Church News

March 2014
...of Living Water, of the Living Word...of DSUMC News
P. O. Box 99 - 28900 RR 12
Dripping Springs, TX 78620
(512)894-7123 Phone
(512)858-1954 Fax
e-mail: [email protected]
Spring Concert
Mark your calendars
you don’t want to miss this one!!
Christian contemporary artist
Shawn McDonald
In Every Issue:
Wave upon Wave . . .
Words of Encouragement
Prayers from the Church
Adult Ministries/News
Youth News
Children’s Ministries
Church News
Church Nurturing
New Opportunities
News from our Wesley Nurse
Church Calendar
8:15 AM Traditional Service
Communion every Sunday
Communion 1st Sunday
Communion 1st Sunday
9:45 AM Contemporary Service
11:15 AM Traditional Service
6:00 PM Bilingual Service
Communion 1st Sunday
9:45 AM and 11:15 AM
Youth Worship
A personal note:
For those of you who were unable to attend the last concert that DSUMC
hosted, I want to personally encourage you to attend this one.
This is a wonderful outreach into our community as well as an amazing
opportunity to worship together with our friends and family. A lot of effort
goes into bringing new talent for all of us to enjoy, so please make every
effort to join us on the 22nd and welcome this wonderfully talented young
man. I am looking forward to a great experience in song and worship.....
Blessings, Vicki
As Shawn McDonald approaches the ten-year mark of his extraordinary career,
he stands at the crossroads of reflection and anticipation. To mark this unique
period, which simultaneously finds the singer/songwriter approaching seasoned
status while still bristling with his most ambitious ideas to date, the Eugene,
Oregon native turned Columbus, Ohio transplant releases The Analog Sessions
(Sparrow), a collection split between nine re-recorded hits and fan favorites, plus
two entirely new tunes. Check him out at
March 22nd at 7:00PM ~ DSUMC Sanctuary
$15 Advance ~ $18 at the door
Tickets available online at or in the front office.
Wednesdays at 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Middle School and High School
Join us as we
welcome our
newest members
Nathan Snell & Sophia DeColo
Obra Harrell & Belinda Benninger
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Join us during Lent as we follow “The Son of God”
Mondays 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM ~ Sanctuary
Beginning March 10th thru April 14th
Sign-up on Sunday’s or contact [email protected]
Childcare is provided
Dripping Springs United Methodist Church
March 2014
Wave upon Wave
The SOURCE is published
and available online
Our Mission:
To make disciples for Jesus Christ
Our Vision:
In accordance with the teachings
of Jesus Christ, the vision
of Dripping Springs United
Methodist Church is to identify,
meet and nurture the spiritual
needs of our congregation
and community.
Scott Bradford
Adam Thornton
Cody Reeves
Brandon “Shook”
Cara Mullen
Vicki Rector
Lysbeth Smith
Randy Voorheis
Barbara Johnson-McArthur
Shana Fowler
Jenny Aston
Laurel Bradford
Ness Meredith
Kyle Hayes
Don Cawood
Cara Mullen
Celeste Gamble
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Building Plan
I wanted to try and explain the current Phase of the “Preparing
His Way” Building Program so that everyone might understand
what is occurring more clearly. To do that, I will try and
correspond it with The Book of Discipline (TBOD) which outlines
these procedures (paragraph 2544).
Step 1 – Study Committee - Actually this took place a couple of years ago when a then-elected Building Committee put together a long range plan,
that is now commonly referred to as the “Twenty Five Year Plan.”
It has been visible in the foyer for several years.
In November, 2011, that plan was approved by the city planning and TxDot and a five
year clock started ticking during which some significant action (building) needed to be
taken to lock in the entire plan. In locking in the plan, we are held to current rules and
restrictions and not future ones.
Step 2 – Church Conference – needed to move forward with a “Preliminary Building Project.”
The Conference was held on September 22, 2013. The motion to proceed was
amended slightly to read “preliminary Building Program feasibility study
(para 2544.3) specifically Phase I of the church's 25 year plan, which includes
site development, Youth Building and debt retirement.”
Three guiding principles we have been talking about for about a year are:
1. Debt Reduction
2. Site Development
3. Space for new ministries (a Building)
There are normally two major parts to this “preliminary phase”: Election of a Building
Committee and Capital Campaign Committee, however we also added Communications and
placed all three of these under the umbrella of “Preparing His Way” Chair Mike Embry.
The work that needs to be done in this preliminary phase is outlined in TBOD.
Building Committee: (para 2544.4) (highlighted)
c. “develop preliminary architectural plans”
e. “secure an estimate”
5. Preliminary presentation to District Buildings & Locations
Capital Campaign: (para 2544.4)
f. “develop a financial plan for defraying the total cost, including an estimate of
the amount the membership can contribute in cash and pledges and the amount
the local church can borrow if necessary. “
Step 3 – Church Conference – (To be held later this year) (para 2544.6) “A majority vote of the membership present and voting at the church conference shall be required to approve the
preliminary architectural plans, cost estimate, and financial plan and the building committee’s recommendation.”
