GROWTH 20 14 A N N UA L RE PO RT Growth does not come easily, it requires sustained effort to achieve. Thank you for the crisis counselling course I attended at Jewish House - one of my closest friends attempted to commit suicide on Rosh Hashana and called me. I firmly believe that the lessons I learned helped. I reflected on what we were taught, I applied them and B'H between me, Hatzolah and the ambulance we were able to save her, even though she was very close to death, having taken a massive overdose before we managed to get to her. Hilary, Trained Crisis Line Volunteer Operator, Jewish House 3 The success of Jewish House is in its ability to grow. While the balance sheet, volume of services and access to facilities are important measurement tools, there are two other critical factors which play a pivotal role in determining the validity of the growth of Jewish House. The first is the ability of the people who we assist to grow as individuals, to turn the corner and find their way again. Sadly the other indicator is the growth in need for our services. Our story in the past year is one of consistent growth. It is told not just in numbers but though the eyes of our staff and our clients. Our Vision Improving the well being and independence of people in crisis by ensuring the best possible outcomes. Our Mission Providing the highest standard of support and help to people in crisis, integrating them into the community in a productive and safe environment. Values & Beliefs • Act with integrity and honesty in all our undertakings •R elevance and accountability for the services we provide to the community •R espect for the rights, differences, and dignity of all in our community •N on-denominational and flexible to the diverse needs of individuals • Immediacy in our response to the needs of the homeless in our community • Selfless service through leadership Jewish House recognises the important role played by its staff. In return the organisation ensures they are provided with • People helping people job security, areas of high responsibility and management acceptance for recommendations based on their expertise. As the organisation grows, we have adopted a more flexible approach with our loyal and dedicated staff, enabling and Contents encouraging their desire to give back to society. Vision, Mission, Values and Beliefs 4 The year that was 16 Our Staff 5 Support21 Co-President’s Review 6 Finance and treasurer’s report 22 The values, skills, attributes and commitment of our staff are key to the organisation’s success and reputation, in providing help to the needy. The professional development opportunities afforded to Jewish House staff enhances and improves service quality, as well as assisting with staff retention. The Board of Management, Chief Executive Officer, staff and myself are all committed to encouraging the pursuit of training and development opportunities. We also offer staff performance Insights8 Highlights23 management processes, to support and equip them with the skills and competencies required for the various roles at CEO Review Services Jewish House. 10 Back cover Joseph Zammit, General Manager, Jewish House 4 5 Co-President’s Review Dear Friends, This year marks the 30th anniversary of the inception of Jewish House. To meet this demand we have expanded our Many thanks to our community friends who generously accommodation services with the opening of our new participate in these each year. We would like to thank the facility at Bondi Rd, Bondi as well as supplementing our sponsors and everyone who donated prizes and cash for professional staff to support all the activities. To meet our major fund raising events. this growing demand and to help prevent the cycle of Initially developed to assist people in crisis in homelessness Jewish House launched ‘Project 2500’ at Sydney’s Inner City and Eastern Suburbs, Jewish Parliament House with the objective of helping 2500 House has expanded its service to be a non- people in need over the next 3 years. Aside from the denominational service helping people from all over impact on the individuals and their families, this project The Finances We finished the year once again with a healthy balance sheet and with On behalf of the Jewish House Board and Management we a positive outlook. This are very grateful for the generosity of all our donors and has been made possible supporters during the year. They enable us continue to by the generosity of our provide the service to families and individuals who are in supporters. We also crisis and homeless. appreciate the support Sydney and surrounds requiring crisis intervention. will reduce the costs to our community, both Since Jewish House began helping people in crisis 30 years economically and socially. Our People ago, we have helped thousands