MEDICAL POLICY POLICY TITLE MAMMOGRAPHY ( INCLUDING COMPUTER AIDED DETECTION MAMMOGRAPHY, DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS, AND POSITRON EMISSION MAMMOGRAPHY) POLICY NUMBER MP-5.008 Original Issue Date (Created): July 1, 2002 Most Recent Review Date (Revised): July 22, 2014 Effective Date: December 1, 2014 POLICY RATIONALE DISCLAIMER POLICY HISTORY PRODUCT VARIATIONS DEFINITIONS CODING INFORMATION DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND BENEFIT VARIATIONS REFERENCES I. POLICY Note: Refer to Capital Blue Cross’s Health Maintenance Guidelines for recommendations concerning the use of mammography for screening indications for adult Members covered under commercial products. For Sr. Blue products please see below for the designated Health Maintenance Guidelines. Sr. Blue HMO - Sr. Blue PPO - A mammogram may be considered medically necessary, regardless of age if the patient has the following: A personal history of breast cancer; or Exhibits distinct symptoms for which a mammogram is indicated such as (but not limited to) the following: o Breast mass or nodes; o Tender or painful breasts; o Nipple discharge; or o Change in the color, surface size and/or shape of the breast, skin, or nipple. A mammogram may be considered medically necessary and appropriate regardless of age for patients with: A history or presence of endometrial cancer; or Metastases or nodes in areas of the body other than the breast; or A history of previous suspicious lesions or masses of the breast; or Page 1 MEDICAL POLICY POLICY TITLE MAMMOGRAPHY ( INCLUDING COMPUTER AIDED DETECTION MAMMOGRAPHY, DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS, AND POSITRON EMISSION MAMMOGRAPHY) POLICY NUMBER MP-5.008 In cases where palpation is impaired due to large, fatty breasts, implanted or augmented breasts. A mammogram may be considered medically necessary for a patient with fibrocystic disease that is experiencing any of the aforementioned symptoms or conditions. Direct full-field digital mammography may be considered medically necessary, both as a screening or diagnostic technique. Computer-Aided Detection Mammography Computer-assisted detection devices used as an adjunct to single-reader interpretation of digitized film screening mammograms, or used as an adjunct to single-reader interpretation of direct, full field digital mammography may be considered medically necessary. Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Digital breast tomosynthesis is considered investigational in the screening or diagnosis of breast cancer. There is insufficient evidence to support a conclusion concerning the health outcomes or benefits associated with this procedure. Positron Emission Mammography (PEM) The use of positron emission mammography (PEM) is considered investigational. There is insufficient evidence to support a conclusion concerning the health outcomes or benefits associated with this procedure. Cross References: MP-5.021 Scintimammography /Breast Specific Gamma Imaging/Molecular Breast Imaging MP-5.002 MRI of the Breast With or Without Computer-Aided Detection of Malignancy (Cancer and Breast Implant Indications) II. PRODUCT VARIATIONS Top [N] = No product variation, policy applies as stated [Y] = Standard product coverage varies from application of this policy, see below [N] Capital Cares 4 Kids [N] Indemnity [N] PPO [N] SpecialCare [Y] HMO* [N] POS [N] SeniorBlue HMO [Y] FEP PPO** [N] SeniorBlue PPO Page 2 MEDICAL POLICY POLICY TITLE MAMMOGRAPHY ( INCLUDING COMPUTER AIDED DETECTION MAMMOGRAPHY, DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS, AND POSITRON EMISSION MAMMOGRAPHY) POLICY NUMBER MP-5.008 * All members may self-refer to a participating provider for their screening mammograms, including a baseline mammogram between ages 35-39. **Refer to FEP Medical Policy Manual MP-6.01.53 Digital Breast Tomosynthesis and MP6.01.52 Positive Emission Mammography (PEM). The FEP Medical Policy manual can be found at: III. DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND Top A mammogram is an x-ray image of the breast. A screening mammogram is used to detect early breast cancer in asymptomatic women. Diagnostic mammography is used to tailor the mammographic examination to evaluate patients with breast symptoms. Symptoms can include breast pain, nipple discharge, or palpable masses. Diagnostic mammograms are also used to clarify potential abnormalities detected on screening studies and for evaluating patients with past history of breast cancer. Film screen mammography refers to the use of radiosensitive phosphors and film emulsion systems to capture an x-ray image on film. Full screen digital mammography refers to the use of radiosensitive digital detectors to capture and store the x-ray image for display on highresolution CRT monitors without the use of film. As of 2005, both have been shown to be equivalent for the detection of breast cancer. The Mammography Act (Act 148 of 1992) is a Pennsylvania state mandate, which requires insurers to provide for one annual mammogram for women age forty (40) and over and for any other mammogram recommended by a physician for women under age forty (40). Early detection of breast cancer reduces morbidity and mortality. Computer-Aided Detection Mammography Screening mammograms have a wide variability in interpretation and accuracy among radiologists. Some of the reasons for this include the complex radiographic structure of the breast. Computer-assisted diagnosis (CAD) has been suggested as an adjunct to screening mammograms to decrease errors in perception (i.e. failure to see an abnormality). Studies have shown that CAD increases the number of cancers detected during screening mammography. Early detection of cancer allows for early treatment interventions, which may lead to a higher cure rate. Page 3 MEDICAL POLICY POLICY TITLE MAMMOGRAPHY ( INCLUDING COMPUTER AIDED DETECTION MAMMOGRAPHY, DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS, AND POSITRON EMISSION MAMMOGRAPHY) POLICY NUMBER MP-5.008 The use of CAD systems requires a digitized image, either generated by digitization of a screening film mammogram, or generated directly. Commercially available CAD systems then use computerized algorithms for identifying suspicious regions of interest on the digital image. The locations of the abnormalities are marked such that the reader can then reference the same areas in the original mammogram for further review. The intent of CAD is to aid in detection of potential abnormalities for the radiologist to re-review. CAD systems are not designed to replace original mammograms or to replace the radiologist’s reading. The radiologist, not CAD, makes the diagnosis if a clinically significant abnormality exists and determines whether future diagnostic evaluation is warranted. The distinction between digitized screen-film mammograms (SFM) and direct full-field digital mammograms (FFDM) is important. Since these two images are generated in different ways, the associated diagnostic performance of adjunctive CAD must be considered separately. Conceptually, the CAD systems used with digital mammography are very similar to those used with film mammography. The computer analyzes the digital images collected directly by the FFDM system, applies a set of algorithms that capture characteristics known to be associated potentially with malignancies, and produces an image with markings that show the site of suspicious findings. Sometimes, different marks are used for suspected masses and suspected microcalcifications. The major difference between CAD for FFDM and CAD for SFM is the extensive data set provided by the former and its interaction with the CAD algorithms. Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Digital breast tomosynthesis uses modified digital mammography equipment to obtain additional radiographic data that are used to reconstruct cross-sectional “slices” of breast tissue. Tomosynthesis may improve the accuracy of digital mammography by reducing problems caused by overlapping tissue. Tomosynthesis typically involves additional imaging time and radiation exposure, although a recently improved modification may change this. Conventional mammography produces 2-dimensional (2D) images of the breast. Overlapping tissue on a 2D image can mask suspicious lesions or make benign tissue appear suspicious, particularly in women with dense breast tissue. As a result, women may be recalled for additional mammographic spot views. Inaccurate results may lead to unnecessary biopsies and emotional stress, or to a potential delay in diagnosis. Spot views often are used to evaluate microcalcifications, opacities, or architectural distortions; to distinguish masses from overlapping tissue; and to view possible findings close to the chest wall or in the retro-areolar area behind the nipple.(1) The National Cancer Institute (NCI) reports that approximately 20% of cancers are missed at mammography screening.(2) Average recall rates are approximately 10%, with an average cancer detection rate of 4.7 per 1000 screening mammography examinations.(3) The Mammography Quality Standards Act audit guidelines anticipate 2-10 cancers detected per 1000 screening mammograms.(4) Interval cancers, which are detected between screenings, tend to have poorer prognoses.(5) Digital breast tomosynthesis was developed to improve the accuracy of mammography by capturing 3-dimensional (3D) images of the breast, further clarifying areas of overlapping tissue. Developers proposed that its use would result in increased sensitivity and Page 4 MEDICAL POLICY POLICY TITLE MAMMOGRAPHY ( INCLUDING COMPUTER AIDED DETECTION MAMMOGRAPHY, DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS, AND POSITRON EMISSION MAMMOGRAPHY) POLICY NUMBER MP-5.008 specificity, as well as fewer recalls due to inconclusive results.(6) Digital breast tomosynthesis produces a 3D image by taking multiple low-dose images per view along an arc over the breast. During breast tomosynthesis, the compressed breast remains stationary while the x-ray tube moves approximately 1 degree for each image in a 15-50 degree arc, acquiring 11-49 images.(7) These images are projected as cross-sectional “slices” of the breast, with each slice typically 1-mm thick. Adding breast tomosynthesis takes about 10 seconds per view. In one study in a research setting, mean (SD) time for interpretation of results was 1.22 (1.15) minutes for digital mammography and 2.39 (1.65) minutes for combined digital mammography and breast tomosynthesis. (8) With conventional 2D mammography, breast compression helps decrease tissue overlap and improve visibility. By reducing problems with overlapping tissue, compression with breast tomosynthesis may be reduced by up to 50%. This change could result in improved patient satisfaction. (7)A machine equipped with breast tomosynthesis can perform 2D digital mammography, 3D digital mammography, or a combination of both 2D and 3D mammography during a single compression. Radiation exposure from tomosynthesis is roughly equivalent to mammography. Therefore, adding tomosynthesis to mammography doubles the radiation dose, although it still is below the maximum allowable dose established in the U.S. Mammography Quality Standards Act. Studies typically compare 1-view (i.e., mediolateral oblique view [MLO]), or more commonly, 2-view (MLO plus cranio-caudal view [CC]) breast tomosynthesis alone or combined with standard 2D mammography to standard 2D mammography alone. A 2014 TEC Assessment focused on 2-view tomosynthesis.