If this is approved we would then proceed with the following:
Building Committee: (para 2544.7)
7. “After approval by the church conference, the building shall develop detailed
plans and specifications and secure a reliable and detailed estimate of cost, which
shall be presented for approval to the charge conference and to the district board
of church and location and building.
Step 4 – Charge Conference: (may be held much later this year, or possibly in 2015).
Building Committee: (para 2544.8)
8. “After approval by the charge conference and district board of church
location and building, the building committee may begin the building project…”
Here and only here would the actual building begin!
As you can see we have a lot of steps and the church would have given a number of approvals
before any actual building could begin.
Dripping Springs United Methodist Church
March 2014
Words of Encouragement
I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may
know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in
the saints…Ephesians 1:18
Calling out from Hope
Hope is a very precious thing. Hope is that thing which gives us a little more gas in the tank
to get us to where we need to be. Hope is what keeps us going when we have lost so much,
suffered so greatly, or been hurt so badly.
Sometimes hope is hard to see. Life gets in the way from time to time and we lose sight of
it as it fades from view like the sun on a cloudy day. We need to hope. It is hard-wired into
all of us and without out it we wither and die. But even though we need to hope, we run into
two problems that can leave us confused and struggling for answers.
First, we don’t realize that we have lost hope. Maybe we have been hurt by someone or made a series of unfortunate
decisions that have landed us in a fog. Maybe we have been going through the motions in our faith but inside we haven’t
felt alive in so long and we don’t know what to do about it. Maybe we are simply in the valley, and we can’t see where we
are going because of the trees. Whatever the reason, it is time for us to lift our eyes to heaven and renew our relationship
with the Lord. We can hope again and we can find that sense of purpose that we once knew.
The second problem we face is that we have placed our hope in the wrong things. Maybe we have invested everything
in our spouse only to be let down. It may have even ended in divorce. It could be that we have poured ourselves into
our vocation hoping to find meaning in what we do. But vocation alone does not give us hope. It cannot help us find
redemption for our failings and our brokenness, especially when we try to hide there. We might have even tried to find
hope in the bottom of a bottle, a pill, or a high that inevitably wears off and wears us out. In short, we have hoped in
something that will never give us restitution.
You might even be there right now. Chances are good that you have been there already (I know I have). But you and
I don’t have to remain there. The Apostle Paul writes to the Ephesian believers that his earnest prayer is that their
eyes will be opened so that they can hope in Christ, who does not disappoint!
He encouraged them, and us, that we don’t have to wonder about whether or
not we will measure up, because we won’t, and we don’t have to fret over our
relationship with God, because it is secure through Jesus. God has called us into
redemptive relationship no matter where we have been, or where we are right
We can hope in that grace the sought us before we knew it, covers up our
filthiness, and transforms us from the inside out.
Adam Thornton
Associate Pastor
March Sermon Series
Bilingual Service
Sunday evening
6:00 PM
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March 2 ~ “Requires a Detailed Plan” 1 Kings 6:7-22
March 5 ~ Ash Wednesday Service ~ 6:30pm
March 9 ~ “Community and The Law of Christ” ~ Galatians 6:1-5
March 16 ~ “Conversation with God” Exodus 3:1-10
March 23 ~ “Building a Future & a Hope” Jeremiah 29:1-14
March 30 ~ “The Principle of First Fruits”
Proverbs 3:9-10 and 2 Corinthians 9:6-11
Dripping Springs United Methodist Church
March 2014
Prayers From the Church
Prayer Thoughts James Cecil ~ Prayer Steward
With all the buzz of events unfolding at DSUMC, I’m compelled to ask, are we giving
thanks everyday for this church? Then of course, that leads to the next question. Is
that enough? As this thought unfolds, let’s consider Jesus’ words in Matthew 25:14-28.
“For it is as if a man, going on a journey, summoned his slaves and entrusted his
property to them; to one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each
according to his ability. Then he went away. The one who had received the five talents
went off at once and traded with them, and made five more talents. In the same way,
the one who had the two talents made two more talents. But the one who had received
the one talent went off and dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money.”
The master was well pleased with the first two men because they used their talents and grew their master’s wealth. The
man who buried the gold feared his master and feared losing his masters’ gold. Little did he know any effort would have
been productive.
Diana and I joined this church body because it taught from the Bible and was deep in outward mission led by the Spirit.
Sunday worship was just one of many opportunities. Whether your relationship with Jesus was just beginning or well on
the way, there were activities to connect with. How did this happen? Church members long before us made this possible
and that’s where the thanks come in. Without a doubt, we were reaping where we did not sow and I was enjoying it.
Consider if the day you decided to join this church and in your excitement the pastor said “I’m sorry, you can’t join since
you had no part of its building.” I know it sounds harsh, but I do want you to know that many faithful members thought
of you 20-25 years ago and decided to build so there would be a place for you. So it is good to give thanks to those that
thought about you long before you decided to visit. The benefits we enjoy at DSUMC were from their faithful gifts and
it is now our turn to do for those yet to come. I pray we are not like the man who buried his masters’ gold, but like the
other two men that accepted what was given and added their time, talents and gifts so others could reap what they sowed.
