Montreal, October 31,, 2014 Dr. Jamil J Asselah Ap ppointed a as First D Disease S Site Lead for the Rossy R Ca ncer Netw work It is with grea at pleasure th hat we announ nce the appointment of Dr. Jamil Ass selah as the n new Breast D Disease Site L Lead for the Rossy Cance er Network (R RCN) effective e October 1, 2 2014. al focus of the e RCN, The disease site teams arre at the hearrt of the clinica bringing worlld-class best practices to the McGill-affiiliated hospita als, while improving outcomess in cancer su urvival, qualityy of life, morta ality and patient satisfaction. s These cross--institutional w working group ps will help cu ustomize performance scorecards sspecific to the eir tumour site e, foster the developmentt of network-w wide clinical g guidelines, org ganize a direcct link to clinical tria als, measure o outcomes and drive impro ovement initiattives. Dr. D Asselah is s the first Dise ease Site Lea ad to be name ed among the e five initial te eams being pu ut in place p to address the most common tum mour sites: bre east, gastro-in ntestinal, lung g, genitourina ary and malignant m hem matology. Trained T in Alg giers and Parris as a medic cal oncologistt, Dr. Asselah went on to w work on phase e 1 and 2 clinical trials s at the Clinic cal Investigation Unit of the e Curie Institu ute in Paris, F France. In 200 08, he joined j the Un niversité de Sh herbrooke as an Assistantt Professor, de eveloping new w research protocols in i breast canc cer and stand dardizing treatment practicces at the Cen ntre Hospitalie er Universitaire de Sherbrooke, S where w he also o helped laun nch the oncolo ogy residencyy program. He H joined Mc cGill in 2011 as a an Assistan nt Professor i n the Departm ment of Onco ology and is now director d of On ncology Unde ergraduate Me edical Educattion. He is on staff as a me edical oncolog gist at the t McGill Un niversity Healtth Centre, wh here he spearrheaded a wo orking group sstandardizing treatment t guidelines for brreast cancer. This collaborrative three-ye ear process cculminated in a set of consensus-ba c ased guidelines being pres sented to onccologists speccializing in bre east cancer in n the RCN R hospitalls in 2014. He H is the prin ncipal investig gator on severral clinical ressearch protoccols, and is pa art of a numbe er of Quebec Q and Canada-wide C e research gro oups, includin ng one focuse ed on the traje ectory of brea ast cancer patients. p His research interests include breast, gastrro-intestinal and head and neck cancerss. His H experienc ce in standard dizing treatme ent practices and his collab borative apprroach make him particularly p well w suited to ta ake on this ch hallenge. Ple ease join us in n wishing mucch success to o Dr. Asselah A in his s new RCN le eadership role e. Sincerely, S P Wilson H. Milller, Jr., MD, PhD Clinical C Lead Rossy R Cance er Network
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