CLASS X SA1 PLANNER 2014-15 FIRST TERM APRIL to SEPTEMBER DATE 1-04-14 To 12-04-14 14-04-14 To 25-04-14 28-04-14 To 09-05-14 ENGLISH Lit: Two gentlemen of Verona Gr.: Editing Omission W.Skill” Bio sketch, data interpretation S.Reader: The story of my life Ch:1-3 CB: Health and Medicine Activity: Role play Lit: The frog and the Nightingale Gr: Gap filling with and without inputs W.Skill: Description of People, Paces, objects, dialogue competition S.R: The story of my life(4-5) Lit: Ms. Packeltide’s tiger Gr: Process writing & newspaper headlines W.Skill: Notice & message S.Reader: (6-7) HINDI MATHS SCIENCE SOCIAL STUDIES COMPUTER SCIENCE Li”kZ% cM+s HkkbZ lkgc] dchj dh lkjoh O;kdj.k% 'kCn] in] incU/k] in ifjp; Statistics L-12 Electricity L-1 Chemical reaction and equation L-6 Life processes(Nutrition) Phy: To draw magnetic field with the help of bar magnet Hist: The age of industrialization P.Sc: L-1 Power sharing Geo: L-1 Resources development Eco: L-1 Development Ch-1 Internet basic *History *Protocols Li”kZ% *Mk;jh dk iUuk* O;kdj.k% fp= o.kZu] vifBr x|ka”k fØ;kRed dk;Z% okn&fookn] izfr;ksfxrk¼lkewfgd½ fo"k;% uohu f”k{kk iz.kkyh Polynomial L-12 Electricity (contd..) L-1 Chemical reactions and equations L-6 Life processes(Respiration) Hist: Contd…. P.Sc: L-1 Contd… Geo: L-1 Resources & Development Eco: L-1 Contd… Activity(Geo) Group Discussion on land degradation by different activities of man & nature Ch-1 Internet basic contd… *Working of internet *Features of WWW Li”kZ% ehjk ds in lap;u% gfjgj dkdk O;kdj.k% lfU/k o Hksn foKkiu dh nqfu;k Polynomial and Real numbers L-12 Electricity L-2 Acid, Bases & Salts L-1 Text book Q/A L-6 Life processes(Transpiration) Hist: Count… P.Sc: L-2 Federalism Geo: L-1 Resources & Development Eco: L-1 Contd…. Activity: History Industrial development Vs. Environmental protection Ch-2 Services on the internet *Search engines * Finding people *Telnet 12-05-14 To 17-05-14 CB: Environment Gr: Reported speech W.Skill: News paper headlines Activity: Compose a jingle based on the poem ‘The frog and the nightingale Li'kZ% r¡rkjk okehjks dFkk O;kdj.k% okD; o Hksn ljy] la;qDr] feJ] laokn ys[ku fØ;kRed dk;Z% nksgk xk;u fo’k;% ikB~; iqLrd ds vfrfjDr i¡kp nksgksa dk ladyu o xk;u ¼O;fDrxr½ Revision of SA1 Syllabus Hist: Contd… P.Sc: L-2 Contd.. Geo: L-2 Forest & child life Eco: L-1 Contd… Ch-2 Services on the internet contd… *Blogs * Newspapers *E-mail L-13 Magnetic effects of electric current L-2 Acid, Bases & Salts L-6 Life Processes (Excretion) Act to show phototropism & geotropism in germinating seeds L-3 Magnetic effects of electric current L-2 Acids, Bases & Salts(contd…) L-7 Control & Coodination Hist: Print, culture and the modern world P.Sc: L-2 Contd.. Geo: L-2 Forest and wild life resources Eco: L-2 Sectors of Indian economy Ch-4 HTML Hypertext Markup language *Heading tags Hist: Contd… P.Sc.: L-3 Democracy & diversity Geo: L-3 Water resources Eco: L-2 contd… Activity: (Pol.Sc.) Worksheet-Federalism Classification of the federal & non federal forms of government CH-4 HTML Hypertext Markup Language