of people by providing this Jewish House’s service continues to receive an amazing Much thanks goes to our CEO, Rabbi Kastel, whose ever-growing range of core services. amount of support from the local community, including dedication and inspiration, together with his tireless Our workload has continued to grow. We currently subsidies received from other service organisations such efforts, enable Jewish House to grow and be successful in as Barnardo’s, who sponsor our Social Workers so we can achieving its aims. We also thank his wife, Tzippy, for her Over the next few years we are help extend the help we provide to more families in need of support in this endeavour. committed to expanding our services to assist answer approximately 30 calls per week that can be considered crisis situations. Of these, we have housed from the NSW Government as well as a number of Our new Bondi Rd facility charitable foundations. The Future over 250 Individuals in the last financial year in our crisis assistance. We greatly appreciate their continued support. accommodation, not including children under 10 years old, Jewish House’s main source of income is through who has provided the Secretarial and Legal Council plus another 56 people in our rapid rehousing program. fundraising and this year our two main events ‘Our Gala of Jewish House and thank her for her guidance and We case managed approximately 150 non-residential Dinner’ and ‘Golf Day’ were very well attended and stewardship over the past year. Chana will continue to successful. The proceeds of these will go towards helping support Jewish House in the role of Honorary Solicitor We are very appreciative of your support which is vital to the needy in our community. and Advisor. ensuring we continue to grow so we can fulfil our goal of clients this year. Our psychologists hold between them approximately 1200 sessions per year and all the calls that come through our office we like to believe are helped one more individuals and families in crisis situations. We We were sorry to see the departure of Chana Warlow-Shill will become more involved in the rehabilitation of those affected by a crisis and provide more long term support to assist people back into their normal community setting. people helping people. Our Partnerships way or another. Sometimes it is advice, sometimes it is case managed 150 referrals to a more appropriate partner agency, and most times it is hands on by Jewish House. Rabbi Kastel visits approximately 3000 patients a year in the various hospitals non-residential clients where he is the Jewish Chaplain. our services continue to grow. approximately of Directors for their dedication and leadership during the the NSW Government initiative to help the homeless, last 12 months and for their vision and overall governance ‘Going Home Staying Home’. A joint working agreement housed over 250 As the numbers above show, the community demand for Finally, our sincere thanks goes to the Jewish House Board We are working with our partner organisations to support of Jewish House’s directions. with ‘Women and Girls’ ‘Wesley’, ‘Vincentia House’ and ‘Stepping Out’ will mean more people having Roger Clifford and Gary Cohen permanent accommodation. Co-Presidents individuals 3000 Jewish House Board – The following persons were directors of Jewish house during the year ending 30 June 2014 and up to the date of publication of this report. hospital visits 1200 psychologist sessions Rabbi Mendel Kastel CEO Roger Clifford Co President Gary Cohen Co President Chana Warlow-Shill (resigned 21/7/2014) Ruth Lilian OAM Victor Berger (resigned 16/12/2013) Sharonne Phillips Barry Goldman Ron Hirsch Graham Einfeld OAM (appointed 3 September 2013) For more information, including biographies please visit 6 7 Insight into the people Jewish House is assisting, of which by far the largest percentage are women. Michael Herman, Senior Psychologist It is initially heartbreaking to see a family or person homeless, their life in chaos, without hope, and in distress. However, with the support of • Over 66% are aged 25-54 with mental health issues the Jewish House staf f and partners, • 68% of all people with mental health issues are women it is wonderful to watch the process of • Over 77% of clients with an illicit substance abuse people evolve from this state of despair are aged 25-54 • Over 58% of clients with an illicit substance abuse are women • Nearly 65% of our clients are women with high to very high to a position of personal power. Christina Gold, Family and Children, Social Worker, Jewish House levels of psychological distress, which is particularly the case when they are victims of violent crimes • There are many types of violent crimes; 20% are victims of multiple violent crimes and 22% are victims of domestic