iŶĐreaƐiŶŐlLJ Đall ƵpoŶ aĚǀiƐorƐ aŶĚ reƐearĐŚerƐ ƚo Ŷoƚ oŶlLJ ĚemoŶƐƚraƚe ƚŚaƚ
oĐĐƵpaƟoŶal ŚealƚŚ aŶĚ ƐaĨeƚLJ ;K,^Ϳ iŶƚerǀeŶƟoŶƐ are eīeĐƟǀe͕ ďƵƚ alƐo eĸĐieŶƚ iŶ
ƚermƐ oĨ ƚŚeir reƐoƵrĐe impliĐaƟoŶƐ. EĐoŶomiĐ eǀalƵaƟoŶƐ proǀiĚe iŶĨormaƟoŶ oŶ
ƚŚe relaƟǀe eĸĐieŶĐLJ oĨ ƚǁo or more alƚerŶaƟǀe iŶƚerǀeŶƟoŶƐ aŶĚ are ĚeĮŶeĚ aƐ
͞the ĐŽŵparaƟǀe aŶaůLJƐŝƐ ŽĨ aůterŶaƟǀe ĐŽƵrƐeƐ ŽĨ aĐƟŽŶ ŝŶ terŵƐ ŽĨ ďŽth theŝr ĐŽƐtƐ
aŶĚ ĐŽŶƐeƋƵeŶĐeƐ͟ ;ϭͿ. TŚe maiŶ aƐpeĐƚƐ oĨ aŶLJ eĐoŶomiĐ eǀalƵaƟoŶ are ƚo iĚeŶƟĨLJ͕
meaƐƵre͕ ǀalƵe͕ aŶĚ Đompare ƚŚe ĐoƐƚƐ aŶĚ ĐoŶƐeƋƵeŶĐeƐ oĨ alƚerŶaƟǀeƐ ;ϭͿ.
/Ŷ ƚŚe ŚealƚŚĐare ƐeĐƚor͕ eĐoŶomiĐ eǀalƵaƟoŶƐ are iŶĐreaƐiŶŐlLJ ďeiŶŐ ĐoŶĚƵĐƚeĚ aŶĚ
plaLJ aŶ imporƚaŶƚ role iŶ maŶLJ ĐoƵŶƚrieƐ ǁŚeŶ ĚeĐiĚiŶŐ ǁŚeƚŚer ;ŶeǁͿ ƚreaƚmeŶƚƐ
ƐŚoƵlĚ ďe ĐoǀereĚ ďLJ pƵďliĐ ĨƵŶĚiŶŐ ;ϭͿ. ,oǁeǀer͕ oŶlLJ a Ĩeǁ oĨ ƚŚe ƐƚƵĚieƐ ƚŚaƚ
ĐoŶƐiĚer ƚŚe eīeĐƟǀeŶeƐƐ oĨ K,^ iŶƚerǀeŶƟoŶƐ ƚaŬe ƚŚe edžƚra Ɛƚep oĨ ĐoŶƐiĚeriŶŐ
ǁŚeƚŚer ƚŚeLJ are eĸĐieŶƚ iŶ ƚermƐ oĨ ƚŚeir reƐoƵrĐe impliĐaƟoŶƐ ;ϯͿ. Doreoǀer͕
ƚŚe meƚŚoĚoloŐiĐal ƋƵaliƚLJ oĨ ƚŚoƐe ƚŚaƚ Ěo iƐ ŐeŶerallLJ poor ;ϰͲϳͿ. ZeaƐoŶƐ Ĩor ƚŚiƐ
maLJ ďe ƚŚe ĚiƐƟŶĐƚ ĐŚalleŶŐeƐ ƚŚaƚ ĐoŶĨroŶƚ reƐearĐŚerƐ ǁŚeŶ ƚrLJiŶŐ ƚo iĚeŶƟĨLJ ƚŚe
reƐoƵrĐe impliĐaƟoŶƐ oĨ K,^ iŶƚerǀeŶƟoŶƐ aƐ ǁell aƐ a laĐŬ oĨ reĐommeŶĚaƟoŶƐ oŶ
Śoǁ ƚo Ěeal ǁiƚŚ ƚŚeƐe iƐƐƵeƐ ;ϯͿ. DaŶLJ eĐoŶomiĐ eǀalƵaƟoŶ ƚedžƚ ďooŬƐ aŶĚ arƟĐleƐ
are ĚeƐiŐŶeĚ Ĩor ƵƐe iŶ ŚealƚŚĐare ƐeƫŶŐƐ aŶĚ maLJ ƚŚereĨore ďe ĚiĸĐƵlƚ ƚo aĚapƚ ƚo
ƚŚe oĐĐƵpaƟoŶal ŚealƚŚ ĐoŶƚedžƚ ;ϰͿ.
EīeĐƟǀeŶeƐƐ ƚrialƐ are a ĐommoŶlLJ ƵƐeĚ ǀeŚiĐle Ĩor eĐoŶomiĐ eǀalƵaƟoŶƐ͕ aƐ ƚŚeLJ
proǀiĚe a ƵŶiƋƵe opporƚƵŶiƚLJ ƚo reliaďlLJ eƐƟmaƚe ƚŚe reƐoƵrĐe impliĐaƟoŶƐ oĨ a Ŷeǁ
iŶƚerǀeŶƟoŶ ǁiƚŚoƵƚ ƐƵďƐƚaŶƟallLJ ŚiŐŚer reƐearĐŚ edžpeŶƐeƐ. lƚŚoƵŐŚ Ɛome eīorƚƐ
Śaǀe ďeeŶ ƵŶĚerƚaŬeŶ ƚo improǀe ƚŚe ƋƵaliƚLJ oĨ ;ƚrialͲďaƐeĚͿ eĐoŶomiĐ eǀalƵaƟoŶƐ
iŶ oĐĐƵpaƟoŶal ŚealƚŚ ;ϯ͖ϴ͖ϵͿ͕ more ŶeeĚƐ ƚo ďe ĚoŶe ƚo aĐĐompliƐŚ ƚŚiƐ. TŚereĨore͕
ƚŚe preƐeŶƚ paper aimƐ ƚo Śelp oĐĐƵpaƟoŶal ŚealƚŚ reƐearĐŚerƐ ĐoŶĚƵĐƚ ŚiŐŚ ƋƵaliƚLJ
ƚrialͲďaƐeĚ eĐoŶomiĐ eǀalƵaƟoŶƐ ďLJ ĚiƐĐƵƐƐiŶŐ ƚŚe ƚŚeorLJ aŶĚ meƚŚoĚoloŐLJ ƚŚaƚ
ƵŶĚerlie ƚŚem͕ aŶĚ ďLJ proǀiĚiŶŐ reĐommeŶĚaƟoŶƐ Ĩor ŐooĚ praĐƟĐe reŐarĚiŶŐ ƚŚeir
ĚeƐiŐŶ͕ aŶalLJƐiƐ͕ aŶĚ reporƟŶŐ.
Chapter 8
ŚooƐiŶŐ ƚŚe appropriaƚe ŬiŶĚ oĨ eĐoŶomiĐ eǀalƵaƟoŶ Ĩor a parƟĐƵlar oĐĐƵpaƟoŶal
ŚealƚŚ ĚeĐiƐioŶ ĐoŶƚedžƚ ĐaŶ ďe a ĐŚalleŶŐe aƐ a reƐƵlƚ oĨ ƚŚe relaƟǀe ĐompledžiƚLJ oĨ ƚŚe
ĚeĐiƐioŶͲmaŬiŶŐ ĐoŶƚedžƚ ƚŚaƚ ŐeŶerallLJ iŶĐlƵĚeƐ mƵlƟple ƐƚaŬeŚolĚerƐ ;e.Ő. ǁorŬerƐ͕
emploLJerƐ͕ iŶƐƵraŶĐe ĐompaŶieƐ͕ pƵďliĐ poliĐLJ maŬerƐͿ. &oƵr ŬiŶĚƐ oĨ eĐoŶomiĐ
eǀalƵaƟoŶƐ are ĚiƐƟŶŐƵiƐŚeĚ. TŚere are ƐimilariƟeƐ aĐroƐƐ ƚŚe ĨoƵr ŬiŶĚƐ. TŚe maiŶ
ĚiīereŶĐe iƐ ƚŚe meƚriĐ ƵƐeĚ ƚo meaƐƵre ƚŚe ŬeLJ oƵƚĐome ;ŚealƚŚ aŶĚͬor ƐaĨeƚLJ͕ iŶ
ƚŚe ĐaƐe oĨ K,^ iŶƚerǀeŶƟoŶƐͿ ;ϭϬͿ.
ϭͿ oƐƚͲeīeĐƟǀeŶeƐƐ aŶalLJƐiƐ ;EͿ͗ oƐƚƐ aŶĚ Ɛome ĐoŶƐeƋƵeŶĐeƐ ;e.Ő.
proĚƵĐƟǀiƚLJ͕ ŚealƚŚĐare ƵƟlinjaƟoŶ impliĐaƟoŶƐͿ are meaƐƵreĚ iŶ moŶeƚarLJ
ƵŶiƚƐ͕ ǁŚereaƐ ƚŚe ŬeLJ oƵƚĐome iƐ meaƐƵreĚ iŶ ŶaƚƵral ƵŶiƚƐ ;ϭͿ.
ϮͿ oƐƚͲďeŶeĮƚ aŶalLJƐiƐ ;Ϳ͗ oƚŚ ĐoƐƚƐ aŶĚ ĐoŶƐeƋƵeŶĐeƐ are meaƐƵreĚ iŶ
moŶeƚarLJ ƵŶiƚƐ. /Ŷ ďƵƐiŶeƐƐ aĚmiŶiƐƚraƟoŶ͕ Ɛ are ƐomeƟmeƐ ĚeƐĐriďeƐ
aƐ reƚƵrŶͲoŶͲiŶǀeƐƚmeŶƚ aŶalLJƐeƐ.