(9) The FDA Radiological Devices Panel, which reviewed this new modality in 2011, recommended that 2- view breast tomosynthesis is preferable to 1-view tomosynthesis (both used in combination with full-field digital mammography).(10) In May 2013, FDA approved new tomosynthesis software that permits creation of 2D images (called C view) from images obtained during tomosynthesis. (11) As a result, 2D mammography may become unnecessary, thereby lowering radiation dose. In other words, only the tomosynthesis procedure will be needed, and both 2D and 3D images will be created. It is too early to gauge how traditional mammography plus tomosynthesis compares with C view plus tomosynthesis FDA Status The Selenia® Dimensions® 3D System manufactured by Hologic, Inc. (Bedford, MA), received U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval on February 11, 2011 through the premarket application (PMA) approval process (PMA# P080003). Currently it is the only commercially-available tomosynthesis system with FDA-approval. This system is a software and hardware upgrade of the Selenia® Dimensions 2D full-field digital mammography system, which FDA approved in 2008. Facilities using a digital breast tomosynthesis system must apply to FDA for a certificate extension covering use of the breast tomosynthesis portion of the unit. The Mammography Quality Standards Act requires interpreting physicians, radiologic technologists, and medical physicists to complete 8 hours of digital breast tomosynthesis training, and mandates a detailed mammography equipment evaluation before use. In May 2013, FDA also approved Hologic's C-View 2D imaging software. This software is used to create 2D images from the tomosynthesis results, rather than perform a separate mammogram. Several other manufacturers are working toward FDA approval of their digital breast tomosynthesis systems. GE Healthcare is seeking FDA-approval for breast tomosynthesis, specifically as an add-on option for the Senographe™ Essential mammography device. FDA has agreed to a modular PMA submission, which means that GE Healthcare will submit the request in different sections. The first of 4 sections was submitted in November 2011. Three completed trials sponsored by GE are listed at online site, They focus on the use of breast tomosynthesis in routine screening (NCT00535678), in diagnostic mammography (NCT00535327), and for breast biopsy (NCT00535184). Results do not appear to have been published to date. Page 5 MEDICAL POLICY POLICY TITLE MAMMOGRAPHY ( INCLUDING COMPUTER AIDED DETECTION MAMMOGRAPHY, DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS, AND POSITRON EMISSION MAMMOGRAPHY) POLICY NUMBER MP-5.008 Positron Emission Mammography (PEM) Positron emission mammography (PEM) is a form of positron emission tomography (PET) that uses a high-resolution, mini-camera detection technology for imaging the breast. As with PET, PEM provides functional rather than anatomic information about the breast. PEM has been studied primarily for use in presurgical planning and staging; it also has been used to monitor therapy response and breast cancer recurrence Positron emission mammography (PEM) is a form of positron emission tomography (PET) that uses a high-resolution, mini-camera detection technology for imaging the breast. As with PET, a radiotracer, usually 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG), is administered and the camera is used to provide a higher resolution image of a limited section of the body than would be achievable with FDG-PET. Gentle compression is used, and the detector(s) are mounted directly on the compression paddle(s). (1-3) PEM was developed to overcome the limitations of PET for detecting breast cancer tumors. Patients usually are supine for PET procedures, and the breast tissue may spread above the chest wall, making it potentially difficult to differentiate breast lesions from other organs that take up the radiopharmaceutical. PET’s resolution is generally limited to about 5 mm, which may not detect early breast cancer tumors. (4) PEM allows for the detection of lesions smaller than 2 cm and creates images that are more easily compared to mammography, since they are acquired in the same position. Three-dimensional reconstruction of the PEM images is also possible. As with PET, PEM provides functional rather than anatomic information on the breast. (1-3) In studies of PEM, exclusion criteria included some patients with diabetes (e.g., references (5, 6)). PET may be used for other indications for breast cancer patients, namely, detecting loco-regional or distant recurrence or metastasis (except axillary lymph nodes) when suspicion of disease is high and other imaging is inconclusive. Regulatory Status In August 2003, the PEM 2400 PET Scanner (PEM Technologies, Inc.) was cleared for marketing by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) through the 510(k) process. The FDA determined that this device was substantially equivalent to existing devices for use in “medical purposes to image and measure the distribution of injected positron emitting radiopharmaceuticals in human beings for the purpose of determining various metabolic and physiologic functions within the human body.” In March 2009, the Naviscan PEM Flex Solo II High Resolution PET Scanner (Naviscan, Inc.) was cleared for marketing by the FDA through the 510(k) process for the same indication. The PEM 2400 PET Scanner was the predicate device. The newer device is described by the manufacturer as “a high spatial resolution, small field-of-view PET imaging system specifically developed for close-range, spot, i.e., limited field, imaging.” On September 11, 2008, there was a class 2 recall of the Naviscan PET Systems Inc. PEM Flex™ Solo II PET Scanner due to “a report from a user indicating that the motorized compression exceeded 25 pounds of compression force during the pre-scan positioning of the patient.” Software for the PEM Flex™ Solo I and PEM Flex™ Solo II PET scanners was Page 6 MEDICAL POLICY POLICY TITLE MAMMOGRAPHY ( INCLUDING COMPUTER AIDED DETECTION MAMMOGRAPHY, DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS, AND POSITRON EMISSION MAMMOGRAPHY) POLICY NUMBER MP-5.008 recalled in August 2007. One report indicated that the Mexican medical company, Compañía Mexicana de Radiología SA de CV (CMR), acquired Naviscan in December 2013 and plans to file a new marketing approval application with FDA to sell the PEM Flex™ Solo II PET Scanner in the U.S. (9) However, no applications from CMR were found on FDA websites IV. RATIONALE Top Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Literature Review Primary outcomes to be examined include the number of cancers detected and the number of unnecessary recalls and biopsies. Improvement in sensitivity and specificity of testing is an intermediate outcome that will impact ultimate health outcomes, but is not by itself sufficient to establish that outcomes are improved. If the sensitivity of breast cancer detection is improved by tomosynthesis, then the number of cases detected will increase. If the specificity of cancer detection is improved, then the number of recalls and biopsies for patients without cancer will decrease. If tomosynthesis is performed during screening, the number of unnecessary recalls may decline, along with attendant anxiety and inconvenience for the patient. If tomosynthesis is performed as part of the diagnostic workup, after a woman is recalled for questionable findings during screening, then a lower false-positive rate could prevent unnecessary biopsies. Screening The 2014 TEC Assessment identified 4 studies that addressed the use of mammography with or without digital breast tomosynthesis for screening. These studies are summarized below. The strongest evidence for using mammography and breast tomosynthesis for screening women for breast cancer comes from interim results of a large 2013 trial in Norway.(12, 13) The sample comprised 12,621 women with 121 cancers detected on routine screening. Cancer detection rate was 6.1 per 1000 screenings for mammography alone and 8.0 per 1000 screenings for mammography plus digital breast tomosynthesis. Cancers missed by digital breast tomosynthesis were missed due to reading errors, either detection or interpretation.(14) After adjusting for reader differences, the ratio of cancer detection rates for mammography plus breast tomosynthesis versus mammography alone was 1.27 (98.5% confidence interval [CI], 1.06 to 1.53; p=0.001). The authors did not ascertain any improvement in detecting ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) by adding breast tomosynthesis; i.e., additional cancers detected were mostly invasive. The false-positive rate was 61.1 per 1000 screenings for mammography alone and 53.1 per 1000 screenings for mammography plus breast tomosynthesis. A reduction in the falsepositive rate would decrease the number of women recalled after screening for additional imaging or biopsy. In Norway, as in much of Europe, women are screened every other year, and 2 readers independently interpret the images, which differs from usual practice in the U.S. After adjusting for differences across readers, the ratio of false-positive rates for mammography plus Page 7 MEDICAL POLICY POLICY TITLE MAMMOGRAPHY ( INCLUDING COMPUTER AIDED DETECTION MAMMOGRAPHY, DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS, AND POSITRON EMISSION MAMMOGRAPHY) POLICY NUMBER MP-5.008 breast tomosynthesis versus mammography alone was 0.85 (98.5% CI, 0.76 to 0.96; p<0.001). For this interim analysis, only limited data were available about interval cancers so “conventional absolute sensitivity and specificity” could not be estimated. Additional information will be available when the trial (NCT01248546) is completed (estimated study completion date, September 2015). The second study (STORM) examined comparative cancer detection for traditional mammography with or without breast tomosynthesis in a general Italian, asymptomatic screening population of 7292 women. (15) The reference standard was pathology for women undergoing biopsies; women with negative results on both mammography and breast tomosynthesis were not followed up, so neither sensitivity nor specificity could be calculated. Mammography plus breast tomosynthesis revealed all 59 cancers; 20 (34%) were missed by traditional mammography (p<0.001). Incremental cancer detection by using both modalities was 2.7 cancers per 1000 screens (95% CI, 1.7 to 4.2). There were 395 false-positive results: 181 were false positive using either mammography or both imaging modalities together; an additional 141 occurred using mammography only; and 73 occurred using mammography and breast tomosynthesis combined (p<0.001). In preplanned analyses, combined results of mammography and digital breast tomosynthesis yielded more cancers in both age groups (<60 vs ≥60 years) and breast density categories (1 [least dense] and 2 vs 3 and 4 [most dense]). Another study compared results of mammography alone versus breast tomosynthesis plus mammography among 997 patients with mixed indications: 780 women were undergoing routine screening, and 217 were scheduled for biopsy. (16) Two retrospective reader studies were conducted. Some of these results were included in the submission to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for premarketing application approval of Hologic, Inc.’s Selenia® Dimensions tomosynthesis system. Readers were trained in interpreting tomosynthesis images, and training was augmented between the first and second reader studies to emphasize how to read certain lesions that were often misinterpreted in the first reader study. In both reader studies, the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) for mammography plus breast tomosynthesis was greater than for mammography alone; the difference for the second study was 6.8% (95% CI, 4.1% to 9.5%; p<0.001). For noncancer cases, adding breast tomosynthesis to mammography changed the mean recall rate across readers for study 2 from 48.8% (95% CI, 28.2% to 69.1%; SD=12.3%) to 30.1% (95% CI, 19.8% to 41.3%; SD=7.6%) for the combined modalities. Almost all of the improvement among readers was attributable to noncalcification cases, including masses, asymmetries, and architectural distortions. All of these studies had a medium risk of bias using the Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS)-2 tool (available online at:, except for the fourth screening study, which had a high risk of bias.(8, 17, 18) One of 3 related articles on this study reported that the recall rate among noncancer cases was 0.42 (95% CI, 0.38 to 0.45) for Page 8 MEDICAL POLICY POLICY TITLE MAMMOGRAPHY ( INCLUDING COMPUTER AIDED DETECTION MAMMOGRAPHY, DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS, AND POSITRON EMISSION MAMMOGRAPHY) POLICY NUMBER MP-5.008 digital mammography alone and 0.28 (95% CI, 0.25 to 0.31) for digital mammography plus breast tomosynthesis (p<0.001). Analogous rates for cancer cases were 0.88 (95% CI, 0.84 to 0.91) for digital mammography alone and 0.93 (95% CI, 0.90 to 0.96) for digital mammography plus breast tomosynthesis. Sensitivity of digital mammography alone was 60% and increased to 72% when breast tomosynthesis was added (p=0.034, but the authors note the small number of positive findings). These articles did not describe the sample, the time between digital mammography and breast tomosynthesis, or how the reference standard was verified. Several studies assessing digital breast tomosynthesis for breast cancer screening have been published subsequent to the TEC Assessment. These studies are summarized in Table 1. Studies by Friedewald et al (19) and Rose et al (20) were retrospective; all others were prospective. Studies consistently showed improved breast cancer detection rates (sensitivity) with addition of tomosynthesis to digital mammography. Improvements were not always statistically significant or statistical significance was not reported. Reduction in noncancer recall rate was observed in 2 studies, but reduction in noncancer biopsy rate was observed in only 1 of 2 studies. The smallest study (21) reported the largest improvements in performance with the addition of tomosynthesis. Performance of breast tomosynthesis did not vary by breast density or age group in 4 studies that examined these variables.(15, 20, 22, 23) Table 1 includes a study by Skaane et al (2014) of 2D images reconstructed from digital tomosynthesis (C view or synthesized 2D mammography).(24) In another study of C view tomosynthesis (N=236), Zuley et al (2014) compared diagnostic accuracy of synthesized 2D mammography and digital mammography, both alone and in combination with 3D breast tomosynthesis.(25) Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.894 and 0.889 for synthesized and digital mammography, respectively; with the addition of 3D tomosynthesis, values increased to 0.916 and 0.939, respectively. In the second half of the Skaane et al (2014) study (after improvements to 2D image processing were made), there was no statistical difference in cancer detection rates, positive predictive values, and false positive rates (noncancer recall rates) between synthesized and digital mammography (both in combination with tomosynthesis). Mean glandular radiation dose for a single mammographic view was 45% less in the synthesized mammography group compared with the digital mammography group (mean, 1.58 mGy vs 3.53 mGy, respectively. Table 1. Studies of Digital Breast Tomosynthesis for Breast Cancer Screening Noncancer Recall Rate Noncancer Biopsy Rate CDR/1000 Digital Mammography vs Digital Mammography + Tomosynthesis Bernardi 2014(15, 26-28) (STORM), N=7292 DM 2.8% NR 5.3 PPV NR Page 9 MEDICAL POLICY POLICY TITLE MAMMOGRAPHY ( INCLUDING COMPUTER AIDED DETECTION MAMMOGRAPHY, DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS, AND POSITRON EMISSION MAMMOGRAPHY) POLICY NUMBER MP-5.008 DM + DBT 2.2% NR 8.1 NR Destounis 2014(21), N=1048 DM 6.9% 1.9% 3.8 16.7% DM + DBT 0.6% 5.7 50.0% Friedewald 2014(19), N= 454,850 DM 10.1% 1.4% 4.2 4.3% DM + DBT 1.3% 5.4 Greenberg 2014(22), N=59,617 DM NR 1.75 49 DM + DBT 2.0% 1.0% 8.4% NR a 6.3 a 6.4% 23.8% a 22.8% Haas 2013(23), N=13,158 DM NR NR 5.2 NR DM + DBT NR 5.7 NR Rose 2013(20), N=23,355 DM 8.3% 4.9% 4.0 4.7% DM + DBT 0.8% 5.4 NR 7.8 32.1% NR 7.7 34.9% NR 1.1% a 10.1% Digital Mammography + Tomosynthesis vs 2D Tomosynthesis +3D Tomosynthesis Skaane 2014(24), N=12,270 DM + DBT 4.6% C view + DBT 4.5% b DBT, digital breast tomosynthesis (2-view unless noted otherwise); DM, digital mammography (2-view unless noted otherwise); NR, not reported a b Statistically significant difference from DM Second of 2 sequential cohorts reported here. Section summary. These studies provided some evidence that adding breast tomosynthesis to mammography may increase accuracy (and possibly sensitivity) of screening while reducing the number of women who are recalled unnecessarily. However, the available studies have methodological limitations. Several studies did not have adequate follow-up of women with negative screening results; 1 larger study provided interim results. Other studies were retrospective case reviews; patients had mixed or unclear indications for screening. More Page 10 MEDICAL POLICY POLICY TITLE MAMMOGRAPHY ( INCLUDING COMPUTER AIDED DETECTION MAMMOGRAPHY, DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS, AND POSITRON EMISSION MAMMOGRAPHY) POLICY NUMBER MP-5.008 recently, prospective and large retrospective studies have reported cancer detection rates with reduced false recall rates. This evidence is from nonrandomized designs with a lack of longterm follow-up to assess false negative results. Therefore, performance of digital breast tomosynthesis in the screening setting cannot be determined with certainty. Two studies of synthesized 2D mammography showed comparable diagnostic performance with digital mammography and lower radiation exposure. Replication of these findings is warranted. Diagnosis Lei et al (2014) conducted a systematic review with meta-analysis of 7 studies (total number of patients, 2014; total number of lesions, 2666) that compared digital breast tomosynthesis with digital mammography in patients with Breast Imaging-Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) 2 or higher breast lesions.(29) All studies were rated high quality using the QUADAS tool. As shown in Table 2, compared with histological diagnosis, performance of both imaging modalities was approximately similar; positive predictive values were low (57% for breast tomosynthesis and 50% for digital mammography), and negative predictive values were high. 2 Statistical heterogeneity in these analyses was considerable (I30) approximately 90%). Studies used both 1-view (n=4) and 2-view (n=3) breast tomosynthesis. Pooled sensitivity and specificity for only 1-view breast tomosynthesis studies were 81% and 77%, respectively; for 2view studies, pooled sensitivity and specificity were 97% and 79% respectively.( Table 2. Side-by-Side Comparison of Digital Breast Tomosynthesis and Digital Mammography Diagnostic Performance Compared with Histological Diagnosis: Pooled Results (29) Digital Breast Tomosynthesis, pooled estimate (95% CI) Digital Mammography, pooled estimate (95% CI) Sensitivity 90% (87 to 92) 89% (86 to 91) Specificity 79% (77 to 81) 72% (70 to 74) a 57% (53 to 61) 50% (46 to 53) 96% (95 to 97) 95% (94 to 97) 26.04 (8.70 to 77.95 3.50 (2.31 to 5.30) 0.15 (0.06 to 0.36) 0.867 16.24 (5.61 to 47.04) 2.83 (1.77 to 4.52) 0.18 (0.09 to 0.38) 0.856 PPV a NPV DOR LR+ LR– AUC AUC, area under the summary receiver operating characteristic curve; DOR, diagnostic odds ratio (ratio of the odds of positivity in cases to the odds of positivity in controls = [LR+] ÷ [LR–]); LR+, positive likelihood ratio (ratio of the Page 11 MEDICAL POLICY POLICY TITLE MAMMOGRAPHY ( INCLUDING COMPUTER AIDED DETECTION MAMMOGRAPHY, DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS, AND POSITRON EMISSION MAMMOGRAPHY) POLICY NUMBER MP-5.008 probability of positivity in cases to the probability of positivity in controls = sensitivity ÷ [1-specificity]); LR–, negative likelihood ratio (ratio of the probability of a negative result in cases to the probability of a negative result in controls = [1-sensitivity] ÷ specificity); NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value a Calculated by author The 2014 TEC Assessment identified 6 studies that addressed the use of breast tomosynthesis in the diagnostic setting, i.e., when there are suspicious findings on screening mammography or when the woman is symptomatic. Studies vary considerably in types of suspicious mammographic findings (e.g., calcifications vs noncalcifications); patient sample; and comparators to breast tomosynthesis (e.g., 2-view mammography, mammographic spot views, or ultrasound). One study had a medium risk of bias; the remainder, a high risk of bias using the QUADAS-2 tool. These studies are summarized below. In a study of 158 women consecutively recalled after screening mammography, breast tomosynthesis was evaluated as a possible triage tool to reduce the number of false-positive results.