violence • 30% of victims of violent crimes are aged 35-44 • 73% of victims of violent crimes are women • 80% of clients experiencing high levels of psychological distress are successfully housed • 55% are placed in supported or private accommodation 8 9 CEO Review I believe that Jewish House remains a beacon of light in a world full of This year saw the launch of our “Project 2500”. tragedy and crises. Wherever I turn, I encounter people who are suffering We launched it to parliament at the end of and unable to help themselves, often through circumstances beyond their 2013 to a very positive response. The goal of control. I am proud and motivated to see what a difference Jewish House helping 2500 people over 3 years who are and my staff make in people’s lives every day. either homeless or at risk of becoming homeless to find stable accommodation seems very reachable looking at the current numbers. I reiterate my sincere thanks to our partners at PWC who assisted us with this project by preparing a comprehensive report and measurements formula. I am also indebted to our amazing partners at Jewish Centre on Ageing (COA) who we work closely with to help those who are vulnerable in the community. My board of management need a special mention for their dedication, commitment, hard work and guidance. I believe that every one of them contributes enormously using their expertise, contacts and their valuable time. It has been an incredible year of growth. Before who require bulk billing services. Michael still Much of my time is taken up with my I focus on some of the people and services, I dedicates much of his time to helping at the chaplaincy duties. I still retain the portfolios would like to draw your attention to some key Montefiore Home where his gift for languages of Jewish Chaplain to the hospitals, the NSW statistics which tell the real story about the need and ability to converse with the patients renders Jewish Police, Maccabi, Reddam House and we are addressing in the community. At a top him indispensable. Michael is also responsible NSW Board of Jewish Education (BJE). I run a level, the infographics we have included gives for producing the statistics based on our monthly Friday night service at the COA which you an understanding of the growth in the areas experiences with clients who utilise our case is well attended. We sometimes have Bat/Bar where our services are most needed. management services as well as our residents. Mitzvah services there as well. I am often asked We have grown our team of social workers with Last year we purchased our new building to do funerals and I’ve performed the addition of Christina Gold. In addition, we in Bondi Road. The renovations are now a number of weddings in the last year. have students from UNSW for work placement completed, and since mid-January the building Once again we built a Succah at the Prince of with us, and who have proven to be of great has been operating as an extension of Jewish Wales hospital which was greatly appreciated assistance. At this point, I would like to thank House. It has been filled to capacity most by the Jewish patients. We also ensured that Jackie Drexler who has been doing our student of the time. It is with thanks to Nora Goodridge all Jewish patients had apples and honey at supervision for us, enabling us to get the best that this expansion has been so smooth Rosh Hashanah, and that there were battery results possible. and seamless. operated candles at all of the hospitals for the Working closely with the social workers are Our clientele in Bondi Road are continually ladies who are not allowed open flames in our psychologists Mandy Manne and Michael expressing their gratitude for the opportunity the wards. Herman who work tirelessly and relentlessly to get their lives back in order with the support helping not only our residents, but many clients and help of caring people. 10 11 Addressing the needs of our community We held a Remembrance Service for NSW Police officers Avremi Joseph also organised our two food appeals who were wounded or killed on duty. We were honoured together with Coles who have been more than generous to have Deputy Commissioner Nick Kaldas as part of the to Jewish House. I take this opportunity to thank the service. It was held at Central Synagogue and was very well management and staff of Coles for their generosity and received. We are doing it again this year in October. hard work facilitating our Yes We Can food drives. Mediation and family disputes are areas where I work to try We have held two successful Business Lunches with a to pre-empt family breakdowns and help parents to deal number of our corporate business partners who expressed with difficult teenagers/children and wherever possible a desire for an opportunity to work with