Send through e-Despatch & Leuer \rr OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF HORTICULTURE qTCRETARY, ODISHA HORTICULIURE DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY 2\4Ail-l I ) l45il20l2 ii 1rJ Date .1>, C,7 )_c | Frum , Dr.S.K"Chattha Director o{'Horticulture & Secretary, OHDS Ihe Deputy Director of Horticulturc (All) Assistant Director of Horticutture (All) Sub: Proceedings of Video Conferencing held on 11.02.2014 Sir, Hnclosed please find here with the proceedings of the video conference held on li'02'2014 at NIC, Bhubaneswar. you are requested to adhere to the instructions of the decisions taken. Enclosure: As above Dir€Ctoioftfort Odisha, Bhubaneswar Udya n Bhawa', Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar_75i.015 phone: (067 4) 2551g31 E-mail: supportdho.od@, Website: www.orihort. in Prrccerrirrgs of thc vicrco confercncc rrerrr af NIC, Ilhubanesl\rar on r1.02.2014 l'hc vide-o confbrence for the monrrr ,r'February NIC. Bhubaneswar at 10.30 AM. ,2014rvas herd on 11.02.2014 at Rt the outset Director of HorticLrlture welcomed field officers and reviewed progress nrade under various scrrenres, ailcltrnent and expenditure etc. After reviewing the agenda the following instructions were issued. l' DDH' (Angur, Barasore, Karahandi, Markangiri, Nawarangpur, Rayagada) ADH' (Kendrapara and Jagatsinghpur) has to issue advertisement and for appointment of HEW bv 12'01'2014 positively failing which action will be initiated. 2' 3' 4' 5' No DDI-{ / ADH will leave headquarters without prior permission of the Director of Horticulture. The expenditure reported under NHM should be separated for NHM & NHM plus. All the expenditure shourd be booked by 15tr, March. Additional requirement of target uncier farm pond has to be approved by the Director before start of the work. Requirenrent of additional finds and surrender of funds under NHM should be reported component wise by 12.02.2014. Shade net houses for betel vine can be allowed. However farmers will be requested to use white / black coloured shade nets to suit the crop. 6' All DDH / ADH have to send the list of farmers coconut seedlings by supplied with vegetable seeds / 12.02.2014. 7' The beneficiary list of onion / potato farmers as welr as photocopy of list of farmers suppried r'vith bee boxes shourd be submitte dby 12.02.2014. 8' Action against the concerned AAEs will be initiated if they will not start the estabrishrnent of bio-contror rab in puri, Barasore and Ganjam. 9' verification of QPM in departmental farms and Registered private nurseries have to be cone rneticulously. Responsibility will be fixed if discrepancies occur after wards. t\ & to lrc covcrctl ttnclcr lirrit plantation l0.The proposals ibr the area under MGNREGS in l,alli Sabha, Gram during 20|4-15 have to bc itlrllrtlvcd incluclirrg maintenance Sabha ancl submitted to the DRDA for approvll try crril of February'2ll{' material ctttttpoltcrtts has to bc ensured' Maintenauce of 60:40 ratio of labour and to get approval ol'l)ircctor ol' l-{orticulture 11. All the Registered Private Nurseries have tre{i-,ir: supply to of QPM outside the state' nurscrics' Instructions to the privatc l2.QPir,, "^*il; only be lifted from NHB accredited ha:; ".r bc disseminated. 13. Responsibility will of departmental farms be fixed on the AHO / HO/HE'W in charge of individual plant has to be ensured' and nurseries for non-accreditation. Tagging 14. The target cashew grafts and for QPM has to be achieved. However the target for cocollul,l:eedlings may be exceeded' l5.Stilckp]ltrycertificatesupplyofpotato'onionhastobesubmittedimmediately. 16. Booking of expenditure under 17. NHM including organic farming has to be expedited' available in their DDH/ADFI should make crop planning for protected structures be placed jurisiiiction. No protected structure will remain idle' lndent for seedlings arranged to the COE' with Centre of Excellence, Deras. Exposure visit of farmers be 18. Seriai nirmber of Vermibeds supplied by oAIc has to be maintained to prevent recYc ling. 19. Project proposals under micro irrigation have to be presanctioned and funds will be released soon. nursery bed, during 20. Thp fietd staffs have to visit the bnion seedlings of the farmers at Leaflets transplanting and give modern technologies to increase the production' should bc supplied to the farmers. 21. Fruit sapliirgs under CM package have to be distributed by end of February' 2l.Crop c,utting report of potato, banana, turmeric and ginger have to be sent to the Directoliit.t'. 23' Ali 'ht' ;rirrctionecJ AHO bLrildinss havc to be stafted by en<J ol. March, 2014. DI)ll".il)1i inav take advance posscssion of land available r,vith Agriculture Ijclr'r'r;rert(, (DA&FP l)it'c'"ri''' :l'1" Lap:;'; / Soil conservation) ancl staft work with intimation to the ':rr:s- Responsibility for the construction of buildings Iies with the AAEs. r'i rrilotment under State plan and Non-plan will be viewed seriously. i/5' Perici',,1i-rj:'je report of vegetabre seeds suppried has to be compired at DDH/ADH lcvr:i r:t'rJ |cported. Performance of seed potatoes supplied from west Bengal source shouid 1,. ,opofied after due field verification. 26' Crop :;irccific farmer producer companies have to be created and avail assistance fronr SFS!'. z!'T\ DDli /.ADH have to place fortnight requirement . : of banana plantlets with the rypplllitrg,agencies. 28' The stal'li; deployed to Ganjam district for the purpose of enumeration and post cyclone restoration should be returned back. 29. All siibsi,,iies have to be released online. Issue of cheques is not permitted. 30' Drarol ot'lunds under CBA and keeping in other accounts under RKVy wilt be store of !'ii\i,(.,d s'-'i'ruusly. 3l' Coicl :ri('il.' oriented potato programme have to be initiated around I cold eirc'h rjistt"ici. Similar steps for keeping onion in onion storage structures be taken. 32. Indeni ri:, tharif potato and onion have to be assessed placed immediately. 33' At le4s{ one FPo be formulated in each district and the programme should be kept in the..annual action plan. 34. ir,oje.q1 proposals for front line demonstration be formulated Q3,sed and submitted for FQnPf iPt;,,. $\ v) a/is al
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