CLASS X MONTH APRIL ENGLISH MATH LITERATURE: Two Gentlemen of Verona The Frog and the Nightingale MCB: UNIT I: HEALTH &MEDICINE A. Do Indians Get Enough Sleep? B. (i) Laughter: The Best Medicine (ii) The Fundamentals of Laughter Yoga C “Whopping Walter” Hudson D. The World of Sports E. Nature’s Medicines CH – 2 POLYNOMIALS CH – 8 INTRODUCTION TO TRIGONOMETRY WRITING SKILLS: Letter writing (Formal and Informal) , E-Mail, Message Writing, Diary Entry, Writing a Story GRAMMAR: Dialogue Completion, Determiners WORKBOOK: Determiners, SubjectVerb Agreement. SYLLABUS FOR THE SESSION 2014 - 2015 SCIENCE SOCIAL SCIENCE HINDI PHYSICS : Ch - 12, ELECTRICITY Electric current and circuit Electric potential and potential difference Circuit diagram Ohm’s Law CHEMISTRY : Ch-1 Chemical reactions and equations Chemical equations Balancing of chemical equations Types of chemical reactions ,corrosion, rancidity BIOLOGY : CH.6 LIFE PROCESSES *What are life processes? *Nutrition *Respiration Ch:5 Age of Industrialisation (Hist) -Before the Industrial Revolution -Hand labour and steam power -Industrialisation in the colonies -Markets for goods Ch:1 Development (Eco) -Traditional notion of development - National Income and Per-capita Income - Human Development Indicators Ch:1 Resources and Development (Geography) -Types of resources -Resource Planning -Conservation of Resources -Soil Resources and Types -Land Utilization and Its Types -Land Degradation and Its Types Conservation Measures Li'kZ%& cM+s HkkbZ lkgc] lk[kh] Mk;jh dk ,d iUuk O;kdj.k &‘kCn] in vkSj inca/k] lekl] laokn ys[ku SANSKRIT FRENCH Leçon 1 Retrouvons nos amis(lets find again our friends) .expressions .proverbes .la Corse .La Tour de France .Le festival de Cannes .le relief (physical features) Questions and exercises form the text Leçon 2Apres Le Bac ( After Bac) .le future antérieur .le pronom-on .la forme nominale (noun form of verb) .le CROUS .le système d’education (education system) Questions and exercises form MAY LITERATURE: The Dear Departed MCB: UNIT II :EDUCATION A. My Struggle for Education B. Educating the Girl Child C. Inclusive Education CH – 8 INTRODUCTION TO TRIGONOMETRY ( Contd.) CH – 14 STATISTICS WRITING SKILLS: Debate, Speech ,Bio – sketch, Article GRAMMAR: Errors & Omissions WORKBOOK: Connectors JULY LITERATURE: “Mrs.Packletide’s Tiger” MCB: UNIT II: (CONTD.) D. VOCATIONAL EDUCATION WRITING SKILLS: Report Writing (newspaper, magazine and formal report), Data Interpretation GRAMMAR: Jumbled Phrases, Sentence Reordering WORKBOOK: Tenses, Subject Verb Agreement CH – 14 STATISTICS (Contd.) CH – 6 TRIANGLES PHYSICS : Ch - 12, ELECTRICITY Resistors in series and parallel Heating effect of electric current CHEMISTRY : Ch-2 Acids, bases and salts Chemical properties of acids and bases Importance of pH in everyday life More about saltsTheir properties and uses. BIOLOGY : CH.6 LIFE PROCESSES *Transportation in human beings PHYSICS : Ch - 13, MAGNETIC EFFECTS OF ELECTRIC CURRENT Magnetic field and field lines Magnetic field around a current carrying conductor Magnetic field lines due to a current carrying Solenoid. Force on a current carrying conductor when placed in a magnetic field. CHEMISTRY : Ch-3 Metals and non-metals -Physical properties Ch:1 Power Sharing (Pol. Sc) -Case study Belgium and Srilanka -Need for power sharing -Forms of power sharing Ch:2 Forest and Wildlife Resources (Geography) -Significance of Biodiversity -Classification of Existing Plants and Animal Species (Based on IUCN) -Types and Distribution of Forest and Wildlife Resources -Community and Conservation Ch: 2 Federalism (Pol.Sc.) -Meaning of federalism -Features of federalism -What makes India a federal country? -Practice of federalism Ch:8 Novels, Society and History (Hist) - Community and Society - Coming and use of Novels in India - Novels in the colonial world -Nation and its history Ch 3: Water Resources (Geography) -Introduction -Multipurpose River Projects Li'kZ & ehjk ds in O;kdj.k &jpuk ds vk/kkj ij okD; :ikarj.k] okD; v’kqf)’kks/ku] eqgkojs] foKkiu ys[ku lap;u &gfjgj dkdk Li'kZ & rrkWjk okehjks dFkk] ioZr izn’s k esa ikol O;kdj.k & lekl]Ekqgkojs laokn ys[ku ]lwpuk ys[ku] vuqPNsn] i= lap;u & gfjgj dkdk the text Leçon 3Bon Appétit (have a good meal) .les pronoms-y, en .les plats français (French food) Questions and exercises form the text Leçon 4Chacun ses goûts (Every one has own taste) .les pronoms démonstratifs .l’emphase Le theater,cinema Questions and exercises form the text AUGUST LITERATURE: Mirror The Letter WRITING SKILLS: Notice, Process Description, Advertisement, Factual description MCB: UNIT III: SCIENCE A .Promise For The Future: Renewable Energy B. Plugging into the Future C. Space Travel D. Letters from the Planet Aurigae II WORKBOOK: Non Finites, Relatives CH – 3 PAIR OF LINEAR EQUATIONS IN TWO VARIABLES CH – 1 REAL NUMBERS and Chemical properties of metals and non- metals Reactivity series of metals Properties of ionic compounds BIOLOGY : CH.6 LIFE PROCESSES *Transportation in plants *Excretion CH.7 CONTROL AND COORDINATION *Animals-nervous system -Conservation of Water Ch4: Agriculture (Geography) -Definition of Agriculture -Feature of Indian Agriculture -Types of Farming Cropping Pattern -Major Crops -Technological and Institutional Reforms -Contribution of Agriculture to the National Economy, Employment and Output PHYSICS : Ch - 13, MAGNETIC EFFECTS OF ELECTRIC CURRENT Electric motor Electromagnetic induction Electric generator Domestic electric circuit Ch- 14, SOURCES OF ENERGY Introduction CHEMISTRY : Ch-3 Metals and non-metals (Contd.) Occurrence of metalsProcess used in the extraction of metals BIOLOGY : CH.7 CONTROL AND COORDINATION *Animals-nervous Ch:2 Sectors of the Indian Economy (Eco) - Sectors of economic activities - Comparing the three sectors - Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sectors in India - Organised and unorganized sectors - Public and Private Sector Ch 3: Democracy and Diversity (Pol. Sc) - Differences, Similarities, Divisions - Politics of Social Divisions - Factors determining outcomes of politics Ch:4 Gender, Religion and Caste (Pol Sc) - Gender and politics - Religion, Li'kZ & rhljh dle ds f’kYidkj] rksi O;kdj.k &eqgkojs] foKkiu ys[ku] jpuk ds vk/kkj ij okD; :ikarj.k] okD; v’kqf)’kks/ku] lap;u & gfjgj dkdk Leçon 5Chez le médecin (At the doctor’s) .les pronoms possessifs. Le sécurité sociale (social security) Questions and exercises form the text Leçon 6Chercher du travail ( to find a job) .les pronoms rélatifs-simples et composes Simple and compound relative pronoun) . Questions and exercises form the text SEPTEMBER LITERATURE: Not Marble, Not the Gilded Monuments, A Shady Plot CH – 1 REAL NUMBERS(contd.) REVISION FOR SA 1 WRITING SKILLS: Writing Instructions, Poster Designing, Dialogue Writing, Making Short Notes. GRAMMAR: Reported Speech, Cloze filling, Prepositions. WORKBOOK: Conditionals, Prepositions OCTOBER LITERATURE: Julius Caesar Patol Babu Filmstar WRITING SKILLS: CH – 15 PROBABILITY CH - 4 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS system (contd) *Coordination in plants *Hormones in animals PHYSICS : Ch- 14, SOURCES OF ENERGY Cont… Conventional sources of energy. Non-conventional sources of energy. Environmental consequences. CHEMISTRY : Ch-3 Metals and non-metals (Contd.) Corrosion and