(31) Results of diagnostic assessment (including ultrasound and needle biopsy when performed) were used as the reference standard. Breast tomosynthesis eliminated 102 (65%) of 158 recalls, all of which were unnecessary (i.e., false-positive results on mammography). No cancers were missed on breast tomosynthesis. Performance of breast tomosynthesis did not vary by breast density or age group, but reduction in recalls was greater for asymmetric densities and distortions, and nodular opacities with regular margins. As noted by the authors, the observed decline in recall rates after breast tomosynthesis exceeded that observed in blinded comparisons of digital mammography and breast tomosynthesis. Another study compared the performance of mammographic spot views versus tomosynthesis among 52 consecutive recalled women with a BI-RADS rating on initial screening of 0 (which means “Need Additional Imaging Evaluation and/or Prior Mammograms for Comparison”).(1) Women with calcifications were excluded. The study was designed as a noninferiority analysis of area under the ROC curve, sensitivity, and specificity, with a noninferiority margin of delta=0.05, so that if breast tomosynthesis were noninferior to mammographic spot views, breast tomosynthesis could be performed right after screening mammography to avoid a recall. Sensitivity and specificity were extremely high for both modalities, and there was no statistically significant difference between them. A third study compared diagnostic mammography to breast tomosynthesis among women with abnormalities on screening mammography with no calcifications in a “simulated clinical setting.”(4) Breast tomosynthesis rating was based on both readers’ ratings and their confidence that no additional studies were needed, as well as ultrasound results in some cases. The reference standard was either results of the entire clinical workup, including biopsy if performed, or follow-up for women not undergoing biopsy (86% of the entire sample).There was no statistically significant difference between diagnostic mammography and breast tomosynthesis in sensitivity or specificity. Page 12 MEDICAL POLICY POLICY TITLE MAMMOGRAPHY ( INCLUDING COMPUTER AIDED DETECTION MAMMOGRAPHY, DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS, AND POSITRON EMISSION MAMMOGRAPHY) POLICY NUMBER MP-5.008 Two of the these 3studies found no difference in sensitivity and specificity between breast tomosynthesis and a clinical workup comprising diagnostic mammographic images or a more comprehensive diagnostic work-up. The third study examined the use of breast tomosynthesis to triage women recalled after screening and substantially reduced the recall rate. Another study evaluated 738 women with 759 lesions recalled after screening with film mammography. This unblinded study assessed the incremental value of breast tomosynthesis added to film and digital mammography.(32) The reference standard comprised pathology results or follow-up for 18 to 36 months. The addition of breast tomosynthesis to film and digital mammography increased the area under the ROC curve from 0.895 (95% CI, 0.871 to 0.919) to 0.967 (95% CI, 0.957 to 0.977) (p=0.001). Complete sensitivity (i.e., counting ratings of 3-5 as positive) increased from 39.7% for digital mammography to 58.3% when breast tomosynthesis was added; confidence intervals or p-values were not reported. Specificity increased from 51% to 74.2% when breast tomosynthesis was added to digital mammography. The difference in areas under the ROC curve after the addition of breast tomosynthesis was statistically significant for soft-tissue lesions, but not for microcalcifications. One study compared diagnostic mammography images to dual-view breast tomosynthesis in 217 lesions (72 [33%] malignant) among 182 women. (33) This retrospective study included women who had undergone diagnostic mammography and breast tomosynthesis. The sample included women with clinical symptoms such as a palpable lump, or findings on mammography, ultrasound, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Women with only calcifications were excluded. Area under the ROC curve was 0.83 (95% CI, 0.77 to 0.83; range across readers = 0.74-0.87) for diagnostic mammography, and 0.87 (95% CI: 0.82 to 0.92; range across readers = 0.80-0.92) for tomosynthesis (p<0.001). Authors of the Norse screening trial wrote about their initial experience with digital breast tomosynthesis in a clinical setting. (34) Several studies assessing diagnostic digital breast tomosynthesis have been published subsequently to the TEC Assessment. These studies are summarized in Table 3. These studies reported that addition of tomosynthesis to digital mammography increased diagnostic accuracy overall, with improvements in true-positive rates (sensitivity) exceeding improvements in truenegative rates (specificity). However, positive predictive value remained low (approximately 50%). Differences in test performance between studies (i.e., between Rafferty 2014(35) and Thibault 2013(36)) are likely due to the difference in technologies studied (2-view digital mammography plus 1-view tomosynthesis vs 1-view digital mammography plus 1-view tomosynthesis, respectively), but also to differences in sample size (310 vs 130, respectively), setting (U.S. vs Europe, respectively), number of readers (15 vs 7, respectively), training (150 cases vs 20 cases, respectively). Page 13 MEDICAL POLICY POLICY TITLE MAMMOGRAPHY ( INCLUDING COMPUTER AIDED DETECTION MAMMOGRAPHY, DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS, AND POSITRON EMISSION MAMMOGRAPHY) POLICY NUMBER MP-5.008 Table 3. Studies of Diagnostic Digital Breast Tomosynthesis AUC Sens Spec PPV NPV DM 0.828 63% 86% 47% 92% DM + 1-view DBT 0.864 a 71% 86% 50% 94% DM + 2-view DBT 0.895 a 79% 85% 50% 95% Rafferty 2014(35) N=310 Gennaro 2013(37) N=463 DM NR 76% NR NR NR 1-view ( CC) DM + 1-view DBT NR 79% NR NR NR DM 0.756 73% 53% 53% 74% 1-view ( CC) DM + 1-view DBT 0.780 68% 64% 58% 74% DM + 1-view DBT + US 0.763 81% 52% 55% 79% Thibault 2013(36) N=130 AUC, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve; CC, cranio-caudal; DBT, digital breast tomosynthesis; DM, digital mammography (2-view unless noted otherwise); MLO, mediolateral-oblique; NR, not reported; US, ultrasound Note: 1-view DBT is MLO unless noted otherwise. a b Statistically significant difference from DM Statistically significant difference from 1-view DBT Section summary. This mixed set of articles provides evidence of either a similar diagnostic performance between breast tomosynthesis and other approaches or an advantage for breast tomosynthesis. Mixed patient populations, differences in references standard, use of different imaging tests to compare with breast tomosynthesis, and variations in follow-up make it difficult to draw conclusions from these studies. Page 14 MEDICAL POLICY POLICY TITLE MAMMOGRAPHY ( INCLUDING COMPUTER AIDED DETECTION MAMMOGRAPHY, DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS, AND POSITRON EMISSION MAMMOGRAPHY) POLICY NUMBER MP-5.008 Summary Screening The Norse and Italian screening studies published in 2013 provide the strongest evidence available to date on the use of mammography plus digital breast tomosynthesis versus mammography alone for screening women for breast cancer. This evidence suggests that use of mammography plus breast tomosynthesis may modestly increase the number of cancers detected, with a large decrease in the number of women who undergo unnecessary recalls or biopsies. For example, in interim analysis of the Norse screening trial, the ratio of cancer detection rates per 1000 screens for mammography plus breast tomosynthesis versus mammography alone was 1.27 (98.5% CI, 1.06 to 1.53; p=0.001). The ratio of false-positive rates for mammography plus breast tomosynthesis versus mammography alone was 0.85 (98.5% CI, 0.76 to 0.96; p<0.001). Even if adding breast tomosynthesis simply maintained the same sensitivity as mammography, a decline in the false-positive rate would reduce the substantial number of unnecessary diagnostic work-ups in the U.S. and spare women the psychological stress these engender Additional studies generally have supported these findings, with no observed differences in test performance across subgroups defined by age or breast density. However, all studies were nonrandomized. Lack of long-term follow-up prevents assessment of false negative results and full assessment of test performance. Further, overall impacts on health outcomes are unknown. Long-term effects of additional radiation exposure also are unknown. For these reasons, digital breast tomosynthesis is considered investigational. A trial that randomizes women to digital mammography with or without tomosynthesis, or performs both screening methods in the same woman, is required to demonstrate that improvements in screening are due to tomosynthesis and not to confounding variables, e.g., patient characteristics or radiologist experience in tomosynthesis interpretation The configuration of mammography and breast tomosynthesis used in these studies roughly doubled the radiation dose of mammography alone, but exposure was still lower than the guideline established in the Mammography Standards and Quality Act. On May 20, 2013, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved new tomosynthesis software from Hologic, Inc. that creates a 2D image from tomosynthesis images (C view), obviating the need for a separate mammogram. This approach reduces the radiation dose of the combination. Two studies reported comparable performance with digital mammography plus breast tomosynthesis, which reduces radiation exposure. Results warrant replication. Diagnosis The potential of digital breast tomosynthesis, as an addition to diagnostic mammography (such as spot views), is primarily to reduce the number of women who are biopsied by screening out some fraction of women who have false-positive results. The body of evidence on breast tomosynthesis to evaluate women who are recalled for a diagnostic work-up after a suspicious Page 15 MEDICAL POLICY POLICY TITLE MAMMOGRAPHY ( INCLUDING COMPUTER AIDED DETECTION MAMMOGRAPHY, DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS, AND POSITRON EMISSION MAMMOGRAPHY) POLICY NUMBER MP-5.008 finding on screening mammography is weaker than that on adding breast tomosynthesis to mammography for screening. Confounding this analysis is the fact that diagnostic mammography is not the only imaging modality used during the diagnostic work-up. Ultrasound is also commonly used and less often, MRI. As a result, study designs are more complicated in terms of how they incorporate ultrasound into the comparison between diagnostic mammography and breast tomosynthesis. A different research design is needed to assess the incremental value of tomosynthesis compared with currently-used diagnostic tests. Additionally, some studies focused on 1 type of finding, eg, masses versus calcification. These studies do not provide data on the accuracy of breast tomosynthesis for the full range of findings. Ongoing