4) taritors to Conduct •ive for Members The annual membership drive of Be Buffalo Real Estate Board la leduled to begin in the near futt w u announced yesterday Fred C. Sommerfelt, preaident lerbert J. Wilcockaon ha* been appointed chairman of the 1947 campaign. Serving on Wtkockson'a committee are Frank Pecora, George L. Guinther, William H. Colestock, Charlf a C. Guxett. Charlea F. Peacock, Earl WT Spaulding, Donald M. Crawford and Sommerfelt. All board membera will participate actively in the solicitation of new membere when the campaign geta under way. / Snaps PANEL ART PRINTS' in Album • Washington Veteran Chief Engineer Gets Radio Post Here Appointed By Station WEBR < i AT N O A V A I l ARIE CARHART Photo Finishing r ROOFING liOi >. r v k * ' D E A L E R S .en CtttTMEB-EXTRESg, Sunday, April St. INT One D a y O n l y ! Special Values f o r Y o u ! To Be Active In Plain For Power Increase Frank B Ridgeway, eonaulting •ngineer with the firm of Frank H. Mclntoah of Washington, haa bean appointed director of engineering for Station WEBR. Cy King, etatlon director, announced yeaterday. Ae director of engineering for WITflR, Ridgeway will be active in the construction plana of WBBR'e 5,000 watt—©70 KC operation, aa well aa •uperviaing WEBK'a FM operation and television plana. Prior to Ridgewaya aaaociatlon with the Mclntoah firm, he served with the armed forcee, assigned to the aaslatant chief of the air ataff. He waa atatloned in Washington. Ridgeway entered the service aa a lieutenant hi April, 1048, and waa advanced to the rank of aaptain In September, 194a. On June M, 1945, he waa promoted to major, holding thie rank antll hia discharge later that year. King revealed that Ridgeway baa developed WEBR'e application NoOth BTTFTALO me. I HOWARD ROOFINS 80w • W a . TW1 FRANK B. RIDGEWAY for an increase in power to 5,000 watta from its inception. Ridgeway worked on the frequency aearch designed the antenna and submitted the engineer's report for WXBR'a application to the FCC. To Elect Directors New developments In office methods and nrocedurea will be diecussed by A. H. Strieker of the Department of Commerce at a meeting of the Buffalo chapter of the National Office Management Association tomorrow evening at the Park Lane Restaurant. Three new directors of the Buffalo chapter will be elected. LAUFER S ARE GO-OPERATING WITH PRESIDENT TRUMAN'S LOW PRICE POLICY BY KEEPING PRICES DOWN! OPIN THURSDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS VALUES SAlll j a v e e , 30 denier; i l gesge, 19 denier •uslnese l a s e r 4 1 g a w t * $ 1 0 «««• se Popularly sp le S19.9S *J IS7 D e l a w a r e Avenue 147 Delaware Avenue LAROl, H U M I D regularly S M Delaware Avenue COTTON JlftSlY Floral deelens, rea. $1 249 Delaware Avenue 3t0 Delaware Avenue Hotel Statler Special Oreup ef Batter SPRING DRESSES Vs P r i c e EDOEWORTH TOBACCO 8 oi.-oOc 16 ox.