Special Functions

Special Functions
Building Content Synchronization
This section is intended for Steelcase Consortium Dealers only.
This is an advance topic for more experienced users. Proceed with
caution! Please ensure that you are comfortable with the daily
SnapTracker routines.
No matter how diligent you may be, there will be occasions in which
inventory entries may not have been exported to the Host SnapTracker
The synchronization routine may only be performed per customer. It
retrieves all the related Item, Item Supplemental, Item Maintenance and
Location Detail records and creates a scanner file. Therefore, only the
data fields that are prompted during the Define Routine on the scanner
may be synchronized.
Listed below are all the scanner data fields that will be synchronized to
the Host SnapTracker dealer’s database:
User Manual SnapTracker Version 3.0
Standard ID
Accounting Code
To Building ID
Old Asset Number
To Location ID
Lease ID
To Condition
Maintenance Done Date
Cost Center ID
Maintenance Cost
Available for Reuse
Maintenance Hours
Date Available
Product Group
Customer Order Number
Workstation Number
Customer Order Date
Workstation ID
Special Functions • 501
Received Date
Is it Shared?
Receive Price
User-Defined Fields (1-10)
For those items classified as a Like-Item inventory the quantity-on-hand
value will be exported. All Asset inventory items are automatically
assigned a quantity-on-hand value of one. Reserved and committed
quantities will not be exported to the synchronization file.
Once the synchronization file has been created it must be sent to the Host
SnapTracker dealer, as soon as possible, probably through e-mail. The
Host SnapTracker dealer purges the contents of the Field SnapTracker
dealer’s Building ID within their database and then updates their
database with the transmitted synchronization file.
Field SnapTracker Dealer
It is recommended that the following steps be taken before you create the
synchronization file:
1. Ensure that all the scanner transaction files have been
uploaded and all batch errors have been processed.
2. Book-out any outstanding Work Order Tickets for product
already delivered.
3. Ensure that a system backup has been performed.
Once the synchronization file has been created it must then be sent to the
Host SnapTracker dealer, as soon as possible.
From the menu bar, select Functions, Export, Extract, Building
502 • Special Functions
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Extract Building Details Screen - Create Synchronization File
1. Select a Customer. Customers are grouped by Company
2. Select the Building ID whose contents will be extracted.
3. Click on SNAP IT!
The synchronized file is created in a scanner file format.
Because SnapTracker searches through the entire Location Detail table,
this function may take some time to complete. The processing speed
depends on the number of records to process and the speed of your
Synchronization File in a
Scanner file format.
Receive a Synchronization File
Its name is the customer number followed by the extension syn. If the
customer number is greater than eight characters only the first eight
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characters will be assigned. Synchronization files are located in the
C:\Snaptrkr\SYNC sub-directory. Because the file name is the
customer number, only one file per customer can exist in the sync subdirectory. This file would probably be sent to the Host SnapTracker
dealer by e-mail.
Once the Host SnapTracker dealer receives the file, it must be placed in
the C:\Snaptrkr\SCANNER\UNPROC folder. It can then be processed
as a regular scanner file.
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Create Export File
If your dealership is a Service Provider for the Steelcase Furniture
Management Coalition, (FMC), and you are classified as a Field
SnapTracker dealer, you are responsible in transmitting weekly product
movement information to the Host SnapTracker dealer. This may be
easily accomplished by transmitting the weekly export file. The export
file consists of an accumulation of all product movement for the week.
The export file captures the following movement:
All manual and scanner entries.
Changes to Standard IDs.
Issue new Serial Numbers.
The export file is created as a flat ASCII file format per customer.
SnapTracker retains just one export file per customer.
The export file creation retrieves all the related Item, Item Supplemental,
Item Maintenance and Location Detail records to create a scanner file.
Therefore, only the data fields that are prompted during the Define
Routine on the scanner may be exported.
Listed below are all the scanner data fields that are exported to the Host
SnapTracker dealer’s database:
Standard ID
Accounting Code
To Building ID
Old Asset Number
To Location ID
Lease ID
To Condition
Maintenance Done Date
Cost Center ID
Maintenance Cost
Available for Reuse
Maintenance Hours
Date Available
Product Group
Customer Order Number
Workstation Number
Customer Order Date
Workstation ID
Received Date
Is it Shared?
Receive Price
User-Defined Fields (1-10)
For those items classified as a Like-Item inventory the quantity-on-hand
value will be exported. Whereas, all Asset inventory items are
automatically assigned a quantity-on-hand value of one. Reserved and
committed quantities will not be exported.