Research Digital breast tomosynthesis continues to be an active field of investigation. A search of online site,, identified 17 active studies of digital breast tomosynthesis. All but 2 studies had sample sizes larger than 100, and 6 studies were larger than 1000 (eg, 15,000 [NCT01091545] and 25,000 [NCT01248546, the study whose interim analysis was reported by Skaane et al (2013) (12)]). A large study with target enrollment of 12,000 was suspended due to funding unavailability (NCT01593384). Several studies have assessed different breast tomosynthesis equipment, including a study of the Siemens Inspiration Digital Breast Tomosynthesis system (NCT01373671) and 3 completed studies sponsored by GE Healthcare that have not yet been published (NCT NCT00535184, NCT NCT00535327, NCT00535678). Practice Guidelines and Position Statements American College of Radiology (ACR) ACR does not include digital breast tomosynthesis in its Appropriateness Criteria for screening (38) or diagnostic (39) breast imaging. However, in a joint news release with the Society of Breast Imaging after release of the Norse study interim analysis by Skaane et al (2013)(12), the organizations stated, “While the study results are promising, they do not provide adequate information to define the role of tomosynthesis in clinical practice.” (40) They also noted that while cancer detection was greater with tomosynthesis, it is unknown whether incremental health benefits would be the same during a second round of screening. Furthermore, they noted “how the technology will affect screening accuracy among women of different ages, risk profiles and parenchymal density is uncertain. In addition, how this technology would affect reader performance among U.S. radiologists with varying practice patterns and expertise is also uncertain. Other questions include whether computer aided detection will provide any further benefit, and if reconstructed images (presumably 2D) can be used, in lieu of standard full field digital images, to reduce radiation dose.” Page 16 MEDICAL POLICY POLICY TITLE MAMMOGRAPHY ( INCLUDING COMPUTER AIDED DETECTION MAMMOGRAPHY, DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS, AND POSITRON EMISSION MAMMOGRAPHY) POLICY NUMBER MP-5.008 American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) In its 2011 practice bulletin on breast cancer screening, ACOG noted that digital breast tomosynthesis is 1 of several screening techniques that were considered but not recommended for routine screening. (41) National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) According to the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, “Early studies show promise for tomosynthesis mammography. Two large trials showing a combined use of digital mammography and tomosynthesis resulted in improved cancer detection and decreased call back rates; of note, this is double the dose of radiation and is a factor in recommending this modality. Definitive studies are still pending.” (42) U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) In 2009, USPSTF updated its recommendations for breast cancer screening using film mammography and using methods other than film mammography. (43) USPSTF recommends mammography and digital mammography but does not include digital tomosynthesis. However, the Department of Health and Human Services, in implementing the Affordable Care Act, utilizes USPSTF 2002 recommendations on breast cancer screening.(44) These recommendations do not include digital breast tomosynthesis. USPSTF is in the process of updating its recommendations for breast cancer screening. (45) Positron Emission Mammography PEM for Use in Women With Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer as Part of Presurgical Planning The published literature, comprising 2 prospective, nonrandomized comparative studies, 1 prospective, single-arm study, and a meta-analysis that included these studies, is summarized. Nonrandomized Comparative Studies Schilling et al (2011) conducted a single-site, prospective study comparing PEM and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (1.5 T) for presurgical planning. (10) Performance of PEM, MRI, and whole body positron emission tomography (WBPET) were compared with final surgical histopathology in women with newly diagnosed, biopsy-proven breast cancer. For PEM and WBPET (performed consecutively), median 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) dose was 432.9 MBq (equivalent to 11.7 mCi); 4-to-6 hour fasting glucose less than 7.8 mmol/L was required for study entry. One of 6 readers evaluated PEM, radiographic mammography, and MRI images with access to conventional imaging (mammography or ultrasound) results “but without influence of the alternative (PEM or MRI) imaging modality”; WBPET images were interpreted by a nuclear medicine physician. For evaluating PEM images, readers used a proposed PEM lexicon based on MRI BI-RADS (Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System). Patients underwent surgery approximately 3 weeks after PEM and WBPET imaging. Of 250 patients approached to participate in this study, 31 were disqualified, and 26 were ineligible because Page 17 MEDICAL POLICY POLICY TITLE MAMMOGRAPHY ( INCLUDING COMPUTER AIDED DETECTION MAMMOGRAPHY, DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS, AND POSITRON EMISSION MAMMOGRAPHY) POLICY NUMBER MP-5.008 they underwent PEM or MRI before study entry; the analysis therefore included 182 patients. Almost half (46%) of lesions were clinically palpable. On pathology, 78% of patients had invasive disease; 21% ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS); and 2% Paget disease. For index lesions, both PEM and MRI had a sensitivity of 93% (95% confidence interval [CI], 88 to 96; p=not significant), which was greater than the sensitivity of WBPET (68% [95% CI, 60 to 70]; p<0.001). Specificity was not reported because only malignant index lesions were analyzed. Sensitivity of PEM and MRI was not affected by breast density, menopausal status, or use of hormone replacement therapy. PEM tended to overestimate the size of the largest lesion, compared with surgical pathology and MRI (120 mm for PEM vs 95 mm for pathology and MRI); however, correlation between tumor size on histopathology versus size on either PEM or MRI was the same (r=0.61). Twelve lesions were missed on both PEM and MRI; 3 of them were not in the PEM field of view due to patient positioning. For 67 additional ipsilateral lesions detected (40 malignancies), sensitivity of PEM and MRI was 85% (95% CI, 70 to 94) and 98% (95% CI, 89 to 100; p=0.074), respectively; and specificity of PEM and MRI were 74% (95% CI, 54 to 89) and 48% (95% CI, 29 to 68; p=0.096), respectively. Further investigation is needed to determine whether these are 2 points along the same operating curve (i.e., whether PEM is being read to emphasize specificity compared with MRI). Additional larger studies also are warranted. Berg et al (2011) compared PEM with MRI (6) and initially reported results at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North American. The study was funded in part by Naviscan, which manufactures the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-cleared PEM device, and by the National Institutes of Health. The first author was a consultant to Naviscan; other authors included a former employee and a current employee. The study was conducted at 6 sites and enrolled 388 women who had newly diagnosed breast cancer detected at core-needle or vacuum-assisted biopsy and were eligible for breast-conserving surgery. Median age was 58 years. Of 472 women originally enrolled, 18 were ineligible and 66 were excluded. The latter 66 patients were statistically significantly more likely than the women included in the analysis to have larger invasive tumor components, less likely to have 1 ipsilateral malignancy at study entry, and more likely to have known axillary node metastases (and more missing data). Study participants had tumor size 4 cm or less, or for women with large breasts, 5 cm or less. PEM and MRI were performed in random order without regard to timing in the menstrual cycle. Mean FDG dose with PEM was 10.9 mCi, and mean blood glucose level was 91 g/dL. PEM and MRI were read by different investigators; some but not all readers were blinded to results of the other test. PEM results with a BIRADS score of 4a or higher or a score of 3 with a recommendation for biopsy were considered positive. Negative cases included those with negative pathology or follow-up of at least 6 months with no suspicious change. Page 18 MEDICAL POLICY POLICY TITLE MAMMOGRAPHY ( INCLUDING COMPUTER AIDED DETECTION MAMMOGRAPHY, DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS, AND POSITRON EMISSION MAMMOGRAPHY) POLICY NUMBER MP-5.008 Before surgery, 404 malignancies were detected in 388 breasts. After surgery, 386 lesion sites in 370 breasts were confirmed. This difference presumably was due to biopsies that removed all malignant tissue. Among 386 surgically-confirmed lesion sites, there was no statistically significant difference in sensitivity of PEM (93%) and MRI (89%) when only tumor sites were included (p=0.79). When tumors and biopsy sites were visualized, MRI had higher sensitivity than PEM (98% vs 95%, respectively; p=0.004). There were no visible tumor or biopsy site changes in 7 breasts on MRI and in 19 cases on PEM; however, there was residual tumor on surgery in all of these breasts. Of 388 enrolled women, 82 (21%) had additional tumor foci after study entry. Sensitivity for identifying breasts with these lesions was 60% (95% CI, 48 to 70) for MRI and 51% for PEM (95% CI, 40 to 62; p=0.24). Of 82 additional lesions, 21 (26%) were detected only with MRI, 14 (17%) only with PEM (p=0.31), and 7 (8.5%) only with conventional imaging. Adding PEM to MRI increased sensitivity from 60% to 72% (p<0.01). Twelve women who had additional foci in the breast with the primary tumor were not identified by any of the imaging techniques. Among women with an index tumor and no additional lesions in the ipsilateral breast, PEM was more specific than MRI (91% vs 86%, respectively; p=0.032). Difference between PEM and MRI area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was not statistically significantly different. Again, the question arises whether differences in sensitivity and specificity between the 2 tests are due to selecting different operating points along the ROC curve. Of 116 malignant lesions unknown at study entry, 53% were reported as suspicious on MRI versus 41% on PEM (p=0.04). There was no difference between PEM and MRI in detecting DCIS in this study (41% vs 39%; p=0.83). Adding PEM to MRI would increase the sensitivity for detecting DCIS from 39% with MRI alone to 57% combined (p=0.001); another 7 DCIS foci were seen only on conventional imaging. MRI was more sensitive than PEM in detecting invasive cancer (64% vs 41%; p=0.004), but the 2 