ROMANIAN ACADEMY Department of Technical Sciences ACADEMY OF TECHNICAL SCIENCES COMMISSION OF ACOUSTICS OF ROMANIAN ACADEMY THE ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM OF THE INSTITUTE OF SOLID MECHANICS SISOM 2014 and Symposium of Acoustics Bucharest, May 22-23, 2014 Home Page Sisom 2000 Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Organizing Committee ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Chair, Local: Prof. Tudor Sireteanu, Corresponding member of Romanian Academy Chair, Local: Prof. Radu Munteanu, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca Chair, Local: Prof. Luige Vladareanu, Institute of Solid Mechanics of the Romanian Academy Chair, International: Prof. Cai Wen, Guangdong University,CN Prof. Hongnian Yu, Bournemouth University, UK Prof. Florentin Smarandache, University of New Mexico, USA Vice-chairman Prof. Veturia Chiroiu, Institute of Solid Mechanics Prof. Ioan Magheti, Politehnica Univ., Bucharest Prof. Yang Chunyan, Guangdong University of Technoloy, CN Prof. Iulian Tabara, Politehnica Univ., Bucharest Prof. Doina Frunzăverde, Rector, Univ. Reşiţa Prof. Adrian Olaru, Politehnica Univ., Bucharest Members Prof. Charles W. Stammers, Univ. of Bath, UK Prof. Pier Paolo Delsanto, Politecnico di Torino, Italy Prof. Weihua Li, Guangdong University of Technoloy, CN Prof.hab. Vasile Marina, Rector, Tech. Univ. of Moldova Prof.hab. Gheorghe Moraru, Tech. Univ. of Moldova Prof. Mircea Boscoianu, Aircraft forces Acad., Braşov Prof. Dan Iordache, Romanian Academy of Scientists Prof. Polidor Bratu, ICECON, Bucharest Prof. Dinel Popa, Univ. from Piteşti Prof. Dumitru Stanomir, Politehnica Univ., Bucharest Prof. Inge Gavat, Politehnica Univ., Bucharest Prof. Ion Stroe, Politehnica Univ., Bucharest Prof. Ovidiu Ilie Sandru, Politehnica Univ., Bucharest Prof. Anna Nedialkova, Sc.D., Rector, VFU of Bulgaria Prof. Neli Trizlova, Varna FreeUiversity (VFU), Bulgaria Prof. Gilbert-Rainer Gillich, E. Murgu Univ., Reşiţa Prof. Nicolae Enescu, Politehnica Univ., Bucharest Prof. Daniel Condurache, Gh. Asachi Univ., Iasi Prof. Nicolae Pop, Univ. of Baia Mare Prof. Ionel Stareţu, Transilvania Univ. of Brasov Dr. Ionel Iorga, INCDPM Prof. Marcel Migdalovici, Inst. of Solid Mechanics Secretary :aCommittee Prof. Marcel MIGDALOVICI dr. eng. Cristian RUGINA eng. Gabriela VLADEANU drd. Alexandru GAL drd. Octavian MELINTE drd. Danut BUCUR drd. Stefan DUMITRU Special thanks to the sponsors: - NASR (ANCS)-National Authority for Scientific Research - RATS (ASTR)-Academy for Technical Sciences of Romania - Mediamira Publishing House Cluj-Napoca - AGIR - General Association of Romanian Engineers - VTC – SRL (Engineering and Industrial Technologies, Engineering & Dealer – ABB) Session 1 – System dynamics and continuum mechanics (1D) Moraru Gh., Pressure of a linear stamp on a spherical shell (2D) Anderson Todd A. and Iordache Dan A., Complexity features in the computer-aided piano tuning (3D) Broumi S., Smarandache Fl., Lower and Upper Soft Interval Valued Neutrosophic Rough Approximations of an IVNSS-Relation (4D) Lupu M., Stability control and absolute stabilization of the rolling oscillation for ships and aircrafts (5D) Sandu A., Sandu M., Constantinescu Dan M., Apostol D., Numerical simulations to evaluate the strength of adhesively bonded joints containing flaws (6D) Pop N., A numerical analysis of dynamic contact problems with Coulomb friction (7D) Migdalovici M., Baran D., Vlădeanu G., On the stability control of nonlinear dynamic systems (8D) Chiroiu V., Brişan C., Girip I., Popescu M, On the wave propagation in micro structured media (9D) Munteanu L., Brişan C., Sireteanu T., Ioan R. , On the Sommerfeld effect (10D) Ilie R., Moşneguţu V, On the Evanescent waves (11D) Năstac S., Debeleac C., On Transitory Effects Reduction into the Hydraulic Driving Systems due to Variable Shocking Loads at the Working Tools (12D) Năstac S., Potârniche A., On Structural Dynamic Effects