ECISD Pathways Travel Through CTE Highway! It is the policy of the Edinburg CISD not to discriminate on the basis of gender, age, handicap, religion, race, color, or national origin in its educational program. Es póliza del Distrito Escolar CTE Department Leads the Way with House Bill 5! As the 2014 – 2015 school year approaches, administrators and counselors are preparing for the new graduation plans that the State of Texas will require for the incoming freshmen. Students will be required to select an Endorsement for graduation. Many of the endorsements being offered will come from the Career & Technical Education clusters. Pictured above left is Dr. Maria Luisa Guerra, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, addressing the district counselors and diagnosticians at the district meeting on Friday, February 28th about the role they will take in implementing HB 5. Janie Fong, ECISD Counselor Coordinator (upper right) reviews more information on HB5 concerning endorsements, course offerings, certificate programs, and other pertinent information regarding CTE and the new graduation plans for 2014 – 2015. EHS Letterman’s Jacket Passed Down One Generation to the Next! When Edinburg High School senior, Bill Trevino, walked into CTE Counselor Janie J. Lopez’ office to discuss DAP measures and the Tech Prep Texas Scholars Award, Mrs. Lopez couldn’t help but noticed his letterman jacket, especially because it had “Voc. Tech” on the jacket’s letter “E”. The term Vocational Technology is obsolete and is now referred to as Career and Technical Education. Naturally, she asked him who the jacket belonged to, and he said it was his dad’s. His dad was in the Industrial Trades club in 1993. He earned the letterman jacket for competing in the club and volunteering community hours. Today’s students are still required to compete through their Career & Technology Student Organization (CTSO) to receive a Letterman Jacket, but they must also follow a coherent sequence of courses in addition to volunteer community hours and club competition. Once they’ve completed the requirements, they can proudly wear their CTE Letterman Jackets…and pass them on to the next CTE generation just like EHS Class of ‘93 Billy Trevino did! Manufacturing Program Heads to State! The Manufacturing program, under the direction of Mr. Amancio Rodriguez, competed in SkillsUSA District competition in March. The Welding Fabrication Team earned1st place honors and will now represent the Rio Grande Valley at the SkillsUSA State Competition. On the center award stand: L to R, Miguel Morua, ENHS, Juan Hernandez, ENHS and Mark Islas, JEHS, not in picture Jose Izaguirre, JEHS. JEHS senior Alvaro Castaneda’s competition consisted of using the oxyfuel process to cut his project material to shape. He then had to tack weld it to form a fillet weld. He ran multiple weld passes with the Stick Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) process and Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) process. At state competition he will using these processes as well, with the addition of Flux Core Arc Welding (FCAW) and Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) processes . Jose, Miguel and Marc had to fabricate an anchor bracket using the oxy-fuel process to pierce hole, cut 45 degree angles and the SMAW and GMAW process to fabricate their competition project. At state competition they will using these processes as well, with the addition of Flux Core Arc Welding (FCAW) and Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) processes. Welding Students Work with a Different Kind of Iron Mr. Eddie Hinojosa, welding instructor, decided to introduce his class to a different source of iron and minerals other than the ones they use in the classroom that require a torch! The only tool needed to use these sources of iron and minerals is a fork! The students worked in garden beds which were prepared by previous years’ classes. They grew dark green leafy vegetables which are nutritional powerhouses filled with vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. They are rich in chlorophyll, which alkalinizes the blood, and fiber, which keeps the colon healthy. The USDA recommends eating one-half cup of green leafy vegetables each day to prevent nutrient deficiencies and serious illnesses. There are many varieties of edible green leaves, and they are most nutritious when eaten raw or lightly steamed. In a cooperative effort, the students share these leafy greens with the CTE Culinary Arts classes so that the students in those classes can experience first-hand what it is to have freshly picked greens in their kitchens. The students can choose from argula, spinach, kale, cilantro and other greens that are in-season. Great job, Mr. Hinojosa! Audio Video Production Students Place at the BPA State The Career & Technical Education Broadcast News Production Team, under the direction of Susan Smith, took 1st Place Honors and qualified for the Business Professionals of America (BPA) 2014 National Leadership Conference, “Accelerate Your Future,” in Indianapolis, IN, April 30May 4, 2014. Members of the Broadcast News Production Team are: Amanda Hernandez (JEHS senior), Omar