Architectural Review Board Meeting Notes April 30, 2014 Members Present: Ken Lloyd, Chair, Ralph Carroll, Bobby Morrell, Roger Baker Others Present: Mae Harless, Victor Malabet, Leslie Odom, Consulting Landscape Architect New Construction A. 1923 Villa Lago – Country Club Holdings/Owner Ascott Construction, Genesis Members reviewed plans, Leslie reviewed with no comment. Jim noted that the windows on the site plan don’t match the location of the windows on the floor plan. Ralph Carroll made a motion to approve after verification of window alignment is done. Bobby Morrell 2nd and it carried. B. 3128 Merion – Becnel, S/Owner, DKM Custom Homes, First Service Res Members reviewed the grading and site plans. It was noted that the site plan and grading plan FFE do not match. Discussion occurred regarding what percentage of the roof was at a 4:12 pitch, height of pool enclosure roof, and color of painted brick accents. HOA representatives were present to review the plans. The owners architect advised that the 412 pitch is less than 10% and that the screen pool roof designed at 4 foot for aesthetics. Jim Whitmoyer reviewed with no comments other than the variances noted above. Bobby Morrell made a motion to approve including the variance for roof pick and pool enclosure roof. He requested a new application be submitted with all variances noted and new plans showing the FFE the same. Roger Baker 2nd the motion. The motion passed. C. 3414 Ravenwood – Conceptual Review, Collins/Owner, B Design/Architect The members reviewed the conceptual for this home, submitted for consideration of the additional garages and square footage. The HOA is not in agreement with the conceptual as it is almost 6K over in square footage and includes 6 garages. The guidelines allow for a minimum of 2 garages and no more than 3. Eric with B Design was present and explained that the foot print of the home is not over the 50% maximum so the square footage should not be a concern. In addition, he feels that since the guidelines refer to garages, (with an s), 6 garage doors should be permitted. After lengthy discussion, the ARB members did not agree with the conceptual submittal. Modification to Approved Plans A. 1159 Troon – Front elevation: Changing the front elevation windows to be taller & wider per Walton County. Changing entry door and shutter style. Delete transom on back garage, chimney, and ac wall. Right elevation changes: delete golf cart garage door and arched tops on other garages. Adding kitchen stove vent and tank less water heater. Left elevation: remove brick finish under lanai. Added transoms to second floor study and above guest suite window. Rear elevation: Added hood vent and gas lights and 2nd floor transoms. New wire railing in lieu of aluminum, enclosed the lanai. Giles/Owner/Builder, ECAM Members reviewed changes to plans. Jim Whitmoyer reviewed with no comments. Ralph Carroll made a motion to approve plans as submitted, Roger Baker 2nd and the motion carried. B. 3123 Merion – dormer sizes increased to accommodate double windows that were added on front elevation, delete 2 windows on right elevation, add 3 windows, delete 1 window on left elevation. Changed 4 doors to windows on the rear porch. Added doors to dining on rear elevation. Double window added to rear elevation. Moore/Owner, Huff/Contractor, First Service Res. Members reviewed the changes to the existing plans. HOA approved the changes. Ralph Carroll made a motion to approve the change in plans as submitted. Bobby Morrell 2nd and the motion carried. Exterior Modifications A. 541 Augusta – Replace 2 front entry door and adding full view storm doors to both. (Color is pending COA preapproved) O’Connor/Owner, Home Depot/Contractor, First Service Res. This item was tabled pending COA written approval. B. 599 Linkside – converting existing back patio and front porch to add 2 bedrooms. Stinson/Owner, Jerald Groth Enterprises/Builder, Genesis Members reviewed plans to remove existing screen porch and patio and replace with 2 bedrooms. HOA approved. Jim Whitmoyer reviewed with no comments. Ralph Carroll made a motion to approve plans as submitted, Roger Baker 2nd and the motion carried. C. 1434 Baytowne – Adding 6” seamless gutters and downspouts. Color to be as close as possible to existing soffit and fascia. Hughes/Owner, American Aluminum/Contractor, ECAM Members reviewed plans for gutters and downspouts. HOA approved the modifications. Jim Whitmoyer reviewed with no comments. The decision was made to table this proposal requesting clarification as to where the water will drain. Victor agreed to meet with American Aluminum and discuss. D. 1859 Villa Lago – Adding a bedroom and bathroom on second floor. Blue Danube/Builder, Bradley/Owner, Genesis Members reviewed the plans. HOA approved. Jim Whitmoyer reviewed with no comments. Roger Baker made a motion to approve plans as submitted, Bobby Morrell 2nd and it carried. E. 1996 Crystal Lake – enclose existing car port to make garage. Materials and colors to match existing residence. Howard/Owner, Southern Assoc. Mgt. Members reviewed the plans. Jim Whitmoyer reviewed with