Download Publication - World Vision International

Programme Partnership
World Vision believes that partnering with
others is a key factor in bringing about lasting
changes in communities. WVIN partners with
government, community groups, NGOs and the
private sector. WVIN adopts a multi-stakeholder
approach to partnering, recognising that all of
these different groups have an important role
in creating change. The nature of the partnering
relationship varies depending on the issues being
addressed, and the resources and capacity of the
different partners involved.
How we are funded
We receive funding from private donors and bilateral agencies through our
support partners including;
Kailali West ADP, Chisapani ADP, Jumla ADP
Butwal ADP, Doti East ADP, Achham East & Achham
West ADPs
World Vision Hong Kong Sunsari ADP, Kailali East ADP
World Vision Korea
Morang ADP
World Vision Switzerland Lamjung ADP
World Vision Taiwan
Udayapur East ADP, Udayapur West ADP, Sindhuli
West ADP
World Vision Japan
Doti West ADP
World Vision Singapore
Sindhuli East ADP
sfo{j|md ;fem]bf/L
jN8{ lehg ljZjf; ub{5 ls c¿l;tsf] ;fem]bf/Ln] ;d'bfodf lbuf] kl/jt{g Nofpg
;lsG5 . jN8{ lehg OG6/g];gn g]kfnn] ;/sf/, ;fd'bflos ;d"xx¿, u}x«;/sf/L
;+:yfx¿ / gLlh If]q;“u ;fem]bf/L ub{5 . oL ;a} ljleGg ;d"xx¿;“u kl/jt{g Nofpg]
dxŒjk"0f{ e"ldsf 5 eGg] oyfy{tfnfO{ dx;'; ub}{ jN8{ lehgn] ;fem]bf/Lsf nflu
ax';/f]sf/jfnf ljlw ckgfp“5 . ;fem]bf/L ;DaGwsf] k|s[lt ;Daf]wg ul/g] ljifox¿ clg
;xefuL ljleGg ;fem]bf/x¿sf] ;|f]t;fwg / Ifdtf cg'¿k km/s k5{ .
World Vision Australia
World Vision Canada
How we are accountable
World Vision is accountable to private and
government donors, to public agencies
charged with legal oversight, to our funding
offices and to those whom we serve.
Internal and external audits and evaluations
are conducted regularly to ensure efficient
and effective use of resources.
jN8{ lehg OG6/g];gn g]kfnsf sfo{ If]qx?
World Vision International Nepal
Jhamsikhel, Lalitpur-3, Nepal
GPO Box 21969, Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone no: 977 1 5548877 / 5547177
Fax no: 977 1 5013570
Email: [email protected]
xfd|f] cfly{s >f]t
xfdL JolQmut bftf, låkIfLo ;+:yf / b]xfosf bftfaf6 cfly{s >f]t h'6fp“5f}+ .
s}nfnL klZrd, lr;fkfgL / h'Dnf If]=lj=sf=
a'6jn, 8f]6L k"j{, c5fd klZrd, c5fd k"j{ If]=lj=sf=
;'g;/L / s}nfnL k"j{ If]=lj=sf=
df]/ª If]=lj=sf=
ndh'ª If]=lj=sf=
pbok'/ k"j,{ pbok'/ klZrd / l;Gw"nL klZrd If]=lj=sf=
8f]6L klZrd If]=lj=sf=
l;Gw"nL k"j{ If]=lj=sf=
xfd|f] hjfkmb]lxtf
jN8{ lehg lghL tyf ;/sf/L bftf, sfg"gL clwsf/
k|fKt ;fj{hlgs lgsfo, cfly{s >f]t h'6fpg] sfof{nox¿
/ xfdLn] ;]jf ug]{ ;d'bfok|lt hjfkmb]xL 5 . xfd|f]
>f]t ;fwgsf] clwstd / k|efjsf/L pkof]u ePsf]
tYo lglZrt ug{ lgoldt ?kn] cfGtl/s / afx\o n]vf
k/LIf0f ul/G5 .
xfd|f] bz{g k|To]s afnaflnsfsf] hLjgsf] ;Dk"0f{tf;
xfd|f] k|fy{gf k|To]s x[bodf To:t} ug]{ rfxgf
xfd|f] kl/ro
Who we are
World Vision is a Christian relief, development and advocacy
organisation dedicated to working with children, families and
communities to overcome poverty and injustice.
Motivated by our Christian faith, World Vision is dedicated to
working with the world’s most vulnerable people.
World Vision serves all people regardless of religion, race,
ethnicity or gender.
