室蘭工業大学 (PDF:209KB)

ミルザ・イムラン・ベイグさん / 室蘭工業大学
Dr. Mirza Imran Baig / Muroran Inatitute of Technology
<外国人研究者 プロフィール Profile>
Period of Stay During Studying in
Educational Background In
Major Field:
Present Institution/ Status:
Jan 1, 2001 - Apr, 2010
Muroran Inatitute of Technology
Division of Electrical and Erectronic Engineering(MC)、Division of Science
for Composite Functions(DC)
Associate Professor /
Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology
Dr. Mirza Imran Baig
<研究報告 Follow up Research Fellowship>
Research Adviser:
Researching Period:
Theme of Research:
佐藤 信也 准教授
Associate Proffessor Shinya Sato
Sep 1, 2010 - Nov 29, 2010
Distributed measurement of non-linear parameters of
dispersion shifted optical fiber
■研究概要 Outline of Research
There is now a great need for accurate and convenient measurement of the chromatic dispersion parameter D as a function of
distance along a span of dispersion shifted fiber (DSF). A new nondestructive method for measuring the spatial distribution of
chromatic dispersion along DSF is proposed. It is based on the analysis of acquired Rayleigh backscattered power distribution of the
four-wave mixing generated by two laser sources at the Stokes or the anti-Stokes wavelength. The aim of this research is,
therefore, to measure the power distribution of the Strokes or the anti-Strokes wavelength along the fiber. Two strong CW laser
signals would be launched at the input end of the fiber through a coupler and AOM. At AOM these signals will be
modulated/chopped at the OTDR pulse rate. The signal will then amplify to a power level sufficient for FWM generation and
ultimately launched into the fiber. The OTDR will then measure the backscattered power at Stokes or anti-Stokes wavelength after
appropriate filtration. After some mathematical analysis, a formulation can be derived to obtained chromatic dispersion distribution
from the acquired OTDR data.
■研究成果 Result of Research
This research work has been started with an aim to develop an accurate and
convenient technique to measure the chromatic dispersion distribution along
dispersion shifted fiber (DSF). Efforts have been made to complete the experiment
within stipulated time of three months. Since the experimental work for this
research is very complex, therefore it requires more time to complete all the
aspects of experiment which are required for the mathematical analysis. At this
stage, it is premature to obtain the results of this research work.
Photoelectric equipment 1
■日本留学の思い出 Memories of Studying in Japan
Muroran Institute of Technology. Muroran is like my second home. I am always
ready to come here again ever since I had returned back to my home country. It
is only because the love, care and affection that the people of Muroran had been
given to me and my family. I had studied in many educational institutions in my
life but my longest affiliation is with Muroran Institute of Technology. The
teachers of Muroran Institute of Technology had also given me love. I found
myself very fortunate who had been given opportunity to study at this university.
I am very thankful to Monbukagakusho for this. I am also thankful to JASSO for
giving me another chance to come here again to continue my research work and
do the experiments in my lab where I used to do research work during my
student era.
Photoelectric equipment 2