contd…. *Font tags *Basefont tag L-13 Magnetic effects of electric current L-2 Acid, Bases & Salt L-3 Metals & NonMetals L-7 Control & Coordination Hist: Contd.. P.Sc.: L-3 Contd.. Geo: L-3 Water resources Eco.: L-2 Contd… Ch-4 HTML contd.. *Paragraph tag *Colour tag *Marquee tag L-1 Revision L-12 Revision L-6 SubtopicsRespiration & Nutrition revised SUMMER BREAK 1-07-14 To 11-07-14 14-07-14 To 25-07-14 28-07-14 To 8-8-14 Lit: Poem-The Mirror Gr: Reported speech CB: Education & Science W.Skill: Formal and Informal letter Li'kZ% ioZr izns'k es ikol O;kdj.k% lekl o Hksn rÙkiq# ’k] deZ/kkj;] f}xq lekl fØ;kRed dk;Z% gfjgj dkdk dgkuh dk uhou var ¼O;fDrxr½ Pair of linear equation in two variables Lit: The letter S.R(8-9) Gr: Recording of jumbled words W.Skill: Article, Speech & Debate Activity: Poster making-Save Tiger Li'kZ% rhljh dle] rksi O;kdj.k% vifBr x|ka'k] vifBr dkO;ka'k Trigonometry Lit: Not marble nor Gilded monuments Gr: Transformation of sentences O;kdj.k% v'kqf) 'kks/ku] eqgkojs@yksdksfDr;k¡ fØ;kRed dk;Z% jk’Vªh; iqjLdkj izkIr fQYeksa dh lwph ¼O;fDrxr½ Continuation of trigonometry 11-8-14 To 22-8-14 25-8-14 To 04-09-14 8-9-14 To 13-09-14 Lit: The dear departed (Drama) Gr: Editing and omission, Transformation of sentences W.Skill: E-mail Li'kZ% ifBr x|ka'k] ifBr dkO;ka'k O;kdj.k% vuqPNsn ys[ku] i= ys[ku Triangles L-14 Sources of energy L-3 Metals & NonMetals L-7 Control and Coordination Activity: To check PH of given samples Lit: The dear departed(drama) Gr: Dialogue competition W.Skill: Speech and data interpretation Revision SA1 O;kdj.k% lfU/k o Hksn] Loj lfU/k] lel o Hksn] rriq# ’k] deZ/kkj;] f}xq lekl fØ;kRed dk;Z% dgkuh dk iBu ikBu ekSf[kd ppkZ% lkewfgd Triangles L-14 Sources of energy L-3 Metals and NonMetals L-7 Control and coordination iqujko`fÙk% lEiw.kZ ikB~;Øe Revision Assignment Revision of SA1 Syllabus 15-9-2014 To 26-9-2014 SA1 EXAM TERM-I SA1 UNIT TEST SYLLABUS FA1 ENGLISH: Reading- Comprehension Writing- Bio sketch Grammar- Editing/Omission Literature: L-1 Two gentleman of Verona Poem: The frog and the Nightingale Hist: Contd… P.Sc:L-4 Gender, Religion, Caste Geo: L-4 Agriculture Eco: L-2(contd…) Activity(Economics) Graph analysis-Sectors of Indian economy Hist: Contd… P.Sc: L-4 Contd.. Geo: L-4 Agriculture Eco: Revision L-1 Ch-4 HTML Contd… *Special tags Hist: Contd… P.Sc: Revision L-2,L-3 Geo: Revision L-1, 2, 3, 4 Eco: Revision L-2 Ch-4 HTML contd.. *Special tags(contd..) Ch-4 HTML contd.. *Special tag contd.. HINDI: Li'kZ% cM+s HkkbZ lkgc] dchj lap;u% gfjgj dkdk O;kdj.k% 'kCn] in] incU/k] i=] vuqPNsn] vifBr dkO;ka'k MATHS: Statistics and Polynomials SCIENCE: Physics- L-12 Electricity (Up to combination of Resistances) Chemistry-L-1 Types of chemical reaction Biology-L-6 Life processes (Nutrition & Respiration) SOCIAL SCIENCE: History- The age of Industrialisation Pol. Sc- L-1 Power sharing Geography-L-1 Resource and development Economics- L-1 COMPUTER SC.: Ch- Internet services CLASS X SA2 PLANNER 2014-15 SECOND TERM OCTOBER to FEBRUARY DATE 29-09-14 To 15-10-14 16-10-14 To 30-10-14 01-11-14 To 15-11-14 17-11-14 