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Active Export File Flag
Export files are created from the Export table. Data is accumulated for
each transaction in this table. Before SnapTracker can accumulate daily
product movement you are required to set the Active indicator to Export.
Once set every transaction for this customer is added to the Export table.
From the menu bar, select Edit, Customer Setup:
Customer Table Screen - Set the Active Export flag
1. Select Record, Update or click on the Update button.
2. Select a Customer. Customers are grouped by Company
3. Click on Get Record.
4. Change the Active flag to Export.
5. Click on Snap it-Update!
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Creating an Export File
Since the export file captures all the daily product movement for a
customer be very careful not to delete this file. Once it is erased there is
absolutely no way to re-create the export file.
From the menu bar, select Functions, Export, Extract, Inventory
Export Customer Screen
To create the weekly export file:
1. Select a Company Code.
2. Select a Customer.
3. Click on Snap it!
As soon as you click on Snap It! the customer export file is created and
the Export table is purged of all entries.
Because SnapTracker searches through the entire Location Detail table,
this function may take some time to complete. The processing speed
depends on the number of records to process and the speed of your
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Receive an Export File
The export file name uses the customer’s number and has an extension of
asc. If the customer number is greater than eight characters only the
first eight characters will be assigned. The file is located in the
C:\Snaptrkr\EXPORT\UNPROC sub-directory. This file would
probably be sent to the Host SnapTracker dealer by e-mail.
Once the Host SnapTracker dealer receives the file, it must be placed in
the C:\Snaptrkr\SCANNER\UNPROC folder. It can then be
processed as a regular scanner file.
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Hide Item Transactions
The Adjust Item Transaction screen has been added to allow the user to
hide item transactions from appearing within the Piece In/Piece Out
Movement report and on the Item Transaction Inquiry screen.
For example, if you accidentally delivered an item out of inventory, it
would be added back to the customer’s inventory. The accidental deletion
and the correction of an item generates a Piece In charge and a Piece Out
charge. This in turn would create an incorrect billing for product
movement. To avoid this situation from occurring, hide both in and out
item transactions.
From the menu bar, select Utilities, Adjustment, Item Transaction:
Adjust Item Transaction Screen
1. Select a Customer. Customers are grouped by Company
2. You can use the Search Criteria box to narrow down your
search. Just click on a field and enter a value, or you can
click on the Search button and select from the drop menu.
3. You can include items from archived files by select the
Archive option.
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4. Enter the Serial Number or click on the Search button and
select one from the existing list of serial numbers.
5. Select the Archive File flag to view any serial numbers that
have been archived.
6. You can use the Item Transaction Search Criteria box to
narrow down your search. Just click on a field and enter a
value, or you can click on the Search button and select from
the drop menu.
7. Click on Get Record.
8. Highlight the item transaction you wish to hide.
9. Click on the item with the Right mouse button. Click on
Hide It to hide it, or Release It to unhide it.
Once an item is adjusted an asterisk will appear beside the
transaction code.
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Refurbishment Cost Adjustment
The Refurbishment Cost Adjustment screen allows the user to globally
update the entire re-manufacturing standard costs found within the
Standard ID table. These standard costs includes the:
Touch-Up Cost
Refurbish Cost
Repair Cost
Enter the new values in the Standard Class table. Once the revised
values have been entered globally update the re-manufacturing standard
costs for all the Standard IDs associated to the specified Standard Class.
Do not forget to enter the Refurbish, Touch-Up and Repair cost values for
each Standard Class. Whenever a new Standard ID is created these
values automatically update the corresponding data field within the
Standard ID table.
Remember to mark up your
dealership’s Refurbish,
Touch-Up and Repair cost
values to reflect the Sell
value to the customer.
These values are an educated estimate of the cost to either touch-up or
refurbish a particular Standard ID. For example, the touch-up cost could
be the hourly service rate you are currently charging your clients.
From the menu bar, select Utilities, Adjustment, Refurbishment
Global Cost Adjustment Screen
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1. Select a Customer. Customers are grouped by Company
2. Deselect any of the following re-manufacturing standard
costs, if applicable:
Maintenance Costs
Repair Costs
Refurbish Costs
3. Select a mode: Update or Overwrite All.
4. Select a Standard Class or click on Select All.
5. Click on Snap It! - Update.
If the Update mode is selected only the Standard IDs which have no
assigned re-manufacturing standard costs will be updated.