Our vision for every child, life in all its fullness;
Our prayer for every heart, the will to make it so
jN8{ lehg afnaflnsf, ltgsf kl/jf/ /
;d'bfox?nfO{ u/LaL / cGofoaf6 d'Qm x'g
;3fpg k|lta4 Ps O;fO{ /fxt, ljsf; /
k}/jL ug]{ ;+:yf xf] . O;fO{ dfGotfx?af6
k]|l/t eP/ xfdL ;+;f/sf ;a}eGbf a9L
hf]lvddf /x]sf dflg;x?;“u ldn]/
sfd ug{ k|lta4 5f}+ . jN8{ lehgn]
wd{, hfthflt, ;Dk|bfo jf lnËsf]
e]befj gu/L ;a}sf] ;]jf ub{5 . sf]l/ofnL
o'4af6 kLl8t 6'x'/fx¿sf] cfjZostfnfO{
;Daf]wg ug{ jN8{ lehg sf]l/ofdf ;g\ !(%)
df :yfkgf ePsf] xf] . Toxf“af6 o;sf
sfo{qmdx? c? PlzofnL b]zx?df / To;kl5
qmlds ?kdf ;+;f/sf em08} ;o b]zx?df
km}lnPsf 5g\ .
World Vision in Nepal
g]kfndf jN8{ lehg
World Vision first started its development initiatives in Nepal in 1982 by
donating funds to local groups for building hospitals and providing health care
to the needy. In response to the 1988 Udayapur earthquake, World Vision
supported local non-governmental organisations in providing assistance to
people affected. Likewise, in 1993, World Vision helped people affected by
the floods in Nepal through local partners. World Vision formally started its
long-term development work in Nepal after signing both general and project
agreement with the Social Welfare Council in 2001.
Over the past years,World Vision International Nepal (WVIN) has worked for
the well-being of children partnering with communities in 14 districts of Nepal
namely Bhaktapur, Doti, Jumla, Kathmandu, Kaski, Kailali, Lamjung, Lalitpur,
Morang, Rupandehi, Sunsari, Udayapur, Achham and Sindhuli. In 2013, World
Vision ended its long term development programme in Bhaktapur, Kathmandu,
Kaski and Lalitpur districts. World Vision is currently working in 11 districts
of Nepal to empower vulnerable children, their families and communities to
improve their quality of life with dignity and peace.
Child Well Being
World Vision focuses on improving children’s well-being through child-focused
transformational development, disaster management, and promotion of justice.
Our goal is “the sustained well-being of children within families and communities,
especially the most vulnerable.” World Vision views the well-being of children in
holistic terms: healthy individual development (involving physical and mental
health, social and spiritual dimensions), positive relationships and a context
that provides safety, social justice, and participation in civil society.
We are Christian
We are committed
to the poor
We value people
We are stewards
We are partners
We are responsive
jN8{ lehgn] g]kfndf klxnf] k6s ;g\ !(*@ df :yfgLo nlIft ;d"xx¿nfO{ c:ktfn
lgdf{0f ug{ / :jf:Yo ;]jf pknAw u/fpg] p4]Zon] cg'bfg ;xof]u u/]/ ljsf;
;DaGwL sfdsf] z'?Jfft u/]sf] xf] . ;g\ !(** sf] pbok'/ e"sDknfO{ nlIft u/L jN8{
lehgn] e"sDk kLl8tnfO{ ;xfotf pknAw u/fpg :yfgLo u}/;/sf/L ;+:yfx¿nfO{
;xof]u u¥of] . To:t} ;g\ !((# df jN8{ lehgn] :yfgLo ;fem]bf/ dfkm{t af9L klx/f]
kLl8tnfO{ d2t u¥of] . jN8{ lehgn], g]kfndf cf}krfl/s ?kdf ;g\ @))! df
;dfh sNof0f kl/ifb\;“u ;fwf/0f / kl/of]hgf – ;Demf}tf u/L bL3{sfnLg ljsf;
sfo{sf] z'?jft u/]sf] xf] . jN8{ lehg OG6/g];gn g]kfnn] ljutsf jif{df ;fd'bflos
ljsf;sf lglDt !$ lhNnfx?df ;xfotf u/]sf] 5 / xfn b]zsf 8f]6L, h'Dnf,
s}nfnL, nDh'ª, nlntk'/, df]/ª, ?kGb]xL, ;'g;/L, pbok'/, l;Gw"nL / c5fd u/L !! j6f
lhNnfx¿df sfo{zLn 5 . ;g\\ @)!# df sf:sL, sf7df8f}+, nlntk'/ / eQmk'/
lhNnfx¿sf rf/j6f If]q ljsf; sfo{j|mddf jN8{ lehgsf] sfo{ ;DkGg eof] .
Child Sponsorship
Child Sponsorship in World Vision is an effective and fulfilling way to help give
a child from a poor community the chance of a brighter future. The goal of
sponsorship is to improve the well-being of children. A sponsor’s contribution
funds vital development work in a sponsored child’s community and makes a
real contribution to the well-being of all children in that community. World
Vision works with community groups and children themselves to plan and
carry out changes so that more children will gain opportunities to fulfil their
potential. Sponsors witness these changes through progress reports from
the community and personal communication with their sponsored children.
Sponsors can encourage the child they sponsor by writing or even visiting
their sponsored child and their family. World Vision’s project activities in
communities benefit not just children registered for sponsorship but all
children and their families in that community.