ϯͿ oƐƚͲƵƟliƚLJ aŶalLJƐiƐ ;hͿ͗ oƐƚƐ aŶĚ Ɛome ĐoŶƐeƋƵeŶĐeƐ are meaƐƵreĚ
iŶ moŶeƚarLJ ƚermƐ͕ ǁŚereaƐ ƚŚe ŬeLJ oƵƚĐome iƐ meaƐƵreĚ iŶ ƵƟliƚLJ ƵŶiƚƐ.
hƟliƟeƐ are oŌeŶ edžpreƐƐeĚ iŶ ƚermƐ oĨ YƵaliƚLJ ĚũƵƐƚeĚ >iĨe zearƐ ;Y>zƐͿ
ϰͿ oƐƚͲmiŶimiƐaƟoŶ aŶalLJƐiƐ ;DͿ͗ KŶlLJ ĐoƐƚƐ are ĐoŶƐiĚereĚ aĐroƐƐ
alƚerŶaƟǀeƐ͕ aƐ iƚ iƐ aƐƐƵmeĚ ƚŚaƚ ƚŚe ĐoŶƐeƋƵeŶĐeƐ are Ɛimilar. DƐ
are ĐoŶƐiĚereĚ iŶappropriaƚe iĨ ƚŚere iƐ ƵŶĐerƚaiŶƚLJ reŐarĚiŶŐ a poƐƐiďle
ĚiīereŶĐe iŶ ƚŚe maŐŶiƚƵĚe oĨ ĐoŶƐeƋƵeŶĐeƐ ;ϭͿ.
tŚiĐŚ ŬiŶĚ oĨ eĐoŶomiĐ eǀalƵaƟoŶ iƐ moƐƚ appropriaƚe ĚepeŶĚƐ oŶ ƚŚe ƐƚaŬeŚolĚerƐ
iŶǀolǀeĚ aŶĚ ƚŚe ƋƵeƐƟoŶ ďeiŶŐ aƐŬeĚ. 'eŶerallLJ͕ emploLJerƐ are moƐƚ iŶƚereƐƚeĚ
iŶ Ɛ ƚŚaƚ ĐaŶ proǀiĚe iŶƐiŐŚƚ iŶƚo ƚŚe impaĐƚ oĨ aŶ iŶƚerǀeŶƟoŶ oŶ a ĐompaŶLJ͛Ɛ
ďoƩomͲliŶe͕ ǁŚereaƐ pƵďliĐ poliĐLJ maŬerƐ maLJ ďe more iŶƚereƐƚeĚ iŶ EƐ aŶĚ
hƐ͕ parƟĐƵlarlLJ iĨ moŶeƚarLJ meaƐƵreƐ Ěo Ŷoƚ aĚeƋƵaƚelLJ ĐapƚƵre imporƚaŶƚ ŚealƚŚ
oƵƚĐomeƐ ;ϭ͖ϴ͖ϭϭͿ. TŚereĨore͕ iƚ iƐ reĐommeŶĚeĚ ƚŚaƚ reƐearĐŚerƐ ĐoŶĚƵĐƚ ǀarioƵƐ
ŬiŶĚƐ oĨ eĐoŶomiĐ eǀalƵaƟoŶƐ ǁiƚŚiŶ ƚŚe Ɛame ƐƚƵĚLJ iŶ orĚer ƚo iŶĨorm all releǀaŶƚ
ƐƚaŬeŚolĚerƐ ;ϯͿ.
WrŝŶĐŝpůeƐ͕ ŵethŽĚƐ͕ aŶĚ reĐŽŵŵeŶĚaƟŽŶƐ
EĐoŶomiĐ eǀalƵaƟoŶƐ are oŌeŶ ĐoŶĚƵĐƚeĚ aloŶŐƐiĚe ;͞piŐŐLJďaĐŬeĚ͟ oŶƚoͿ ƚrialƐ
eǀalƵaƟŶŐ ƚŚe eīeĐƟǀeŶeƐƐ oĨ K,^ iŶƚerǀeŶƟoŶƐ. sarioƵƐ ĚeƐiŐŶ aƐpeĐƚƐ are
ƚŚereĨore ƚLJpiĐallLJ ĚeƚermiŶeĚ ďLJ ƚŚe reƋƵiremeŶƚƐ oĨ ƚŚe eīeĐƟǀeŶeƐƐ ƚrial ;e.Ő.
alƚerŶaƟǀeƐ͕ oƵƚĐome meaƐƵreƐͿ. ,oǁeǀer͕ ƚo eŶƐƵre ƚŚaƚ all releǀaŶƚ eĐoŶomiĐ
Ěaƚa iƐ ĐolleĐƚeĚ iŶ a ǀaliĚ͕ reliaďle͕ aŶĚ eĸĐieŶƚ ǁaLJ͕ iƚ iƐ imporƚaŶƚ ƚo ĐoŶƐiĚer ƚŚe
reƋƵiremeŶƚƐ Ĩor ƚŚe eĐoŶomiĐ eǀalƵaƟoŶ aƚ ƚŚe earlieƐƚ poƐƐiďle ƐƚaŐe ;ϭϮͲϭϰͿ.
eďaƚe edžiƐƚƐ aƐ ƚo ǁŚeƚŚer aŶ eĐoŶomiĐ eǀalƵaƟoŶ ƐŚoƵlĚ ďe iŶĐlƵĚeĚ iŶ a ƚrial
ďeĨore ƚŚe eīeĐƟǀeŶeƐƐ oĨ a Ŷeǁ iŶƚerǀeŶƟoŶ iƐ eƐƚaďliƐŚeĚ. ,oǁeǀer͕ Ŷoƚ iŶĐlƵĚiŶŐ
aŶ eĐoŶomiĐ eǀalƵaƟoŶ ǁoƵlĚ riƐŬ loƐiŶŐ ƚŚe opporƚƵŶiƚLJ ƚo ƐimƵlƚaŶeoƵƐlLJ ĐolleĐƚ
ĐoƐƚ aŶĚ eīeĐƚ Ěaƚa ;ϭϰͿ. lƐo͕ ƚŚe aďƐeŶĐe oĨ ƐƚaƟƐƟĐallLJ ƐiŐŶiĮĐaŶƚ ĐoŶƐeƋƵeŶĐeͬ
eīeĐƚ ĚiīereŶĐeƐ ďeƚǁeeŶ ƚŚe alƚerŶaƟǀeƐ ďeiŶŐ ĐompareĚ ĚoeƐ Ŷoƚ ŶeĐeƐƐarilLJ
implLJ ƚŚaƚ ƚŚe Ŷeǁ alƚerŶaƟǀe iƐ Ŷoƚ ĐoƐƚͲeīeĐƟǀe aŶĚͬor ĐoƐƚͲďeŶeĮĐial. EĐoŶomiĐ
eǀalƵaƟoŶƐ are aďoƵƚ ƚŚe ũoiŶƚ ĚiƐƚriďƵƟoŶ oĨ ĐoƐƚƐ aŶĚ ĐoŶƐeƋƵeŶĐeƐ͕ aŶĚ ĐoƵlĚ
ĚemoŶƐƚraƚe Đlear ĐoƐƚͲeīeĐƟǀeŶeƐƐͬĐoƐƚͲďeŶeĮƚ ǁŚeŶ ŶeiƚŚer ĐoƐƚ Ŷor ĐoŶƐeƋƵeŶĐe
ĚiīereŶĐeƐ are iŶĚiǀiĚƵallLJ ƐiŐŶiĮĐaŶƚ ;ϭϰͿ. lƐo͕ ĐoƐƚ ƐaǀiŶŐƐ miŐŚƚ oĐĐƵr iŶ ƚŚe
aďƐeŶĐe oĨ ŚealƚŚ improǀemeŶƚƐ aŶĚ ĐoƵlĚ ƚŚƵƐ ďe miƐƐeĚ iĨ aŶ eĐoŶomiĐ eǀalƵaƟoŶ
is not performed.
WraŐmaƟĐ randominjed Đontrolled trials ;ZTsͿ are ŐenerallLJ aĐŬnoǁledŐed as tŚe
ďest ǀeŚiĐle for eĐonomiĐ eǀalƵaƟons͕ ďeĐaƵse tŚeLJ enaďle tŚe eǀalƵaƟon of tŚe
resoƵrĐe impliĐaƟons of K,^ interǀenƟons Ƶnder ͞real life͟ ĐondiƟons. TŚis setƵp
inĐreases tŚe edžternal ǀaliditLJ of resƵlts͕ ǁŚile tŚe internal ǀaliditLJ is ŐƵaranteed
ďLJ tŚe randominjaƟon of parƟĐipants ;ϰ͖ϭϰͿ. titŚin tŚe oĐĐƵpaƟonal ŚealtŚ seƫnŐ͕
Śoǁeǀer͕ parƟĐipantͲleǀel randominjaƟon maLJ not alǁaLJs ďe feasiďle ;e.Ő. ǁŚen
interǀenƟons inĐlƵde orŐaninjaƟonal ĐomponentsͿ. /n sƵĐŚ Đases͕ randominjaƟon at
tŚe leǀel of departments or loĐaƟons miŐŚt proǀide a more feasiďle approaĐŚ ;i.e.
ĐlƵsterͲZTsͿ ;ϯͿ.
To ensƵre tŚat tŚe resƵlts of an eĐonomiĐ eǀalƵaƟon are Őeneralinjaďle to oĐĐƵpaƟonal
ŚealtŚ praĐƟĐe͕ trial ĐondiƟons sŚoƵld resemďle dailLJ praĐƟĐe as mƵĐŚ as possiďle.
&or edžample͕ parƟĐipants sŚoƵld ďe similar to tŚose ǁŚo ǁill edžperienĐe tŚe
Chapter 8
interǀenƟon if it is implemented ďroadlLJ͕ monitorinŐ sŚoƵld ďe done Ƶnder roƵƟne
ĐirĐƵmstanĐes͕ and interǀenƟons sŚoƵld ďe Đompared to ƵsƵal praĐƟĐe.
n essenƟal aspeĐt of an eĐonomiĐ eǀalƵaƟon is its perspeĐƟǀe. WerspeĐƟǀe refers to
tŚe ͞point of ǀieǁ͟ taŬen to idenƟfLJ releǀant Đosts and ĐonseƋƵenĐes for inĐlƵsion
in tŚe eǀalƵaƟon. TŚe ĐŚosen perspeĐƟǀe maLJ ďe tŚat of anLJ releǀant staŬeŚolder
or an aŐŐreŐate of staŬeŚolders sƵĐŚ as a soĐietal perspeĐƟǀe. TŚe perspeĐƟǀe
determines ǁŚiĐŚ Đosts and ĐonseƋƵenĐes are inĐlƵded. /n tŚe soĐietal perspeĐƟǀe͕
for edžample͕ all Đosts and ĐonseƋƵenĐes are Đonsidered irrespeĐƟǀe of ǁŚo paLJs or
ďeneĮts͕ ǁŚereas onlLJ tŚose ďorne ďLJ emploLJers are inĐlƵded ǁŚen tŚe emploLJer͛s
perspeĐƟǀe is applied. 'iǀen tŚis faĐt͕ tŚe perspeĐƟǀe is a ĐriƟĐal element in an
analLJsis and sŚoƵld tŚerefore ďe stated edžpliĐitlLJ ;ϭͿ.