Jewish House. They retain “Shalom Bayit” - a peaceful home. really valued the experience. Our inter-agency partnerships are proving very successful in I take this opportunity to thank my staff who are unfailingly helping us to get the best possible outcomes for our clients. supportive and dedicated and all have the client’s best We have become a significant player, despite our limited interests at heart. staff and financial resources, in the homelessness arena and Without the support and generosity of our donors, none of are focused on working with as many existing agencies as this would be possible. I want to personally thank each and possible so as not to re-invent the wheel and still get the every one of you for your ongoing friendship and I want best possible outcomes for our clients. you to know that every drop helps to fill the bucket and whatever you give us is appreciated and well used. An enormous amount of work goes into running our major annual fundraising and awareness raising campaigns. There I pray that I get continued strength to continue the work are teams of people who make these events successful, I that Jewish House is doing. It is an honour and privilege for want to thank everyone who contributed. Kudos and special me to have been given this responsibility and I will work as thanks to Max Glatter who donated very valuable time and hard as I am able to continue the growth of Jewish House. expertise to ensuring the success of the annual Golf Day as well as Nick Diamond and all the volunteers. 85 92 of clients with MENTAL HEALTH issues were successfully accommodated of clients who were victims of CRIME were successfully accommodated 90 95 of clients were placed in private and supported accommodation of victims of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE were successfully accommodated % % % % Rabbi Mendel Kastel 1 October 2014 12 13 The most rewarding part of my job is seeing a positive outcome for clients, especially when they come to us in difficult circumstances with complex situations. To see a client return to us happy and stable makes it all worthwhile. My door is always open to clients needing support... The most rewarding part of my job is seeing a positive outcome for clients... Rosana Coelho, Head of Social Work, Jewish House 14 15 The year that was S.O.S – STUDENTS ON THE STREETS AT TARONGA ZOO The following are highlights from a year filled with lots of events which showcased Jewish House and contributed towards our growth. We run an annual sleepout raising funds for the homeless, with students from year 8-12 sleeping out under the stars to simulate a night of homelessness for the past 4 years. Sleeping out in open air, although in a covered and secure PROJECT 2500 environment, enabled students to sample what being homeless Working alongside PWC we is all about and appreciate first-hand the challenges of being developed a program ‘Project 2500’ homeless. This year, we added a new dimension to the campaign, by focusing the concept of a shared planet, thus we with the objective to help 2500 are doing the sleepout in partnership with Taronga Zoo. In addition we are proud to be fundraising for the homeless at people over a three year period Jewish House along with the Sumatran Tiger, whose habitats are being cut down and making them “homeless.” in Sydney’s Inner City and Eastern Suburbs. It was launched on the steps of Town Hall in Sydney’s CBD. Gabrielle Upton MP PROJECT HOPE launched the ‘Project 2500’ Report Dr Sam Kovac in collaboration with the Jewish House launched Project HoPe in NSW Parliament. to help Sydney’s homeless pets, vaccinating as many of them as possible from L to R: Jack Pinczewski, representing The Hon. common, yet deadly diseases. Malcolm Turnbull MP and Jonathan O’Dea MP Member for Davidson Project HoPe is another way of showing the homeless that the community is there to support them, acknowledging how hard it can be provide pets with basic needs. It was launched in August by Clover Moore, Mayor of Sydney. #TIME4GOOD As part of Homeless Persons’ Week (August 4th – 10th) we worked with the charity Professionals 4 People to release a YouTube video documenting how a homeless man in Sydney named Alex was provided with a complete life makeover. By donating a few hours of spare time, young volunteers from Professionals 4 People were able to help Alex end the cycle of homelessness. Through the support of Jewish House, Alex was provided with stable accommodation, food, social services, job training, a massage, medical and nutrition treatment, new clothes, a haircut, and even a vet for his dog, George. The creators of the documentary, Professionals 4 People are spearheading the #time4good campaign encouraging all Australians to consider small ways in which they can do good for the