APPLICATION PROCEDURES FOR ADMISSION TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL (MASTER’S COURSE) OF MURORAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS) 2012 室蘭工業大学大学院工学研究科 博士前期課程 学生募集要項 外国人留学生入試(国外出願) 英語版 27-1 Mizumoto-Cho, Muroran, Hokkaido, JAPAN 050-8585 < To Applicants > You must discuss your research theme thoroughly with a faculty member whom you want to be your adviser before submitting your application. As all lectures are given in Japanese, stude nts are re quire d to have sufficient ability in Japanese. Regarding the Handling of Personal Information This University (Muroran Institute of Technology) endeavors to protect personal information under Japanese law and rules of the University. Personal information sent with application documents, it will be used only for the screening of new students and to examine procedures for student screening. In the case of admitted students, these documents will be used in course advising, student records, student advising, and in the provision of student support, tuition assistance and scholarships. Admission Policy Graduate School (Master’s Course) of Muroran Institute of Technology accepts students satisfying the following conditions. 1. The student should have fundamental knowledge and interest in technology with wide cultural experience, sound ethics and open-minded attitude to life. 2. The student should be highly motivated in his/her studies, possess a passion for knowledge and seek actively to advance the future technology. Division of Civil Engineering and Architecture (1) The student should have a broad general knowledge and a healthy set of values and ethics. The student should also have a basic specialized knowledge in order to view architecture and civil engineering from both a global and local perspective. (2) The student should be eager to obtain a higher level of specialized knowledge and have a strong interest in doing research. The student should also be willing to address any new challenges. Division of System Engineering for Public Works (1) The student seeking this major should have a bachelor’s degree in engineering, and have a desire to contribute to society in an official capacity in areas such as environmental preservation and rejuvenation, and the safety and peace of mind of society. (2) The student in this field are graduates in other scientific fields as well as those in the humanities, such as politics and economics, those who would like to be involved in government while studying the society, and those who have a strong desire to be advanced policymakers in science and technology, especially in view of environment preservation and rejuvenation and disaster prevention and reduction. Division of Mechanical Systems and Materials Engineering (1) The student should have a high level of specialized knowledge in mechanical system engineering or materials engineering, and should have a strong desire to acquire problem-solving abilities. (2) The student should have an interest in not only natural science but also the humanities and sociology, and will make an effort to perceive things multilaterally. (3) The student should be a good planner, and when faced with problems will make steady efforts to deal with them. (4) The student as a technician should be morally sound, and should understand the importance of good communication with others. Division of Aerospace Engineering (1) The student should have a basic knowledge of mathematics, physics, languages and engineering, and should have a desire to become a high level technician that will support the research and development of aerospace engineering. (2) The student should have the backbone to challenge the frontier of the unknown, one who is aggressively focusing on the prospects of practical training and spontaneous research. The student will also have a strong desire to acquire advanced specialized knowledge and do research, and will aim to be a front runner in the field of science and technology. Division of Applied Sciences <Course of Applied Chemistry, Course of Biosystem> (1) The student should have obtained the necessary academic skills in the field of chemistry, chemical engineering, and/or bio-engineering. (2) The student should have a strong desire to acquire a high level of specialized knowledge and be willing to play an active part in a wide variety of industries. <Course of Applied Physics> (1) The student should have the adequate academic skills to do research mainly in the field of applied physics. (2) The student should have a desire to acquire a high level of specialized knowledge and be willing to play an active part in a wide variety of industries. Division of Information and Electronic Engineering <Course of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Course of Information and Communication Engineering> (1) As a technician with an advanced knowledge of electrical and electronic engineering, the student should be fully aware of his specialized field, and be willing to act aggressively to realize his goals for the future. (2) In order to understand the current trends in this field, the student must be willing to gather and analyze information; and have the ability to patiently, yet aggressively carry out research and measurements, and to develop programs in his specialized field. (3) The student must have the necessary educational background to give presentations in areas such as languages, and have the basic academic skills in subjects such as mathematics and physics, and be able to implement technical analysis and do research. <Course of Computer Systemics, Course of Computational Intelligence> (1) The student should have the basic academic skills to do research in the field of information engineering. (2) The student should have a strong desire to acquire an advanced level of specialized knowledge. (3) The student should possess an aim for doing creative research related to information engineering. Division of System Engineering for Mathematics (1) The student should have a desire to study the basics of mathematics and use that mathematical science and engineering to actively solve problems. (2) The student should take an aggressive approach to obtaining new knowledge, and have the ability to explore the essential qualities of things. 