Santiago (EHS senior) Isaiah Navarro and Raul Villarreal (RVHS juniors). Amanda Hernandez (JEHS senior) also received a $750 BPA Texas State scholarship. Pictured below: AVP 2014- front row; Raul Villarreal, Amanda Hernandez, Leroy Torres; back row; Omar Santiago, Gilbert Cavazos, Isaiah Navarro, Sergio Lopez, Rigo Balderas BNPT 2014 - seated: Amanda Hernandez; standing: Raul Villarreal, Omar Santiago, Isaiah Villarreal The Video Production Team ( bottom right) placed 3rd and are the first alternate for the Business Professionals of America (BPA) 2014 National Leadership Conference. Members of the Video Production team are Gilbert Cavazos (RVHS junior), Sergio Lopez (RVHS senior), Rigo Balderas (EHS senior) and Leroy Torres (JEHS junior). Instructor is Ms. Susan Smith Have You Considered a Career in Education? Marisa Davila, Child Guidance instructor at the off-campus Career Center, talks to students at Edinburg High School about the advantages of taking her class. By being in the Child Guidance two-hour pre-employment lab, students learn about the developmental stages of children and how to address the needs of children in different elementary grade levels. They also learn how to create bulletin boards that are appealing and relevant to classroom instruction. Once the students have been properly trained, they will travel to Travis Elementary where they will mentor or teach students as instructed by the teachers’ classes they are assigned . The advantage students have in taking the Child Guidance class is that they are able to decide early on whether or not they would like to pursue a career in teaching. Some will decide, “Teaching is really for me!” Whereas others may discover that teaching is best left to others! Whatever it is that students decide to do with the knowledge they have gained in the Child Guidance class, one thing is for sure, they have a better picture of what career choice they will pursue…and that is what CTE is all about! Web Tech & Game SkillsUSA Advances to State! James Hernandez, Web Technology instructor, is proud to announce that the Web Tech & Game's SkillsUSA teams made it to State competition for the second year in a row! With their hard work and commitment, WT&G earned first place in three categories, one of which was the new SkillsUSA contest, "Interactive Applications and Game Development." “We are very excited and are preparing for state competition in Corpus Christi at the end of this month!” stated Hernandez. Pin Design - 2nd Place, Erielle Gonzalez (RVHS); Web Design Team - 1st Place Jeremias Garza (JEHS); Jacob Garza (JEHS); Web Design Individual - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place; 1st - Jorge Jareno (RVHS); 2nd - Kristina Murphy (RVHS); 3rd - Carlos Garcia (ENHS) - photo missing Interactive Applications and Game Development - 1st and 2nd Place 1st Jeremias Garza (JEHS), Jorge Jareno (RVHS), Mariela Salinas (RVHS) 2nd Giovanni Gutierrez (JEHS), David Lozano (JEHS), Erielle Gonzalez (RVHS) Pictures VideoGameDesign.jpg 2nd Place: (L to R) Erielle Gonzalez (RVHS), David Lozano (JEHS), Giovanni Gutierrez (JEHS); 1st Place: Jeremias Garza (JEHS), Mariela Salinas (RVHS), Jorge Jareno (RVHS) WebTeam.jpg 1st Place: (L to R) Jeremias Garza (JEHS), Jacob Garza (JEHS) WebTech&Game_SkillsUSA_Team.jpg Front row: (L to R) Mr. James Hernandez (Sponsor), Erielle Gonzalez (RVHS), David Lozano (JEHS), Jacob Garza (JEHS), Jeremias Garza (JEHS), Mariela Salinas (RVHS), Samantha Guajardo (JEHS) Back row: (L to R) Jorge Jareno (RVHS), Mario Rios (ENHS), Anthony Balderas (ENHS), Jorge Fernandez (JEHS), Bryan Quijano (ENHS), Luis Contreras (JEHS), Claudio Garcia (JEHS), Giovanni Gutierrez (JEHS) Auto Technology… From a Different Vantage Point Edinburg High School senior, Victor Martinez, (left) isn’t afraid to stand under the car that the Auto Technology class is currently working on because he knows that the above ground lift is safely secured by OSHA standards. Currently, students from the Automotive Classes alternate working on a vintage 1964 Chevy Impala, Students repaired oil leaking from the Engine and removed the transmission for repairs. Victor is checking to see that the transmission has plenty of fluid in it. He is working with an above ground hydraulic lift which is like other professional automotive shops. Pictured below cleaning equipment in the shop are Jose Navarro (left) EHS senior and Manuel Vaquera, EHS sophomore. Keeping the shop clean is essential to the safety and function of the shop. Instructor is Joel Sanchez Robotics Electronics Digital Electronics Offered at Career Center Students enrolled in the Electronics class will demonstrate knowledge and applications of circuits, electronic measurement, and electronic implementation. Through use of the design process, students will transfer academic skills to component designs in a project-based environment. Students will use a variety of computer hardware and software applications to complete assignments and projects. Additionally, students explore career opportunities, employer expectations, and educational needs in the electronics industry. The field of digital electronics encompasses many potential careers. For example, you