Pray with me; Lord, Thank you for those that thought of me and all the good things you give this church. Lead me to
adding to the mission of DSUMC so others may reap what I sow. Amen.
Altar Flowers
For 2014. If you are interested in placing flowers on the altar for a celebration, memorial or
simply a special family occasion, contact the church office with your information for the bulletin,
drop off a check and we will order the flowers for the Sunday of your request.
The floral cost is $50.00. You can make your request by emailing [email protected].
Visit Our Prayer Room
During your wanderings around the church, stop by the room with double doors in the upstairs foyer.
It is a place of solitude and serenity for those who want to get away from the daily routine and spend
some quiet time with their Lord. The Prayer Room is open and available all hours, seven days a week.
Feel free to stop by and visit with our Lord.
God Bless.
Prayers of the People
Crew Avery, Holli Barrett, Paula Blank, Alan Caldwell, Beth Caldwell, Wayman Curry, Jeanne & Blackie Cutrer,
LeeAlice Dance, Grace Delgers, Millie Ellis, Karen Frye, Roger Garner, Betty Garnett, Noah Giltner, Troy Hallmark,
Edith Selena Hays, Betty Henderson, Theresa Hodapp, Carol Hodge, Jeannine & Harold Hoke,
Jenny Lee, Annie Lindner, Cecilia Long, Dave McArthur, Matt McCoy, Ben & June McDougal,
Brandon Meier, Jennifer Red Sanders, Janet Shepperd, Tom Staudt, Lauren Taylor & family,
Eugenia Wade, Paula Johnson & Douglas Weitzel
Military: Dylan Boren, Corpsman Sam Burns, Sgt Danny Cecil, Private Cody Clement USA,
Sgt J Lawton, AWR3 Mitchell R. Lawson U.S. Navy, 1st Lt. B Lennon USMC, Lt JG C Lynch,
SSS Kevin Simmons, SGT. Michael Stretz, Lance Corporal Daniel E. Sullivan, Cpl J Wood USM
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Dripping Springs United Methodist Church
March 2014
Adult Ministries
Mission: Helping Men Grow in Christ, so others may know Christ.
Vision: UMM is Home Base for all the men of the church, the place to plug in and
go out in fellowship/ministry/service. All men’s activities fall under this umbrella.
Challenge: For men to step up and be a shining example of the spiritual backbone
of the church
All men in the community are encouraged to join us. UMM is not just for church
members. Our meeting provides a forum to communicate what is going on in the life of our church.
Matt Rogers at [email protected] for more information.
UMW ...United Methodist Women
is the largest denominational faith organization
for women with approximately 800,000 members
whose mission is fostering spiritual growth,
developing leaders and advocating for justice. Members
raise up to $20 million each year for programs and projects
related to women, children and youth in the United States
and in more than 100 countries around the world.
The organized unit of United Methodist Women is a
community of women whose purpose is:
To know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ.
To develop a creative supportive fellowship.
To expand concepts of mission through
participation in the global ministries of the church
UMW Circles and Their Focus
AGAPE CIRCLE: Members are ladies of all ages whose
main mission is hand made quilts and blankets
for children in need, local disaster victims and
women and children of abuse.
Part of their mission for 2014 is the
Hays-Caldwell Women’s Shelter.
Meetings: 1st Monday of the month 9:30 AM
Leader: Betty Bendall 858-9426
Agape Circle meets Monday, March 3rd at 9:30am
at the home of Tina Keats
the program will be “Our Methodist Heritage”
SHALOM CIRCLE: A circle that keeps the “Prayer
Shawl Mission” tradition going
Meeting: 2nd Tuesday of the month 6:30 PM
DSUMC Rm. 108
Leader: Gay Lynn Wilson 858-4641
Childcare is available upon request for all Circles
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UMM March News
A giant Thank You to all the MEN of the UMM that helped
serve, steer, and survive yet another super year for the 2014
Wild Game Dinner and made it a night to remember. To all
y’all who gave or supported this event, which really funds
all the outreach and service projects that help us impact the
Dripping Springs community in such amazing ways- you
are a blessing and thank you!!
The “Paddles Up” event at the
dinner solicited donations just for
our “Methodist Outreach Service
Team” (M.O.S.T.) this year which
is our community outreach arm
of the church. Our UMM made a
commitment to support those events
monthly, every second Saturday,
and I was blown away at the
paddles going up and the donations
that came in for M.O.S.T. What a great year we will now
have in getting out into the community to do God’s work.
This month’s UMM breakfast will be Saturday March 8th
at 8:00AM at the Fellowship Hall. After breakfast we will
be heading out to do this month’s M.O.S.T. service event.
Please email Matt Rogers at [email protected], if you
would like to help in any way preparing for this month’s
UMM meeting.