1. Number of Admissions Division Course Number of Admissions Course of Architecture and Building Engineering Division of Civil Engineering and Architecture Course of Civil Engineering Division of System Course of System Engineering for Public Engineering for Public Works Works Course of Mechanical Systems Engineering Division of Mechanical Systems and Materials Engineering Course of Materials Science and Engineering Division of Aerospace Engineering Course of Aerospace Engineering Course of Applied Chemistry A few admissions in each division Course of Biosystem Division of Applied Sciences Course of Applied Physics Division of Information and Electronic Engineering Course of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Course of Information and Communication Engineering Course of Computer Systemics Course of Computational Intelligence Division of System Engineering for Mathematics Course of System Engineering for Mathematics Note: The applicant may only apply for one division. 2. Eligibility for Application The applicant has nationality other than Japanese, and lives in a country other than Japan, and satisfies one of the following conditions. (1) The applicant must be a university or college graduate, or a candidate for graduation by March 2012. He/she must have completed at least 16 years of formal education or the equivalent outside Japan. (2) The applicant needs to have completed 15 years of formal education outside Japan, and must exhibit ability to earn required credits with excellent grades at the Graduate School of Muroran Institute of Technology. (3) An applicant who has been individually screened for admission eligibility by this institution’s graduate school and has shown to have an equivalent or greater academic ability to that of a person with a university graduation, and who will have reached the age of 22 by March 31, 2012. Notes: Those who want to make an application under the above (2) or (3) need to submit a letter of application to the Admission Division (size: A4, form: free) by Friday, July 1, 2011. 3. Application Procedures (1) Registration period: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 - Friday, July 29, 2011 (2) Documents to be submitted (A) Application form (form provided) (B) Photograph (The photograph of applicant with upper body facing front should be taken within 3 months of the date of application (size 4 cm X 3 cm). Paste it in the designated space.) (C) Certified full academic records of the university or the school attended most recently (issued and sealed by the university or the school) (D) Letter of recommendation from the president, department head or academic advisor of the university or the school (form provided) (E) For those who are currently employed, letter of recommendation from the employer or superior (form provided) (F) Photocopy of the diploma, degree certificate, or a statement that proves the expected graduation by March 2012. (In the last case, a photocopy of the diploma or degree certificate must be submitted upon the entrance into this institute.) (G) Report that shows the applicant's ability in the Japanese language - The applicant must submit a summary in Japanese of the applicant's graduation thesis or graduation experiment, where academic terms may be written in English. The summary is expected to be from 400 to 800 characters in length and should be written by the applicant. - In case no thesis or experiment has been required at the university or the school attended by the applicant, the candidate may instead write a report entitled "The reason why I am applying for Graduate School of Muroran Institute of Technology." (H) A letter of recommendation written by a faculty member of Muroran Institute of Technology. Note: Incomplete application documents will not be accepted. (3) Submission of application documents Entrance Examination Section,Admission Division Muroran Institute of Technology 27-1 Mizumoto-cho, Muroran, Hokkaido, Japan 050-8585 TEL +81-143-46-5162 FAX +81-143-45-1381 (4) Screening fee The applicant needs to submit the required documents with screening fee of 30,000 yen within the period as shown below by Telegraphic Transfer. ・Telegraphic Transfer ・Advise and Pay ・Bank Transfer Fee:Payer’s Responsibility Bank Branch SWIFT code Account No. Account name Screening fee BANK ACCOUNT TO BE SENT NORTH PACIFIC BANK, LTD NAKAJIMACHO BRANCH NORPJPJP 3968548 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY CORPORATION MURORAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 30,000 yen Payment period From Tuesday, July 12, 2011 to Friday, July 22, 2011 Notes: ① All bank charges shall be borne by the remitter including transaction charges of paying banks. ② Students receiving the Japanese Government Scholarship do not need to pay this fee. (5) Points to keep in mind regarding the application procedures (A) Except for the following reasons, the screening fee will not be returned: In the case that the screening fee was paid, but no application documents were submitted nor received by the institute, or in the case that the screening fee was paid in duplicate. In either of these cases, request for the return of the screening fee as soon as possible. For questions regarding the return of the screening fee, contact: Entrance Examination Section, Admission Division, Muroran Institute of Technology 27-1 Mizumoto-cho, Muroran, Hokkaido, Japan 050-8585 TEL +81-143-46-5162 FAX +81-143-45-1381 (B) The application will not be accepted if the screening fee has not been paid. (C) No changes may be made in the division which applicant majors after the application has been accepted. (D) Notify the Entrance Examination Section by phone or fax as soon as possible, if there are any changes to the contact information of the applicant. 