could become a sound engineering technician, engineering technician or home entertainment equipment installer and repairer. Listed below are a few post secondary schools that offer Digital Electronics ; some are even on-line! Pictured above, Gabriel Gonzalez, Edinburg High School senior, focuses on the lesson from Mr. Hector Guerra (left). Students were simulating Digital Logic gates with a program call ORCAD. Class is called Digital Electronics. “BOBCATS GOT TALENT” And Career Pathways, Too! In addition to playing the violin with the Mariachi Orgullo, the Cantu twins (above) and Ashley Jauregui (below; second from top left) will also be earning the Marketable Skills in Web Design through the CTE Dual Enrollment program. Edinburg High School students have various career options. Some are set on one path while others tangle with two! Several CTE students had an opportunity to showcase their talent at the Annual “BOBCATS GOT TALENT”. Special non-competitive groups included the renowned Mariachi Orgullo and the Red and Blue Sergeants also participated. Pictured above include: (l-r) 1st Place winners Amy Whitehouse who is currently enrolled in BIM 2: Dual Enrollment, and Lisanne Whitehouse who sang a beautiful duet, 2nd Place winners were: The Fever Band playing an inspiring song composed by one of the group members. The group was composed of Homero I. Bazan who will earn a Marketable Skills Certificate in Web Design , Ulysses De Leon, and Aaron J. Perez (not pictured) , and in 3rd Place was Bernice Chavez who is in her second year of computer classes and will earn Dual Enrollment credit at South Texas College through BIM2: DE . She sang a beautiful solo. It is with Bobcat Pride that Edinburg High School continues to carry its tradition in the world of academics, sports, and extracurricular activities like the Annual “Bobcats Got Talent” Great job!! (Mr. Roberto V. Garcia, Guidance Counselor, directed and coordinated the talent show.) Edinburg High School Flower Design Creates Egg Shell Garden Easter is right around the corner and most students are thinking of saving egg shells to color, fill with confetti and then, using an age-old tradition…crack them on someone’s head! This not the case with students in the Edinburg High School Floral Design class. After researching various ways to start a flower garden, they discovered they could plant seeds in just about anything like seed trays, peat pots, small pots, zip-lock bags, toilet paper rolls, newspaper rolls, paper towels, flower beds, and more. The one that sparked an interest because of the Easter season was to plant seeds in egg shells! The convenience of planting seeds in egg shells is that it allows the students to grow plants in a limited space. Also, they can take them outside for fresh air and sunshine, then bring them back to the classroom at the end of the day. Once the seeds have sprouted, the students can take the seedlings and transplant them directly in the soil. Everything goes back into the cycle by way of planting, composting or recycling. Student selects seeds Now, add dirt to shell… Place shell in egg carton… and watch them grow! Edinburg High School FFA Spends Spring Break at Livestock Show The Edinburg FFA, under the direction of Arturo J. Ponce and Alfredo Moreno, spent Spring Break at the Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show. Students have worked all year grooming their animals, feeding and exercising them to prepare for this grand event. The hard work and determination paid off! Victor Moreno was awarded the Grand Champion Brahman Heifer (Marco Moreno displays big brother’s winning banner) . Jessica Martinez won Reserved Champion AOB Heifer (bottom right). Matthew Garza got 1st place with his steer (top right)while Robert Salinas (shown with ivy plant gift for his steer’s buyer) and Angeleena Garza were awarded 2nd place honors for theirs. Luis Hernandez won 2nd place with his Beefmaster Heifer (bottom center) and Janay San Miguel earned 3rd place for her Hampshire hog (top center). Edinburg North High School FFA…It’s Showtime! ENHS student, Cassie Avila, spends time with her pig at this year's STAR Show. Students worked hard taking care of their projects, practicing and preparing for the show. Parading down the stage, student, Jennifer Garza, represents ENHS FFA at the 2014 Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show's Cover Girl Contest on Saturday, March 1st. Jen is a junior who has been in FFA 3 years and has raised heifers and hogs, along with playing on the varsity soccer team. Johnny Economedes FFA Livestock Show Scholarship Recipients Jag FFA Excels at Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show Time and attention to details really do pay off! FFA students at JEHS earned their reward for the dedication they’ve shown to their FFA projects. Johnny G. Economedes High School students, Nisha M. Sanchez and Rene D. Salinas, received academic scholarships during the week of March 10, 2014, at the Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show grounds in Mercedes, Texas. Their awards, Champs for Champions, were based on academics, participation in the livestock shows and community service. Rene