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This questionnaire is a part of my research study. I would really appreciate if you could spend few minutes of your precious time to fill this questionnaire and send me to [email protected] Information in this questionnaire will remain completely confidential and be used solely for the academic purposes. Thank you, Thilochana Ekanayake. Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Agree Please indicate your level of agreement to the following Statements considering the ERP system that your organization is using. 1 Using the ERP system in my job would enable me to accomplish tasks more quickly. PU1 2 The ERP system helps me to handle my job more effectively. PU2 3 I would find the ERP system useful in my job. PU3 4 Use of the system will have an effect on the performance of my job. JF1 5 Using the ERP system improves the quality of the work I do. JF2 6 The ERP system provides complete features I need to perform my job. JF3 7 Doing my job using the ERP system is more effective than using any other method RA1 8 ERP system is more useful than the precursor. RA2 9 If I use the ERP system, I have to spend less OE1 Neutral Statement Agree Question No. 120 time on routine job tasks. 10 If I use the ERP system, my coworkers will perceive me as competent. OE2 11 If I use the ERP system, I will increase my chances of obtaining a promotion or a pay raise OE3 12 Supporting or working on ERP can enhance my career life OE4 13 It would be easy for me to become skillful at using the ERP system. PEU1 14 I would find the system is easy to use. PEU2 15 I would find the ERP system to be flexible to interact with. PEU3 16 User interface of the ERP system is user friendly (Intuitive) LEN1 17 Learning to operate the ERP system is easy for me. LEN2 18 Help manuals are very useful for self learning LEN3 19 Working with the system is simple; it is easy to understand what is going on. SIM1 20 Using the system involves less time on doing mechanical operations (e.g., Setup time). SIM2 21 People who influence my behavior think that I should use the ERP system. SN1 22 People who are important to me think that I should use the ERP system. SN2 23 I use the system because of the proportion of coworkers who use the ERP system. SF1 24 My supervisor is very supportive of the use of the ERP system for my job. SF2 25 Management is really keen to see that we are happy with using the system SF3 121 26 People in my organization who use the ERP system have more prestige than those who do not. IMG1 27 Having the system is a status symbol in my organization. IMG2 28 Training provided to me on ERP was complete TRN1 29 My level of understanding was substantially improved after going through the training program TRN2 30 The training gave me confidence in the ERP system TRN3 31 The training was of adequate length and detail TRN4 32 The trainers were knowledgeable and aided me in my understanding of the ERP system TRN5 33 I believe in the benefits of the ERP system SB1 34 My peers believe in the benefits of the ERP system SB2 35 My management team believes in the benefits of the ERP system SB3 36 Management always supports the use of the system for job-related work SUP1 37 Management always encourages the use of the system for job-related work SUP2 38 A specific person (or group) is available for assistance with ERP system difficulties. SUP3 39 I have the resources necessary to use the system. SUP4 40 Using the ERP system is compatible with all aspects of my work. CMP1 41 I think that using the system fits well with the way I like to work. CMP2 42 Wordings used in the system interface are CMP3 122 familiar 43 Using the ERP system is a good idea. ATT1 44 Using the ERP system is a wise idea. ATT2 45 I like the idea of using the ERP system. ATT3 46 The ERP system will provide integrated, timely, and reliable information ATT4 47 I find using the system to be enjoyable IM1 48 I like working with the ERP system. IM2 49 I see the value in having an ERP system AFF1 50 ERP system is important to me AFF2 51 It would bother me if ERP system implementation were discontinued MA1 52 I am enthusiastic about using the ERP system MA2 53 It is my desire to see the full utilization and deployment of the ERP system MA3 54 If I have a choice to use any systems to perform my tasks, I still prefer to use the current ERP system I use. PA1 55 I recommend the use of ERP system to others as a great use. PA2 56 I feel a sense of personal ownership about the use of ERP System PA3 Please state the following general information about you and your organization. 57 No of employees in your organization (roughly): 58 For how many years your organization is using an ERP system: 59 How long you have been working with the ERP system: 60 Your ERP system is a: Choose an item. 61 What is the ERP module that you use most frequently? 123 Please Specify: 62 Did you receive any training on ERP usage? 63 Your Job Title : 64 Gender: Choose an item. 66 You are belong to: 67 68 Choose an item. 65. Age: Top Management Administrative Staff Middle Management Operational Staff Lower Management Other Please Specify: Your highest educational level: Postgraduate Degree Diploma Bachelors Degree Other Please Specify: Other Comments : Thank you very much for your participation in this survey. Please email the completed questionnaire to [email protected] . 124
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