K,^ interǀenƟons are tLJpiĐallLJ iniƟated ďLJ ĐompanLJ manaŐement͖ eitŚer to ĐomplLJ
ǁitŚ tŚe laǁ͕ in an eīort to saǀe moneLJ ;i.e. redƵĐed siĐŬness aďsenĐe ĐostsͿ͕ or for
moral reasons ;ϭϭͿ. onseƋƵentlLJ͕ most eĐonomiĐ eǀalƵaƟons of sƵĐŚ interǀenƟons
are performed from tŚe emploLJer͛s perspeĐƟǀe ;ϰͲϳ͖ϭϱͿ͕ ďƵt otŚer perspeĐƟǀes
maLJ also ďe releǀant͖ e.Ő. ǁorŬer͛s͕ insƵrer͛s͕ and soĐietal perspeĐƟǀe. tŚen tŚe
emploLJer͛s perspeĐƟǀe is applied͕ ŬeLJ ǁorŬer oƵtĐomes͕ sƵĐŚ as tŚe ǀalƵe of ǁorŬer
ŚealtŚ͕ are oŌen not inĐlƵded in tŚe analLJsis͕ ďƵt simplLJ tŚe ŚealtŚͲrelated edžpenses
inĐƵrred ďLJ an emploLJer ;e.Ő. prodƵĐƟǀitLJ impliĐaƟonsͿ. TŚis is a ĐriƟĐal oǀersiŐŚt͕
as oĐĐƵpaƟonal ŚealtŚ is essenƟallLJ aďoƵt ǁorŬer ŚealtŚ. soĐietal perspeĐƟǀe is
parƟĐƵlarlLJ ƵsefƵl to Đonsider as tŚe perspeĐƟǀe in a stƵdLJ͕ as it proǀides insiŐŚt into
tŚe net eīeĐt aĐross all staŬeŚolders. ,ereďLJ͕ it ďeƩer ensƵres tŚat tŚe soĐietal Đosts
of an interǀenƟon are less tŚan tŚe ďeneĮts edžperienĐed ďLJ all staŬeŚolders͕ ratŚer
tŚan simplLJ tŚe ĐompanLJ͛s Đosts ďeinŐ less tŚan its ďeneĮts ;ϯͿ. TŚis informaƟon
ǁill ensƵre tŚat tŚere is a net soĐietal ďeneĮt͕ ratŚer tŚan simplLJ Đost sŚiŌinŐ from
one staŬeŚolder to anotŚer. /n addiƟon͕ tŚe disaŐŐreŐated informaƟon on Đosts and
ĐonseƋƵenĐes from a soĐietal perspeĐƟǀe proǀides a Őood sense of tŚeir distriďƵƟon
aĐross staŬeŚolders. ^ƵĐŚ informaƟon Đan ďe tŚe laƵnĐŚ pad for ďarŐaininŐ ďetǁeen
tŚem ;ϭͿ. TŚis maLJ ďe of parƟĐƵlar importanĐe in ĐoƵntries ǁitŚ dƵalͲpaLJer ;e.Ő.
TŚe EetŚerlandsͿ and Ƶniǀersal ŚealtŚĐare sLJstems ;e.Ő. TŚe hnited <inŐdomͿ͕ sinĐe
WrŝŶĐŝpůeƐ͕ ŵethŽĚƐ͕ aŶĚ reĐŽŵŵeŶĚaƟŽŶƐ
emploLJers ŐenerallLJ ďear most of tŚe Đosts of K,^ interǀenƟons͕ ǁŚereas in sƵĐŚ
ũƵrisdiĐƟons tŚe ŚealtŚĐare sLJstem andͬor Őoǀernment reaps a larŐe part of tŚeir
ďeneĮts ;i.e. redƵĐed mediĐal spendinŐͿ ;ϭϲͿ. TŚerefore͕ it is reĐommendaďle to
sƵpplement ĮndinŐs from tŚe emploLJer͛s perspeĐƟǀe ǁitŚ tŚose from otŚer releǀant
perspeĐƟǀes͕ parƟĐƵlarlLJ tŚe soĐietal one.
ZesearĐŚers also need to deĐide aďoƵt tŚe Ɵme frame oǀer ǁŚiĐŚ Đosts and
ĐonseƋƵenĐes are analLJsed. TŚe analLJƟĐ Ɵme frame oƵŐŚt to Đoǀer tŚe enƟre period
oǀer ǁŚiĐŚ Đosts and ĐonseƋƵenĐes Ňoǁ from tŚe alternaƟǀes Ƶnder ĐonsideraƟon
;ϭϮͿ. TŚis Ɵme frame ŐenerallLJ edžtends ďeLJond tŚe folloǁͲƵp needed to estaďlisŚ tŚe
eīeĐƟǀeness of a neǁ interǀenƟon. To illƵstrate͕ tŚe folloǁͲƵp of an eīeĐƟǀeness
trial maLJ ďe terminated aŌer tŚe oĐĐƵrrenĐe of tŚe ĐliniĐal eǀent of interest ;e.Ő.
inĐidenĐe of ZepeƟƟǀe ^train /nũƵrLJ ;Z^/ͿͿ. /f tŚis folloǁͲƵp ǁoƵld ďe Ƶsed for tŚe
eĐonomiĐ eǀalƵaƟon͕ all Đosts and ĐonseƋƵenĐes inĐƵrred dƵrinŐ tŚe ĐoƵrse of
tŚe disorder or its reĐƵrrenĐes ǁoƵld not ďe taŬen into aĐĐoƵnt ;e.Ő. Z^/Ͳrelated
mediĐaƟon andͬor operaƟon ĐostsͿ͕ leadinŐ to an ƵnderesƟmaƟon of tŚe total Đosts
and ĐonseƋƵenĐes. ltŚoƵŐŚ tŚe opƟmal folloǁͲƵp period is ŐenerallLJ ƵnŬnoǁn͕
researĐŚers and readers sŚoƵld at least feel ĐonĮdent tŚat tŚe most important Đosts
and ĐonseƋƵenĐes are Đoǀered ďLJ tŚe ĐŚosen analLJƟĐ Ɵme frame. ddiƟonallLJ͕ fƵtƵre
Đosts and ĐonseƋƵenĐes tŚat oĐĐƵr aŌer tŚe measƵrement period Đan ďe esƟmated
ƵsinŐ informaƟon and data from ǀarioƵs soƵrĐes. TŚis is parƟĐƵlarlLJ important to do
if fƵtƵre Đosts and ĐonseƋƵenĐes are edžpeĐted to ďe sƵďstanƟal ;e.Ő. manLJ of tŚe
;ŚealtŚͿ ďeneĮts of preǀenƟǀe interǀenƟons are tŚoƵŐŚt to oĐĐƵr in tŚe fƵtƵreͿ.
/n eĐonomiĐ eǀalƵaƟons͕ Đosts and some ĐonseƋƵenĐes are edžpressed in monetarLJ
Ƶnits. &or tŚis pƵrpose͕ releǀant resoƵrĐe Ƶse ĐateŐories sŚoƵld ďe idenƟĮed͕
measƵred͕ and ǀalƵed. s disĐƵssed earlier͕ releǀant resoƵrĐe Ƶse ĐateŐories for
inĐlƵsion in an eĐonomiĐ eǀalƵaƟon depend on its perspeĐƟǀe. KtŚer faĐtors tŚat
miŐŚt determine tŚe releǀanĐe of a resoƵrĐe Ƶse ĐateŐorLJ are͕ amonŐst otŚers͕
tŚe ĐoƵntrLJ or ũƵrisdiĐƟon in ǁŚiĐŚ tŚe stƵdLJ is ƵndertaŬen and tŚe natƵre of tŚe
Chapter 8
alternaƟǀes ďeinŐ Đompared.
Ōer releǀant resoƵrĐe Ƶse ĐateŐories are idenƟĮed͕ researĐŚers sŚoƵld determine
Śoǁ to Đost tŚem. osƟnŐ ŐenerallLJ inǀolǀes tŚree steps͖ ϭͿ tŚe measƵrement of
ƋƵanƟƟes of resoƵrĐes ĐonsƵmed ;YͿ͕ ϮͿ tŚe assiŐnment of Ƶnit priĐes ;WͿ͕ and ϯͿ tŚe
ǀalƵaƟon of resoƵrĐes ĐonsƵmed ďLJ mƵlƟplLJinŐ tŚeir ƋƵanƟƟes ďLJ tŚeir respeĐƟǀe
unit prices ;YΎWͿ ;ϭͿ. TŚese esƟmates sŚould ďe reported separatelLJ so tŚat readers
can ũudŐe tŚe releǀance of tŚese measures to Śis or Śer seƫnŐ ;ϭϳͿ.
Zesource use data are ideallLJ collected prospecƟǀelLJ tŚrouŐŚ a data collecƟon
process tŚat is fullLJ inteŐrated into tŚe eīecƟǀeness trial ;ϭ͖ϭϯͿ. lso͕ ǁŚen collecƟnŐ
selfͲreported resource use data͕ researcŚers Śaǀe to ďalance recall ďias aŐainst
completeness of informaƟon. ^Śorter recall periods reduce tŚe risŬ of parƟcipants
forŐeƫnŐ important informaƟon. ,oǁeǀer͕ collecƟnŐ data ǁitŚ relaƟǀelLJ sŚort
recall periods ;e.Ő. a couple of ǁeeŬsͿ oǀer a lonŐer period of Ɵme maLJ ďe oǀerlLJ
ďurdensome to parƟcipants and maLJ tŚus increase tŚe risŬ of missinŐ data and dropͲ
outs. TŚerefore͕ it maLJ ďe ďeƩer to madžiminje completeness at tŚe cost of some
recall ďias ;ϭϰͿ͖ e.Ő. ďLJ usinŐ ϮͲ to ϯͲmontŚ recall periods in a trial ǁitŚ a lonŐͲterm
folloǁͲup ;шϭϮ montŚsͿ ;ϭϴͿ. lso͕ care sŚould ďe taŬen to collect resource use data
conƟnuouslLJ durinŐ folloǁͲup and to aǀoid tŚe need for edžtrapolaƟon of resource
use esƟmates ďetǁeen measurement periods.
ƐƐŝŐŶŵeŶt ŽĨ ƵŶŝt prŝĐeƐ
hnit prices used for ǀaluinŐ resource use ouŐŚt to reŇect opportunitLJ costs͖ i.e.
͞the ǀaůƵe ŽĨ a reƐŽƵrĐe ŝŶ ŝtƐ ŵŽƐt hŝŐhůLJ ǀaůƵeĚ aůterŶaƟǀe ƵƐe͟ ;ϴͿ. In a world of
perfect marŬets͕ sucŚ costs are reǀealed ďLJ tŚe marŬet price of a Őood or serǀice.
,oweǀer͕ if a compeƟƟǀe marŬet does not edžist for a Őood or serǀice͕ marŬet prices
oŌen are an inaccurate measure of its ǀalue. &or edžample͕ if a premium is paid for a
Őood or serǀice due to restricted marŬet entrLJ͕ marŬet prices maLJ oǀeresƟmate tŚe
opportunitLJ costs at tŚe societal leǀel. tŚen tŚe societal perspecƟǀe is applied͕ an
adũustment sŚould tŚerefore ďe made to tŚe marŬet price͖ e.Ő. ďLJ usinŐ tŚe price of a
comparaďle Őood or serǀice ;ϴͿ. &or tŚe emploLJer͛s perspecƟǀe͕ tŚe actual purcŚase
WrŝŶĐŝpůeƐ͕ ŵethŽĚƐ͕ aŶĚ reĐŽŵŵeŶĚaƟŽŶƐ
costs incurred ďLJ tŚe emploLJer maLJ ďe more appropriate͕ as tŚeLJ ďeƩer represent
tŚe sum of moneLJ tŚat is not aǀailaďle to tŚe emploLJer for its ďest alternaƟǀe
use ;ϭϮ͖ϭϵͿ. TŚus͕ appropriate unit prices maLJ ǀarLJ ďetween perspecƟǀes͕ and
researcŚers sŚould ensure tŚat tŚeLJ reŇect tŚe true resource implicaƟons to tŚe
decisionͲmaŬer at Śand ;ϴͿ.
