TCN - 01 Ref: PSER:SCT:MIS:F1560:TCN-01 Sub Job Ref Date: 24-06-2014 Tender change notice (TCN) 01 Rate contract for transportation of BHEL-PSER owned cranes from one site to another site on door delivery basis. 1.0 Tender no PSER:SCT-MIS:F1560:14 2.0 BHEL's NIT, vide reference no PSER:SCT:MIS:F1560:3799, Dated 20-06-2014 3.0 All other pertinent issues till date. With reference to above, following points/ documents, relevant to tender, may please be noted and complied with while submitting offer. E 1.0 2.0 3.0 “TENTATIVE PACKING LIST & LOADING PLAN OF MANITOWOC, M18000 CRAWLER CRANE FOR TRANSPORTATION” of Annexure-II of VOLUME-ID & II of the tender document NIT stands superseded as per attached Annexure-A. Revised `No deviation certificate’ as per enclosed Annexure-2. Bidder shall submit no deviation certificate as per enclosed format only. All other terms & conditions shall remain unchanged. Yours faithfully, for BHARAT HYEAVY ELECTRICALS LTD SR.ENGR (SCT) Encl : As above. POWER SECTOR EASTERN REGION, DJ-9/1, SECTOR-II, SALT LAKE CITY, KOLKATA - 700 091 (033) 23211960 23211691, 23211798, 23211796 FORMAT FOR NO DEVIATION CERTIFICATE (To be submitted in the bidder's letter head) ANNEXURE-2 BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED, Power Sector - Eastern Region, Plot no 9/1, DJ Block, Sector – II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata – 700 091 Sub Job Ref No Deviation Certificate. Rate contract for transportation of BHEL-PSER owned cranes from one site to another site on door delivery basis. 1.0 Tender no PSER:SCT-MIS:F1560:14 2.0 BHEL's NIT, vide reference no PSER:SCT:MIS:F1560:3799, Dated 20-06-2014 3.0 BHEL’s TCN-01, vide reference no PSER:SCT:MIS:F1560:TCN-01, dated 24-06-2014. 4.0 All other pertinent issues till date. Dear Sirs, With reference to above, this is to confirm that as per tender conditions, we have visited site before submission of our offer and noted the job content & site conditions etc. We also confirm that we have not changed/ modified the tender documents as appeared in the website/ issued by you and in case of such observance at any stage, it shall be treated as null and void. We hereby confirm that we have not taken any deviation from tender clauses together with other references as enumerated in the above referred NIT. We hereby confirm our unqualified acceptance to all terms & conditions, unqualified compliance to technical specification, integrity pact (if applicable) and acceptance to reverse auctioning process. In the event of observance of any deviation in any part of our offer at a later date whether implicit or explicit, the deviations shall stand null & void. We confirm to have submitted offer in accordance with tender instructions and as per aforesaid references. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, (Signature, date & seal of authorized representative of the bidder) POWER SECTOR EASTERN REGION DJ-9/1, SECTOR-II, SALTLAKE CITY, KOLKATA - 700 091 (033) 23211960 23211691, 23211798, 23211796 ANNEXURE-A TO TCN-01 Tender no PSER:SCT-MIS:F1560:14 Job - Rate contract for transportation of BHEL-PSER owned cranes from one site to another site on door delivery basis. TENTATIVE PACKING LIST & LOADING PLAN OF MANITOWOC, M18000 CRAWLER CRANE FOR TRANSPORTATION SL. NO. DESCRIPTION QTY GROSS WEIGHT OF EACH ITEMS (KG) Dimension OF EACH ITEM (M) Trailer type & Capacity # LENGTH WIDTH Trailers to be Deployed HEIGHT 1 UPPERSTRUTURE MODULE (CABIN) AND MAST 1 42,865 13 3.02 2.74 HEAVY DUTY SLBT/LBT 1 2 CARBODY WITH ADAPTER FRAME 1 44,679 7.92 3 2.43 LOW BED TRAILER 1 3 CRAWLER FRAME BOOM BUTT 20FT PINNED WITH BOOM INSERT 10FT NO. 55 BOOM TOP 30FT NO. 79A WITH ADAPTER FRAME MACHINING BOOM INSERT 40FT NO. 55 40FT BOOM TRANSITION INSERT NO. 55/79A BOOM INSERT 40' NO. 79 BOOM INSERT 40' NO. 79 20FT BOOM INSERT NO. 55 BOOM INSERT 20' NO. 79 MAST INSERT 20' NO. 56 20' MAST TOP PINNED TO 20' MAST BUTT NO. 56 MAST INSERT 40' NO. 56 MAIN STRUT PINNED TO JIB STRUT 28' JIB BUTT PINNED WITH 12' JIB BUTT NO. 44 40 FT JIB INSERT NO. 44 40 FT JIB INSERT NO. 44 30' LUFFING JIB TOP NO. 44 10FT JIB INSERT NO. 44 LUFFING JIB INSERT 20' NO. 44 LUFFING JIB INSERT 20' NO. 44 2 40,098 12 2.16 2.11 XXXL HBT 2 1 33,793 10 3.61 3.1 LOW BED TRAILER 1 1 15,000 13 3 3.35 SLBT 1 1 9,979 12 2.97 3.1 HBT 1 1 9,979 12 2.97 3.1 HBT 1 1 1 1 1 1 7,474 7,474 9,526 3,700 6,132 13 13 7.11 6.86 6.3 3 3 2.97 2.97 3 3.12 3.12 3.1 3.1 2.49 HBT HBT HBT 1 1 1 HBT 1 1 29,937 15 2.79 3.02 50' HBT TRAILER 1 1 1 6,123 11,385 12.4 16 3 2.64 2.49 2.67 HBT 54' HBT TRAILER 1 1 1 5,579 13 2.57 2.74 HBT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4,763 4,763 5,897 2,000 1,724 1,724 13 13 9.78 3.2 6.28 6.28 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.57 2.59 2.59 2.67 2.67 2.9 2.64 2.59 2.59 HBT HBT 1 1 HBT 1 HBT 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Page 1 of 2 ANNEXURE-A TO TCN-01 Tender no PSER:SCT-MIS:F1560:14 Job - Rate contract for transportation of BHEL-PSER owned cranes from one site to another site on door delivery basis. TENTATIVE PACKING LIST & LOADING PLAN OF MANITOWOC, M18000 CRAWLER CRANE FOR TRANSPORTATION SL. NO. DESCRIPTION QTY GROSS WEIGHT OF EACH ITEMS (KG) Dimension OF EACH ITEM (M) Trailer type & Capacity # LENGTH WIDTH HEIGHT 23 COUNTERWEIGHT TRAY (MACHINING) 2 6,124 3.07 2.97 2.44 24 COUNTERWEIGHT TRAY (CARBODY) 2 15,876 4.42 2.59 1.42 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 COUNTERWEIGHT BOX BLACK BOX COUNTERWEIGHT 500UST HOOK BLOCK 13.6 TON BALL HOOK 350UST HOOK BLOCK 100MT HOOK BLOCK CONTAINER HOOK BLOCK 215T, 7 SHEAVE MS PLATES FOR CRANE CATWALKS AND JACK PADS MISCELLENEOUS ITEMS 6 28 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 20,004 8,210 11,113 1,500 7,893 1,860 3000 5200 6000 --- 3.56 2.62 3.3 2.1 2.64 2.29 6.1 1.8 12 --- 2.59 2.51 1.8 1.9 1.42 0.84 2.45 1.11 2.43 --- 0.51 0.43 1.09 2.04 1.14 1.27 2.5 1.5 ---- Page 2 of 2 Trailers to be Deployed SUITABLE TRAILERS/TRUCK
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