Inviting sealed quotations for the supply, installation, testing and

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No: H P T / M B N R / A R C A / 2 0 1 4 - 1 5 /
Date: 09.12.2014
Sub:-Inviting sealed quotations for the supply, installation, testing and
commissioning of 800 Amps ACB of C&SE make bearing type No.AH8N4-CS(Rack Mounted drawable unit with motorized spring charge
mechanism at TV-HPT-Mahabubnagar-Reg.
This office is interested in procuring the following equipment under SITC mode as per
specifications attached and invite your quotation.
SITC of 800 Amps ACB of C&SE make bearing type
No.AH-8N4-CS(Rack Mounted drawable unit with motorized
spring charge mechanism)
1 unit
1) At Doordarshan High Power Transmitting Centre, Mahabubnagar the LT panel
is equipped with a 800 Amps ACB of C&SE make (Control and Switch Gear
Electric) bearing type No.AH- 8N4-CS(Rack Mounted drawable unit with
motorized spring charge mechanism). As the entire LT power supply to the
installation is coming through this single ACB in the LT panel, this office is
interested to have exactly similar spare ACB of same make and type so that in
case of the failure of in circuit ACB at present, the procured spare ACB can be
immediately drawn into the LT panel rack so that LT power supply interruptions
due to the failure of in circuit 800 Amps ACB can be minimized. Hence this
enquiry pertains to supply installation testing and commissioning of the identical
C&SE make 800 Amps ACB of type No.AH-8N4-CS (Rack Mounted drawable
unit with motorized spring charge mechanism).
2. As the enquiry pertains to a particular make and type of equipment
(Proprietary item) the competitive
quotations are invited only from the
authorized stockiest/dealers/suppliers of C&SE ACBs of given specifications.
3 ) EMD: EMD of Rs.3000.00 (Rupees Three Thousand only/-) is to be deposited by
way of DD f r o m N a t i o n a l i z e d B a n k s o n l y In favour of Additional Director
General(Engineering)(SZ),All India Radio and Doordarshan, Chennai along with
quotations. EMD by means of bank guarantee or any other mode of payment other than DD shall not
be accepted. Quotation without EMD shall be rejected. No exemption for payment of EMD is accepted
by this office.
4) RETURN OF EMD: EMD of all other than the first three tenderer will be returned back within 10
days of opening of tenders. EMD of the remaining two tenderer other than that of the successful
tenderer will be returned after finalizing the tender.
5. ) The quotations should be sent in sealed envelopes addressed to
on or before 0 2 : 3 0 pm of 26.12.2014.
The envelope should be super scribed with the following details.
a) Work for which quotations are enclosed.
b) Reference to letter of enquiry.
c) Due date of opening quotation.
6) Security Deposit : Agency who are allotted the work shall deposit 5% of the cost of the work
by way of DD in favour of Additional Director General(Engineering)(SZ), All India Radio and
Doordarshan, Chennai before commencement of the work. EMD amount can be adjusted against
the portion of security deposit.
7) 100% payment shall be released on satisfactory completion of the work. Bill shall be prepared in
the same format as that of the order and submitted to the undersigned for necessary certificate
and for onward transmission to the paying authority..
8) Paying authority: The Additional Director General (E)(SZ), All India Radio & Doordarshan,
Swamy Sivananda Salai, Chennai- 600 005.
9) The quotations will be opened in the office of the undersigned at 03.00 p.m. on
26.12.2014 in the presence of such contractors or their agents as may choose to attend.
10) The quotation submitted should remain open for acceptance for a period of 90 days
from the date of opening them.
11) The undersigned reserves the right to reject the quotation / work, at any stage,
without assigning any reason whatsoever.
12) The contractor is liable to compensate the department for any damages by the
agency/their personnel to the equipment in the existing LT panel and other Technical Area while
commissioning and testing of the proposed new 800 Amps ACB into its Rack Housing.
13) Both the PAN (Permanent Income Tax Account Number) & Income Tax Circle & TIN –
Tax Identification Number and the Tax Circle should be definitely indicated in your
14) The quotations submitted should remain open for acceptance for a period of
90 days from the date of opening.
15) The work should be completed within 30 days from the date of issue of order at
the site.
16) PENALITY CLAUSE: If the contractor is unable to complete the supply within
the stipulated time, the purchaser may at his option allow such additional time as
may be considered justified with/without penalty and without altering the terms
and conditions of the order. In the even t of failure the contractor to complete
the supply within the stipulated time or extended time, the purchase has the right
to impose penalty of RS.350/- per week or part thereof for every Rs.1,00,000/- of
the total contract value. The contractor’s liability for delay, however, shall not
exceed 5% of the total contract value.
17) The relevant copies of the equipment required along with the photos of existing
LT panel rack where the ACB is to be commission and tested are enclosed for
your ready reference.
18) The agencies are advised to have an exact Idea of the equipment to be
supplied and commissioned at site by having a pre-visit to the site before quoting
their price.
Yours faithfully,