4. Screening Procedures The screening will be done on the basis of the application documents submitted. 5. Announcement of the Screening Result 10:00 a.m. on Friday, September 16, 2011. (Tentative) The examination numbers of successful applicants will be posted on the bulletin board in the 1st floor lobby of the main lecture building at Muroran Institute of Technology (the building directly across from the main entrance to the institute), as well as on the institute’s website regarding screening results. In addition, a notice will be sent to all successful applicants by express mail. Unsuccessful applicants will not be notified. 6. Enrollment Enrollment period: Monday, February 6, 2012 - Friday, February 10, 2012 Applicants who have successfully passed the screening should prepare the necessary documents, and enroll during the dates listed above. Detailed information about the necessary documents, as well as the amount and payment method of the entrance fee and tuition fees, will be included in the enrollment information to be sent after the announcement of the successful candidates (around the end of January). Admission and Tuition fees 1. Admission fee: 282,000 yen 【expected amount】 2. Tuition fee : 267,900 yen 【expected amount】 (Yearly total : 535,800 yen 【expected amount】 to be paid in two installments in April and October.) 7. Information about the Institute (1) Muroran Institute of Technology is a national institute. (2) The Master's course is a two-year course. The degree will be awarded to those who have earned the required credits, submitted a research thesis and passed the oral defense of the thesis. Students can proceed to a three-year Doctor's Course after finishing a Master's Course. (3) The academic year begins in April, and ends in March of the next year. The first semester runs from April to September, and the second from October to March. (4) Dormitory for Foreign Students: A limited number of students (single students only) are permitted upon selection by the Institute to live there for one year only, if space is available. 8. The Exemption and Postponement of the Entrance Fee and Tuition Fee (1) The exemption of the entrance fee will be approved for: Those who are admitted to our Graduate School, and for whom it is difficult to pay the entrance fee, as well as those whose academic performance is judged excellent. (2) Postponement of the entrance fee will be approved for: Those who are admitted to our Graduate School, and for whom it is difficult to pay the entrance fee within the admission period, as well as whose academic performance is judged excellent. (3) Those whose application form for the exemption and postponement has been accepted do not need to pay, until its approval or non-approval has been decided. If the applicant pays the fee before the decision, their application for the exemption or postponement is nullified. (4) Those whose application form for the exemption and postponement has been accepted must pay the entrance fee in case of being declined after the registration. (5) Detailed information about the exemption and postponement of the tuition fee, will be included in the enrollment information to be sent after the announcement of the successful candidates (around the end of January). Request for Documents and Queries Concerning the Exemption and Postponement of the Entrance Fee and Tuition Fee should be addressed to: Welfare Section, Student Affairs Division, Muroran Institute of Technology 27-1 Mizumoto-cho, Muroran, Hokkaido, Japan 050-8585 TEL +81-143-46-5129, 5130 Office Hour:8:30-17:15 (except 12:00-13:00) (Weekdays only) 2012 年度室蘭工業大学 大学院工学研究科 博士前期課程外国人留学生入試入学志願票 受験番号 ※ APPLICATION FORM FOR ADMISSION THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE MURORAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS) 国費留学生の方は,□にチェックすること。 □ Add check-mark for those applying to the Japanese Government (MONBUKAGAKUSHO: MEXT) Scholarship. 写 真 3か月以内に撮影 した上半身脱帽正 面向きの写真を貼 ること。 Photo 3cm×4cm taken within 3 months 1.氏名 Full name: Last(Family) First Middle In Roman Letter: 2.国籍 Nationality: 3.性別 Sex: □男 Male □女 Female 4.本籍地 Permanent Address: 5.現住所(自宅)Current Address: Phone: E-mail: 6.合格通知受取先 Mailing Address: Phone: 7.生年月日 Date of Birth: , (Month) (Day) , (Year) 8.年齢 Age: 9.出身地 Place of Birth: 10.志望専攻 Desired Course(Select One of Seven Courses): 指導教員名 Name of Thesis Supervisor: 11.学歴 Educational Background 注:通学したすべての学校(小学校相当以上)を年代順に記入すること。 Note: List, in chronological order, all the schools (above elementary school) you attended. 学 校 名 学校所在地 在 学 期 間 学 位 Name of school Location of school Period of Attendance Degree From to From to From to From to From to From to From to ※印欄には,何も記入しないこと。 Do not write anything in the fields marked with a ※. 12.職歴 Employment Record 職 場 名 Name of Company or Employer 13.家族状況 Family 氏 名 Name 続 柄 Relationship 所 在 地 Location 年 齢 Age 14.日本語の知識 Proficiency in Japanese Language 解読力 優 良 Reading □Excellent □Good 会話力 優 良 Speaking □Excellent □Good 筆記力 優 良 Writing □Excellent □Good 勤 続 期 間 Period of Employment From to From to 職業又は学校名 Occupation or Name of School 可 □Fair 可 □Fair 可 □Fair 日本語の学習歴 Japanese Language Background, if any 学 習 機 関 名 所 在 地 Name of Institution Location 15.外国語の知識 Proficiency in Foreign Language 優 良 English □Excellent □Good 学 習 期 間 Period of Study From To From To From To 可 □Fair 不可 □Poor French □Excellent □Good □Fair □Poor German □Excellent □Good □Fair □Poor Spanish □Excellent □Good □Fair □Poor □Excellent □Good □Fair □Poor Other ( 不可 □Poor 不可 □Poor 不可 □Poor ) 16.室蘭工業大学大学院における研究計画 Plan of Study at the Graduate School of the Muroran Institute of Technology 受験番号 推 薦 ※ 状 LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION 室蘭工業大学長 殿 To: President The Muroran Institute of Technology 被推薦者 Recommendee 氏名 Full Name: 生年月日 Date of Birth: 国籍 Nationality: 日付 Date: , (month) 推薦者 Recommender 署名 Signature: 氏名 Printed Name: 役職 Title and Institute (or Company): 現住所 Present Address: ※印欄には,何も記入しないこと。 Do not write anything in the fields marked with a ※. (day) (year)
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