ďrief descripƟon of tŚe metŚods used for measurinŐ and ǀaluinŐ tŚe most freƋuentlLJ
used resource use cateŐories in economic eǀaluaƟons of K,^ interǀenƟons is
proǀided ďelow. TŚe most freƋuentlLJ used resource use cateŐories are͖ interǀenƟon͕
ŚealtŚcare͕ producƟǀitLJ͕ and worŬer͛s compensaƟon costs ;ϰͲϳ͖ϭϱͿ.
InformaƟon on tŚe marŬet price of an interǀenƟon maLJ ďe deriǀed from ǀendors
or companLJ andͬor researcŚ proũect records. DanLJ trials͕ Śoweǀer͕ assess noǀel
interǀenƟons tŚat eitŚer Śaǀe no predeĮned price weiŐŚts associated witŚ tŚem or
for wŚicŚ tŚe use of marŬet prices is inappropriate ;e.Ő. wŚen tŚe societal perspecƟǀe
is appliedͿ ;ϭϮͿ. In sucŚ cases͕ tŚe actual interǀenƟon costs can ďe assessed usinŐ a
ďoƩomͲup microͲcosƟnŐ approacŚ͕ in wŚicŚ detailed data reŐardinŐ tŚe ƋuanƟƟes
of resources consumed as well as tŚeir unit prices are collected per interǀenƟon
component separatelLJ. ^ucŚ resources maLJ include interǀenƟon staī Śours͕
materials used͕ depreciaƟon͕ oǀerŚead acƟǀiƟes͕ sƋuare feet of oĸce space͕ and
traǀelinŐ ;ϭ͖ϯ͖ϭϮͿ. lso͕ worŬers maLJ ďe taŬen awaLJ from tŚeir reŐular producƟon
acƟǀiƟes to parƟcipate in tŚe interǀenƟon and tŚis sŚould ďe accounted for as well.
osts associated witŚ tŚe interǀenƟon͛s eǀaluaƟon sŚould not ďe included unless it
is a condiƟon of implementaƟon ;ϴͿ.
YuanƟƟes of resources consumed can ďe measured usinŐ administraƟǀe dataďases͕
edžpert panels͕ surǀeLJs or interǀiews witŚ interǀenƟon parƟcipants andͬor proǀiders͕
interǀenƟon operaƟon loŐs͕ or oďserǀaƟons ;ϮϬͿ. hnit prices maLJ ďe collected from
administraƟǀe dataďases͕ scienƟĮc literature͕ ǀendors͕ andͬor cosƟnŐ manuals ;e.Ő.
Chapter 8
,eaůthĐare ĐŽƐtƐ
IdeallLJ͕ all ŚealtŚcare serǀice use is measured to reduce tŚe liŬeliŚood tŚat
;unedžpectedͿ sŚiŌs in ŚealtŚcare uƟlinjaƟon rates are missed. ltŚouŐŚ tŚis approacŚ
will increase tŚe ǀaliditLJ of tŚe results͕ it maLJ not alwaLJs ďe feasiďle. n alternaƟǀe
strateŐLJ is to limit data collecƟon to tŚose ŚealtŚcare serǀices tŚat are related to
tŚe alternaƟǀes andͬor condiƟon under studLJ ;ϭϮͿ. descripƟon of tŚe care patŚ
for tŚe condiƟon under studLJ miŐŚt proǀide researcŚers witŚ a clear picture of wŚat
tŚose ŚealtŚcare serǀices are. In all cases͕ care sŚould ďe taŬen to include tŚe most
important cost driǀers.
,ealtŚcare uƟlinjaƟon can ďe measured tŚrouŐŚ a ǀarietLJ of means͕ includinŐ
retrospecƟǀe ƋuesƟonnaires͕ prospecƟǀe resource use diaries ;i.e. cost diariesͿ͕ and
insurance or Śospital dataďases. ataďases͕ Śoweǀer͕ maLJ not alwaLJs contain all
reƋuired data͕ and tŚeir ǀaliditLJ and reliaďilitLJ maLJ not ďe ǀerLJ ŚiŐŚ ;ϭϬͿ. Doreoǀer͕
ŚealtŚcare costs ďorne ďLJ parƟcipants ;e.Ő. coͲpaLJments͕ oǀerͲtŚeͲcounter
medicaƟonͿ are tLJpicallLJ not included in tŚese dataďases. TŚerefore͕ researcŚers are
oŌen dependent on selfͲreport data to measure tŚese ŚealtŚcare uƟlinjaƟon items. To
ǀalue ŚealtŚcare uƟlinjaƟon͕ unit prices maLJ eitŚer ďe esƟmated usinŐ a microͲcosƟnŐ
approacŚ͕ or ďased on predeĮned price weiŐŚts͕ prices accordinŐ to professional
orŐaninjaƟons͕ or tariīs. TLJpicallLJ͕ seǀeral metŚods are used simultaneouslLJ ;ϭϬ͖ϭϵͿ.
&or emploLJers͕ an important ďeneĮt of K,^ interǀenƟons are tŚe resulƟnŐ cŚanŐes
in producƟǀitLJ loss. WroducƟǀitLJ loss can ďe deĮned as tŚe companLJ͛s output loss
correspondinŐ to reduced laďour input ;i.e. Ɵme and eīortsͬsŬills of tŚe worŬforceͿ.
ccordinŐ to tŚis deĮniƟon͕ to ǀalue producƟǀitLJ loss is to ǀalue tŚe output loss
;ϮϮͿ. hnfortunatelLJ͕ Śoweǀer͕ oďũecƟǀe measurement of tŚe true impact of reduced
laďour input on a companLJ͛s output is oŌen impossiďle to esƟmate. TŚerefore͕
researcŚers tLJpicallLJ use prodžies of producƟǀitLJ loss͕ wŚicŚ are oŌen esƟmated usinŐ
;selfͲreportedͿ data on tŚe parƟcipants͛ leǀel of aďsenteeism ;i.e. sicŬness aďsenceͿ
andͬor presenteeism ;i.e. reduced performance wŚile at worŬͿ. TŚe metŚodoloŐies
used for measurinŐ and ǀaluinŐ aďsenteeism and presenteeism are a ĮercelLJ
deďated topic in tŚe Įeld of economic eǀaluaƟons. elow͕ a ďrief descripƟon of tŚe
WrŝŶĐŝpůeƐ͕ ŵethŽĚƐ͕ aŶĚ reĐŽŵŵeŶĚaƟŽŶƐ
most freƋuentlLJ used metŚods is proǀided. &or more informaƟon aďout tŚe main
deďates and deǀelopments reŐardinŐ tŚe idenƟĮcaƟon͕ measurement͕ and ǀaluaƟon
of producƟǀitLJ we refer to otŚer puďlicaƟons͖ ;ϮϮ͖ϮϯͿ.
TŚe two main metŚods for esƟmaƟnŐ aďsenteeism costs are tŚe ,uman apital
pproacŚ ;,Ϳ and tŚe &ricƟon ost pproacŚ ;&Ϳ. &or ďotŚ metŚods͕ tŚe numďer
of sicŬness aďsence daLJs Śas to ďe collected͕ for wŚicŚ administraƟǀe dataďases͕ selfͲ
report ;ƋuesƟonnairesͿ͕ or reports ďLJ otŚers can ďe used ;ϵͿ. &or tŚe &͕ it is also
important to idenƟfLJ tŚe numďer and duraƟon of diīerent aďsence periods. ccordinŐ
to tŚe ,͕ aďsenteeism costs are eƋual to tŚe amount of moneLJ parƟcipants would
Śaǀe earned Śad tŚeLJ not ďeen inũured or ill ;ϰ͖ϮϭͿ. TŚerefore͕ in tŚe ,͕ sicŬness
aďsence daLJs are tLJpicallLJ ǀalued usinŐ actual waŐe rates of parƟcipants ;includinŐ
emploLJment oǀerŚeads and ďeneĮtsͿ and represent losses for tŚe enƟre duraƟon of
aďsence ;ϭ͖ϭϵ͖ϮϰͿ. It is arŐued tŚat tŚe , oǀeresƟmates tŚe true societal cost of
sicŬness aďsence͕ as tŚe possiďle replacement of worŬers witŚ lonŐͲterm sicŬness
aďsence is not taŬen into account ;ϭ͖ϰͿ. TŚerefore͕ tŚe & was deǀeloped͕ in wŚicŚ
producƟon losses are assumed to ďe conĮned to tŚe ƟmeͲspan companies need to
replace a sicŬ worŬer ďLJ a formerlLJ unemploLJed person to restore tŚe companLJ͛s
iniƟal producƟon leǀel ;i.e. fricƟon periodͿ ;ϮϯͿ. In tŚe &͕ aďsenteeism is tLJpicallLJ
ǀalued usinŐ aŐeͲ͕ ŐenderͲ andͬor educaƟonͲspeciĮc price weiŐŚts ;ϮϱͿ. TŚe lenŐtŚ of
tŚe fricƟon period depends on tŚe state ;i.e. tŚe unemploLJment rateͿ and eĸciencLJ
of tŚe laďour marŬet. s sucŚ͕ fricƟon periods tLJpicallLJ diīer ďetween countries and
sŚould ďe esƟmated per countrLJ separatelLJ ;ϭͿ. If tŚere are important cŚanŐes in
tŚe economic climate͕ it maLJ ďe necessarLJ to esƟmate tŚe fricƟon period anew. In
tŚe EetŚerlands͕ a fricƟon period of Ϯϯ weeŬs is currentlLJ assumed ;ϮϭͿ. TŚus͕ if a
sicŬness aďsence period edžceeds Ϯϯ weeŬs͕ aďsenteeism costs are truncated at tŚe
costs of Ϯϯ weeŬs. &urtŚermore͕ as a reducƟon of laďour input is oŌen assumed to
cause a less tŚan proporƟonal reducƟon in producƟǀitLJ͕ <oopmanscŚap et al. ;ϭϵϵϱͿ
also proposed tŚe applicaƟon of an elasƟcitLJ factor of Ϭ.ϴ͕ wŚicŚ is oŌen used in
economic eǀaluaƟons tŚat applLJ tŚe &. TŚis elasƟcitLJ factor implies tŚat a ϭϬϬй
loss of laďor input corresponds witŚ an ϴϬй reducƟon in producƟǀitLJ ;ϮϱͿ.