community. NEW BUILDING OPENING Malcolm Turnbull MP officially opened 126 Bondi Rd, Bondi in February. Owned and refurbished by Jewish House, the building is part of our First Base / Rapid Rehousing initiative aimed at providing step-up subsidised housing. There are 14 units with a mix for singles, couples or family units. The main focus of the project is to assist people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless but who, with support, will be able to gain long-term employment and sustain their tenancy. We continue to work with clients until they are completely self-sufficient and integrated back into the wider community. Even then, our open door policy allows clients to return at any time in the future if they feel the need to talk or require further assistance. 16 17 The year that was OTHER ACHIEVEMENTS • Successfully tendered to Family and Community Services for the Going Home Staying Home pre-qualification tenders to be classified as a Specialist Homelessness Provider. • Successfully applied with partners for Tenders with State Government. • Employed an additional 2 Social Workers who are taking on the case load of clients as per the Project plan. • We have pruned the trees from the building which opens up more light on the building and minimises the mess in the front. • We have replaced the sewerage down the whole side of the building which enabled us to repave the side of the building and redo the back of the garden. Everyday coming to work, seeing the hardships of people and being able to smile at them, greet them and add a little bit of light into their lives, brings meaning and joy to my day. It adds value to what I do here at Jewish House. Avremi Joseph, Project Manager, Jewish House 18 19 Support Helping us fulfil the need I have been at Jewish House for nearly ten years and it Jewish House believes in ‘people helping people’, and as such maintains strong relationships with a number of community organisations. The board and management of Jewish House work with these partner organisations to ensure resources are not duplicated and that by working together we can provide the best possible outcomes for the client. has come to be my second home; it is this feeling exactly that we try to instill for our clients. A place of refuge, support and care, I am very proud to be associated with an organisation such as ours. Mandy Manne, Head of Psychology Services, Jewish House We say thank you to all of our volunteers for their passion and commitment. They play such a The organisations we work with on a regular basis, including some vital role in our service to those with which we have a memorandum of understanding, as well as the in need, it would not be possible supporters and donors who make our work possible are: without each of them. Ai Topper & Co Max Employment Bendigo Bank Meriton Apartments Bermeister Charitable Foun dation Mr and Mrs M Salick COA Janice Bergheim Mrs Nora Goodridge Beverly Brandon NAB Chantel Cleminson Naadine Sacks Photography Sandra Cohen News Limited Les Cohen Coles Credit Suisse Consult Point DGX Australia Eastgate Shopping Centre Cedric Amoils Tal Aronstam Peter & Yvonne Halas Shelley Diamond Jakkie Drexler Education Heritage Foundation Pratt Foundation Estate of the Late Herta Lucy Prince of Wales Hospital ESV Group PWC Firehold Pty Ltd Reuben Peleman Benevolent Foundation Max Glatter Fivex Pty Ltd Richard Scheinberg Richard Hasten Gandel Philanthropy Roger Clifford Lauren Hayman Rose Bay North Cellars Leah Joseph Gary Cohen Global Group Goodridge Foundation Harry Triguboff Henry and Judy Spira Eric Gehl Alex and Irena Gelman Agnes Kainer Geyer Roth Charitable Foundation Scott Winton Insurance Group Seafolly Kids Giving Back Dr Sam Kovac Rob Levy Alice Lewin Henry Shein Halas Sofitel Wentworth Helping Hand Group St George Community Housing Susan Modell Invigor Group Stuart Alexander Shoshana Monk Investec Sydney Clinic Sharonne Phillips Jarvis Sydney University Evelyn Platus Jason L Furniture Taronga Zoo Lyndi Polovnick JB Were Philanthropy Jetset Travel Rose Bay Jewish Care Jirsch Sutherland Josh Miller Mellisa Port Terrace Tower Group Port Family Turnbull Foundation Adele Rosenfeld Vittoria Coffee Albert Sasson Visy Gil Sher Levy Foundation World of Whiskey Hilary Shil Lions Club – Bondi Waverley Council Joe Singer Lou’s Place Westpac Bank Elizabeth Zyl Lowy Family Group Yellow Brick Road KWS Legal 20 Volunteers 21 Highlights Finance and treasurer’s report YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2014 Once again Jewish House has enjoyed a successful financial year with a surplus in excess of the previous year. Income from fundraising and events, including donations and the Gala Dinner increased over last year. We were particularly pleased to receive a substantial donation from one donor