D. Salinas is a member of the Johnny Economedes FFA (Future Farmers of America) and Nisha is an active member/officer of the Hidalgo County 4-H Program in the Linn San Manuel Community. Congratulations to theses Jaguars! Logan Anthony: Supreme Champion Breeding Sheep, 2nd Place Market Lamb Marissa Luna: Grand Champion Photograph Danny Salinas: Reserve Champion Intermediate Simbrah Heifer, $500 RGVLS $1,000 Guerra Family Scholarship Recipient Josue Ramirez: Open Show Reserve Champion Yearling Boer Buck Marissa Luna, Danny Salinas, Dario Salinas: 1st Place Good House Keeping Jr. Heifer Division Dario Salinas: Pig and Calf Scramble Winner $950 Johnny Luna: Calf Scramble Winner $800 Danny and Dario Salinas: Excellent Rating on Trailer BBQ Pit Dario Salinas: 1st Place Simbrah Heifer Marco Montano: 2nd Place Market Hog Venus Garza: 6th Place Market Hog Jade Perez: 7th Place Breeding Gilt Johnny Luna: 10th Place Market Hog Krystal Medina: 15th Place Market Hog Aaron Rodriquez: 15th Place Market Hog Congratulations Economedes FFA! Keep up the hard work! Edinburg High School RoboCat Team Wins 1st Place at Texas Media Award! Congratulations are in order for the Edinburg High School RoboCat team for winning first place in Web Design at the Texas Media Awards. These students worked very hard on their projects and competed against several schools around Texas. The Texas Media Awards program promotes excellence in amateur media production and its importance in lifelong learning. Since 1988, the Media Awards have been an annual statewide event open to school-aged Texas residents. Volunteers judge media in the different categories and four different grade level groups based on the criteria prescribed. Judges are not required to award prizes in all categories or grade levels, and they may award more than one prize for a given category, grade level and place. You can find more information about the Texas Media Awards website at Individual RoboCat Texas Media Award Winners nd rd Aaron C. Diaz - 2 and 3 Places in Multimedia Presentation: “It’s Not Easy Being Me” and “The Hour of Code “ Rebecca Garcia, David Guzman, Joel Gonzalez, Dario Rodriguez – Individual 3rd Place Multimedia Presentation “The Hour of Code” RVHS Enters First Robotics Competition The Robert Vela High School Robotics team traveled to San Antonio, Texas to compete in the First Robotics Competition. The team competed with teams from the US and Canada. It was an amazing competition! The team had to design, create, and build a robot that could move via controls and also be able to throw a ball at a designated area for points. This was a great learning experience for the robotics team. They will take everything they have learned and apply it again. They will be competing again next year. Special thanks to their sponsor, Mr. Francisco Badillo and Julio Johnson for providing such a grand educational experience for these young men. Building minds at RVHS! I just want the future to happen faster. I can't imagine the future without robots. Nolan Bushnell Edinburg High School Visits Texas State Technical College Edinburg High School CTE Department took several seniors to visit the Texas State Technical College in March 2014. The students were able to visit the Dental Laboratory and computer classes. They were treated to lunch and were engaged in various games involving college admission processes. Pictured in the lower left corner is Mr. Bruce Barrera with former EHS student Bryan Snodgrass who is now attending TSTC. At right is Michael Harrison, Edinburg High School RGV Lead representative, being framed by a Generation X frame. Johnny Economedes Seniors Visit Texas State Technical College JEHS CTE Teacher Is Teacher of the Month! March Teacher of the Month is Eliza Saenz! Eliza teaches Professional Communications at JEHS, and has been an educator for 17 years. She received her BA in Communications from Texas A&I University-Kingsville and MS in Education from Texas A&M InternationalLaredo. Eliza enjoys running, yoga & meditation, and spending time with her husband Manny and their 5 year old daughter Julisa. One of her favorite quotes is "Let your light shine so bright that others can see their way out of the dark." You’re Never Too Young to Have Your Blood Pressure Read! Do you know at what age a person should have his/her blood pressure read? Would you believe a pediatrician can check it first! Then, a teenager should have it checked. This helps create a baseline for when it’s checked again as an adult. If it's normal, you don't have to check it very often, but if it's high then you need to check it more often in order to be sure that it's always high or not always high-maybe you're just upset. So you want to be sure that the blood pressure is normal. Now if it is high, then you should also see your doctor about getting it lowered with medicine. Pictured is EHS senior, Raul Argueta, an Emergency Medical Technician student who stopped to have his blood pressure taken during his tour of the TSTC Campus in Harlingen. The Art of Floral Design at Edinburg High School Students in the Floral Design class at Edinburg High School display the flowers they created from red duct tape. The students were