In tŚe economic eǀaluaƟon literature͕ tŚe need to consider presenteeism as
a component of tŚe costs incurred from producƟǀitLJ loss is increasinŐlLJ ďeinŐ
Chapter 8
recoŐninjed ;ϵͿ. Wresenteeism is tLJpicallLJ esƟmated usinŐ parƟcipant selfͲreport
or report ďLJ otŚers. &or tŚis purpose͕ ǀarious instruments Śaǀe ďeen deǀeloped͕
includinŐ ďotŚ Őeneric ;ϮϲͲϮϵͿ and diseaseͲspeciĮc ƋuesƟonnaires ;ϯϬ͖ϯϭͿ. Dost of
tŚese ƋuesƟonnaires measure worŬ performance in terms of points͕ percentaŐes͕ or
proporƟons ;ϯϮͿ. TŚese responses can tŚen ďe used to esƟmate tŚe total numďer of
worŬinŐ daLJs lost due to presenteeism ďLJ usinŐ tŚe eƋuaƟon͗
W с ; ʹ Ϳ Ύ p
where W is full worŬinŐ daLJs lost due to presenteeism͕ is total worŬinŐ daLJs͕ A is
sicŬness aďsence daLJs͕ and p is the proporƟon of lost worŬ performance esƟmated
ďLJ the instrument used in the studLJ ;ϮϮͿ. To ǀalue the numďer of lost worŬinŐ daLJs
due to presenteeism͕ actual waŐe rates of parƟcipants͕ or aŐeͲ͕ ŐenderͲ͕ andͬor ũoďͲ
speciĮc price weiŐhts can ďe used. Zesearchers should ďe aware͕ howeǀer͕ that the
esƟmated numďer of worŬ daLJs lost due to presenteeism maLJ ǀarLJ widelLJ ďetween
instruments. This suŐŐests a lacŬ of comparaďilitLJ amonŐ instruments͕ ďut it is sƟll
unclear which instrument proǀides the ďest presenteeism esƟmate ;ϮϮͿ. 'iǀen its
siŐniĮcance͕ howeǀer͕ iŐnorinŐ presenteeism maLJ lead to seǀere underesƟmaƟons
;ϮϮͿ. Therefore͕ researchers are recommended to include this resource use cateŐorLJ
wheneǀer possiďle. To assess the possiďle inŇuence of the choice of instrument͕
sensiƟǀitLJ analLJses can ďe performed ;^ee ďelowͿ.
torŬers͛ compensaƟon is an insurance proŐram͕ oīered in some countries ;e.Ő.
anada͕ hnited ^tatesͿ͕ throuŐh which worŬers maLJ receiǀe waŐe replacement andͬ
or medical ďeneĮts in the eǀent of an occupaƟonal inũurLJ or disease. &undinŐ usuallLJ
comes from premiums paid ďLJ emploLJers ;ϴͿ. To esƟmate worŬers͛ compensaƟon
costs͕ total claim costs per parƟcipant can ďe oďtained from companLJ andͬor
worŬplace insurance records. It is ŐenerallLJ inadeƋuate͕ howeǀer͕ to use worŬers͛
compensaƟon costs as the sole cost cateŐorLJ͕ as theLJ do not reŇect the full edžtent of
worŬͲrelated inũuries and illnesses ;ϰͿ. DanLJ compensaďle inũuries and illnesses Őo
unreported and others are not compensaďle ;ϰͿ. then supplemenƟnŐ healthcare
WrŝŶĐŝpůeƐ͕ ŵethŽĚƐ͕ aŶĚ reĐŽŵŵeŶĚaƟŽŶƐ
andͬor producƟǀitLJ costs with worŬers͛ compensaƟon costs͕ douďle counƟnŐ should
ďe aǀoided. lso͕ insurance premiumͲrelated waŐe replacement ďeneĮts should ďe
edžcluded for the societal perspecƟǀe͕ as theLJ consƟtute ͞transfer paLJments͟ from
the emploLJer ǀia the insurer to the worŬer rather than depleted sources ;ϭ͖ϰͿ
s noted ďefore͕ Es haǀe the ŬeLJ outcome measured in natural units. The most
appropriate outcome used for this purpose depends on the nature of the alternaƟǀes
ďeinŐ compared͕ the condiƟon under studLJ͕ andͬor the applied perspecƟǀe.
^omeƟmes͕ there maLJ ďe some concern aďout whether the chosen outcome
captures all releǀant conseƋuences. If this is a concern͕ it is adǀisaďle to conduct
mulƟple Es usinŐ diīerent outcomes ;ϴͿ. In hs͕ the ŬeLJ outcome is measured
in uƟlitLJ units͕ ŐenerallLJ Ŭnown as Y>zs. TheLJ capture ďoth the duraƟon of surǀiǀal
and healthͲrelated ƋualitLJ of life in a sinŐle measure ;ϭ͖ϭϮ͖ϭϰͿ. n adǀantaŐe of Y>zs
is that theLJ proǀide a Őeneral indedž score that allows decisionͲmaŬers to compare
the conseƋuences of a ranŐe of interǀenƟons for diīerent health issues ;ϭ͖ϭϬͿ.
,oweǀer͕ eǀen thouŐh Y>zs are the preferred outcome measure when healthcare
interǀenƟons for paƟents are eǀaluated from the societal perspecƟǀe ;ϭϯ͖Ϯϭ͖ϯϯͿ͕
theLJ haǀe not LJet ďeen freƋuentlLJ used in economic eǀaluaƟons of K,^ interǀenƟons
;ϰ͖ϲ͖ϳ͖ϯϰͿ. This maLJ ďe due to the fact that Y>zs maLJ not reŇect what occupaƟonal
health decisionͲmaŬers feel is most important in terms of outcomes. In the case of
a worŬplace safetLJ proŐrams͕ for edžample͕ outcomes such as worŬer safetLJ maLJ ďe
more meaninŐful to decisionͲmaŬers than a uƟlitLJͲweiŐhted health measure ;ϭϭͿ.
Doreoǀer͕ occupaƟonal health decisionͲmaŬers are ŐenerallLJ unfamiliar with Y>zs͕
and Y>zs seem to lacŬ sensiƟǀitLJ to mild condiƟons that are oŌen the focus of
K,^ interǀenƟons ;e.Ő. of worŬsite health promoƟon proŐramsͿ ;ϯϱͿ. Therefore͕
more sensiƟǀe uƟlitLJ measures are warranted for economic eǀaluaƟons of K,^
interǀenƟons andͬor uƟlitLJ measures that are more applicaďle to the occupaƟonal
health seƫnŐ͖ e.Ő. the recentlLJ conceptualinjed ͞iseaseͲdũusted torŬinŐ zears͕͟
which aims to edžpress the amount of worŬinŐ LJears lost due to poor worŬinŐ
condiƟons and associated illness ;ϯϲ͖ϯϳͿ.
Chapter 8
elow͕ we discuss some important issues in the analLJsis of trialͲďased economic
eǀaluaƟons. To illustrate some of them͕ data is used from an economic eǀaluaƟon
that was preǀiouslLJ performed alonŐside a ϭϮͲmonth praŐmaƟc ZT͕ in which
construcƟon worŬers at risŬ for cardioǀascular disease either receiǀed a lifestLJle
interǀenƟon or usual pracƟce. E in terms of ŬiloŐram ďodLJ weiŐht loss was
performed from the societal perspecƟǀe and a from that of the emploLJer.
Zesource use cateŐories included interǀenƟon͕ healthcare͕ aďsenteeism͕ and sports
costs and were edžpressed in ϮϬϬϴ Euros. Dore detailed informaƟon aďout this trialͲ
ďased economic eǀaluaƟon can ďe found elsewhere͖ ;ϯϴͿ.
IdeallLJ͕ economic outcomes are used in the sample sinje calculaƟon of a trial ;ϭϯͿ.
,oweǀer͕ althouŐh ǀarious techniƋues haǀe ďeen proposed to esƟmate the
appropriate sample sinje for economic endpoints ;ϯϵͲϰϮͿ͕ sample sinje calculaƟons are
tLJpicallLJ performed ďased on primarLJ outcomes ;ϭϬ͖ϭϯ͖ϭϰͿ. This is due to the fact that
cost data are riŐht sŬewed and therefore reƋuire larŐer sample sinjes to detect releǀant
diīerences than ;healthͿ outcome data. ,oweǀer͕ a larŐe sample sinje maLJ neither ďe
feasiďle nor ethicallLJ acceptaďle ;ϭϰ͖ϰϯͿ. lso͕ a larŐe numďer of parameters has to ďe
speciĮed to perform sample sinje calculaƟons for economic endpoints ;e.Ő. ǀariance
parameters of eīecƟǀeness measures͕ cost measures͕ incremental costͲeīecƟǀeness
raƟosͿ͕ manLJ of which are hard to predict a priori ;ϯϵ͖ϰϭ͖ϰϮͿ. onseƋuentlLJ͕ trialͲ
ďased economic eǀaluaƟons are tLJpicallLJ underpowered for economic outcomes
;ϭϬͿ. >ow powered studies haǀe imprecise and uncertain cost esƟmates and should
ďe interpreted with cauƟon ;ϰϯͿ. Doreoǀer͕ if studies are liŬelLJ to ďe underpowered͕
researchers are recommended to use esƟmaƟon rather than hLJpothesis tesƟnŐ ;i.e.
ďLJ usinŐ conĮdence interǀals rather than pͲǀaluesͿ ;ϰϳͿ.
InterǀenƟons maLJ haǀe diīerent Ɵme proĮles of costs and conseƋuences. tithin
occupaƟonal health͕ interǀenƟon costs are ŐenerallLJ incurred immediatelLJ͕ while
WrŝŶĐŝpůeƐ͕ ŵethŽĚƐ͕ aŶĚ reĐŽŵŵeŶĚaƟŽŶƐ
conseƋuences such as producƟǀitLJ costs miŐht edžtend into the future ;ϰϰͿ. Two
tLJpes of adũustments should ďe made to account for these diīerences in ƟminŐ.
The Įrst concerns the adũustment of cost data for inŇaƟon͖ i.e. “the general upward
prŝĐe ŵŽǀeŵent ŽĨ gŽŽdƐ and ƐerǀŝĐeƐ͟ ;ϭϮͿ. ue to inŇaƟon͕ prices drawn from
diīerent LJears are ŐenerallLJ not comparaďle ;ϴͿ. ll prices should therefore ďe
adũusted to the same reference LJear usinŐ consumer price indices and the applied
reference LJear should ďe stated edžplicitlLJ ;ϭϳͿ. The second adũustment concerns the
adũustment of cost and outcome data for Ɵme preferences of indiǀiduals when theLJ
are collected oǀer a period of more than one LJear ;ϭϮͿ. Eǀen within a world with
njero inŇaƟon͕ indiǀiduals haǀe a preference for receiǀinŐ ďeneĮts todaLJ rather than
in the future ;ϭͿ. Therefore͕ costs and conseƋuences incurred in diīerent LJears haǀe
to ďe discounted at some rate to esƟmate their present ǀalue ;ϰϰͿ. The appropriate
discount rate depends on the ďorrowinŐ cost of moneLJ and other contedžtual factors.