-ll.25 SOFA BEDS $ 39 IASY CRIQUI, INC. LEE SHOP DELAWARE SMOKE SHOP 27* Delaware Avenue 333 Delaware Avenae SAVE $5 Per dee final touch to yeur new tpriat Mill . . . Add • lovely fur eterf, a cape or locket from • . • DELAWARE AVENUE'S ONLY OLGA MILKIE CORNBLUM the TAILOR 244 Delaware Avenue I M Delaware Avenue NIW OROUP PA1RICS Ve/uer re S4f.PS WALLPAPERS eaexpected guest. A sofa by day . . . s comfortable bed at eight. sttif tty construction. 393 Delaware Avenue JUST ELASTIC HOSE 426 KATHERINE K. CORSET SHOP BIGBIE'S SALT WATER TAPPY IrVClt Special O r o u p e f Spring 7 PIECE REDBOOM GROUP $1 O A laaatnt $ TO PAY FEATURING FULL WATERFALL TOPS Look at what you get foe only $1241 Full siao bed, chest of drawees, drssssr or vanity in quality walnut fkaige. Com. f ortebie mattress, steal coil spring, and two pillows. A l l wellbuilt, stnrdiiy constructed. Don't miss this buy! PROM ; i 2I9 ****\ IMMEDIATE VICTOR DELIVERY BAR A N D UP TERMS I'tiSjaji A RISTAURANT TISTID . . . OUARANTIED BALL POINT PENS INDIVIDUAL KIINTtPie PERMANENT WAViS Now Sprina Colore. Regularly SS.9S * A OK *O.VO ETTA GOSS EXPECT EVENT SHOP 363 D e l a w a r e Avenue 344 Delaware Avenue AL H O R O W I T Z FURS 357 Delaware Avenue Cash Sexes—Ash Treys leather Davenport* and Chair* Special Oroup COTTON BLOUSES $6.95 W h i t e a n d Lovely CAPE er JACKET mads frea* year $35.00 eld seat. samplers MATERNITY FROCKS Pottery, Olass, Vases, Hfurines Color* 25% Deck*—filing Equipment to 5 0 % OPP MABEL DANAHY,.INC. COLONIAL FLOWER SHOP YAWMAN & ERBE MFG. CO. 437 D e l a w a r e Avenue •U2 Dele7W«r*e> Aveows 3S4 Delaware Avenue HOSIERY REPAIRINO WHILI YOU SHOP Re-Weaving Dene Within 34 Hour* 98c OTTO ULBRICH CO., INC. .333 Delaware Avenue ROYAL WEAVING CO. PRECIOUS OEMS, SILVERWARE SILK AND PARCHMENT AND WATCHES Registered Jeweler*, Amerfcen Gem Society LAMP SHADES Made to Order APPLIED ART STUDIO ALFRED H. DICKINSON 343 Delaware Avenue 340 Delaware Avenue 371 Delaware Avenue •UFFsUO-S LAMEST FUtMiTURE STORE Custom Jewelry M o d e to Order PLATINUM and A T REAL DIAMONDS SAVINOS COFPEI SHOP OTTO JASSOY 344 Delaware Avenue FULL COURSE DINNERS ITALIAN METAL FLAT TABLEWARE OPEN A l l NIGHT 75c and $1 25c to $1.25 ea. 3rd P l e e r - V a r s B i d * . 1029-1035 BROADWAY 4 ^ f e / Sbk J$AancA 128-130 GRANT STREET muitt MUSIC HOUSE S91 Delaware Avenue HUM'S 4 1 4 D e l a w a r e Avenue ALSO A URGE SELECTION OF ELECTRIC RANGES $3.75 TABU MODEL RADIO-PHONOGRAPH $ 7 4 . 5 0 COMSINATION Automatic—Plays 13 RscsrSa Reg. JW 30 PETER P A U L 214 Delaware Avenue Seduced free* S I f . f l LPUF6RS VETERANS! SEE OUR LARGE DISPLAY OF 3-ROOM OUTFITS PRICID Complemented by The World's Plneet Vlneyarde Heee k She opportunity of s lifetime. Nationally advertised Norge, Estate, OdinQuslity, Crown, etc., gas ranges i n various style tops . . . divided, one-side burner, etc. M a n y postwar features. Gleaming white enamel finish end large oven. 15 MONTHS ! 