instructed on petal shape and used floral wire to create the petals’ veins. In addition, students tried their hands at painting various flower petals using melted crayons. The task was daunting but with precision and tenacity, the results were brilliant! Great job, EHS Floral Design students! What happens when you soak white roses in colored water? That was the experiment that students in the EHS Principles and Elements of Floral Design set out to discover. The students followed these steps for their experiment: First they select fresh white roses. Then, they trimmed the stems so they weren't excessively long. They made a slanted cut at the base of the stem under water. The cut is slanted so that the stem won't sit flat on the bottom of the container. A flat cut could prevent the flower from taking in water. The cut was made underwater to prevent air bubbles from forming in the tiny tubes at base of the stem, which would prevent water/color from being drawn up. Next, they added about 20-30 drops of food coloring per half cup of warm water. You're looking at Warm water will be taken more readily than cold water. Finally, the students set the damp stem of the flower in the colored water. The students were able see color in the petals within 24 hours. RVHS Health Occupation Students of America - State Bound! After facing tough competition at the Area 7 HOSA Spring Leadership Conference in McAllen , the Robert Vela High School Health Occupation Students of America are proud to announce that they are headed for Sate Competition! Area 7 consists of the largest area in Texas . It covers the Rio Grande Valley from Laredo to Corpus Christi. There were close to 2000 HOSA competitors that took part at this competition. Representing RVHS in State Competition are: Jonathan Corpos 1st place in Medical Spelling , Alyssa Cantu 1st place in Transcultural Health Care, Andrew Castellano 3rd place in Pathophysiology; Stephanie Diaz, Andrew Castellano, and Cassandra Leal in Health Care Issues. Also placing at the Area 7 competition were: Aaron Martinez 4th place in Medical Math, Vanessa Gonzalez 5th place in Medical Reading and Rodney Gomez, Brandon Rubalcaba, and Alexandra Trevino 4th place in Health Education. EHS Student Diana Espericueta Heads to State in SkillsUSA! Diana Espericueta, 11th grade EHS student, will represent SkillsUSA at the State Competition in the area of Job Interviewing Skills. Diana is currently President of the SkillsUSA Chapter 1794, which is under the direction of Mr. Toby Gonzales and Mr. Joey Mejia. Diana credits her involvement in SkillsUSA, Interact Club and P.A.W.S for giving her the confidence needed to compete in the adult-minded event. The competition is divided into three phases: completion of employment applications; preliminary interviews with receptionist; and, in-depth interviews. Contestants are evaluated on their understanding of employment procedures faced in applying for positions in the occupational areas for which they are training. Diana is pictured below promoting Law Enforcement II. Here’s wishing Diana the best of luck! EHS Student Runs for State BPA Officer RVHS Student Vies for State HOSA VP Proven Leadership * Organized * Dedicated * Committed * Trustworthy “It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” Theodore Roosevelt Vanessa Fontecha running for Business Professionals of America STATE of TEXAS Officer for the 2014-2015 school year. Your Edinburg High School BPA chapter wishes you the best of luck with your campaign in Houston, TX March 5-9! We know you'll represent Edinburg with exceptional your exceptional talent and skills! Andrew Castellano, 11th grade RVHS student, was nominated at the Area 7 HOSA Spring Leadership Conference to run for HOSA State Vice-President for the 2014 – 2015 school year. Andrew, who has followed a coherent sequence of Health Science course, is currently enrolled in the Health Science Clinical Rotations class. He has taken Medical Terminology and Principles of Health Science. Andrew e is pictured above with Mrs. Eva Torres, Robert Vela principal. Best of luck at the Texas HOSA Conference! Edinburg High School MOS Certified PowerPoint 2010 Mr. Carlos Rodriguez and Mr. Bruce Barrera , BIM teachers, are proud to announce that several of their students have passed the MOS Power Point Certification. MOS stands for Microsoft Office Specialist. To receive a MOS certification students have to be trained on Office 2007 and 2010 approved courseware. Congratulations on a job well done! Mr. Carlos Rodriguez students who passed the MOS test are: Odeo Garcia, Susana Garcia, Christopher Helems, Yara Lerma, Mia Villarreal, Cody Martinez, Tatiana Valencia, Armando Celedon, Kimberly Salinas, Alondra Diaz, Juan Zarate, Jonathan Reyes, Francisco Hernandez, Jaime Martinez, Claudia Gonzalez, Zori Aviles, Melissa Gonzalez, Jacqueline De Leon, and Ashley Pena Mr. Barrera’s students John Bazaldua, Elizabeth Segovia, Bryan Delapaz, Keilah Kamran, Amy Whitehouse, Aaron Garcia, George Krivensky, Jennifer Pena, Evelynn Olivares, Michael Harrison , Norberto Guerra, Mariel Velazquez, Gonzalo Rodriguez lll, Leticia Zepeda EHS Health Occupations of America State Qualifiers "Congratulations to