Hanbury Brown – Twiss Intensity Interferometry: from stars to nuclei to atoms and electrons Gordon Baym University of Illinois, Urbana RIKEN April 8, 2014 In 1949 Robert Hanbury Brown in England, soon after the development of radio astronomy, wanted to measure the angular sizes of two radio sources, Cas-A and Cyg-A using Michelsen interferometry. If the sources were small he would need two radio telescopes on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean, connected to measure relative phase! Not possible at the time. 1916-2002 He then conceived the idea of intensity interferometry as a way of measuring the angular sizes of astronomical objects. Supposing, I thought, there was an another man many miles away looking at another identical cathode-ray tube, would he see the same `noise-like‘ signal? … The next morning I worked out the answer. … if the radiation received at two places is mutually coherent, then the fluctuations in the intensity of the signals received at those two places is also correlated. Since the noise on a cathoderay tube corresponds to the low-frequency fluctuations in the intensity of the signal, the pictures seen by the two observers must also be correlated. … To my joy the mathematics showed that the correlation between their two pictures is a direct measure of mutual coherence and can therefore be used to find the angular size of the source. R. Hanbury Brown, Boffin (Adam Hilger, 1991) Angular diameter of Sirius = 0.0068” ± 0.0005” = 3.1 x d = 2.7 pc <I1I2>/<I1><I2> 10-8 rad λL/R d Hanbury Brown – Twiss intensity interferometry One or many sources (a,b,...) illuminate 2 detectors (1,2) Study normalized intensity correlation between detectors 1 and 2 For photons (and other bosons) C rises up to 2 at detector separations d < wavelength (L/R) = λ/θ λL/R d In terms of momentum difference of particles see (equivalently) rise at q < /R. Direct measure of size of source. Elementary derivation of Hanbury Brown – Twiss interferometry Two sources at a,b with φa, φb = random phases = amplitude at detector 1 intensity at 1 averaged over φ’s Average intensity at detectors Correlated normalized average intensities at detectors C(d) varies on scale d = λ /θ λ = wavelength of light θ = R/L = angular size of source λL/R d Extended source: Intensity interferometry measures Fourier transform (squared) of source distribution Particle collisions: Density of sources is space and time dependent approximately 4D Fourier transform of dynamical source distribution BRIEF HISTORY OF HBT INTERFEROMETRY 1949: Robert Hanbury Brown (1916-2002) conceives intensity interferometry. Enlists Richard Q. Twiss to do mathematical analysis. 1950: 2 radio telescopes (2.4m) used to measure angular diameter of the Sun. [Arguments with Cambridge “dedicated interferometrophiles”] 1952: Cyg-A and Cas-A radio sources resolved with few km. separation. [“Steam roller to crack a nut.”] 1955: Sees “photon bunching.” Test of ideas for((quantum) optics: 1955-1956: Measurement of angular size of Sirius. ¯ p collisions. 1960: G. Goldhaber, S. Goldhaber, W. Lee, A Pais apply to pions from p Followed by extensive application in heavy ion collisions. 1958: Anti-correlations for fermions (Feynman). Evidence for pp, nn in heavy ion collisions. 1996: First detection in boson atomic beam experiments. 2007: HBT for 4 He (boson) vs. 3 He (fermion) atoms. 