'uidelines for discount rates used in puďlic sector proũects are proǀided ďLJ some
ũurisdicƟons. &or edžample͕ in the Eetherlands͕ cost data should ďe discounted at ϰй
and health outcomes at ϭ.ϱй͕ while ďoth should ďe discounted at ϯ.ϱй in the hnited
<inŐdom ;Ϯϭ͖ϯϯͿ.
'uidelines for conducƟnŐ trials prescriďe that all parƟcipants should ďe included in
the analLJses͕ all retained in the Őroup to which theLJ were allocated ;i.e. intenƟonͲ
toͲtreat analLJsisͿ ;ϰϱͿ. ,oweǀer͕ true intenƟonͲtoͲtreat analLJses are oŌen hampered
ďLJ missinŐ data͕ which are ŐenerallLJ ineǀitaďle in trials. &or economic eǀaluaƟons͕
this proďlem is eǀen more pronounced͕ ďecause total costs are tLJpicallLJ the sum
of numerous cost components. s such͕ cost data will alreadLJ ďe incomplete if one
component is missinŐ ;ϭϯͿ. DissinŐ data itself maLJ haǀe no relaƟon to oďserǀed and
unoďserǀed factors amonŐ parƟcipants ;DZ͗ DissinŐ ompletelLJ t ZandomͿ͕
maLJ onlLJ haǀe a relaƟonship to oďserǀed factors ;DZ͗ DissinŐ t ZandomͿ͕ or maLJ
also haǀe a relaƟonship to unoďserǀed factors ;DEZ͗ DissinŐ Eot t ZandomͿ ;^ee
odž ϭ for a more detailed descripƟonͿ ;ϰϲͿ. ,istoricallLJ͕ completeͲcase analLJses ;i.e.
eliminaƟnŐ cases with missinŐ dataͿ were used to deal with missinŐ data and this
is sƟll an oŌen used approach in trialͲďased economic eǀaluaƟons ;ϰϳͿ. ,oweǀer͕
Chapter 8
completeͲcase analLJses reduce the power of a studLJ and lead to ďiased esƟmates
if missinŐ data are not DZ ;ϭϮ͖ϭϯͿ. If the rate of missinŐ data is smaller than ϱй͕
completeͲcase analLJses maLJ ďe considered. If more than ϱй of data are missinŐ͕
researchers should use imputaƟon techniƋues to Įll in missinŐ ǀalues. EowadaLJs͕
mulƟple imputaƟon is ŐenerallLJ recommended to impute missinŐ data ;ϭϯ͖ϭϰͿ.
then usinŐ mulƟple imputaƟon͕ mulƟǀariate reŐression techniƋues are used to
predict missinŐ ǀalues on the ďasis of oďserǀed factors ;ϭϮ͖ϭϰͿ. To account for the
uncertaintLJ aďout the missinŐ data͕ seǀeral diīerent imputed datasets are created
;ϰϲͿ. s a rule of thumď͕ thite et al. ;ϮϬϭϭͿ suŐŐested that the numďer of datasets
should at least ďe eƋual to the percentaŐe of incomplete cases ;ϰϴͿ. The imputed
datasets are suďseƋuentlLJ analLJsed separatelLJ to oďtain a set of parameter esƟmates͕
which can then ďe pooled usinŐ Zuďin͛s rules to oďtain oǀerall esƟmates͕ ǀariances͕
and ϵϱй conĮdence interǀals ;ϵϱйIsͿ ;ϰϲ͖ϰϴ͖ϰϵͿ. DulƟple imputaƟon leads to
unďiased esƟmates if missinŐ data are DZ ;ϭϮͿ. Zesearchers should ďear in mind͕
howeǀer͕ that cost and conseƋuence esƟmates deriǀed usinŐ mulƟple imputaƟon are
less reliaďle and precise than those ďased on a ϭϬϬй complete dataset ;ϭϰͿ. EǀerLJ
endeaǀor should therefore ďe made to miniminje the amount of missinŐ data.
ϭͿ DissinŐ ompletelLJ t Zandom ;DZͿ͗ The ͞missinŐness͟ of data has no
relaƟonship to oďserǀed and unoďserǀed factors amonŐ parƟcipants. &or edžample͕
sicŬness aďsence data maLJ ďe missinŐ ďecause of proďlems with the reŐistraƟon of
this data due to a temporarLJ computer proďlem.
ϮͿ DissinŐ t Zandom ;DZͿ͗ The ͞missinŐness͟ of data has a relaƟonship to
oďserǀed factors amonŐ parƟcipants͕ ďut not to unoďserǀed factors. &or edžample͕
missinŐ sicŬness aďsence duraƟons maLJ ďe lonŐer than aǀailaďle sicŬness aďsence
duraƟons ďut onlLJ ďecause older emploLJees maLJ ďe more liŬelLJ to haǀe missinŐ
sicŬness aďsence data.
ϯͿ DissinŐ Eot t Zandom ;DEZͿ͗ Eǀen aŌer the oďserǀed data are taŬen into
account͕ sLJstemaƟc diīerences remain ďetween the missinŐ ǀalues and the
oďserǀed ǀalues. This means that the ͞missinŐness͟ of data also has a relaƟonship
to unoďserǀed factors. &or edžample͕ in trials relLJinŐ on selfͲreported sicŬness
aďsence͕ parƟcipants with lonŐer sicŬness aďsence duraƟons maLJ ďe more liŬelLJ to
forŐet to return their cost diaries ďecause theLJ are not feelinŐ well.
WrŝnĐŝpleƐ͕ ŵethŽdƐ͕ and reĐŽŵŵendaƟŽnƐ
Ōer costs and conseƋuences haǀe ďeen ƋuanƟĮed͕ their mean diīerences ďetween
the interǀenƟon and control Őroup;sͿ as well as the staƟsƟcal siŐniĮcance of these
diīerences need to ďe assessed ;ϭϮͿ.
s menƟoned aďoǀe͕ cost data are tLJpicallLJ riŐht sŬewed. This is caused ďLJ the fact
that onlLJ a small proporƟon of parƟcipants incur hiŐh costs and costs are naturallLJ
ďound ďLJ njero ;^ee &iŐure ϭͿ ;ϭͿ.
The sŬewed cost distriďuƟon complicates the analLJsis of cost data͕ as it ǀiolates
the assumpƟons of standard staƟsƟcal tests͕ such as independent tͲtests and linear
reŐression analLJses. standard approach to descriďe sŬewed data is to proǀide
a summarLJ measure of the distriďuƟon in the form of a median. ,oweǀer͕ this is
inappropriate for cost data as decisionͲmaŬers need to ďe aďle to esƟmate the total
Chapter 8
cost of implemenƟnŐ a new interǀenƟon ;total implementaƟon costs с mean costs
per parƟcipant Ύ numďer of parƟcipantsͿ. s such͕ the arithmeƟc mean is ŐenerallLJ
ǀiewed as the most informaƟǀe measure to descriďe cost data ;ϭ͖ϭϰ͖ϱϬͿ. sarious
methods are currentlLJ used to compare cost data ďetween studLJ arms͕ includinŐ
standard nonͲparametric tests ;e.Ő. DannͲthitneLJ hͿ͕ tͲtests on loŐͲtransformed
data͕ and nonͲparametric ďootstrappinŐ. ^tandard nonͲparametric tests compare
the distriďuƟon of the data instead of means and are therefore inappropriate.
TransformaƟons to normalinje the distriďuƟon are not straiŐhƞorward and are
oŌen sensiƟǀe to departures from distriďuƟonal assumpƟons ;ϭϯͿ. Doreoǀer͕ ďacŬͲ
transformaƟons are oŌen complicated. Therefore͕ researchers increasinŐlLJ faǀour
the nonͲparametric ďootstrap ;ϭϯ͖ϱϬͿ͕ which can ďe used to esƟmate ϵϱйIs around
mean cost diīerences while aǀoidinŐ distriďuƟonal assumpƟons ;odž ϮͿ ;ϱϭͿ.
tith nonͲparametric ďootstrappinŐ͕ staƟsƟcal analLJses are ďased on repeatedlLJ samplinŐ
with replacement from the oďserǀed data. In short͕ a sample of N parƟcipants is repeatedlLJ
drawn with replacement from ďoth the interǀenƟon and control Őroup separatelLJ͕ where N
eƋuals the numďer of parƟcipants per studLJ arm. EǀerLJ resample ;i.e. ďootstrap sampleͿ is
the eƋuiǀalent of a repeƟƟon of the trial. ^ince resamples haǀe ďeen drawn with replacement
;i.e. per sample͕ parƟcipants can ďe drawn more than onceͿ͕ these ďootstrap samples diīer
from one another. Wer ďootstrap sample͕ the staƟsƟcs of interest is calculated ;e.Ő. the
diīerence in arithmeƟc mean costs and eīects͕ incrementalͲcost eīecƟǀeness raƟos͕ costͲ
ďeneĮt esƟmatesͿ. LJ doinŐ so mulƟple Ɵmes͕ a distriďuƟon for the staƟsƟcs of interest
is Őenerated that proǀides an approdžimaƟon of its populaƟon samplinŐ distriďuƟon͕ which
can then ďe used to esƟmate conĮdence interǀals ;ϭϮͿ. t least ϮϬϬϬ ďootstrap samples are
recommended͕ and preferaďlLJ more ;ϱϮͿ. sarious methods haǀe ďeen proposed to esƟmate
ďootstrapped ϵϱй conĮdence interǀals͕ of which the ďias corrected and accelerated method
is currentlLJ the preferred one ;ϱϭ͖ϱϯͿ. EonͲparametric ďootstrappinŐ is aǀailaďle in manLJ
soŌware pacŬaŐes͕ includinŐ ^W^^͕ ^^͕ ^TT͕ and Z.
The core of anLJ economic eǀaluaƟon is the analLJsis of the relaƟon ďetween the
costs and conseƋuences of alternaƟǀes. The preferred methods for conducƟnŐ such
analLJses diīer ďetween the tLJpes of economic eǀaluaƟons and are discussed ďelow.