combined would have a higher sensitivity than MRI alone (73% vs 64%; p=0.025). MRI was more sensitive than PEM in dense breasts (57% vs 37%; p=0.031). In a second article based on the same study, (7) the performance of PEM and MRI for detecting lesions in the contralateral breast were compared. In this case, readers were blinded to results of the other test but knew results of conventional imaging and pathology from prestudy biopsies. After recording results for a single modality, readers then assessed results across all modalities. Readers had 1 to 15 years of experience in interpreting contrast-enhanced breast MRI and underwent training for interpreting PEM; 5 of 30 readers had prior experience in interpreting PEM. The final patient sample size was 367; 9 patients were excluded because the highest scored lesion was a BIRADS 3 (probably benign) based on all imaging, and no follow-up or histopathology was performed. The contralateral breast could not be assessed in 12 women, eg, due to prior mastectomy or lumpectomy and radiotherapy. Page 19 MEDICAL POLICY POLICY TITLE MAMMOGRAPHY ( INCLUDING COMPUTER AIDED DETECTION MAMMOGRAPHY, DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS, AND POSITRON EMISSION MAMMOGRAPHY) POLICY NUMBER MP-5.008 Fifteen (4%) of the 367 participants had contralateral cancer. PEM detected cancer in 3 of these women and MRI in 14. Sensitivity of PEM and MRI was 20% (95% CI, 5 to 46) and 93% (95% CI, 66 to 94), respectively (p<0.001), and specificity was 95% (95% CI, 92 to 97) and 90% (95% CI, 86 to 92), respectively (p=0.002). Area under the ROC curve was 68% (95% CI, 54 to 82) for PEM and 96% (95% CI, 94 to 99) for MRI (p<0.001). Among women undergoing biopsies, positive predictive value (PPV) did not differ statistically between modalities (21% for PEM vs 28% for MRI; p=0.58). There were more benign biopsies based on MRI results (39 biopsies in 34 of 367 women) than for PEM results (11 biopsies in 11 of 367 women) (p<0.001). The authors discussed possible improvements in interpreting PEM, based in part on results of having the lead investigators reread the PEM images. They determined that 7 of 12 false-negative PEM results were due to investigator error. This could only be confirmed through further study. They also noted that a substantial proportion of contralateral lesions may be effectively treated by chemotherapy and that PEM cannot optimally evaluate the extreme posterior breast. For additional articles on the same study that focus on identifying malignant characteristics on PEM and on training and evaluating readers of PEM, see references (11, 12). Three of 6 sites included in the Berg et al (2011) study participated in a substudy that compared the diagnostic performance of PEM with that of WBPET and PET/CT in 2 small cohorts of women with newly diagnosed breast cancer who were eligible for breast conserving surgery. (13) Fasting blood glucose less than 148 mg/dL was required for study entry. Of 388 women in the original study, 178 (46%) participated in the substudy. Use of WBPET or PET/CT was determined by protocols at each participating site. Most patients (113 [63%]) underwent PEM followed by WBPET or PET/CT on the same day with the same radiotracer dose; the remaining 65 patients (37%) had PET/CT a median of 3 days before PEM (range, 20 days before to 7 days after) with a whole body-specific dose of FDG. Sensitivity, specificity, and PPV for cancer detection were similar for PET/CT performed on the same day as PEM (mean FDG dose 411 MBq) or on a different day (mean FDG dose 566 MBq). These subgroups were therefore combined for analysis. Readers interpreting PEM images were blinded to WBPET and PET/CT results but had access to radiographic mammography, ultrasound, and prestudy biopsy results. For any identified lesion, a true positive was defined as diagnosis of malignancy within 1 year; true negative was defined as diagnosis of benign or high-risk pathology as the most severe finding, a probably benign lesion that decreased in size or resolved at any follow-up, or maximum BIRADS score of 2 after all imaging (PEM, MRI, radiographic mammography, ultrasound). No statistical adjustment for multiple comparisons was made. In the WBPET cohort (n=69), PEM detected 61 (92%) of 66 index tumors, and WBPET detected 37 (56%; McNemar test, p<0.001). In the PET/CT cohort (n=109), PEM detected 104 (95%) of 109 index tumors, and PET/CT detected 95 (87%, McNemar test, p=0.029). As shown in Table 1, PEM was statistically more sensitive than WBPET (McNemar test, p=0.014) and PET/CT (McNemar test, p=0.003) for detecting additional ipsilateral malignant tumors, but no Page 20 MEDICAL POLICY POLICY TITLE MAMMOGRAPHY ( INCLUDING COMPUTER AIDED DETECTION MAMMOGRAPHY, DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS, AND POSITRON EMISSION MAMMOGRAPHY) POLICY NUMBER MP-5.008 statistically significant differences in specificity, PPV, or negative predictive value (NPV) between PEM and WBPET or PET/CT were found. Table 1 also shows sensitivities of imaging modalities by index tumor size. Trends for decreasing sensitivity with decreasing tumor size were statistically significant for both WBPET (Cochran-Armitage test, p<0.001) and PET/CT (Cochran-Armitage test, p=0.004) but not for PEM (Cochran-Armitage test, p=0.15). Samples were small for most of these comparisons. Other test performance characteristics (i.e., specificity, PPV, NPV) were not reported by tumor size. The greatest weakness of this substudy was the choice of comparators. Current clinical practice guidelines do not include PET imaging in the diagnostic workup of newly diagnosed breast lesions (14) nor for postoperative surveillance. (15) Conventional imaging (radiographic mammography, ultrasound, and/or MRI) would have been a more informative comparator. Table 1. Performance of PEM, WBPET, and PET/CT for Ipsilateral Malignant Tumors in Kalinyak et al (2014) (13) PEM WBPET n=69 PEM PET/CT n=109 Sensitivity 0.47a Specificity 0.91 PPV 0.58 NPV 0.86 Sensitivity by size of index tumor c 0.07 0.96 0.33 0.79 0.57b 0.91 0.62 0.89 0.13 0.95 0.43 0.80 >2 to ≤5 cm >1 to ≤2 cm 0.5 to ≤1 cm 0.1 to ≤0.5 cm 0.92 (11/12) 0.61 (17/28) 0.39 (9/23) 0 (0/3) 0.96 (25/26) 0.96 (53/55) 0.96 (22/23) 0.80 (4/5) 0.96 (25/26 0.89 (49/55) 0.83 (19/23) 0.40 (2/5) 1.0 (12/12) 0.93 (26/28)a 0.91 (21/23)a 0.67 (2/3) PPV, positive predictive value; NPV, negative predictive value; WBPET, whole body positron emission tomography Statistically significant comparisons are noted. a Statistically significant difference vs WBPET (McNemar test) b Statistically significant difference vs PET/CT (McNemar test) c There were no index tumors >5 cm. Single-Arm Studies Caldarella et al (2014) conducted a systematic review with meta-analysis of PEM studies in women with newly discovered breast lesions suspicious for malignancy. (16) Literature was searched through January 2013. Eight studies (total N=873) of 10 or more patients (range, 16388) that used histological review as criterion standard, including the 3 studies described in detail next, were included. Pooled sensitivity and specificity were 85% (95% CI, 83 to 88; Page 21 MEDICAL POLICY POLICY TITLE MAMMOGRAPHY ( INCLUDING COMPUTER AIDED DETECTION MAMMOGRAPHY, DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS, AND POSITRON EMISSION MAMMOGRAPHY) POLICY NUMBER MP-5.008 I2=74%) and 79% (95% CI, 74 to 83; I2=63%), respectively. Pooled PPVs and NPVs were 92% and 64%, respectively. Comparator arms were not pooled. Other limitations of the study included substantial statistical heterogeneity in meta-analyses and lack of blinding of both PEM and histopathology readers in individual studies. In an early (2005) 4-site clinical study, Tafra et al imaged 94 women who had suspected (n=50) or proven (n=44) breast cancer with PEM. (17) Median dose of FDG was 13 mCi. Median patient age was 57 years, and median tumor size was 22 mm on pathology review. Seventyseven percent of primary lesions were nonpalpable. Median time from injection to imaging was 99 minutes; imaging took 10 minutes per image, and median slice thickness was 5.2 mm. “Unevaluable” cases were excluded (n not reported). Eight readers had access to mammography and clinical breast examination (CBE) results, as well as clinical information, but no information on surgical planning or outcomes. At least 2 readers evaluated each case in random order. The performance of PEM in this study is listed next; results are presented in detail to illustrate potential uses of PEM: BIRADS 4b, 4c, or 5 (probably malignant) assigned to 39 of 44 (89%) pathologically confirmed breast cancers. Five missed lesions ranged in size from 1 to 10 mm, and 4 were low grade. Extensive DCIS predicted in 3 cases and confirmed to be malignant; they were not detected by other imaging modalities. Among 44 patients with proven breast cancer, 5 incidental benign lesions were correctly classified, and 4 of 5 incidental malignant tumors were detected, 3 of which were not detected with other imaging modalities (not evident whether MRI was performed on these specific patients). Correctly detected multifocality in 64% of 31 patients evaluated for it, and correctly predicted its absence in 17 patients. Correctly predicted 6 of 8 patients undergoing partial mastectomy who had positive margins and 11 of 11 who had negative margins. Berg et al (2006) published a follow-up study of 77 patients. (18) Patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes were excluded; because FDG is glucose-based, diabetic patients must have wellcontrolled glucose for the test to work. Median age was 53 years. Of 77 patients, 33 had suspicious findings on core biopsy before PEM, 38 had abnormalities on radiographic mammography, and 6 had suspicious findings on CBE. Five women had personal histories of breast cancer, 1 of whom had had reconstructive surgery. Readers had access to mammographic and clinical findings, as it was assumed they would in clinical practice. Median dose of FDG was 12 mCi (range, 8.2-21.5). Forty-two of 77 cases were malignant, and 2 had atypical ductal hyperplasia. Sensitivity and specificity of PEM was 93% and 85%, respectively, for index lesions, and 90% and 86%, respectively, for index and incidental lesions. These values were similar or higher if lesions were clearly benign on conventional imaging. Adding PEM to Page 22 MEDICAL POLICY POLICY TITLE MAMMOGRAPHY ( INCLUDING COMPUTER AIDED DETECTION MAMMOGRAPHY, DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS, AND POSITRON EMISSION MAMMOGRAPHY) POLICY NUMBER MP-5.008 radiographic mammography and ultrasound (when available) yielded sensitivity and specificity of 98% and 41%, respectively. (Specificity of PEM combined with conventional imaging was lower than PEM alone due to the large number of false positive lesions prompted by conventional imaging.) Other Indications No full-length, published studies were identified that addressed other indications for