2011: Detection of anti-bunching in electron beam (Kodama, Osakabe &Tonomura) Measurement of angular diameter of Sirius Angular diameter of Sirius = 0.0068” ± 0.0005” = 3.1 x 10-8 rad d = 2.7 pc C(0)-1 = τcoherence/τbin = 10-14/10-8 = 10-66 Why are signals enhanced at detectors nearby in space and time? E. Purcell For thermal sources, statistics of E are given by two dimensional 2+y2) iφ iφ -(x [Re (Ee ), Im (Ee )] Gaussian distribution. If P(x,y) ~ e then <(x2+y2)2> = 2 <x2+y2> 2 vs for coherent source (laser) Enhanced fluctuations => larger signal ~ e-(ta-tb)/τcoh Quantum Mechanical Description of HBT Classical waves: In terms of photons sum four processes: :two photons from each source :one photon from each source with qm (bosonic) exchange Underlying HBT is symmetry of boson wave functions, e.g., Expect similar effect for pairs of identical particles produced in high energy collisions etc. Generalize to nuclear and particle physics G. Goldhaber, S. Goldhaber, W,Y. Lee and A. Pais (1960) => heavy ion collisions, e+e- annihilation, … = distribution of single particles (of given species) averaged over events = pair correlation in single collision averaged over events p1 = p/2 +q, p2 = p/2 - q Correlation function: Falloff in q measures size of collision volume Parameterize correlation function most simply as -Rinv2qinv2 C(qinv) = 1 + λe qinv2 = (p1-p 2) 2 - (ε1-ε 2 ) 2 NA44 (SPS) Pi-Pi and K-K interferometry W+W- correlation function in e+e- annihilation at LEP √s = 189 Gev => rsource ~ 0.5-1 fm from Alexander and Cohen, 1998 PHENIX (RHIC) Pion interferometry in Au+Au at √sNN = 200 GeV A.M. Glenn, Nucl.Phys.A830:833c (2009) 3 dimensional parameterization x1 p1 q qside Rside x2 p2 qlong qout q = p2 − p1 1 k = (p 2 + p1 ) 2 Rout (Dan Magestro) Measure correlations as functions of qlong, qside, and qout separately and parameterize correlation function as: STAR (RHIC) Pion interferometry from p+p to d+Au to Au+Au Rout (fm) Rlong (fm) Rside (fm) Rout / Rout(pp) Rlong / Rlong(pp) Rside / Rside(pp) Why doesn’t the correlation function rise up to 2? (λ < 1) If the source is coherent, as in a laser, then C(q) ≡1 Long lived resonances give an unresolved peak at small q ex., ω, η, η’ Uncertainties in the Coulomb correction Fluctuations from scattering in air and target Sample contamination: inclusion of non-identical particles through misidentification Pion wave functions HBT is sensitive to wave functions of emerging particles. One of few quantum phenomenon in high energy measurements where wave properties of emitted particles play a role (cf. K regeneration, ν oscillations – q.m. internal degrees of freedom)) For HBT cannot describe particles as little bullets! Source particles produced in q.m. mixed state: In general single pion density matrix (pure state) (mixed state, with probabilities fi) Entropy: in mixed state Particles are effectively emitted in wave packets: source at r0,t0 of size Rc, τc emits π of “momenta” p Pion density matrix: = distribution of sources Initial wave packet spreads Uncertainty principle and spreading of wave packet: Transverse: Longitudinal: ex.: L = ct = 10 m from collision to detector, cp = 1 GeV pions (γ=7), R~ 10 fm = 10-12 cm Photons: Particle detection Detect high energy particles by exciting electrons in atom in detectors: gas, emulsion, Si, …. Characteristic excitation time: = time the detector does quantum mechanics with the pion wave Incident wave packet: Find momenta in range p ± Δp Single particle detection Probability of detection at first point, a: Two particle detection = two particle correlation function ~ |φ(rt, r’t’)|2 For +cc usual terms HBT enhancement (j≠i) Get enhanced probability of detection when both wave packets overlap in each of the detectors HBT does not depend on the history of the particles. HBT enhancement is a property of the wave functions as detected by the detectors. Are correlations property of particles at source? Simulated emission? Are correlations property of particles at source? Simulated emission? Direction of k1 not correlated with direction of k2 HBT? Enhanced correlation at detectors Two point sources d1 => separation of sources d2 => Rstar half-silvered pion mirror Detection of HBT between pions from RHIC and LHC? Loss of interferometry