February WOW Menu
March 5th ~ Baked Potatoes~ Ash Wednseday
March 12th ~ NO WOW ~ Spring Break
March 19th ~ Jambalaya
February 26th ~ Sloppy Joes
If you are interested in joining a
WOW team, please contact
Vicki Rector at [email protected]
We are always in need of volunteers.
Dripping Springs United Methodist Church
March 2014
Youth News
Brandon “Shook” ~ Youth Director
894-7123 - ext. 242 [email protected]
DSUMC Student Ministry
Wednesday Worship
Middle School and High School
will gather in the Sanctuary at
6:30 PM, after the WOW meal
and worship together.
After Worship we will have open Gym
until 8:30PM
Sunday School Classes
9:45 AM
High School
Dave Meredith
Middle School
Ross Van Burkleo & Chris Vadala
11:15 AM
High School - Youth Room
“Shook” & Neil Graff
Middle School - Room 204
Chris Martin
Upcoming Events:
Ash Wednesday Shawn McDonald Concert
March 5th
Saturday March 22nd @ DSUMC Sanctuary
There will be no Dub Squared
Tickets in advance $15.00
We will participate in the Ash Wednesday Service Tickets at the door $18.00
with the whole body of Dripping Springs UMC.
Doors Open at 6:00pm ~ Concert Starts at 7:00pm
UM ARMY Registration Deadline
April 30th
$$$ Due and Registration Due
Church Website/Student Ministry:
Facebook Link:
Mind, Body, Spirit and Strength
Jesus said that the greatest commandment was to love the Lord, our God with all your heart and with all your soul and
with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment and is in Matthew 22:37-38.
In the old testament in Deuteronomy 5:5 it the word says “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your
soul and with all your strength.
Then in Matthew, Jesus goes on to say to love your neighbor as yourself. As your self? I had to ask myself, do I love
myself? What is this suppose to look like? I have been pondering that and have found that first I have to love the Lord,
my God, with all of my heart, all of my soul, all of my mind, and all of my strength and the rest will follow.
One thing that is very obvious to me is that I have not loved myself. It shows in the way I take care of my body. I eat stuff
I know is not good for me and I do not exercise. If I am to love God with all my strength, heart and mind, wouldn’t I be
taking care of His temple which is my body, to the best of my ability. Wouldn’t I carve out some quiet time with the Lord
every morning and every evening to bask in the Lord’s love. Wouldn’t I put inside my body the fresh foods he has for
me and not pollute it with processed foods that are full of stuff that hurt my body and drain
my strength. Wouldn’t I exercise and strengthen my body so I am ready to go wherever He
sends me and I have the energy to do whatever He asks? What would it look like to live a
life making healthy choices: mind, body and Spirit?
Is there anyone else out there besides me that would like to start today and make this change?
If so, let’s get together and start a support group and start living healthy and fulfilling lives
for Jesus. I have a lot of wonderful information and I am starting today… want to join me?
My email address is [email protected].
Let’s stop making excuses and get started today.
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Dripping Springs United Methodist Church
March 2014
Children’s Ministry
Mark Your Calendars…
Vacation Bible School 2014
July 14th – 18th
Our VBS theme this year will be “The Workshop of Wonders,”
where children Imagine and Build with God.
While at the Workshop of Wonders, students will discover how
the ordinary becomes EXTRAORDINARY with God!!
Registration will begin in April
look for email and bulletin alerts
with more information in the coming months.
We need LOTS of help to host over 300 children
so be thinking about which area you want to volunteer.
Contact Shana Fowler at [email protected] to volunteer or if you have any questions.
Don’t miss this fun VBS where students will use their heart, mind and imagination to
participate in the creative life of God…the One who works Wonders!!
You are the God who works wonders. Psalm 77-14a
DSUMC Scholarship Program
DSUMC’s Scholarship Program awards funds to students and families of our congregation to further their education and/
or provide assistance for faith-based programs/camps attended by our church, as well as, other onsite ministries.
Scholarship funds will be awarded to:
• Graduating seniors who are in need of financial assistance for college and/or a higher education institution
• Elementary, middle and high school students planning to attend conference youth camps/programs
• Students currently enrolled in a college or university that are hoping to continue their education.
The following are the Eligibility Criteria for awarding scholarships, listed in order of their importance:
- Church Activities and Service
- School/Community Activities and Service
- Leadership Skills
- Academic Record
Please note:
• As many or as few scholarships can be awarded to students based on the decisions of the Scholarship Committee,
including the decision to NOT award scholarships on any given year.
• Checks will be written to the recipients after proof of enrollment is provided.
Applications will be available on April 6th and will be due on May 4th. Scholarship winners will be announced mid-May.
Late applications will not be accepted. For more information, please contact Shana Fowler at [email protected]
Have you noticed, our church is busting at the seams with activities. To meet the needs of
each class we need your help. If your class/meeting is needing childcare, please fill out the
necessary form two weeks prior to the time childcare is needed and return it to the nursery.