the following HOSA members who competed and are advancing to state competition. Yamilet Leal, Yamiletz Salinas, Vanessa Torres, and Natalie Hernandez 2nd Place Health Education, Selina Llamas Outstanding HOSA Chapter . These students will be competing at theTexas HOSA State Leadership Conference in San Antonio Texas. Haldo Trevino, 12th grader, was a recipient of a Texas HOSA Area Scholarship. He was awarded a $1000 scholarship from HOSA, TA. Haldo competed against 75 students from Area 7 and was 1 of the 6 students to receive this scholarship. On behalf of the HOSA advisors Mrs. L. De Leon and Miss D. Jauregui , along with our assistant Mrs. D. Requenez, we would like to congratulate all of our students and students in Edinburg on a job well done and representing our district at the area level. Good luck to all the Edinburg High School Business Professionals of America Recognized Before ECISD School Board 14 Edinburg High School students advance to Business Professionals of America State Leadership Conference in Houston, TX March 5-9. These students will be competing in a multitude of business related events. We wish all of them the best of luck representing Edinburg CISD. We hope that you all advance to the National Leadership Conference in Indiana this coming April! Audio Video Production SkillsUSA District Competition and Leadership Conference Produces Winners! The following Audio Video Production students placed and will advance to State SkillsUSA Competition in Corpus Christi. Taking first place honors in Digital Cinema Production Skill and Technical Contest were EHS students Anselmo Basoria ( junior) and John Gonzalez (senior); along with Actors Obed Guardiola (EHS senior) & Annette Salinas (JEHS senior). The Audio Video Production Quiz Bowl Leadership Development Contest 1st place winners Rigo Balderas (EHS senior), Gilbert Cavazos (RVHS junior), Amanda Hernandez (JEHS Senior), Sergio Lopez (RVHS junior), Michael Montalvo (RVHS junior) They won with a score of 18-0 (alternate Leroy Torres RVHS junior). The 1st place Extemporaneous Speaking Leadership Development Contest winner was Gabriel Martinez (JEHS senior). Winning 3rd place in Customer Service Occupationally Related Contest was Gabriel Martinez (JEHS senior) Rigo Balderas (EHS senior), Michael Montalvo (RVHS junior) placed 3rd in Radio/Audio Production Skill and Technical Contest I was reelected Congratulations also go out to Mrs. Susan Smith who was elected to the SkillsUSA District 13 Board of Directors. SkillsUSA state is in Corpus Christi March 26-29. Edinburg North Attends TSTC Tech Days 2014! ENHS Seniors visited Texas State Technical College on March 5, 2014 for Tech Day. Students were given a tour of the Campus Programs, provided a meal, and they competed in fun games & activities with other local schools. Glad I’m NOT Driving Home! Guess Who! TSTC Offers Chemical Environmental Technology We Have a Winner!!! JEHS FFA Places at San Antonio Livestock Show Johnny Economedes High School senior, Logan Richard Anthony took 5th Place honors at the San Antonio Livestock Show in the Medium Wool Breeding Ewe category. Logan has been an active member in the Ag, Food and Natural Resource classes for the four years he has been in high school. He has taken Livestock Production, Wildlife and Recreational Management, Ag Mechanics, Professional Standards in Ag, Food Technology and Agriculture Facilities, Design and Fabrication. He is currently enrolled in Principles and Elements of Floral Design, an Ag course that serves as a Fine Arts credit. Logan is truly a role model for the upcoming youth who are interested in taking Ag Science classes. Best of luck in your future Ag endeavors, Logan! ENHS Senior Brianna D. Perez Advocate for Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis “ At the age of 5 years old I was diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. Because there were no pediatric rheumatologists located in the Rio Grande Valley at that time, I was referred to one in Houston, Texas. I had many challenges growing up, but school was definitely my biggest. My teachers described me as ‘a special kid that would always struggle in school’. Students made fun of the way I walked and would call me names. It hurt, but with the support of my family, I just laughed and concentrated on pushing forward and becoming the best student I could be. I couldn’t play sports in school, so I read books. The more that I read, the more confident I became. School was a struggle, but I didn’t let it stop me from moving forward. My challenges made me stronger and more determined to make it through. I am now a senior and will be graduating this June from Edinburg North. I am in the top 25% of my Class and will graduate as a RGV Lead Tech Prep Texas Scholar. By the end of this year, I will have earned 28 hours of College credit at South Texas College. In May, before I graduate high school, I will also graduate from STC with a Multi-Media Specialist certificate. I just want students who might be facing obstacles of their own to know that they shouldn’t give up…. Don’t look back, keep looking forward.” According to Mrs. Irma Patch, one of her teachers, Brianna is advocating for a