signal if particles arrive at detectors with greater separation than the detector time scale ex. Directly produced pion vs. pion from Λ → p + π Signal HBT two atom correlations M. Yasuda & F. Shimizu, PRL 77 (1996) 20Ne beams ⌧0 ⇠ ~/kB Tsource Interference of matter (atom) waves Upper condensate Lower condensate Condensate has long range coherence Andrews et al. (MIT) 1997 Bose-condensed 23Na Single run of experiment with detection of many particles Each condensate separately prepared No initial correlations between the two. Do not expect 6 <ρ(r)> to show interference ~ 10 atoms in each condensate But multiprobe (many photons in detector laser) measurement of single event (single run of experiment) does show interference. (Castin & Dalibard, Javanainen) The phase φ is random from event to event => HBT Multiphoton measurement on single event reveals full structure Experiment demonstrates multiparticle (~104) HBT correlations HBT interferometry with fermions: same spin => anti-correlations: However – e e, p p: strong Coulomb repulsions mimics effect of statistical correlations for same spin identical fermions n n: strong low energy final state interactions also preclude direct observation of HBT anti-bunching atomic experiments show anti-bunching HBT with 4He (bosons) vs 3He (fermions) beams T. Jeltes et al. (Orsay + Amsterdam), Nature 445, 402 (2007) Neutral spin polarized excited He atoms 4He 3He Definitive demonstration of effect of statistics in HBT Bunching and anti-bunching of neutral cold atoms in optical lattice 87Rb (boson) released from optical lattice shows bunching. 40K (fermion) released from optical lattice shows anti-bunching Fölling et al., Nature 434, 481 (2005) Rom et al., Nature 444, 733 (2006) HBT with electronic anyons (fractional statistics in 2D mesoscopic semiconductors -- GaAs) S. Vishveshwara, PRL91, 196803 (2003) G. Campagnano et al., PRL 109, 106802 (2012) Phase factor e i⇡⌫/2 e3i⇡⌫/2 ν = filling factor (ex. 1/3, 2/5, ...) Not yet realized! BRIEF HISTORY OF HBT INTERFEROMETRY 1949: Robert Hanbury Brown (1916-2002) conceives intensity interferometry. Enlists Richard Q. Twiss to do mathematical analysis. 1950: 2 radio telescopes (2.4m) used to measure angular diameter of the Sun. [Arguments with Cambridge “dedicated interferometrophiles”] 1952: Cyg-A and Cas-A radio sources resolved with few km. separation. [“Steam roller to crack a nut.”] 1955: Sees “photon bunching.” Test of ideas for((quantum) optics: 1955-1956: Measurement of angular size of Sirius. ¯ p collisions. 1960: G. Goldhaber, S. Goldhaber, W. Lee, A Pais apply to pions from p Followed by extensive application in heavy ion collisions. 1958: Anti-correlations for fermions (Feynman). Evidence for pp, nn in heavy ion collisions. 1996: First detection in boson atomic beam experiments. 2007: HBT for 4 He (boson) vs. 3 He (fermion) atoms. 2011: Detection of anti-bunching in electron beam (Kodama, Osakabe &Tonomura) HBT experiment with electrons -Akira Tonomura et al. 1992-2011 1992 April 25, 1942 – May 2, 2012 1995 2011 incoherent partially coherent coherent Transmission electron microscope Two particle correlation functions vs. time delay of pairs for different illumination of detectors. Role of Coulomb? HBT searches with electrons in free space Energetic ions + atom (He, Ne) è double ionization (3.6 MeV/A Au53+ , 100 MeV/A C6+). Study correlations of pair of electrons. Schulz et al., PRL84, 863 (2000) \ Free electrons from tungsten tip Kiesel et al., Nature 418, 382 (2002) Data not corrected for Coulomb repulsion between electrons – results not definitive F. Hasselbach, Repts. Prog. Phys. 73, 016101 (2010) Coulomb interactions vs. quantum statistics Coulomb interaction between a pair of charged can mimic the HBT effect from quantum statistics. Coulomb repulsion between like charged