We want to provide proper care for your children.
An accurate count of children will enable us to provide the appropriate caregivers.
If you have questions regarding childcare you can contact Ness Meredith at [email protected]. The request forms
are available outside the Nursery Office or can be downloaded from the church website at
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Dripping Springs United Methodist Church
March 2014
Church Nurturing
Stephen Ministry – The Spirit of Love
Our Stephen ministers are prepared to help you in any situation that has you experiencing a
season of grief, discomfort, pain or just a daily “funk”. They serve with a spirit of love. They
come alongside to be a compassionate friend while you heal from life’s hurts. They are all
volunteers who have been trained to be good listeners, good pray-ers and good confidants.
They will spend approximately an hour a week with you for as long as you both feel it is
necessary. Many persons have been served through this ministry. We wish we could tell you
the wonderful stories of healing, but they are all confidential! Just know that you can call and we will be there to help.
NOTE: We now have a new referrals co-ordinator, Carolyn Megason. You can reach her at 512-417-1170 or
[email protected]. If you are unable to reach her for any reason, you can contact Mark Lander at 512-5696644. You may also speak to one of the pastors, Scott Bradford or Adam Thornton about being assigned to a Stephen
minister. Please don’t hesitate to ask for help.
David and Goliath
“When you feel inadequate to face a difficult challenge, to what extent does your knowledge of God’s character
affect your willingness to obey?”
This question was recently discussed by the Wednesday AM Ladies’ Bible Study group. We were concluding a study by
Ray Vander Laan called “Faith Lessons in the Promised Land”. Throughout this study, we explored challenges that the
Israelites in the Old Testament faced as they sought to live God-centered lives in the middle of a culture that did not honor
God. One of these challenges was the familiar one about David and Goliath.
David and Goliath was probably one of the first Sunday School stories we heard as children. For me, it was simply the
big guy versus the little guy, and the little guy won! But there is a bit more to the story...
Having control of and access to the “Shephelah”, between the coastal plains where the Philistines lived and the mountains
where most of the Israelites lived was critical to Israel’s survival. Here the scene was set for a battle between the Israelites
and the Philistines. Every day for forty days, a 9 foot tall giant of a man would come out and taunt the Israelite army
and ridicule their God. Not only was Goliath huge, but he was equipped with the latest weapons and a suit of armor - a
formidable military challenge. Enter the young shepherd boy named David. He had come to bring food to his brothers
who were there to fight for Israel. David had no spear, and King Saul’s armor was too big for him. But, appalled by the
insults Goliath hurled at the God of Israel, David was compelled by GOD to fight the giant with the only thing he had: a
slingshot and a stone.
One important aspect of the story for us to understand is that David recognized the true nature of Goliath’s challenge. This
was a battle between God and the forces of evil. It is a conflict that continues today between God’s people and the values
of the world. Some Jewish scholars even point to the ways in which multiples of the number 6 were represented in the
description of Goliath, meaning that Goliath represented everything evil.
God has called us (like he called David) to faithfully serve him and has equipped us with everything we need to accomplish
an important job that will help the world know that he is God. But sometimes we have to battle the enemy who wants
to distract or discourage us from accomplishing what God has given us to do. How quickly David understood the true
nature of the battle with Goliath and how quickly he responded with confidence in God! What lesson can we learn about
standing firm and trusting God when we are facing evil?
My prayer for you: “May you be encouraged to stand firm for God in the
battles He has called you to fight.”
“Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus
Christ!” 1 Corinthians 15:57
Barbara Scates
Nurturing Steward
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Dripping Springs United Methodist Church
March 2014
Church Ministries
Kairos Prison Ministry – Your Support Is Needed!
DSUMC members are participating in two Kairos Prison Ministry Weekends in
Gatesville this spring. The first Kairos weekend will be at the Hughes Unit in on
April 3rd - 6th. The Hughes Unit is a maximum-security men’s unit. The second
Kairos weekend will be at the Lane Murray Unit, a maximum-security women’s
unit, on April 23rd - 26th. DSUMC has been a major supporter of Kairos for more
than 15 years!
This powerful ministry is very effective in bringing inmates to a closer relationship with Christ, building Christian
community in the prison, and reducing recidivism. During the years that DSUMC has been involved with Kairos, we
have seen a number of Sisters and Brothers in White turn away from their troubled past to become strong Christians and
productive members of society upon their release. Many of those whose crimes prevent them from returning to society
have testified that they have found freedom in Jesus even though they are still physically imprisoned.
You can be involved in Kairos in a number of ways. The most important way is prayer, by signing the prayer chain. You
can also provide support by helping bake cookies, providing financial support, making place mats and posters, writing
letters of encouragement, and attending the closing ceremony. Closing ceremonies are a powerful worship experience
for all who attend. They are held on the last afternoon of a Kairos Weekend.
Please visit the Kairos table in the Fellowship Hall to see how you can be a part of this ministry. If you want more
information about Lane Murray Kairos, contact Angela Johnson at (512) 585-0335 or [email protected].