WrŝnĐŝpleƐ͕ ŵethŽdƐ͕ and reĐŽŵŵendaƟŽnƐ
CŽƐtͲeīeĐƟǀeneƐƐ analLJƐŝƐ and ĐŽƐtͲuƟlŝtLJ analLJƐŝƐ
In Es and hs͕ an incremental costͲeīecƟǀeness raƟo ;IEZͿ is calculated ďLJ
diǀidinŐ the mean diīerence in cost ;ѐ ostͿ ďetween studLJ arms ďLJ that in eīect ;ѐ
EīectͿ. The IEZ indicates the addiƟonal costs of a new interǀenƟon in comparison
with a control condiƟon per unit of eīect Őained ;ϭ͖ϭϮͿ.
ostinterǀenƟon ʹ ostcontrol
ѐ ost
EīectinterǀenƟon ʹ Eīectcontrol
ѐ Eīect
To illustrate͕ a descripƟon of the calculaƟon and interpretaƟon of the edžample trial͛s
IEZ is proǀided in odž ϯ.
urinŐ followͲup͕ interǀenƟon Őroup parƟcipants siŐniĮcantlLJ decreased their ďodLJ weiŐht
ďLJ Ϯ.ϬϮ ŬiloŐram compared to the control Őroup ;ѐ EīectͿ. Dean societal costs per parƟcipant
were nonͲsiŐniĮcantlLJ hiŐher in the interǀenƟon Őroup compared to the control Őroup ďLJ
ΦϮϵϯ ;ѐ ostͿ. hsinŐ this informaƟon͕ the IEZ can ďe calculated͖
IEZ͗ ΦϮϵϯͬϮ.ϬϮ с Φϭϰϱ
This IEZ indicates that societLJ has to paLJ Φϭϰϱ per parƟcipant in the interǀenƟon Őroup for
each addiƟonal ŬiloŐram ďodLJ weiŐht loss compared to usual pracƟce.
IEZs are ŐenerallLJ hard to interpret. &or edžample͕ neŐaƟǀe IEZs miŐht represent
reduced costs and posiƟǀe eīects indicaƟnŐ a winͲwin situaƟon or increased costs
and neŐaƟǀe eīects indicaƟnŐ a loseͲlose situaƟon ;ϭϰͿ. Therefore͕ IEZs are oŌen
ŐraphicallLJ illustrated on costͲeīecƟǀeness planes ;EͲplanesͿ͕ in which incremental
eīects are ploƩed on the yͲadžis and incremental costs on the zͲadžis ;&iŐure ϮͿ ;ϱϰ͖ϱϱͿ.
If an IEZ is located either in the ^outh East Yuadrant ;^EͲYͿ or the Eorth test
Yuadrant ;EtͲYͿ͕ the choice ďetween alternaƟǀes is clear ;assuminŐ there is no
uncertaintLJ surroundinŐ the IEZͿ. In the ^EͲY͕ the new interǀenƟon is more
eīecƟǀe and less costlLJ than the control condiƟon and is therefore said to dominate
Chapter 8
the control condiƟon. In the EtͲY͕ the opposite is true and the new interǀenƟon is
dominated ďLJ the control condiƟon. If a new interǀenƟon is more eīecƟǀe and more
costlLJ ;EEͲY͗ Eorth East YuadrantͿ or less eīecƟǀe and less costlLJ ;^tͲY͗ ^outh
test YuadrantͿ͕ the decision whether or not to adopt it depends on the soͲcalled
͞willinŐnessͲtoͲpaLJ͟ ;ʄͿ. That is͕ the madžimum amount of moneLJ decisionͲmaŬers
are willinŐ to paLJ for an addiƟonal unit of eīect ;ϭͿ. To illustrate͕ a hLJpothesinjed ʄ is
depicted as the diaŐonal line in &iŐure Ϯ and diǀides the EͲplane into a costͲeīecƟǀe
and a nonͲcostͲeīecƟǀe halǀe. IEZs located to the riŐht of this line are considered
acceptaďle͕ whereas IEZs located to the leŌ are considered inacceptaďle ;ϭϰ͖ϱϰ͖ϱϱͿ.
The more decisionͲmaŬers are willinŐ to paLJ for an addiƟonal unit of eīect͕ the
steeper the slope of this line ;ϭϰͿ.
EŽƌƚŚ ǁĞƐƚ
^ŽƵƚŚ ǁĞƐƚ
WrŝnĐŝpleƐ͕ ŵethŽdƐ͕ and reĐŽŵŵendaƟŽnƐ
tith parƟcipantͲleǀel data͕ it is natural to consider represenƟnŐ the uncertaintLJ
surroundinŐ IEZs usinŐ ϵϱйIs. ,oweǀer͕ as a raƟo measure͕ esƟmaƟnŐ ϵϱйIs
around IEZs is not straiŐhƞorward and͕ more importantlLJ͕ ϵϱйIs around IEZs
suīer from the same interpretaƟon proďlem as IEZs ;ϱϱͿ. Therefore͕ alternaƟǀe
methods haǀe ďeen proposed to esƟmate the uncertaintLJ surroundinŐ IEZs. urrent
Őuidelines recommend usinŐ the ďootstrap method descriďed in odž Ϯ. In this
case͕ ďoth incremental costs and eīects are calculated per ďootstrap sample. The
uncertaintLJ surroundinŐ an IEZ can then ďe ŐraphicallLJ illustrated ďLJ ploƫnŐ these
ďootstrapped incremental costͲeīect pairs ;EͲpairsͿ on a EͲplane. s indicated ďLJ
the edžample trial͛s EͲplane proǀided in &iŐure ϯ͕ EͲpairs commonlLJ coǀer more
than one Ƌuadrant.
ďďreǀiaƟon͗ EtͲY͗ Eorth test Yuadrant͕ EEͲY͗ Eorth East Yuadrant͕ ^tͲY͗ ^outh test
Yuadrant͕ ^EͲY͗ ^outh East Yuadrant͕ IEZ͗ Incremental ostͲEīecƟǀeness ZaƟo
lthouŐh EͲplanes Őiǀe a Őood impression of the uncertaintLJ surroundinŐ the IEZ͕
theLJ do not proǀide a summarLJ measure of the ũoint uncertaintLJ of costs and eīects
;ϱϲͿ. Therefore͕ costͲeīecƟǀeness acceptaďilitLJ curǀes ;EsͿ were introduced
Chapter 8
that proǀide insiŐht into the proďaďilitLJ that a new interǀenƟon is costͲeīecƟǀe
compared to the control condiƟon. This proďaďilitLJ can ďe esƟmated ďLJ determininŐ
what proporƟon of EͲpairs is located in the costͲeīecƟǀe half of the EͲplane ;i.e. to
the riŐht of the preǀiouslLJ menƟoned line with the slope eƋual to ʄͿ;&iŐure ϮͿ. ^ince
it is ŐenerallLJ unŬnown what decisionͲmaŬers are willinŐ to paLJ for an addiƟonal unit
of eīect͕ ʄ is ǀaried ďetween its natural ďounds ;ranŐe͗ Ϭ to ьͿ and the proďaďilitLJ
that the new interǀenƟon is costͲeīecƟǀe compared to the control condiƟon is
esƟmated for a ranŐe of ʄs. These ǀalues can then ďe ploƩed on Es that show the
proďaďilitLJ of costͲeīecƟǀeness ;zͲadžisͿ for ǀarious ʄs ;yͲadžisͿ ;ϱϱͲϱϳͿ. To illustrate͕
the E of the edžample trial is proǀided in &iŐure ϰ.
Eote͗ This costͲeīecƟǀeness acceptaďilitLJ curǀe corresponds with the costͲeīecƟǀeness
plane in &iŐure ϯ and indicates the proďaďilitLJ of the interǀenƟon ďeinŐ costͲeīecƟǀeness for
diīerent ǀalues of willinŐnessͲtoͲpaLJ per ŬiloŐram ďodLJ weiŐht loss.
WrŝnĐŝpleƐ͕ ŵethŽdƐ͕ and reĐŽŵŵendaƟŽnƐ
This E indicates that if decisionͲmaŬers are not willinŐ to paLJ anLJthinŐ to oďtain an
addiƟonal ŬiloŐram ďodLJ weiŐht loss ;i.e. ʄсϬͿ͕ there is a Ϭ.ϯϯ proďaďilitLJ that the new
interǀenƟon is costͲeīecƟǀe compared to the control condiƟon. If decisionͲmaŬers
are willinŐ to paLJ ΦϮϬϬϬ ;i.e. ʄсϮϬϬϬͿ͕ this proďaďilitLJ is Ϭ.ϵϱ. then interpreƟnŐ
Es͕ two approaches can ďe used ďLJ decisionͲmaŬers. If their willinŐness to
paLJ is Ŭnown͕ theLJ haǀe to ũudŐe whether the proďaďilitLJ of costͲeīecƟǀeness at
this ceilinŐ raƟo is acceptaďle. If their willinŐness to paLJ is unŬnown͕ theLJ should
consider whether the ceilinŐ raƟo at an acceptaďle proďaďilitLJ of costͲeīecƟǀeness
is acceptaďle to them. The laƩer miŐht depend on the scale of the outcome measure
and the preǀalence of the condiƟon under studLJ.
CŽƐtͲďeneĮt analLJƐŝƐ
In health economics and ďusiness administraƟon͕ ǀarious measures edžist for
comparinŐ costs and ďeneĮts. Kf them͕ the Eet eneĮts ;EͿ͕ eneĮt ost ZaƟo
;ZͿ͕ and ZeturnͲKnͲInǀestment ;ZKIͿ are the most freƋuentlLJ used measures in
occupaƟonal health research and can ďe esƟmated usinŐ the followinŐ eƋuaƟons ;ϲͿ͗
N с eneĮtƐ ʹ CŽƐtƐ
CZ с eneĮtƐ ͬ CŽƐtƐ
ZK/ с ;eneĮtƐ ʹ CŽƐtƐͿ ͬ CŽƐtƐ ΀ΎϭϬϬ΁
where CŽƐtƐ are deĮned as interǀenƟon costs and eneĮtƐ as the diīerence in
moneƟnjed outcomes ďetween the interǀenƟon and control Őroup ;e.Ő. diīerence
in producƟǀitLJ costsͿ. eneĮts are esƟmated ďLJ suďtracƟnŐ the mean edžpenses
incurred ďLJ the interǀenƟon Őroup parƟcipants from those of the control Őroup.
,ereďLJ͕ posiƟǀe ďeneĮts indicate reduced spendinŐ. The E indicates the amount of
moneLJ Őained aŌer costs are recoǀered ;i.e. net loss or net saǀinŐsͿ. The Z indicates
the amount of moneLJ returned per monetarLJ unit inǀested. The ZKI indicates
the percentaŐe of proĮt per monetarLJ unit inǀested ;ϱϴ͖ϱϵͿ. InterǀenƟons can ďe
reŐarded as cost saǀinŐ if the followinŐ criteria are met͗ EхϬ͕ Zхϭ͕ and ZKIхϬй.
To illustrate͕ a descripƟon of the calculaƟon and interpretaƟon of the edžample trial͛s
costͲďeneĮt esƟmates is proǀided in odž ϰ.
Chapter 8
Dean interǀenƟon costs per parƟcipant were ΦϲϬϱ. urinŐ followͲup͕ aǀeraŐe aďsenteeism
costs per parƟcipant were ΦϯϯϬϮ in the interǀenƟon Őroup and ΦϯϲϬϰ in the control Őroup.