89 7 Q e p T ' p ' r i n t t r " <"+ Refularfy « X WHITNEY'S Off A n Adventure in Oeed Serine OUR FIRST OAS RANGE SALE IN S YEARS PIH PETRI S71 Delaware Avenue STRIPED CHAMMAY O r o u p e f Suit* 3 4 1 Delaware Avenue Swiss e-dcy DESK CLOCK $17.50 HAMPSHIRE PARCHMENT Embassy Site. 3 Ibc, of ClIAWANCI ARB'S STUNNING HACK AND OOLO S43 Delaware Avenue S I S D e l a w a r e Avenue GAS RANGES % OFF WM. A. JEPSON, INC. SSI 5*7 Delaware Avenue V a , y%, Vt d-1 * ' Regularly 15c DELAWARE BEVERAGE SHOP Dresses PAISLEY PRINTS WHITE ROSE TEA BALLS 80 for 60c LEWIS SUNSHINE FURS ef Oreup ef Lovely PLATINA JACKITS Specially Priced Oreup e f CPBJSJ e9S)fEs^SjraW« A i r a M V V 349 Delaware Avenue COATS-SUITS-DRESSES O r o u p e f Costumes PALMER'S FLOWER SHOP SO* Delewer* Avenue DELAWARE DRESS SHOP WINES AND LIQUORS SPRINO KAMPHAUSEN CO. PILGRIM SHOP fttX LEFF'S SPECIAL SALE OF QUALITY 15c 344 Delaware Avenue $495 l i t D e l a w a r e Avenue f%M Selection CHINESE EVERGREENS Sa7 Dels wars Avenue 60s lb. Fine modern living room suite that will give new life and beauty to your heme mis spring. Full spring construction i n cushions end beck, colorful long-wearing fabrics. Included is the full size sofs, d u b sheer and humrlous lounge chair. S47 Delaware Avenue In Luerte stand regularly $150 • o f ulerly $39 7 1 15 MONTHS TO PAY 27S Delaware Avenue SALT ond PEPPER CELLARS far Vartssee Veiee 3 4 1 D e l a w a r e Avenue SOFA AND BOTH LAROI CHAIRS URSIN-SMITH GUILD OPTICIANS POLISHED ALUMINUM * INI DRESSES $24 MODERN LIVING ROOM IRVING M. ROSENBLAT Olemerevt MANICURE KITS. Oeldplated implement* made by Barbara Kate* .killed crafrtmea U to $11 ARLEAN ANDRE' W. RAYMOND HUGHES OUILD OPTICIAN Hrtl Ce/7 ee Your Or* Saepplnf U* Of DRESSES $19.95 and all the Neweet 1*47 Splendid value at this lew price. Perfect for that esftra that a n d up STATLER FLOWER SHOP 4 4 1 D e l a w a r e Avenue P resenting on Interesting line e f TERMS D i m with extra trousers 69f 25% OFF • $5 off en any curt FADS PIOURINIS end POTTERY BLOUSES M. E. THIELL, INC. CARDIGANS 3-FC. HOT F U T f 399 Delaware Avenue SUIT and SUCK PICTURIS Redvctrsa ee ell SHver $1.25 THE TWEED SHOP 344 Delaware Avenue CARL BREDEMEIER GALLERY $3 Uses l e t , reg. S S J t •* S3 J re S3 e MIDI'S SSf Delaware Avenue SUITS, COATS WOOL DRESSES ' i TO * OFF $5.98 PERMANENT ANDRE MURIELLE BEAUTY SALON . »l $15 WAV! $12.50 S*RIN0 SALE THE SILVER SHOP •esseeeaalaas ef Oil Peintinps HODGE, INC. $15 MACHINEUSS STIRtlNO SILVER TEASPOONS $1.40 DELAWARE HOSIERY SHOP $2.50 SPECIAL SALE OF $175 TEGLER SHOP, INC. ORCHIDS plenty of parking space I Aa Odd Let ef NYLONS DRESSES REMEMBER, YOU CAN ALWAYS DO SITTIR AT LAUFER'S STYLE Plan to shop on Dt»lawar« Avenu« tomorrow for these special bargains DRASTIC TILL 9:30 P. M. FOR YOUR CONVINIBNCE QUALITY OLDE LAMPS INC. HOTEL TOURAINE MAYFLOWER RESTAURANT Hotel Statler 274 Delaware Avenue SHOP ON DELAWARE AVENLE Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com I 343 Delaware Avenue 7-B
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