If you want more information about Hughes Kairos, contact Jim Street at (512) 574-2980 or [email protected].
Hughes Kairos #33
Thank you for your prayers and support of Kairos!
Hispanic Mission Opportunity
Planning is still underway for a mission trip on March 14th - 16th, 2014, the last weekend
of Spring Break. The trip will be to Mercedes in the Rio Grande Valley, and we will be
working on a Hispanic Mission in adjoining Weslaco. Tasks include repairs to a room
for battered women, and repairs and upgrades to the mission’s youth room. Some of our
tasks will be leveling floors and repairing or replacing flooring, doing some electrical and
plumbing repairs, and replacing doors and a wall.
Our host will be the Mercedes United Methodist Church. Mercedes UMC has good accommodations for mission teams,
including 6 hookups for travel trailers, plus full kitchens, showers, etc.
DSUMC has sent a number of teams in the past to Nuevo Progreso, across the border from Mercedes, to build one-room
houses in the colonias. Past trips have been a great opportunity for families (parents and their children) to get involved in
mission work. Recent violence on the Mexican side of the border has prevented trips for the last 3 years, so our hope is
that this trip will be the start of future regular trips to the border to help on both sides. There is still much need in Nuevo
Progreso, including painting and repairs to homes we have built in the past, and we will consider sending a team to Nuevo
Progreso later this year if it is deemed to be safe
We are inviting families with teens as well as couples or individuals to join the team. Due to the nature of the work
involved, team members should be at least 12 years old. We need to have the team size firmed up by March 5th.
For more information, please contact Dave Sutherland at 512-940-7244 or [email protected] if you are interested in serving
on this mission trip.
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Dripping Springs United Methodist Church
March 2014
Church News
Watchmen on the Walls
Please put Thursday, March 6, at 7:00 PM on your calendar to hear a stirring
and inspirational message!
Hanoch Young will be coming to DSUMC that evening to speak to us about
Israel and the spiritual kinship between the Christians and the Jews. Hanoch,
a native New Yorker, fulfilled his dream to live in Israel, where he became a
professional tour guide. However, his true passion for the last 20 years has
been to encourage and network with Christian Zionist communities throughout
the USA. Having been called to reach out to thank and support Christian
lovers of Israel, he is coming to Texas to share some messages that every Bible
believer needs to hear directly from what he refers to as the “Chosen Land”.
Hanoch believes that WE are the “Watchmen on the Walls” that the prophet Isaiah speaks of, and he has a program of
what each of us can do to support Israel, the Holy Land. So please come and hear an update on the situation in Israel and
what it means to our community at DSUMC. Child care will be provided
Dripping Springs Relay for Life
It’s time to join the DSUMC Relay For Life Youth and Adult Teams. This is a fun way to get involved in our church,
meet people and support a great cause, the American Cancer Society. Relay For Life supports all cancers. It is not a
race, it is a walk! Relay teams walk in honor, memory or in support of people who we have lost to cancer, have survived
cancer or are currently fighting cancer. We currently have several people in our church who are fighting cancer and could
use our support.
Our event this year will be at Dripping Springs Ranch Park and Event Center on May 3, 2014 from 6:00 pm to 6:00 am.
You do not have to spend the night but we encourage you to do so, as Cancer Never Sleeps! Jennifer Hopper is our Adult
Team Captain and Rebekah Graff is our Youth Team Captain. You can contact them to sign up or go on line at www. All team members must be signed up by March 25, 2014.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions at (512) 789-6160.
Together we are Givin’ Cancer the Boot!
Vicki Kurhajec
Event Chair
Relay For Life 2014
(512) 789-6160
[email protected]
Gym Night!!!
It’s Bingo time again!!!
Saturday March 15th ~ 6:00PM
the Fellowship Hall
You all know how much fun we have,
so mark your calendar and join in.
It is just a $5.00 Love Donation
for the entire evening
which helps us cover the
Snacks and door prizes
childcareis provided
Page 10
Saturday March 8th DSUMC will have
Open Gym from 5pm-8pm. There will be
basketball and dodge ball for grades 6-12.
This will be a supervised monthly function. If there’s more interest
maybe bi-monthly. Parents are welcome to drop off and in fact we
encourage it. We will have a check in and out system for the youth.
Parents are welcome to stay and observe, engage or help out as well.
Volunteers are always welcome!!
There will be board games etc.. in the Family Life Center.
This will be an xbox, Wii, and/or Nintendo free zone!
The gym will be open from 8:00-9:30pm following the youth play
for unsupervised adult basketball, if there’s interest.
Dripping Springs United Methodist Church
March 2014
Church News
DeColores, Emmaus Brothers and Sisters.
Hays Praise Emmaus Community started 2014 with Men’s Walk #1736 led by Mike Manning,
held on February 6th-9th at Camp Young Judea. It was an awesome and Spirit-led Walk
with 30 pilgrims, two of whom, Charlie Deffenbaugh and Brian Hutchison, were sponsored
by members of DSUMC. If you were unable to attend the events, you missed a wonderful
evening filled with great music, fellowship and the presence of the Holy Spirit.