Development Programme Approach
afn ;Dj[l4
jN8{ lehg afns]lGb|t ?kfGt/d'vL ljsf;, ljkb\ Joj:yfkg / k}/jLåf/f afnaflnsfsf]
;Dj[l4 ;'wf/ ug{ s]lGb|t 5 . xfd|f] nIo eg]sf] ækl/jf/ / ;d'bfodf vf;u/L clt hf]lvddf
/x]sf afnaflnsfx?df bL3{sfnLg ;Dj[l¢Æ Nofpg' xf] . jN8{ lehgn] afnaflnsfx¿sf]
ljsf;nfO{ ;Dk"0f{tfdf x]b{5M :j:y JolQmut ljsf; -h;df zf/Ll/s / dfgl;s :jf:Yo,
;fdflhs tyf cflTds cfofdx¿ kb{5g\_, ;sf/fTds ;DaGwx¿ / ;xh jftfj/0f,
h;n] ;'/Iff, ;fdflhs Gofo / gful/s ;dfhdf ;xeflutfnfO{ a'emfp“5 .
Development Programme Approach is World Vision’s approach for
implementing development, relief and advocacy programmes. The approach is
built on good practices from many World Vision offices and programmes, as well
as learning from other organisations. It equips local-level staff to work effectively
with communities and partners toward the sustained well-being of children
within families and communities – especially the most vulnerable. The approach
enables context-appropriate integration of local advocacy, disaster management,
sectors, cross-cutting themes and other parts of World Vision's work.
afn :kf]G;/;Lk\
jN8{ lehgdf afn :kf]G;/;Lk\ ul/a ;d'bfosf afnaflnsfx?nfO{ pHjn eljiosf]
df}sf lbg] Pp6f k|efjsf/L / e/kbf]{ pkfo /lxcfPsf] 5 . of] afn :kf]G;/;Lk\sf] nIo
afnaflnsfx¿sf] cj:yfdf ;'wf/ Nofpg' xf] . bftfx¿sf] ;xof]un] ;xfotf kfpg]
afnaflnsfx?sf] ;d'bfodf dxŒjk"0f{ ljsf;sf] nflu cfly{s ;xof]u pknAw x'G5, h;åf/f
afnaflnsfx¿sf] hLjgdf lbuf] ;'wf/ cfp“5 . jN8{ lehgn] ;fd'bflos ;d"xx¿;“u
;xsfo{ ub{5 clg afnaflnsfx¿ cfkm}+n] g} of]hgf agfp“5g\ / kl/jt{gnfO{ sfof{Gjog
u5{g\, h;sf sf/0f cGo w]/} afnaflnsfx¿n] cfkm\gf] hLjgdf pknAwLx¿ xfl;n ug]{
df}sf kfp“5g\ . bftfx¿n] o:tf kl/jt{gx¿nfO{ ;d'bfoaf6 pknAw u/fOg] k|ult
k|ltj]bgx¿ / pgLx¿n] ;xof]u u/]sf afnaflnsfx¿l;tsf] JolQmut kqfrf/åf/f
glhsaf6 lgofNg] df}sf kfp“5g\ . bftfx¿n] cfkm"n] ;xof]u u/]sf] afns jf aflnsfnfO{
kq n]v]/ jf p;nfO{ / p;sf] kl/jf/nfO{ e]63f6 u/]/ pT;fx k|bfg ug{ ;S5g\ . ;d'bfodf
jN8{ lehgsf kl/of]hgf sfo{x¿af6 :kf]G;/ k|fKt afnaflnsfx¿ dfq xf]Og t/ ;a}
afnaflnsfx¿ / ltgsf kl/jf/x¿n] kmfObf kfp“5g\ .
ljsf; sfo{qmd cjwf/0Ff -8LkLP_
8LkLP jN8{ lehgsf] ljsf;, /fxt / k}/jLsf sfo{qmdx? sfof{Gjog ug]{ Pp6f cjwf/0Ff
xf] . jN8{ lehgsf cGo d'n'sdf ;+rflnt sfo{qmd tyf sfo{nox?sf] c;n cEof;x?
;fy} cGo ;+:yfx?af6 l;s]sf s'/fx?sf] ;ldi6?kaf6 of] ljsf; cjwf/0ffsf] lgdf0f{
ul/Psf] xf] . o;n] :yfgLo txdf sfo{/t sd{rf/Lx?nfO{ ;d'bfo tyf ;f´]bf/Lx?nfO{
lnP/ d"ntM ;a}eGbf hf]lvd kl/jf/ ju{ jf ;d'bfosf afnaflnsfsf] ;Da[l4 tkm{
s;/L k|efjsf/L tl/sfn] sfd ug{ ;lsG5 ;f] sf nflu ;fdy{ agfp“b5 . o;n]
:yfgLo k}/jL, ljkb\ Joj:yfkg, ljsf;sf If]q, ;j{;Ddt ljifo / jN8{ lehgsf cGo
sfo{x?sf] ;fGble{s ;dfxLs/0fnfO{ ;Ifd agfp““b5 .
xfdL O;fO{ xf}+
xfdL u/LanfO{ ;xfotf
4 5f}+
ug{ k|ltj4
xfdL JolQmnfO{ dxTj lbG5f}+
xfdL sfl/Gbf xf}+
xfdL ;fem]bf/ xf}+
xfdL pQ/bfoL 5f}+