To 29-11-14 ENGLISH Lit: Shady plot Gr: Editing passages W.Skill: Data interpretation MCB: Unit-4 Environment Activity-Poetry recitation Ch-11 to 13 The Story of my life Poem: Ozymandias Gr: Process writing W.Skill: Formal/Informal letter writing HINDI Li'kZ% fxjfxV O;kdj.k% lekl o Hksn] rriq#’k] deZ/kkj;] f}xq] fp= o.kZu] vifBr x|ka'k fØ;kRdedk;Z% vkSipkfjd i= dk izk#i ¼O;fDrxr½ MATHS Quadratic equations SCIENCE L-10 Light: Reflection and Refraction L-4 Carbon and its compounds L-8 How do organism reproduce? Li'kZ% fcgkjh ds nksgs lap;u% liuksa ds ls fnu O;kdj.k% vifBr dkO;ka'k] foKkiu ys[ku Arithmetic progression Lit: Patol babu Gr: Jumbled words W.Skill: Notice writing Activity: Solilo quies of play hamlet The Story of my life 14-15 Li'kZ% vc dgk¡ nwljksa ds nq%[k O;kdj.k% laokn ys[ku] i= ys[ku] vuqPNsn ys[ku fØ;kRed dk;Z% oSKkfud midj.k] iznw’k.k dk dkjd¼okn&fookn izfr;ksfxrk½ Circles and constructions L-10 Light: Reflection & Refraction L-4 Carbon and its compounds L-8 How do organisms reproduce? L-10 Light: Reflection & Refraction L-4 Carbon and its compounds L-8 How do organisms reproduce? Poem: Rime of ancient mariner Gr: Reported speech W.Skill: Article writing MCB: Unit-5 Travel and tourism-Report Writing: The Story of my life Ch-16 to 18 Li'kZ% euq’;rk lap;u% Vksih 'kqDyk O;kdj.k% vifBr dkO;ka'k Construction and coordinate geometry L-10 Light: Reflection & Refraction L-4 Carbon and its compounds L-8 How do organisms reproduce? Bio: To disfect monocot & dicot seed S.S.T Hist: The rise of nations in Europe P.Sc: L-5 Popular suggest & movements Geo: L-5 Mineral & Energy resources Eco: L-3 Money & credit Activity(Geo): Field visit to power plant Hist: Count… P.Sc.: L-5 Contd… Geo: L-5 Mineral & Energy resources Eco: L-3 (Contd…) COMPUTER Ch-6 Lists and tables in HTML * Lists * Ordered/unordered list His: Contd… P.Sc: L-6 Political parties Geo: L-5 Mineral & energy resources Eco: L-3 Contd… Activity(P.Sc.) chart on national and state parties Hist: Contd… P.Sc: L-6 Contd…. L-5 Mineral Geo: Energy & resources Eco: L-4 Globalisation & the Indian economy Ch-6 List and tables in HTML (Contd…) *Tables: Basic tags *Table Rowspan, Colspan Ch-6 List and tables in HTML (Contd…) *Lists *Definition list Ch-6 Lists and tables in HTML Contd…. *Rowspan, Colspan contd… 1-12-14 To 12-12-14 15-12-14 To 31-12-14 8-1-15 To 23-1-15 27-1-15 To 7-2-15 Poem: The Rime of Ancient mariner(contd…) Gr: Gap filling Writing: Speech writing MCB: Brochure writing Unit: Travel and Tourism Lit: Virtually true Gr: Sentence transformation Writing: Diary extracts Activity: Story mapping based on play Dear departed Ch-19 to 21 The Story of my life Li'kZ% ir>M+ esa VwVh ifÙk;k¡ O;kdj.k% lf/k o Hksn fØ;kRed dk;Z% euq’;rk ¼O;fDrxr½] dfork ls lfEcfU/kr ikSjkf.kd izlax dh tkudkjh Poem: Snake Gr: Newspaper headlines Writing: Telephone messages MCB: Unit-6 National Integration-value based questions The Story of my life 22-23 Play: Julius Caesar Gr: Omission passages Writing: Bio sketches Activity: Reading task Li'kZ% *dj pys ge fQnk* O;kdj.k% 'kCn] in] incU/k] in&ifjp; fØ;kRed