Reduction using Passive Pendulum Systems (13D) Marina Viorica, The criterion for material flow lower than cubic symmetry (14D) Donescu Şt., On the cantilever beam with embedded SMA ribbon (15D) Debeleac C., Căpăţână G., Advances in Dynamics of Vibrating Compaction Process of Natural Terrain (16D) Bulac I., Mathematical model for determining kinematic parameters of the spatial quadrilateral mechanism RCCC (17D) Bulac I., Mathematical model for determining kinematic parameters of the cardan joint mechanism without technical (geometrical) deviations (18D) Baran D., On some problems of the dynamic response of a landing plane (19D) Migdalovici M., Some Properties of Generalized Riemann Integral for Unbounded Functions (20D) Dumitriu D., Lala C., Daniel Baldovin On the acceleration regimes of a Thomson linear motion actuator used as vibrations generator in the 1-3 Hz frequency range (21D) Tărăbuţă D. (Ene), Stănescu C-tin D., Pătraşcu M. (Antonescu ), Tamaş M., Study of resistance, the long wire reinforced composites (22D) Voican Cristiana , Stanescu C-tin D., Consideration on active control of portable generator noise. (23D) Nicorestianu Felicia, Sireteanu T., Application of canonical representations of stochastic processes to random vibration analysis (24D) Baldovin S., Baldovin D., The skyhook semi-active control of SDOF dynamic systems with base excitation (25D) Viorel Serban, Madalina Zamfir, Marian Androne, Ana-Maria Andronache Technical solutions to increase seismic safety margin to existing NPPS (26D) Viorel Serban, Madalina Zamfir, Marian Androne, Ana-Maria Andronache Innovative solutions to avoid nuclear accidents caused by an earthquake for new NPPS (27D) Viorel Serban, Madalina Zamfir, Marian Androne, Ana-Maria Andronache Real time dynamic behavior for representative evaluation of NPPS (28D) Adrian Ioan Niculescu, Razvan Bujoaica ¼ Complex car model, for the “H” axle behavior evaluation (29D) Emil M. Videa, Tudor Sireteanu, Danuț Adrian Bucur, Ștefan Adrian Dumitru, Designing a set of optimized Stockbridge type dampers for controlling the overhead line vibrations induced by the wind. Part two: experimental optimization and charaterization of some new models Session 1 Home Page Sisom & Acoustics 2014 Session 2 Organizing Committee Session 3 Session 2 – Robotics, mechatronics, biomechanics, wear investigations of materials (1R) Vladareanu L., Dynamic Systems Control using Extenics Theory (2R) Stareţu I., Medical Robotics- recent and future aspects (3R) Şandru Ovidiu I., New Concepts in the Theory of the Dynamic Systems (4R) Antonescu O., Popescu I., Antonescu P., Structure and Kinematics of Parallel Manipulators with Five Actuators (5R) Smarandache Fl., Mumtaz Ali, Munazza Naz and Muhammad Shabir, Soft Neutrosophic Left Almost Semigroup. (6R) Lucian Capitanu, Dorin Rus, Virgil Florescu, Constantin Tiganesteanu, Valerica Mosnegutu The mutual influence of the input and output parameters on the in time evolution of a polymer on steel tribosystem with linear dry contact (7R) C-tin Tiganesteanu, Experimental results of wear peaks indenters of CMS (8R) Stănescu C-tin D., Pătraşcu M.(Antonescu ), Tărăbuţă D. (Ene), Ionescu S., Considerations on the use of modern technological methods for the rehabilitation of oil pipelines (9R) Pătraşcu M.(Antonescu ), Tărăbuţă D. (Ene), Ionescu S., Stănescu C-tin D., Theoretical considerations on technological processes for the retrofit oil pipelines (10R) Bolboe M., Stareţu I., Original Anthropomorphic Gripper for Industrial Robots– Structure, Kinematics, CAD Model and Prototype (11R) Vlădeanu Al., Vlădeanu G., The correction of the working organ position at the equipments with telescopic boom used in constructions (12R) Căiniceanu L., Stănescu C-tin D., Experimental contributions on thermal modeling of high power audio devices using infrared thermography analysis (13R) Roşca Gabi F., Stănescu C-tin D., Popescu C., Contributions for the development of a device for