The next HPEC Walk is Women’s Walk #1744 led by our own Annie Hollingshead and will
be March 27th-30th at CYJ. It is my understanding that Annie’s Walk is full. Praise the Lord! If you want to sign
up for anything, such as providing agape, snacks, working on the outside team, etc., please contact Jerry and Jeanie
Hollingshead at [email protected]. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please continue to pray for Annie,
her team and the pilgrims of Walk #1744 that the Holy Spirit will continue to work in them, through them and surround
them with His love, mercy and blessings.
Mark your calendar:
Team consecration will be at DSUMC on March 18 at 6:30pm
Evening Service will be on March 29 at CYJ at 8:30pm
Closing will be on March 30 at CYJ at 3:30pm
Welcome back will at DSUMC on April 1 at 6:30pm
Please plan on attending each one of these events to show Annie, her team and the pilgrims the agape love that abides
in all of us.
Peace and love in all things, Marty
Prayer Garden -- Memorial/Honorary Bricks
The Prayer Garden is located on the south side of the church near the Family
Life Center and was dedicated to the Church in May 2005. Through a lot of
prayer and hard work it is truly a gift to the Church from the people of the
Church. Inside the garden, are areas that hold Memorial and Honorary Bricks
representing family members and friends of this Church community.
From March 2nd through April 13th, the Prayer Garden Committee will be
taking orders for Memorial and Honorary bricks to be placed in the Prayer
Garden in the summer of 2014. The cost of each brick is $40.00. The brick
size is 4x6, with a maximum of 3 lines, with a maximum of 14 characters per
line. To order a brick, look for the Prayer Garden table in the Fellowship Hall each Sunday, March 2nd through April 13th.
There will also be Prayer Garden Drop Box in the Foyer, where the order form and check can be placed. Checks should
be made out to DSUMC with “Prayer Garden” brick in the description line.
With Spring in the air and as our surroundings take on a new life so does the Prayer Garden. It is a place to come and
be still; enjoy God’s presence as you sit in peace, pray, mediate or just enjoy the surroundings. You can also walk
the labyrinth, a walking path. The labyrinth can be called a Sacred Path because it symbolizes our spiritual journey
reconnecting us with God through body, mind and spirit, giving us unity and wholeness. It is not a maze; it is a clear
path which winds to the center and winds out. So as the weather warms and the birds start their singing "Come to the
Garden" and enjoy!
The members of the Prayer Garden committee are Debbie Higgs, Diane
VanCura, Kathleen Hammond and Annette Moore.
If you have questions, please contact us through the church office.
Be Still and Know That I am God… Psalm 46:10
Page 11
Dripping Springs United Methodist Church
March 2014
Spiritual Formation
Transformation – A Process of Formation
Big words...powerful words.
We Christians are a human lot and prone to hanging on to our humanity, not accepting
that image we were created to be. The process of “becoming” is called “transformation
into the likeness of Christ.” How does that happen? The most successful way is to
practice the spiritual disciplines (more big words). Some have become quite familiar
with this process, so they could probably write this article. Others might benefit from an introduction.
I will be writing a series of articles that focus on a few of these spiritual disciplines. This month will be about prayer.
From “now I lay me down to sleep” to the most verbose prayer ever spoken or heard or the deepest silence with God.
This is how we communicate with the Lord. It is our spiritual dialogue – yes, dialogue, speaking and listening. There are
numerous “forms” of prayer, but it is all for the same purpose of making a relationship with Him.
You are invited to join us for a prayer experience during Lent (see invitation below). But, before then, ponder these
quotes from Richard Foster’s book, Celebration of Discipline:
“…it is the discipline of prayer that brings us into the deepest and highest work of the human spirit.”
“Prayer is the central avenue God uses to transform us. If we are unwilling to change, we will abandon prayer as a noticeable
characteristic of our lives.”
“In prayer, real prayer, we begin to think God’s thoughts after him… …we should remember that God always meets us where
we are and slowly moves us along into deeper things.”
“We are working with God to determine the outcome of events.”
“Real prayer is something we learn. I determined to learn to pray so that my experience conformed to the words of Jesus rather
than try to make his words conform to my impoverished experience.”
“One of the most critical aspects in learning to pray for others is to get in contact with God so that His life and power can flow
through us into others.”
“Attuning ourselves to divine breathings is spiritual work, but without it our praying is vain repetition.”
“If we have God-given compassion and concern for others, our faith will grow and strengthen as we pray. In fact, if we genuinely
love people, we desire for them far more than it is within our power to give, and that will cause us to pray.” “But Jesus taught
us to come like children to a father.”
“We could change the whole atmosphere of a nation if thousands of us would constantly throw a cloak of prayer around everyone
in our circle of nearness.”