dk;Z% *Nk=ksa dh dYiuk dk vkn'kZ f'k{kd* ys[k& O;fDrxr Li'kZ% *e/kqj&e/kqj esjs nhid ty* O;kdj.k% okD; o Hksn] ljy] la;qD r] feJ LI'kZ% *vkRe=k.k* O;kdj.k% eqgkojs@yksdksfDr;k¡ fØ;kRed dk;Z% *thou esa ruko ds dkj.k* Hkk’k.k% O;fDrxr & flowers L-10 Light: Reflection & Refraction L-4 Carbon dits compound L-9 Heredity and evolution Mensuration L-10 Light: Reflection & Refraction L-4 Carbon and its compounds L-9 Heredity and evolution Activity: To prepare article on eye defects WINTER BREAK Continuaiton of L-11 The human eye mensuration and and the colourful world some applications L-5 Periodic of trigonometry classification of elements L-9 Herediting and evolution L-15 Environment Probability & continuation of Ch-9 Activity: To test presence of saturated & unsaturated L-11 The human eye and the colourful world L-5 Periodic classification of elements His: Nationalism in India P.Sc: L-7 Outcomes of democracy Geo: L-6 Manufacturing industries Eco: L-4 Contd… Collage making Topic: Tracing the origin Hist: Nationalism in India P.Sc: L-17 Contd.. Geo: L-6 Manufacturing Industries Eco: L-4 Contd.. Ch-5 Images and links in HTML *Images *Linking external Hist: Count… P.Sc: L-8 Challenges to democracy Geo: L-7 Lifelines of national economy Eco: L-5 Consumer rights Ch-5 Images and links in HTML(Contd..) *Linking-External & Internal Hist: Count…. P.Sc: L-8 Contd… Geo: L-7 Lifelines of national Eco: L-5(Contd…) Activity(Hist.) Album on Indian nationalization Ch-8 Social impact at IT-Types at virus Ch-5 Images and links in HTML(Contd..) *Linking-External and Internal 9-2-15 To 21-2-15 23-2-15 To 27-2-15 Play Julius(Caesar) contd.. Gr: Dialogue completion Writing: E-mail writing Activity: Listening task O;kdj.k% v'kqf)&'kks/ku Li'kZ% ifBR dkO;ka'k] ifBr x|ka'k Revision assignments and papers Revision of entire grammar, writing and literature syllabus lEiw.kZ ikB~; Øe dh iqujko`fÙk Revision papers and self-evaluation tests L-15 Our environment L-11 The human eye and the colourful world L-5 Periodic classification of element L-16 Management of resources Revision of SA2 TERM-II SA2 UNIT TEST SYLLABUS FA3 ENGLISH: Comprehension (5), Data interpretation(4) Grammar: Process writing(4) Literature(7):, Shady plot Poem: Ozymandias HINDI : Li'kZ% fxjfxV] fcgkjh ds nksgs lap;u% liuksa ds ls fnu O;kdj.k% lekl&rÙkiq#’k] deZ/kkj; o f}xq lekl] fp=o.kZu] foKkiu] vifBr dkO;ka'k MATHS: Quadratic equations and arithmetic progression SCIENCE: Physics:L-10 Light: Reflection Chemistry: L-4 L-4 Carbon and its compounds(till IUPAC naming) Biology: L-8 How do organisms reproduce? movement Hist: Contd…. P.Sc: Revision L-5, 6 Geo: L-7 Lifelines of national economy Eco: L-5 (Contd…) Hist: Revision P.Sc: Revision L-8,9 Geo: Revision L-5, 6, 7 Eco: Revision Website designing Website designing SOCIAL SCIENCE: History: Nationalism in Europe P.Science: L-5 Popular struggles and movements Geography: L-6 Manufacturing Industries Economics: L-3 COMPUTER SC: Ch-6 List and tables in HTML * Lists ordered/unordered/definition
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