Thus͕ the aďsenteeism ďeneĮts per parƟcipant were ΦϯϬϮ ;ΦϯϲϬϰ Ͳ ΦϯϯϬϮͿ. hsinŐ this
informaƟon͕ costͲďeneĮt esƟmates can ďe calculated͖
E͗ ΦϯϬϮ Ͳ ΦϲϬϱ с ΦͲϯϬϯ
Z͗ ΦϯϬϮ ͬ ΦϲϬϱ с Ϭ.ϱϬ
ZKI͗ ;;ΦϯϬϮ ͬ ΦϲϬϱͿͬ ΦϯϬϮͿΎϭϬϬ с ͲϱϬй
These costͲďeneĮt esƟmates indicate that the interǀenƟon resulted in a net loss to the
emploLJer of ΦϯϬϯ. lso͕ per Euro inǀested͕ the emploLJer Őained ΦϬ.ϱϬ and suīered a loss of
ϱϬй. Thus͕ the interǀenƟon cannot ďe reŐarded as costͲďeneĮcial in terms of aďsenteeism
ostͲďeneĮt esƟmates͕ and Zs and ZKIs in parƟcular͕ are tLJpicallLJ presented
without an indicaƟon of their uncertaintLJ. If uncertaintLJ is suďstanƟal and this is not
taŬen into account͕ wronŐ conclusions could ďe drawn. Therefore͕ we recommend
the use of the preǀiouslLJ descriďed ďootstrap method ;odž ϮͿ to esƟmate the
uncertaintLJ surroundinŐ costͲďeneĮt esƟmates. In this case͕ the E͕ Z͕ andͬor
ZKI are calculated per ďootstrap sample ;i.e. ďootstrapped Es͕ Zs͕ and ZKIsͿ.
^uďseƋuentlLJ͕ ϵϱйIs can ďe esƟmated usinŐ the ďias corrected and accelerated
method ;ϱϭ͖ϱϯͿ. Eǀen thouŐh Zs and ZKIs are raƟo measures͕ esƟmaƟnŐ their
ϵϱйIs is straiŐhƞorward as the denominator ;i.e. interǀenƟon costsͿ is tLJpicallLJ
posiƟǀe. DanLJ occupaƟonal health decisionͲmaŬers͕ howeǀer͕ maLJ lacŬ the necessarLJ
staƟsƟcal ďacŬŐround to interpret ϵϱйIs ;ϭϭͿ. possiďle waLJ to deal with this issue
is to determine what proporƟon of ďootstrapped Es͕ Zs͕ andͬor ZKIs indicate
cost saǀinŐs ;i.e. ͞the proďaďilitLJ of Įnancial return͟Ϳ. KccupaƟonal health decisionͲ
maŬers can suďseƋuentlLJ use this informaƟon to consider whether the estaďlished
proďaďilitLJ of Įnancial return is acceptaďle to them.
then reporƟnŐ results͕ economists and policLJ maŬers prefer the E͕ whereas
the Z and ZKI are more familiar to ďusiness manaŐers. s such͕ it is recommendaďle
to report at least two of them ;i.e. E and ZͬZKIͿ͕ so that the results can ďe easilLJ
interpreted ďLJ all staŬeholders. nother adǀantaŐe of this approach is that it maŬes
the results easilLJ comparaďle with those of other studies͕ ďecause diīerent metrics
WrŝnĐŝpleƐ͕ ŵethŽdƐ͕ and reĐŽŵŵendaƟŽnƐ
are used in the literature to esƟmate whether K,^ interǀenƟons Őenerate cost
saǀinŐs ;ϲͿ.
Economic eǀaluaƟons are oŌen conducted in the contedžt of incomplete informaƟon
and uncertaintLJ͕ which necessitates the use of prodžLJ measures͕ and inǀariaďlLJ͕ the
need to maŬe assumpƟon aďout the methods and unit prices used for ǀaluinŐ resource
use͕ the methods used for dealinŐ with incomplete data͕ and the waLJ in which
adũustments are made for diīerenƟal ƟminŐ ;ϰ͖ϴͿ. Therefore͕ sensiƟǀitLJ analLJses
should ďe undertaŬen to assess how studLJ results would chanŐe for diīerent ŬeLJ
assumpƟons and parameter ǀalues ;i.e. the roďustness of studLJ resultsͿ ;ϭϳ͖ϲϬͿ. The
ranŐes of ǀalues tested͕ and arŐuments for selecƟnŐ these ranŐes͕ must ďe clearlLJ
descriďed ;ϭϬ͖ϭϳͿ. sarious Ŭinds of sensiƟǀitLJ analLJses edžist. KneͲwaLJ sensiƟǀitLJ
analLJses assess the impact of chanŐes to a sinŐle parameter at a Ɵme͕ while mulƟple
parameters are ǀaried simultaneouslLJ in mulƟͲwaLJ sensiƟǀitLJ analLJses ;ϲϭͿ.
Zesources for occupaƟonal health are scarce. This maŬes it necessarLJ for decisionͲ
maŬers to haǀe informaƟon on the relaƟǀe eĸciencLJ of K,^ interǀenƟons in order to
allocate aǀailaďle resources to their ďest use. s such͕ economic eǀaluaƟons of K,^
interǀenƟons are ďecominŐ increasinŐlLJ important͕ manLJ of which are conducted
alonŐside eīecƟǀeness trials. TrialͲďased economic eǀaluaƟons proǀide a uniƋue
opportunitLJ to reliaďlLJ esƟmate the resource implicaƟons of K,^ interǀenƟons
at low incremental cost ;ϭϬ͖ϭϰͿ. ,oweǀer͕ it is criƟcal that hiŐh ƋualitLJ trialͲďased
economic eǀaluaƟons are performed when this informaƟon is used to inform
allocaƟon decisions.
esiŐninŐ a hiŐh ƋualitLJ trialͲďased economic eǀaluaƟon reƋuires close collaďoraƟon
ďetween occupaƟonal health specialists͕ indiǀiduals edžecuƟnŐ the trial͕ and health
economists ;ϭϰͿ. areful consideraƟons must ďe made reŐardinŐ the perspecƟǀe͕ the
analLJƟc Ɵme frame͕ the idenƟĮcaƟon͕ measurement͕ and ǀaluaƟon of resource use
and outcomes͕ as well as the methods used for calculaƟnŐ sample sinjes͕ comparinŐ
Chapter 8
costs and conseƋuences͕ and handlinŐ missinŐ data and uncertaintLJ. The laƩer is of
parƟcular importance͕ as few economic eǀaluaƟons in occupaƟonal health report on
the uncertaintLJ surroundinŐ their incremental costͲconseƋuence esƟmates ;ϰͲϳ͖ϭϱͿ.
&ailinŐ to esƟmate ǀalues under uncertaintLJ maŬes it impossiďle to determine the
certaintLJ of results and could thus lead to inappropriate decisionͲmaŬinŐ. To ƋuanƟfLJ
precision͕ nonͲparametric ďootstrappinŐ can ďe used as a staƟsƟcal techniƋue for
dealinŐ with the riŐht sŬewed nature of cost data ;ϭ͖ϳͿ. n oǀerǀiew of our core
recommendaƟons for trialͲďased economic eǀaluaƟons in occupaƟonal health can
ďe found in ppendidž ϭ.
TrialͲďased economic eǀaluaƟons maLJ also haǀe shortcominŐs͕ includinŐ limited
sample sinjes͕ limited comparators͕ and truncated Ɵme horinjons ;ϭϰͿ. To deal with the
laƩer͕ researchers miŐht consider edžtrapolaƟnŐ economic eǀaluaƟon results ďeLJond
the followͲup of a trial ďLJ usinŐ decision analLJƟc modelinŐ͕ in which edžpected
costs and conseƋuences ďetween alternaƟǀes are compared ďLJ sLJnthesinjinŐ
informaƟon from mulƟple sources ;e.Ő. scienƟĮc literature͕ studLJ resultsͿ ;ϭ͖ϭϯ͖ϭϰͿ.
&or more detailed informaƟon aďout decision analLJƟc modelinŐ we refer to other
puďlicaƟons͖ ;ϭϰ͖ϲϮͿ. lso͕ eǀen thouŐh we recommend a praŐmaƟc ;clusterͲͿZT
desiŐn for economic eǀaluaƟons͕ we are aware that randominjaƟon itself maLJ not
alwaLJs ďe feasiďle andͬor desired in the occupaƟonal health seƫnŐ. In those cases͕
well edžecuted nonͲrandominjed studies maLJ proǀide ǀaluaďle informaƟon͕ ďut it is
criƟcal that eīorts ďe made to control for selecƟon ďias ;e.Ő. ďLJ usinŐ propensitLJ
score matchinŐͿ ;ϲϯ͖ϲϰͿ.
then interpreƟnŐ economic eǀaluaƟons of K,^ interǀenƟons͕ it is important to
ďear in mind that their results maLJ not ďe directlLJ applicaďle to other countries
and ũurisdicƟons due to diīerences in healthcare͕ social securitLJ sLJstems͕ and other
factors. serďeeŬ et al. ;ϮϬϭϬͿ demonstrated that economic eǀaluaƟon results can
ďe Őeneralinjed from one countrLJ to another. ,oweǀer͕ to enaďle the necessarLJ
calculaƟons͕ researchers need to proǀide an edžtensiǀe descripƟon of the interǀenƟon͕
a detailed list of resource use as well as informaƟon of the healthcare sLJstem in the
oriŐinal studLJ and the allocaƟon of costs to ǀarious staŬeholders ;ϲϱͿ.
WrŝnĐŝpleƐ͕ ŵethŽdƐ͕ and reĐŽŵŵendaƟŽnƐ
LJ simultaneouslLJ proǀidinŐ recommendaƟons for Őood pracƟce in the economic
eǀaluaƟon of K,^ interǀenƟons and discussinŐ the methods and principles that
underlie them͕ the present paper aimed to help researchers in conducƟnŐ and
reporƟnŐ hiŐh ƋualitLJ trialͲďased economic eǀaluaƟons. ^uch studies are edžpected to
contriďute to the deǀelopment of a sound eǀidence ďase on the resource implicaƟons
of K,^ interǀenƟons ;ϯ͖ϰͿ͕ which is a necessarLJ prereƋuisite for eǀidenceͲďased
pracƟces occurrinŐ in occupaƟonal health ;ϭϭͿ. The present paper maLJ also ďe
helpful to consumers of this literature with understandinŐ and criƟcallLJ appraisinŐ
trialͲďased economic eǀaluaƟons of K,^ interǀenƟons͕ which miŐht help improǀe
the uptaŬe of their results.
te would liŬe to thanŬ all authors of the edžample trial for the proǀision of their data.
Chapter 8
rummond D&͕ ^culpher D:͕ Torrance 't͕ K͛rien :͕ ^toddart '> DethŽdƐ ĨŽr the
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