Methods of QFT in Condensed Matter Physics WiSe 2014/15

Methods of QFT in Condensed Matter Physics
WiSe 2014/15
Lecturer Dr. Oleg Yevtushenko, Tutor Dennis Schimmel
([email protected])
Problem Set 3
“Random Phase Approximation”
Let us consider a 3d system of interacting fermions (and treat spin only as a degeneracy)
with the Hamiltonian
R 3 †
∇2 − µ + U (~r, τ ))Ψ(~r, τ )
d rΨ (~r, τ )(− 2m
R 3 3 0 †
+ d rd r Ψ (~r, τ )Ψ† (~r0 , τ )V (~r − ~r0 )Ψ(~r0 , τ )Ψ(~r, τ ).
Here U is weak external potential and V is the Coulomb interaction.
Exercise 1. “Fermionic Coherent states”
Coherent states are introduced via
ˆb|bi = b|bi.
Recall that for fermions b is a Grassmann number (and for bosons b is a complex number).
(a) Show that for fermions we have |bi = exp(−bˆb† )|0i, where |0i is the vacuum.
(b) Using (a), compute the overlap between a Fock-state with n particles and a coherent
state |bi. What is the approriate way to change coordinates from Fock-states to coherent
(c) Prove that T r(A) = n hn|A|ni can be rewritten as an integral over coherent states.
Exercise 2. “Ring Graph Expansion”
For this exercise, consider the hamiltonian (1), and set U = 0. In the lecture you saw that
in the case of high density the dominant contributions to the free energy due to interactions
stem from diagrams where “bubbles” are arranged one after the other in a ring. Show that
the contribution of a ring graph with n bubbles comes with a factor of 1/n, that is
T X n
FRP A = −
Π ,
2n q q
Πnq :=
Gp Gp+q ,
where Gp is the electron Green’s function and Π is the polarization operator.
Exercise 3. “Calculating Π”
The polarization operator plays a crucial role in various phenomena, for example in response
functions. In this exercise we will demonstrate how interactions lead to screening (via polarization).
Let us introduce effective quantities Uef f and Vef f via
Uef f =
; Vef f =
These are the screened external potential and screened interaction. Since the full computation
of Π is lengthy, we will restrict ourselves to some approximations: We consider the limit
|q| pF , ω EF and T → 0.
(a) Show from (5) that
Π(~q, ωm ) =
2 X
L3 β
iΩn − k i(Ωn + ωm ) − k+q
(b) Calculate the Matsubara sum (over frequencies Ωn ) in the expression for Π.
(c) To calculate the sum over ~k, change to the continuum approximation and introduce
spherical coordinates.
(d) Expand the numerator and denominator of the integrand in q.
(e) Perform all the integrals. You should find in the considered limits:
Π ≈ 2ν0 ( log(
) − 1),
where s =
vF q
and ν0 is the density of states at the Fermi energy.
Exercise 4. “The spectrum of excitations”
In this exercise we wish to consider the retarded polarization operator.
(a) The dispersion relation of collective excitations is given by the poles of the effective
interaction Vef f . Show that the poles lie at
V (~q)Π(~q, ω) = 1, V (~q) =
(b) What is the form of the dispersion relation for large and small q? Sketch the dispersion
relation of the collective excitations and compare this with the dispersion of quasi-particle
excitations, ωq = vF q.
(c) There is also some regime where there is no viable way of introducing collective excitations.
This regime is characterized by the absence of any poles in the screened interaction Vef f .
A simple way of excluding poles is to look at the imaginary part. Show that
2mpF π
ImΠ(~q, ω) = −
d3 k 0 θ(|~q0 + ~k 0 | − 1)θ(1 − k 0 )δ(
− ~k 0 ~q0 − (q 0 )2 /2). (10)
vF pF
(d) What conditions do we have to impose for the imaginary part to be non-zero?
(e) Sketch the region of ImΠ 6= 0.
(f) Show that the conditions for ImΠ 6= 0 are consistent with those for the creation of real
(as opposed to virtual) electron-hole pairs.