PEM, including management of breast cancer and evaluation for recurrence of breast cancer. Radiation Dose Associated With PEM The label-recommended dose of FDG for PEM is 370 MBq (10 mCi). Hendrick (2010) calculated mean glandular doses, and from those, lifetime attributable risk of cancer (LAR) for film mammography, digital mammography, breast-specific gamma imaging (BSGI), and PEM. (19) The author, who is a consultant to GE Healthcare and a member of the medical advisory boards of Koning (which is working on dedicated breast computed tomography [CT]) and Bracco (MR contrast agents), used BEIR VII Group risk estimates (20) to gauge the risks of radiation-induced cancer incidence and mortality from breast imaging studies. Estimated lifetime attributable risk of cancer for a patient with average-sized compressed breast during mammography of 5.3 cm (risks would be higher for larger breasts) for a single breast procedure at age 40 years is: 5 per 100,000 for digital mammography (breast cancer only); 7 per 100,000 for screen film mammography (breast cancer only); 55 to 82 per 100,000 for BSGI (depending on the dose of technetium Tc 99m sestamibi); and 75 per 100,000 for PEM. The corresponding lifetime attributable risk (LAR) of cancer mortality at age 40 years is: 1.3 per 100,000 for digital mammography (breast cancer only); 1.7 per 100,000 for screen film mammography (breast cancer only); 26 to 39 per 100,000 for BSGI; and 31 per 100,000 for PEM. A major difference in the impact of radiation between mammography, on the one hand, and BSGI or PEM, on the other, is that for mammography, radiation dose is limited to the breast, whereas with BSGI and PEM, all organs are irradiated. Furthermore, as one ages, risk of cancer induction from radiation exposure decreases more rapidly for the breast than for other Page 23 MEDICAL POLICY POLICY TITLE MAMMOGRAPHY ( INCLUDING COMPUTER AIDED DETECTION MAMMOGRAPHY, DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS, AND POSITRON EMISSION MAMMOGRAPHY) POLICY NUMBER MP-5.008 radiosensitive organs. Organs at highest risk for cancer are the bladder with PEM and the colon with BSGI; these cancers, along with lung cancer, are also less curable than breast cancer. Thus, the distribution of radiation throughout the body adds to the risks associated with BSGI and PEM. Hendrick (19) concluded that “results reported herein indicate that BSGI and PEM are not good candidate procedures for breast cancer screening because of the associated higher risks for cancer induction per study compared with the risks associated with existing modalities such as mammography, breast US [ultrasound], and breast MR imaging. The benefit-to-risk ratio for BSCI and PEM may be different in women known to have breast cancer, in whom additional information about the extent of disease may better guide treatment.” O’Connor et al (2010) estimated the lifetime attributable risk of cancer and cancer mortality from use of digital mammography, screen film mammography, PEM, and MBI. (21) Only results for digital mammography and PEM are reported here. The study concluded that in a group of 100,000 women at age 80 years, a single digital mammogram at age 40 years would induce 4.7 cancers with 1.0 cancer deaths; 2.2 cancers with 0.5 cancer deaths for a mammogram at age 50; 0.9 cancers with 0.2 cancer deaths for a mammogram at age 60; and 0.2 cancers with 0.0 cancer deaths for a mammogram at age 70. Comparable numbers for PEM would be 36 cancers and 17 cancer deaths for PEM at age 40; 30 cancers and 15 cancer deaths for PEM at age 50; 22 cancers and 12 cancer deaths for PEM at age 60; and 9.5 cancers and 5.2 cancer deaths for PEM at age 70. The authors also analyzed the cumulative effect of annual screening between ages 40 and 80, as well as between ages 50 and 80. For women at age 80 who were screened annually from ages 40 to 80, digital mammography would induce 56 cancers with 15 cancer deaths; for PEM, the analogous numbers were 800 cancers and 408 cancer deaths. For women at age 80 who were screened annually from ages 50 to 80, digital mammography would induce 21 cancers with 6 cancer deaths; for PEM, the analogous numbers were 442 cancers and 248 cancer deaths. However, background radiation from age 0 to 80 is estimated to induce 2174 cancers and 1011 cancer deaths. These calculations, like all estimated health effects of radiation exposure, are based on several assumptions. Comparing digital mammography and PEM, two conclusions are clear: Many more cancers are induced by PEM than by digital mammography; and for both modalities, adding annual screening from 40 to 49 roughly doubles the number of induced cancers. In a benefit/risk calculation performed for digital mammography but not for PEM, O’Connor et al nevertheless reported that the benefit/risk ratio of annual screening is still approximately 3 to 1 for women in their 40s, although it is much higher for women 50 and older. Like Hendrick, (19) the authors concluded that “if molecular imaging techniques [including PEM] are to be of value in screening for breast cancer, then the administered doses need to be substantially reduced to better match the effective doses of mammography.” (21) As noted in the section on Practice Guidelines and Position Statements, the American College of Radiology assigns a relative radiation level (effective dose) of 10 to 30 mSv to PEM. (22, 23) They also state that because of radiation dose, PEM and breast-specific gamma imaging in their present form are not indicated for screening. Page 24 MEDICAL POLICY POLICY TITLE MAMMOGRAPHY ( INCLUDING COMPUTER AIDED DETECTION MAMMOGRAPHY, DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS, AND POSITRON EMISSION MAMMOGRAPHY) POLICY NUMBER MP-5.008 Because the use of BSGI or molecular breast imaging (MBI) has been proposed for women at high risk of breast cancer, it should be mentioned that there is controversy and speculation over whether some women, such as those with BRCA mutations, have heightened radiosensitivity. (24, 25) Of course, if women with BRCA mutations are more radiosensitive than the general population, the above estimates may underestimate the risks they face from breast imaging with ionizing radiation (i.e., mammography, BSGI, MBI, PEM, [single-photon emission computed tomography] SPECT/CT, breast-specific CT, and tomosynthesis; ultrasound and MRI do not involve the use of radiation). More research will be needed to resolve this issue. Also, risks associated with radiation exposure will be greater for women at high risk of breast cancer, whether or not they are more radiosensitive, because they start screening at a younger age when risks associated with radiation exposure are increased. Summary Three principal studies on positron emission mammography (PEM) were reviewed. The first single-arm study (17, 18) provided preliminary data on sensitivity. Given that there is at least 1 imaging test for each potential use in breast cancer, any new or newly disseminating technology must be compared with existing modalities. Two nonrandomized studies (4 articles) that compare the use of PEM and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (6, 7, 10) or positron emission tomography (PET) imaging (13) in presurgical planning are therefore important. However, each has its limitations, eg, single site, lack of full blinding to results of alternate test, lack of adjustment for multiple comparisons, choice of comparator. It is also possible that apparent differences between PEM and MRI, eg, possibly higher sensitivity for MRI and potentially higher specificity for PEM, are due in part to selection of different operating points on the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. Furthermore, ignoring the timing of testing in the 2012 Berg et al study (6) may have biased results against MRI. A 2011 study by Berg et al (6) on the use of PEM in women with newly diagnosed breast cancer reported that PEM provided additional information (improved sensitivity) for detecting ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), but this finding requires replication in additional studies. This study also included several subgroup comparisons (eg, women with no sign of multicentric or multifocal disease); a better study design would compare PEM with MRI in women before biopsy and follow them through to treatment, and ideally afterward, to gauge patient outcomes. A companion article (7) reported that MRI was far more sensitive than PEM for detecting contralateral cancer, although MRI was somewhat less specific. However, there was no statistical difference in positive predictive value (PPV) among women undergoing biopsy of the contralateral lesion. A substudy (13) compared PEM with whole body positron emission tomography (PET) and with PET/computed tomography (CT) in separate small cohorts. Although PEM was found to be more sensitive than both imaging modalities, specificity, PPV, and negative predictive value were not statistically different. Further, clinical Page 25 MEDICAL POLICY POLICY TITLE MAMMOGRAPHY ( INCLUDING COMPUTER AIDED DETECTION MAMMOGRAPHY, DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS, AND POSITRON EMISSION MAMMOGRAPHY) POLICY NUMBER MP-5.008 relevance of the findings is uncertain because PET imaging is not currently used in the diagnostic workup of newly diagnosed breast lesions. Finally, even if the addition of PEM to MRI improved accuracy, this finding must be weighed against potential risks from radiation exposure associated with PEM and lack of a full chain of evidence for some of these findings, specifically, that improved accuracy for some uses results in better patient outcomes. Thus, because impacts on net health outcome are uncertain, PEM is considered investigational. Practice Guidelines and Position Statements American College of Radiology ACR includes PEM in 2 sets of appropriateness criteria: 1 on breast screening (22, 23, 26) and the other on the initial diagnostic workup of breast microcalcifications. In the first, PEM is rated 2 (usually not appropriate) for use in screening women at high or intermediate risk of breast cancer, and 1 for screening women at average risk of breast cancer. ACR also assigns a relative radiation level (effective dose) of 10 to 30 mSv to PEM and states, “Radiation dose from BSGI and PEM are 15-30 times higher than the dose of a digital mammogram, and they are not indicated for screening in their present form.”(22) In the second set of appropriateness criteria, PEM was rated 1 (usually not appropriate) for initial work-up of all 18 variants of microcalcifications. The authors note, “The use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), breast specific gamma imaging (BSGI), positron emission mammography (PEM), and ductal lavage in evaluating clustered microcalcifications has not been established….In general, they should not be used to avoid biopsy of mammographically suspicious calcifications.”