Evaluating the Performance of EHS Responsibility

“Due diligence is what we promote, risk management is what we support”
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Evaluating the Performance of EHS Responsibility
UIRM- GL_002
March 2014
University policy 1-450 Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Risk Management System
details specific health and safety responsibilities for each position within Ryerson’s internal
responsibility system. The internal responsibility system is the legal framework of
accountability for due diligence, under the Ontario OHS Act. The policy directs that the
performance of these due diligence actions be evaluated to ensure the integrity of the internal
responsibility system in managing EHS risk. The following guideline outlines key performance
evaluation measures.
Performance Measures
1. Performance evaluations should be conducted on an annual basis with a focus on
demonstrating the due diligence actions specified in policy 1-450 and benchmarks
established by the individual division, faculty, school, department or unit. The Department of
Integrated Risk Management (IRM) can assist in defining these benchmarks.
EHS Performance Guideline UEHS-GL_001 Core Competency outlines competency criteria
for each member of the Ryerson community. These criteria are associated with performing
the scope of due diligence responsibility and require corresponding development plans to
achieve the related proficiencies.
3. In evaluating the performance of EHS responsibilities the following indicators should be
core competency development plan progress;
workplace inspection findings and corrective action response;
formal EHS management system audit performance plan achievements;
accident and near-miss profiles;
refusal to work profiles;
risk assessments and management plan achievements;
Ministry of Labor orders; and
EHS concerns profile and response
4. Performance evaluations should be documented and filed with all formal departmental
human resources records.