the decommissioning of the horizontal fuel channels in the “CANDU 6” nuclear reactor. Fuel channel references (14R) Roşca Gabi F., Stănescu C-tin D., Popescu C., Contributions for the development of a device for the decommissioning of the horizontal fuel channels in the “CANDU 6” nuclear reactor. Fuel channel decommisioning (15R) Marin D., Vibration analysis during milling process (16R) Vladareanu V., Şchiopu P., Şandru O.I., Advances in Extenics Control Theory. (17R) Vladareanu L., Gal I.A., Hongnian Yu, A new hybrid force – position algoritm using DSmT logic. (18R) Şandru O.I., Vladareanu L., Şandru A., Vlădăreanu V., Stanciu C.L., Extenics model for equilibrium control of the bipedal robots. (19R) Daniel Mitroi, L. Vladareanu, Mobile Robot Navigation through Extended Information Filtering (20R) Cristian Spirleanu, Luige Vladareanu, Eugen Diaconescu, Robotic platform with multiagent control system and distributed architecture (21R) Stefan A. Dumitru, Simona I. Dumitru, Distance estimation using monocular vision system based on inverse perspective (22R) Danut A. BUCUR, Stefan A. DUMITRU, Humanoid Hand Control in 3D Environment (23R) George Panciu, L Vladareanu, Robot Mobile Intelligent Control Strategies in Virtual environment using USARSim Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Home Page Sisom & Acoustics 2014 Organizing Committee Session 3 – Technical Acoustics (1A) Gavăţ I., State of the Art in Speech Processing and Applications for Romanian Language (2A) Segarceanu S., Zaharia T., Feature fusion in open set identification (3A) Mihai Bratu, Ovidiu Dumitrescu, Ovidiu Vasile, Elena Bucur, Valeriu Danciulescu, Obtaining new oxide composite materials with sound-absorbing properties (4A) Tiberius Zaharia, Svetlana Segarceanu, Ion Capatina, Two Level ASR Architecture (5A) Marilena Lazar, Diana Militaru, Evolution of language models for automatic speech understanding (6A) Diana Militaru, Inge Gavat, A historically perspective of speaker-independent speech recognition in Romanian language (7A) Ovidiu Grigore, Inge Gavat, Speech Processing Applications in Auditory - Verbal Education (8A) Tudor M. Culda, Dumitru Stanomir, Cristian Negrescu, Aspects regarding acoustic measurements using sine sweep (9A) Nicolae Orasanu, Andrei Craifaleanu, Transmission of acoustic waves through multilayer phono-absorbent materials (10A) Ana PICU, Development of a methematical model of an accoustically absorbent profile (11A) Ana PICU, Study on how combat noise pollution due trafficand industrial activity (12A) Mihnea MAGHETI, Sorina Iliuta, Toma ZAPLAIC, Informational complex control of noise generated by air traffic (13A) Marius Deaconu, Comparative analysis of transfer function and standing wave methods in determination of acostic absorption coefficient (14A) Craita Carp-Ciocardia, Nicolae Orasanu, Ioan Magheti, Measurements of the structural –borne power in longitudinal vibrational pipes (15A) Laurentiu Cristea, Noise and vibration reduction in controled environments for micro-electronics- General projecting aspects (16A) Luminita Voiculescu, The influence of the rotation on the motor shaft vibration (17A) Ovidiu Vasile, Transmission loss analysis for mufler with tree expansion chamber (18A) Mariana Savu, Ioan Magheti, Theoretical Analysis of Reduction Measure of Low Frequency Noise (19A) Rugina C, Giurgiutiu V., Toader A., Ursu I. The electromechanical impedance method on thin plates (20A) Sorina Iliuta, Toma Zaplaic, Mihai Zaplaic, Individual Strategy in the development of a housing project in an area urban (21A) Sorina Iliuta, Toma Zaplaic, Mihai Zaplaic, Issues in the case of an inhabited areas exposed to simultaneous action of noise generated by traffic arteries (22A) Alina Mihaela Radoi, Mihnea Magheti Methods for determining the noise level on important traffic road Session 1 Home Page Sisom & Acoustics 2014 Session 2 Organizing Committee Session 3
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