I’m sure that all of us pray at one time or another and for many different reasons. I encourage you to exercise this
discipline often, learning to “pray without ceasing”. Or, to put it another way, be open to the Holy Spirit in your life in
all things. Then, let your life be the Amen.
Blessings, Barbara McArthur Next month: “The Discipline of Worship”
Lenten Prayer Class/Exercise Invitation
You are invited to participate! Mondays, March 17 – April 21 from 7:00-8:00 p.m. We will discuss different “forms”
or “models” of prayer and then exercise them. These exercises can be for you to begin your prayer life or deepen the
prayer life you already have. I am looking for small group facilitators that can help. There is no preparation necessary.
You can join the class as an individual, a couple, a family or bring your whole group to participate. Childcare is provided.
If you are interested, please contact Barbara McArthur at [email protected].
NOTE: (Nobody will be asked to pray out loud in front of a group unless you WANT to.)
Spiritual Direction Available
Barbara McArthur is now certified to meet with individuals for one-on-one spiritual direction. This
is a journey or “process” for two people to walk together in discovering where God is working in
your life; what spiritual issues you may have and what possibilities there are for growth. This is a
free ministry. Sessions are usually one hour long once a month.
If you have questions or want to schedule an appointment, please call 512-626-5288 or email
[email protected].
Page 12
Dripping Springs United Methodist Church
March 2014
March 2014
8:15am, 9:45am
& 11:15am
Sunday School:
9:45am, 11:00am
Bilingual Service
12 Step
M,T,W, F & Sat.
Sunday 7:00 pm
Al-Anon meets
Thursday noon
Eucharist Services
11:00 - Hill Country Care
1:00 - Provident Care
3:00 - Stonebridge
9:00 God
Empowered Wife
9:30 Agape Circle
9:00 Ladies Bible Study
12:00 Men’s Bible
6:30 Financial
Peace University
6:30 Hand Bells
6:30 Troop 101
6:30 CBA meeting
6:30 Apologetics
6:30 Disciple 4
7:30 Choir
4:00 Ladies Bible study
4:00 JBQ
5:00 Bible in a Year
5:00 Youth “Forge”
5:00 Disciple I
5:00 Disciple II
6:00 Bilingual Serv.
6:00 Lent Study
6:00 “Potluck
Prayer” Home of
the Wilson’s
6:30 Financial
Peace University
6:30 Hand Bells
7:00 Lenten Prayer
12:30 Administration
4:00 Ladies Bible study
4:00 JBQ
5:00 Bible in a Year
5:00 Youth “Forge”
5:00 Disciple I
5:00 Disciple II
6:00 Bilingual Serv.
9:00 God
Empowered Wife
12:00 Men’s Bible
6:30 Shalom Circle
6:30 Troop 101
6:30 Disciple 4
6:30 Book Club
6:30 Apologetics
7:30 Choir
6:00 Lent Study
6:30 Financial
Peace University
6:30 Hand Bells
7:00 Lenten Prayer
6:30 Community
Emmaus DSUMC
6:30 Troop 101
9:00 Ladies Bible Study
4:30 Youth Band
5:30 WOW meal
6:00 WOW Kids
6:30 Ladies Bible Study
6:30 Open Bible Study
6:30 Disciple 4
6:30 Youth
6:30 Apologetics
6:30 UMW Unit meeting
7:30 Choir
9:00 God
Empowered Wife
12:00 Men’s Bible
6:00 Lent Study
6:30 Financial
Peace University
6:30 Hand Bells
7:00 Lenten Prayer
6:30 Troop 101
Watchmen on
the Walls
6:00 Pack 101
Committee Mtg
6:30 Spanish to
English Class
9:00 Ladies Bible Study
4:30 Youth Band
5:30 WOW meal
“Sloppy Joes”
6:00 WOW Kids
6:30 Ladies Bible Study
6:30 Open Bible Study
6:30 Disciple 4
6:30 Apologetics
6:30 CBA
6:30 Youth
7:30 Choir
9:00 Jesus in the
Breakfast &
Service Day
Open Gym
9:00 Jesus in the
5:30 NO WOW meal
12:00 Men’s Bible
4:00 Ladies Bible study
4:00 JBQ
5:00 Bible in a Year
5:00 Youth “Forge”
5:00 Disciple I
5:00 Disciple II
6:00 Bilingual Serv.
4:30 Youth Band
5:30 WOW meal
“Baked Potatoes”
6:30 Ash Wednesday
9:00 God
Empowered Wife
1:00 Bilingual Service
Count Down to
Kick-Off Event
4:00 Hog Hollow
6:30 Trail Life
6:30 Spanish to
English Class
9:00 Jesus in the
6:30 Spanish to
English Class
6:30 Pack 101
Pack Meeting
6:30 Trail Life
7:00 PM
Spring Concert
Christian Artist
Shawn McDonald
9:00 Jesus in the
6:30 Trail Life
6:30 Spanish to
English Class
Ladies Emmaus
Dripping Springs United Methodist Church
Ladies Emmaus
Ladies Emmaus