particles reduces chance of their hitting near-by detectors, reducing the correlation function, independent of quantum statistics. Anti-bunching even for distinguishable particles. Coulomb attraction between oppositely charged particles enhances probablility of their landing in nearby detectors. Mimics bosonic HBT for distinguishable particles. Raw data of pion correlations in heavy ion collisions D. Miskowiec, E877 collaboration, Nucl. Phys. A590, 473c (1995) Identical particles Distinguishable particles Coulomb attraction mimics HBT between distinguishable particles: enhancement for π +π - and π-p, and anti-bunching for π +p. Note similarity between π +π +, π –π - and π +π - raw data HBT with electrons in 2D semiconductors (GaAs): mesoscopic interferometers M. Henny et al., Science 284, 296 (1999); W.D. Oliver, J. Kim,. R.C. Liu & Y. Yamamoto, Science 284, 299 (1999) Time delay of detections at different points Screening in matter decreases effects of Coulomb repulsion Screening length (~ 5nm) << Fermi wavelength (~ 40nm) Correcting data for Coulomb Coulomb problem electron pair characterized by length scales: 1) electron Bohr radius ~2 a0 = me2 2) classical turning point of the pair: e2 q2 = rtp 2mred q = relative momentum of the two particles, and mred = m/2 3) typical separation of particles along beam direction 4) size of emitting region transverse to beam Gamow correction When initial separation of particles is well within turning point x0 << rtp divide observed rate by square of Coulomb wavefunction: c (0) = ✓ 2⇡⌘ e2⇡⌘ 1 ◆1/2 ⌘ = e2 /~vrel vrel = relative velocity Coulomb-corrected rate = observed rate / | c (0)| 2 When two electrons in electron beam experiment are emitted outside their classical turning point, classical physics is more relevant. Toy model of classical Coulomb corrections GB & P. Braun-Munzinger, Nucl. Phys. A 610 (1996) K. Shen and GB, Tonomura Memorial vol, World Sci, 2013 Consider only a pair of electrons emitted independently. Calculate their classical trajectories, distorted by Coulomb repulsion, and compute distribution of arrival times at the detector(s). 2 1 e 2 Energy conservation mred vrel = 2 vti Coulomb hole Effects of Coulomb on arrival times Close departures => large Coulomb force Large initial interval => Coulomb negligible Classical trajectories of pair See formation of Coulomb hole in distribution mimicking HBT Coulomb corrections for pion and kaon interferometry in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions. E877 experiment at BNL q Cintrinsic (q0 ) = Cobserved (q) q0 q2 q20 e2 = ± 2mred 2mred r0 q0= initial relative momentum; q = final r0 = initial transverse separation Cint (q0 ) = 1 X = raw data, solid = Gamow, dotted = toy model Distribution of final arrival times: Include 1) Poisson distribution of initial time separations 2) average over distribution of initial transverse positions (here assumed uniform over beam width) 3) Gaussian finite time resolution R(t 1 t)= p e (t 2⇡tr 0 2 t0 ) /2t2 r blue = classical Coulomb alone – Coulomb hole red = with finite time resolution Detecting HBT with electrons Coulomb hole in pair arrival times: ⌧coul = ✓ 2 4e Lmv2 ◆1/3 L L2/3 ⇠ 5/6 v E HBT time scale: ⌧HBT ⇠ ~/Te↵ ⌧HBT E ⇠ ⌧coh ( E) ⌧coul L2/3 ⇠ 11/6 ⌧HBT E 1 E = mv2 2 Te↵ ( p)2 ( E)2 ⇠ ⇠ m E ⌧coh = ~/ E Larger beam energy a) decreases effects of Coulomb b) increases HBT timescale – cf. coincidence time (~0.2 ns) In experiment of Kodama, Osakabe & Tonomura (2011) ⌧HBT ⇠ 1ns cf. ⌧coul ⇠ 1 ps Coincidence time window ~ -.2 ns Experiment sees HBT effects of statistics on arrival times. Spatial HBTt Spatial Coulomb “hole” sc ~ 2 X hole , sHBT , from HBT Here correlations are dominated by Coulomb repulsion. Must include Coulomb in analyzing experiments. どうも ありがとう ございました
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