no comments. HOA approved. Ralph Carroll motioned to approve the enclosure of the carport. Bobby Morrell 2nd and the motion carried. F. 2042 Crystal Lake – Painting home new color. Johnson/Owner, Southern Assoc Mgt Members reviewed the proposed colors presented on the color board by the designer. HOA approved. Roger Baker motioned to approve plans as submitted, Ralph Carroll 2nd and it carried. G. 2053 Crystal Lake – Add Royal Craft Pewter 663 shutters to windows on front elevation only, Paint exterior BJ Waters Edge with Trim in SW Dover White, Add Dock at rear on lake. Bennett/Owner, Compass Builders/Contractor, Southern Assoc Mgt Members reviewed the plans. HOA approved. Jim Whitmoyer reviewed the plans with no comments. Ralph Carroll made a motion to accept the proposed changes, Roger Baker 2nd and the motion carried. H. 2066 Crystal Lake – Converting Carport to Garage, Garage Door and Entry Door to correspond with House and Trim colors with no change to Footprint; Remove two Pine Trees and replace with Olive Trees. Members reviewed the plans. HOA approved. Jim Whitmoyer reviewed the plans with no comments. Ralph Carroll made a motion to accept the proposed changes, Roger Baker 2nd and the motion carried. I. 2071 Crystal Lake – adding a roof between the house and garage, adding a 12’ wide parking pad at the front of the home. Badgett/Owner, Southern Assoc Mgt Members reviewed the plans. Jim Whitmoyer reviewed and suggested that hardiplank be used to match the home instead of lattice. Bobby Morrell made a motion to pass as submitted with the suggestion of using hardiplank board. Roger Baker 2nd and the motion carried. J. Prestwick Place HOA – upgrading mail box style and relocating, adding a concrete eyebrow, trimming and removing landscape, adding a message board on a 4x4 post that will be 64” tall. The message board is 20” x 26”. Cedar in color. Genesis Assoc Mgt Photos and plans for the new mailboxes and bulletin board were reviewed, which included the removal of an oak tree. Ralph Carroll made a motion to approve, Roger Baker 2nd and it carried. Landscape A. 1640 Genoa – Adding a 2 tier retaining wall at lakes edge for safety. Simmons/Owner, Huff Contractor, First Service Res. Members reviewed the plans and the HOA approved. Leslie Odom recommended a construction sketch to show future plans for the yard. Ralph Carroll made a motion to approve plans with the exception of the dock and requested they submit a landscaping plan. Bobby Morrell 2nd and the motion passed. B. 1968 Villa Lago – removing 2 plumbago and 4 agapanthus to add a golf cart parking pad. Landscape plan was previously approved. Baker/Owner, Callie & Co., Genesis Members reviewed plans to add golf cart parking to the driveway. The HOA did not approve this plan and referred to the letter dated October 2013 when the new home construction plans were submitted. The letter recommended that the owner construct a 3 car driveway as the lot is wide enough to accommodate; however, this recommendation was declined by the builder. The concern of the HOA regarding the proposed parking pad is that there will be no egress and aggress for the cart without parking a vehicle on the roadway. . Roger Baker made a motion to deny the plans and recommended the owner and HOA confer. Ralph Carroll 2nd the motion and it carried. Formatte Discussion Items A. 3252 Burnt Pine Cove – Previously approved with condition that a complete landscape plan be submitted to the ARB within 90 days and Owner has stated that she is unable to comply. Sequino/Owner, First Service Residential. Mrs. Sequino met with the ARB to review the 90 day timeframe for a complete landscape renovation that was requested in her approval letter for sod to be installed in her front yard. Her plan is to totally redo the landscaping but feels that timeframe is too short. The members advised that is she is not able to completely renovate, additional plantings will be required in order to bring the yard up to minimum standards. She does not want to put a lot of expense into the landscaping now if she will be renovating in the next 5 years. It was suggested that she get with a landscape architect to look at the property to see what would need to be done to bring it up to standard. Leslie Odom is going to meet her onsite to discuss. B. 3286 Burnt Pine – Previously approved front facing garage. Discuss with HOA. Harbour/Owner Two of the board members from Burnt Pine HOA were present to discuss the ARB approval of the front facing garage. Their primary concern is setting precedence on the issue. The ARB wants to assist the owner and this is a practical solution to their parking problems. It was noted that the garage sits back off of the road almost 90’ and is not visible unless you stop at the end of the owner’s driveway. The Burnt Pine HOA representatives advised that their Board members were polled on the issue and all but one opposed the approval. It was recommended that the HOA Board members visit the site so they can understand the reasoning of the approval. A reminder of the appeal process was provided.
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