greater awareness in our community regarding Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. She is very passionate about making everyone understand the effects of this autoimmune disease. In Sam Milligan’s US Government class, Briana took on the “role” of a US Representative and wrote a Bill to help children who are living with this painful disease. The “Bill” was passed by the Legislature an signed into “Law” by the President, Sam Milligan, himself. Briana is also currently being featured on the Arthritis Foundation website at She, also voluntarily ran for the Dutchess of Carrot at the Citrus Parade in Mission, Texas so she could continue advocate for this cause. Briana is an inspiration for other children who share similar obstacles in their lives. As, stated by Mrs. Patch, “Obstacles aren’t there to prevent us from reaching our goals, it just means that we have to work a little harder. When we do finally reach our goals, it makes them that much richer.” Brianna plans to attend the University of Texas at Pan American beginning in the Fall, 2014. Keep Moving Forward Brianna!!! Health Science Clinical Rotations Students in Action! Students in Dora Velasquez’ Health Science Clinical Rotations class received lessons in IV starts and phlebotomy as well as suturing. The students will learn that there are five specific purposes for IV therapy and they include: Providing maintenance requirements for fluids and electrolytes. • Replacing previous losses • Replacing concurrent losses • Providing nutrition/vitamin replacement • Providing a mechanism for the administration of medications and/or the transfusion of blood and blood components. Whether traumatic or iatrogenic, the goals in caring for wounds are to obtain complete closure while minimizing complications, such as infection or unsightly scarring. Students will gain insight into the anatomy of the skin, principles of healing, and basic wound care. Basic biopsy and excision techniques, suturing methods, undermining, skin stapling, and the application of adhesives will be demonstrated and practiced. Students in the Health Science Clinical Rotations classes are gaining the knowledge and insight to determine if the medical field is right for them. When asked, the majority have only one response, “Yes!” Rachel Tunberg (EHS senior in Mrs. Monica Trevino’s Health Science Clinical Rotations)) assists with an IV in the ER during Health Science Clinical Rotations at Edinburg Regional Hospital. Rachel’s interest in science is evident in the way she has excelled in the advanced science classes she has taken in high school. Robert Vela High School HOSA Excels! Students in Eric Fong’s HOSA competed at district. Bringing home the medals are: Left to Right Back Row: Andrew Castellano - 3rd in Pathophysiology / State Qualifier in Health Care Issues, Alyssa Cantu - 1st in Transcultural Health Care, Jonathan Corpos - 1st in Medical Spelling Left to Right Front Row: Alexandra Trevino - 4th in Health Education, Vanessa Gonzalez - 5th in Medical Reading Congratulations RVHS HOSA! Edinburg High School Sophomore Named HOSA Area 7 President There is exciting news for Edinburg High School HOSA Team! Edinburg High School is proud to announce that Sophomore Marco Trevino will serve as the Texas HOSA Area 7 President for the 2014 – 2015 school year. Marco, an active member of the EHS HOSA has also completed a total of 150+ healthcare related community service hours. Marco is pictured above being sworn in to his newly elected office as Texas HOSA Area 7 President. Edinburg High School FFA Finds More Action at RGVLS! Aside from showing animals, students participated in other Livestock Show related activities at the Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show. Itza Garza graciously competed in the Cover Girl Competition and Marisol Saaverda had some good ol’ fashioned fun catching a pig in the Grease Pig Scramble. As a result of her catching the greased pig, Marisol was awarded $150 to buy a pig for next year’s FFA project. She is shown below with her hard working hands! Also pictured are 4th place winner… and 5th place OPB Hog winner Tristan Olivarez. The young men placed out of a field of 36 hogs and will receive a premium for placing their animals. Mr. Ponce and Mr. Moreno said they are proud of their hard work and dedication to the FFA program. A Visit to STC Manufacturing Lab Career and Technical Education staff members from Edinburg High School and Johnny G. Economedes High School attended the 2nd STEM Workshop at the South Texas College Technology Campus. The purpose of the workshop was to have participants get an in-depth view of what a Precision Manufacturing Technology program offers to students, schools, and the community. The event was held on Wednesday, February 26th . Participants were able to create a wind chime from aluminum and copper tubing. They experienced using a lathe and mill to drill holes in the metal tubing Pictured below are Janie J. Lopez, EHS CTE counselor, Mario Reyna, STC Dean of Business and Technology Division who quoted, "The world is changing around us and we need to change with it. We need to prepare our students.” and Rachel R. Garza, JEHS CTE Counselor ENHS – Healthy Emotions are Your Key to Success Dr. Marsha Nelson was a guest speaker to Mrs. Pulido's and Mrs. Weber's Lifetime Nutrition and Wellness classes at ENHS. Her presentation was given in the Library at ENHS and was considered very interesting by the students. The workshop is based on the work of psychologist/ author Dr. Lucia Capacchione’s, book The Art of Emotional Expression. Drs.Capacchione and Nelson co-founded the Creative Journal Expressive Arts certification program in 1997. and the Visioning® certification in 2007. Experiencing the 9 emotions through the use of the CD music, Sound of Feelings Sampler by Jessie Allen Cooper is an opportunity to release feelings that are pent up within the participant. Unexpressed emotions can lead to unconscious problems with relationships, health, school work, decision making, etc. The workshop strives to explain the human brain and how our emotions are seated in the right hemisphere. The goal was for student to learn techniques to achieve emotional equilibrium through the use of music and scribbling, to allow a person’s feelings to live and breathe in order to grasp what they are dealing with at this time in their life and to offer the Creative Journaling technique in order to deal with difficult, strong, or overpowering feelings once the emotion has surfaced in our consciousness. The Art of Emotional Expression is a healthy and fun way to recognize the feelings which we carry consciously or unconsciously in our bodies. By using the expressive arts tools of music, drawing, and the powerful Creative Journaling technique, a participant will be able to recognize blocked emotions within themselves and others. Once we recognize an emotion we can make a conscious decision how to respond to a situation. ENHS Child Development Class Creates Unique Cake! As anyone who has ever been near a baby--let alone had one--knows, babies go through a lot of diapers. If you have been invited to a baby shower and want to bring a creative and really useful gift, bring a diaper cake. Don't worry, this is not an edible cake--its a bunch of diapers stacked together to look like a cake! Diaper cakes are easy to make, affordable and thoughtful. (Wiki How to Do Anything) Attached is a picture of the diaper cake that students in Tephanie Cadena’s Child Development class made for Mrs. Michele Gonzalez's baby shower for her baby girl. The class had fun learning to make a diaper cake! JEHS BPA Heads to Indiana! Broadcast News Team Placed 2nd in Broadcast News Production Team at the State Leadership Conference in Houston Members: Leonel Martinez, Lina Lopez, Olivia Huerta and Cesar Bautista State Qualifier Team Casandra Ramos, Olive Huerta, Mercedes De La Cruz, Lina Lopez, Jeremy Garza, Brisania Villarreal, Gabriel Martinez, Cesar Baustista, Jacob Castro, Leonel Martinez and Nisha Sanchez. BPA Goes to Nationals!!!!! Again, we have a team that advanced to the BPA National Level. Nationals will be held in Indianapolis, Indiana from April 30 - May 4th. It is a team of four students that qualified in Broadcast News Production: Lina Lopez, Cesar Baustista, Leo Martinez and Olivia Huerta. I am excited because two of the team members are underclassman. We placed 2nd in the state only to be out-shined by Susan Smith's team of which one member is a Jaguar! Pictures soon to follow. It’s Career & Technical Education Letterman Jacket Time! Students at Edinburg High School tried on letterman jackets for a perfect fit for the much deserved Career & Technical Education letterman jacket they will receive for meeting the following criteria: be in a Career & Technical Education Student Organization (CTSO), earn three or more credits in a CTE coherent sequence of courses, earn ten or more hours of community service and compete in a CTSO event while in the club. If the student already has earned a letterman jacket in another organization, such as Michael Harrison, then, the student may only earn a letterman patch from CTE. Pictured at right is an EHS senior trying on a letterman jacket. Pictured left is Michael Harrison wearing an athletic letterman jacket. As per UIL rule, students can only earn one jacket in high school…but not is all lost! Through CTE involvement, students can order a CTSO patch for the jackets they already have. Look for more exciting events in the May 2014 CTE Newsletter! See ya then! Dr. René Gutiérrez Dr. Mario H. Salinas Dr. Maria Luisa Guerra Dr. Rebecca Morrison Eduardo J. Moreno Ronaldo Cavazos ECISD Administration Superintendent of Schools Assistant Superintendent for Support Services Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations Assistant Superintendent for Technology Services Assistant Superintendent for Student Services For more information on Career & Technical Education, contact: Arminda Lozano Mary Santiago Maria C. Esquivel Janie J. Lopez Kappie Mejia Rachel R. Garza Jacob Olmeda CTE Director CTE Supervisor College Readiness Supervisor EHS CTE Counselor ENHS CTE Counselor JEHS CTE Counselor RVHS CTE Counselor [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Ext. 2422 Ext. 8003 Ext. 7863 Ext. 6572 Ext. 6790 Ext. 7096 Ext. 6431
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