which made a significant contribution to the bottom line. The purchase of the property at 126 Bondi Road was completed in August 2013 and the renovations to the property were completed early in 2014. This major expenditure was funded from the donation referred to in the previous paragraph and PASTORAL CARE HOMEBASE PSYCHOLOGIST VISITS people prevented from homelessness people CRISIS CENTRE MEDIATION people people 1245 95 384 a loan from the National Australia Bank. Our thanks go the Bank for their assistance enabling Jewish House to provide this important service to the Community. Accommodation revenue has now increased as a result of this facility being utilised by our clients. More recently the Board is making efforts to expand the range of services being provided by Jewish House and an increased emphasis is being placed on fundraising to ensure the required resources to fund these services, will be available. My thanks go the General Manager, Joe Zammit and his staff who have supported me in carrying out my duties as 259 HOSPITAL VISITS 96 4160 people Treasurer and to PWC for the preparation and audit of the Financial Reports. Graham Einfeld OAM - Treasurer Finance Summary 2014 2013 2012 Total Income $1,686,445 $1,122,442 $1,593,157 Operating Expenses $1,338,686 $1,039,892 $827,331 Depreciation and Finance costs $110,326 $49,130 $37,845 Surplus $237,433 $33,420 $727,981 RAPID HOUSING COMMUNITY BRIDGING people clients help themselves 40 24 22% 39% Operational Revenue for 2013/14 2013/14 23% 10% 5% 22 DONATIONS & APPEALS $382,226 SERVICE PROGRAMS $169,028 GALA DINNER $368,082 OTHER EVENTS $92,374 GRANTS FOUNDATIONS $664,452 OTHER INCOME $10,285 23 Services 24/7 Crisis Line – A unique service handling calls from anyone on an unlimited range of cases including; drug and alcohol abuse, financial distress, suicidal preoccupation, domestic violence and homelessness. Our trained volunteer counsellors listen and assist, offering access to a variety of services. The latest technology is used so emergency services can be summonsed immediately and included in calls if required. Counselling/Psychological and Psychiatric Services – A community resource offering bulk billing, making psychological and psychiatric assistance within the reach of anyone who requires it. Through close associations with local facilities, such as the Sydney Clinic, St Vincent’s Hospital, Prince of Wales Hospital, Royal Hospital for Women, Prince of Wales Private and Wolper Hospital amongst others, referrals can be easily made to the appropriate organisation, to achieve ideal outcomes for the client. Our story of growth Crisis Accommodation – Established over 20 years ago as a refuge for those emerging from drug and alcohol problems or those breaking free from a cult, the service has expanded to accommodate clients seeking refuge from violent relationships, homelessness or any other circumstances that place them in a situation where they are without a to meet the need will continue with your support. home. Our approach is to offer clients holistic care, by accessing our other services and those of our partners. Financial Counselling – Experienced Financial Advisors work with clients to go through their finances and find the best solutions to try and stabilise their situation. We have partnered with Max Employment and Xcelerate to help the unemployed back into the workforce, through their training programs and advice. For those unable to work at all we assist them with Centrelink applications, advising them on their entitlements and try to give them a means to live an independent and 1300 544 357 [email protected] dignified existence. Mediation – Rabbi Kastel and our psychologists are experienced mediators allowing people to work through their issues and reach an agreement, even for the most complex of family conflicts. Pastoral Care – Times of crisis inevitably raise questions of spirituality and soul searching. We take the view that assisting clients in a crisis or those emerging from a crisis must include an option to access spiritual guidance. The pastoral care is provided by Rabbi Kastel who has two decades of experience in assisting people in distress. This program is usually administered as part of an overall counselling plan for a client. 17 Flood Street Chaplaincy – Our culturally sensitive chaplaincy services are delivered Bondi NSW 2026 Australia by Rabbi Kastel for the NSW Police and Emergency Services, Wolper, Prince of Wales and St Vincent’s Hospitals and for Reddam House School. It is part of our philosophy of “people helping people”. EDITING AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT BY COMMTOGETHER 0412 702 171 DESIGNED BY IMAGECORP 8096 9532 FEATURE PHOTOGRAPHY BY CONOR ASHLEIGH 0431 455 792
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