(26) National Comprehensive Cancer Network Current (version 2.2013) NCCN guidelines for breast cancer screening and diagnosis do not include PEM. (14) American Society of Clinical Oncology Current (2013) ASCO guidelines for follow-up and management of breast cancer after primary treatment do not include PEM. (15) Ongoing Clinical Trials A search of online clinical site,, using the search term, “positron emission mammography,” yielded 4 active studies of PEM, 2 of which are comparative: Nonrandomized trials o PEM versus standard mammography for screening women with dense breast tissue or at high risk of breast cancer (NCT00896649), N=260 (ongoing but not recruiting participants) Page 26 MEDICAL POLICY POLICY TITLE MAMMOGRAPHY ( INCLUDING COMPUTER AIDED DETECTION MAMMOGRAPHY, DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS, AND POSITRON EMISSION MAMMOGRAPHY) POLICY NUMBER MP-5.008 o Fluorine-18 labeled 1-amino-3-fluorocyclobutane-1-carboxylic acid (FACBC) PET and PEM versus MRI as a staging tool and indicator of therapeutic response in breast cancer patients (NCT01864083), N=50 Single-arm studies o Diagnosis of breast carcinoma: characterization of breast lesions with ClearPEMSonic: feasibility study (NCT01569321), N=20. A European collaborative group, Crystal Clear Collaboration, is developing ClearPEM-Sonic, which uses PEM plus ultrasound to collect metabolic, morphologic, and structural information about tissues imaged.(27) o Presurgery PEM for newly diagnosed breast cancer (testing reduced dose of radiotracer; NCT01241721), N=130 V. DEFINITIONS Top N/A VI. BENEFIT VARIATIONS Top The existence of this medical policy does not mean that this service is a covered benefit under the member's contract. Benefit determinations should be based in all cases on the applicable contract language. Medical policies do not constitute a description of benefits. A member’s individual or group customer benefits govern which services are covered, which are excluded, and which are subject to benefit limits and which require preauthorization. Members and providers should consult the member’s benefit information or contact Capital for benefit information. VII. DISCLAIMER Top Capital’s medical policies are developed to assist in administering a member’s benefits, do not constitute medical advice and are subject to change. Treating providers are solely responsible for medical advice and treatment of members. Members should discuss any medical policy related to their coverage or condition with their provider and consult their benefit information to determine if the service is covered. If there is a discrepancy between this medical policy and a member’s benefit information, the benefit information will govern. Capital considers the information contained in this medical policy to be proprietary and it may only be disseminated as permitted by law. Page 27 MEDICAL POLICY POLICY TITLE MAMMOGRAPHY ( INCLUDING COMPUTER AIDED DETECTION MAMMOGRAPHY, DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS, AND POSITRON EMISSION MAMMOGRAPHY) POLICY NUMBER MP-5.008 VIII. CODING INFORMATION TOP Note: This list of codes may not be all-inclusive, and codes are subject to change at any time. The identification of a code in this section does not denote coverage as coverage is determined by the terms of member benefit information. In addition, not all covered services are eligible for separate reimbursement. Covered when medically necessary: CPT Codes ® 77051 77052 77055 77056 77057 Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) copyrighted by American Medical Association. All Rights Reserved. HCPCS Code G0202 G0204 G0206 Description SCREENING MAMMOGRAPHY, PRODUCING DIRECT DIGITAL IMAGE, BILATERAL, ALL VIEWS DIAGNOSTIC MAMMOGRAPHY, PRODUCING DIRECT DIGITAL IMAGE, BILATERAL, ALL VIEWS DIAGNOSTIC MAMMOGRAPHY, PRODUCING DIRECT DIGITAL IMAGE, UNILATERAL, ALL VIEWS ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code* Description V10.3 PERSONAL HISTORY OF MALIGNANT NEOPLASM OF BREAST V15.89 V16.3 V76.11 V76.12 OTHER SPECIFIED PERSONAL HISTORY PRESENTING HAZARDS TO HEALTH FAMILY HISTORY OF MALIGNANT NEOPLASM OF BREAST SCREENING MAMMOGRAM FOR HIGH-RISK PATIENT OTHER SCREENING MAMMOGRAM *If applicable, please see Medicare LCD or NCD for additional covered diagnoses. The following code is investigational when used for breast tomosynthesis and positron emission mammography as outlined in the policy section; therefore not covered: CPT Codes ® 76499 Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) copyrighted by American Medical Association. All Rights Reserved. Page 28 MEDICAL POLICY POLICY TITLE MAMMOGRAPHY ( INCLUDING COMPUTER AIDED DETECTION MAMMOGRAPHY, DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS, AND POSITRON EMISSION MAMMOGRAPHY) POLICY NUMBER MP-5.008 The following ICD-10 diagnosis codes will be effective October 1, 2015 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code* Description C50.011-C50.019 Malignant neoplasm of female breast code range C50.211-C50.219 Malignant neoplasm of female breast code range C50.311-C50.319 Malignant neoplasm of female breast code range C50.411-C50.419 Malignant neoplasm of female breast code range C50.511-C50.519 Malignant neoplasm of female breast code range C50.611-C50.619 Malignant neoplasm of female breast code range C50.811-C50.819 Malignant neoplasm of female breast code range C50.911-C50.919 Malignant neoplasm of female breast code range C50.021-C50.029 Malignant neoplasm of male breast code range C50.121-C50.129 Malignant neoplasm of male breast code range C50.221-C50.229 Malignant neoplasm of male breast code range C50.321-C50.329 Malignant neoplasm of male breast code range C50.421-C50.429 Malignant neoplasm of male breast code range C50.521-C50.529 Malignant neoplasm of male breast code range C50.621- C50-629 Malignant neoplasm of male breast code range C50.821-C50.829 Malignant neoplasm of male breast code range C50.921-C50.929 Malignant neoplasm of male breast code range C79.81 Secondary malignant neoplasm of breast D05.9 Carcinoma in situ of breast N63 Lump or mass of breast Z85.3 Personal history of breast cancer Z80.3 Family history of breast cancer Page 29 MEDICAL POLICY POLICY TITLE MAMMOGRAPHY ( INCLUDING COMPUTER AIDED DETECTION MAMMOGRAPHY, DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS, AND POSITRON EMISSION MAMMOGRAPHY) POLICY NUMBER MP-5.008 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code* Description Z15.01 Genetic susceptibility to malignant neoplasm of breast *If applicable, please see Medicare LCD or NCD for additional covered diagnoses. IX. REFERENCES Top Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) National Coverage Determination (NCD) 220.4 Mammograms. Effective 05/15/78. CMS [Website]: ype=Final&s=Pennsylvania&KeyWord=mammogram&KeyWordLookUp=Title&KeyWord SearchType=And&bc=gAAAACAAAAAA&. Accessed June 18, 2014 Fletcher S. Screening for breast cancer. In: UpToDate Online Journal [serial online]. Waltham, MA: UpToDate; updated June 11, 2013. . [Website]: . Accessed June 18, 2014. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. Mammography. Updated March 22, 2013. [Website]: Accessed June 18, 2014. Pennsylvania State Mandate Act 148 of 1992 (Mammography Act). Effective 2/13/93. U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Screening for Breast Cancer. Updated December 2009. [Website]: Accessed June 18, 2014. Full-Field Digital Mammography BCBSA 2002 TEC Assessment: Computer-aided Detection in Mammography. BCBSA 2006 TEC Assessment: Full-field Digital Mammography. Pisano ED, Gatsonis E, et al. 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Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2011; 38(1):23-36. 11. Narayanan D, Madsen KS, Kalinyak JE et al. Interpretation of positron emission mammography and MRI by experienced breast imaging radiologists: performance and observer reproducibility. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2011; 196(4):971-81. 12. Narayanan D, Madsen KS, Kalinyak JE et al. Interpretation of positron emission mammography: feature analysis and rates of malignancy. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2011; 196(4):956-70. 13. Kalinyak JE, Berg WA, Schilling K et al. Breast cancer detection using high-resolution breast PET compared to whole-body PET or PET/CT. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2014; 41(2):260-75. 14. National Comprehensive Cancer Network. NCCN clinical practice guidelines in oncology: breast cancer screening and diagnosis, version 2.2013. Available online at: Accessed June 18, 2014. 15. Khatcheressian JL, Hurley P, Bantug E et al. 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Estimated risk of radiation-induced breast cancer from mammographic screening for young BRCA mutation carriers. J Natl Cancer Inst 2009; 101(3):205-9. 25. Ernestos B, Nikolaos P, Koulis G et al. Increased chromosomal radiosensitivity in women carrying BRCA1/BRCA2 mutations assessed with the G2 assay. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2010; 78(4):1199-205. 26. American College of Radiology (ACR). ACR Appropriateness Criteria® breast microcalcifications — initial diagnostic workup. 2009. Available online at: ons.pdf. Accessed June 18, 2014. 27. Crystal Clear Collaboration. Clear PEM sonic, 2011. Available online at: Accessed June 18, 2014. X. POLICY HISTORY MP 5.008 Top CAC 6/29/04 CAC 5/31/05 CAC 1/31/06 Combined Full Field Digital Mammography with this policy CAC 2/27/07 CAC 5/27/08 CAC 5/26/09 Consensus CAC 5/25/2010 Consensus CAC 7/26/11 Minor Revision. Information on Digital Breast Tomosynthesis and Positron Emission Mammography (PEM) added to the policy; both considered investigational. An FEP variation was added. The statements regarding screening mammograms for women over 40 and the statement regarding studies for women under 40 were removed. A link to CBC preventative guidelines was added in their place. CAC 9/24/13 Consensus review. References updated but no changes to the policy statements. Background for Digital Breast Tomosynthesis and Positron Emission Mammography (PEM) updated. FEP variation revised. Page 37 MEDICAL POLICY POLICY TITLE MAMMOGRAPHY ( INCLUDING COMPUTER AIDED DETECTION MAMMOGRAPHY, DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS, AND POSITRON EMISSION MAMMOGRAPHY) POLICY NUMBER MP-5.008 CAC 7/22/14 Consensus. No change to policy statements. References updated. Rationale section added. 12/1/14 Removed the Medicare variation referencing NCD 220.4. Coding reviewed. TOP Health care benefit programs issued or administered by Capital BlueCross and/or its subsidiaries, Capital Advantage Insurance Company®, Capital Advantage Assurance Company® and Keystone Health Plan® Central. Independent licensees of the BlueCross BlueShield Association. Communications issued by Capital BlueCross in its capacity as administrator of programs and provider relations for all companies. Page 38
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