Overwrite All
The Overwrite All mode will replace all the re-manufacturing standard
costs with the new values that have been entered in the Standard Class
512 • Special Functions
User Manual SnapTracker Version 3.0
Table Adjustment
This screen is NOT for novice users. If you are not sure on how
to proceed please do not hesitate to call the customer support
The Table Adjustment screen is a very powerful and potentially
dangerous screen. Powerful in that it allows you to globally search and
replace a data for a field within a specific table. Dangerous in that you
could inadvertently replace existing information. No item transaction
records are written to reflect the change. Therefore you cannot undo the
changes unless you knew what the information was originally.
Listed below are the tables available for global editing:
Item Master
Item Maintenance
Item Supplemental
Standard ID
Item Transactions
Transaction Error
From the menu bar, select Utilities, Adjustment, Tables:
Global Table Editing Screen
1. Select the Table you wish to update.
2. Select a field to change.
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3. Enter the old value within the Search box or click on the
Search button and select from the drop menu.
4. Enter the new value within the Replace With box or click on
the Search button and select from the drop menu.
5. Ensure that Preview mode is selected. It is highly
recommended that you first preview all selection before
updating the database.
6. Select filter criteria for the database information query and
update. (see the section below on how to determine and
select different types of filters).
7. Click on Append to group the selected filters.
8. Click on Snap it!
9. Confirm the results within the Print Preview screen.
10. Close the Print Preview screen.
11. If the results are correct, select the Update mode.
12. Click on Snap it! This will change the current information
found matching the Search value with the value entered
within the Replace With box.
13. Click on Report, Print or the Print icon to print the detail
report with the affected changes.
Selecting the Filter Criteria
This procedure is
identical in principle to
the Edit Record Selection
procedure within Crystal
Before you may update the selected data field you are required to set a
series of boundaries for the computer for it to quickly and accurately
access and update the selected information.
For example, during the data collection routine you forgot to capture the
Accounting Code for each location that was counted. You became aware
of the oversight a month later and now are required to correct this error.
Selection Filter Box within the Global Editing Table Screen
514 • Special Functions
User Manual SnapTracker Version 3.0
When replacing information in the Item Master and Item Supplemental
tables the Standard ID table has been linked to provide a more flexible
selection filter.
The Item Master table is linked to the:
Item Supplemental
Standard ID
and the Item Supplemental table is linked to the:
Item Master
Standard ID
In other words, you can select fields from more than one table as filter
1. Select the ITE_Comp_Code.
2. Select = from the drop menu.
4. Enter the ITE_Comp_Code such as A or click on the Search
button and select from the drop menu.
Remember to enter all the
SnapTracker filter information
in uppercase letters.
Otherwise, your search
statement will return an
erroneous message.
5. Click on Add. This will add it to the filter box below.
6. Select the And Boolean operator.
7. Select the ITE_Cust_Num.
8. Select = from the drop menu.
9. Enter the ITE_Cust_Num such as, ACME.
10. Click on Add. This will add it to the filter box below the
previously selected filter.
11. Continue selecting filters, if necessary.
12. After selecting all Selection Filters click on Append to
group the selected filters.
13. Click on Snap it!
Comparison Operators
Equals to
Greater than
Less than
x >= y
Greater than or Equal to
x <= y
Less than or Equal to
User Manual SnapTracker Version 3.0
Not equal to
Special Functions • 515
Boolean Operators
A Boolean operator will always return a True or False value. When using
filters, if a record doesn't match the filters it is considered false. False
records are skipped over and are not changed.
Boolean - AND
You select Company Code A AND Customer Number ACME. The
computer would only retrieve those items that satisfy both conditions.
The Company Code and Customer Number matched the selected filter.
For an X AND Y statement there will only be one right answer:
If X is
AND Y is
That is, if the Customer Order Number field would change only if the
item record has a Company Code A AND a Customer Number ACME,
then it will be changed.
Boolean - OR
If you selected Company Code A OR Customer Number ACME, then the
computer would retrieve those items that satisfy one of the conditions.
The Company Code and Customer Number matched the selected filter.
For an X OR Y statement there will always be three right answers:
If X is
OR Y is
That is, if the item has a Company Code A OR a Customer Number
ACME, then it will be changed.
That is, the Customer Order Number field would change for all of the
item records that have a Company Code A, and for all the item records
that have a Customer Number ACME.
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