prevention of corrosion Revision Ch: 4 Carbon and its compounds Bonding in carbon, allotropes of carbon, nature of carbon BIOLOGY : CH. 15 OUR ENVIRONMENT *What happens when we add our waste to the environment? *Ecosystem-What are its components? *How do our activities affect the environment? PHYSICS : Ch-10 LIGHT - REFLECTION AND REFRACTION Reflection of light by Communalism and Politics - Caste and politics Ch:3 Money and Credit (Eco) - Money as medium of exchange - Modern forms of Money -Loan activities of banks - Different credit situations -Terms of credit - Formal sector credit in India -Self help groups for the poor Li'kZ & fcgkjh ds nksgs ] fxjfxV O;kdj.k & i=]vuqPNsn] v’kqf)’kks/ku] laokn ys[ku] lwpuk ys[ku Leçon 6Chercher du travail( to find a job) .ANPE (employment exchange) .CV Questions and exercises form the text Revision HALF YEARLY 1 to 5 Revision for Summative I Ch 5: Minerals and Energy resources (Geography) -Introduction -Classification of Li'kZ & euq”;rk lap;u% liuksa ls fnu O;kdj.k &okD; Leçon 6Revision Leçon 7Le Plaisir de Lire. (pleasure of Transcoding information from a table/Data Interpretation(cont’d), Writing Instructions, Writing Captions plane and spherical mirrors. To be continued in November. CHEMISTRY : Ch: 4 Carbon and its compounds (Contd..) saturated and unsaturated carbon compds Homologous series Nomenclature BIOLOGY : CH.8 HOW DO ORGANISMS REPRODUCE? *Do organisms create exact copies of themselves? *Modes of reproduction used by single organisms *Sexual reproduction GRAMMAR: Nominalization, Avoiding Repetition: Substitution and Omission WORKBOOK: Nominalization NOVEMBER LITERATURE: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner A Shady Plot MCB: UNIT IV Environment A. Treading the Green Path-Towards Preservation B. Heroes of the Environment C. Let’s Clean Up D. A Tale of Three Villages E. Geological Heritage CH - 4 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS(Contd..) CH – 9 SOME APPLICATIONS OF TRIGONOMETRY PHYSICS : Ch-10 LIGHT - REFLECTION AND REFRACTION -Refraction of light. -Glass slab -Refraction by Spherical lenses. CHEMISTRY : Ch: 4 Carbon and its compounds (Contd..) Chemical properties of Carbon compounds BIOLOGY : CH.8 HOW DO Minerals -Types of Minerals – Metallic, Non-Metallic & energy Resources -Distribution of Mineral resources -Conservation of Minerals -Conventional And Non -Conventional Energy Resources & Its Conservation Ch:4 : Globalisation and the Indian economy (Eco) -Meaning of Globalisation -Ways in which MNCs control production -Factors which influence the location of production set up -Foreign trade - Factors that enable globalization - Effects of Globalisation on India Ch:6 Political Parties (Pol Sc) -Meaning of Political Parties - Functions of Political Party --System of Parties -Popular Participation in Political Parties -Types of Parties in India -Challenges to Political Parties Ch 7: Lifelines of National Economy (Geography) :ikarj.k] eqgkojs] foKkiu ys[ku reading) .le plus-queparfait(pluperfec t tense) .la presse (press) .la carte de lecteur(library card) Questions and exercises form the text Li'kZ &% vc dgkWa nwljksa ds nq[k ls nq[kh gksus okys + Leçon 7Le Plaisir de Lire. (pleasure of reading) .la presse .la carte de lecteur Questions and exercises form the text Leçon 8Métro,boulot,do do (Daily routine) . le conditionnel passé (past O;kdj.k & okD; :ikarj.k] laokn ys[ku] lwpuk ys[ku WRITING SKILLS: Poster Designing (cont’d), Writing a Powerpoint Presentation GRAMMAR: Fill In One Word WORKBOOK: Comparison ORGANISMS REPRODUCE? *Sexual reproduction (contd) CH.9 HEREDITY AND EVOLUTION *Accumulation of variation during reproduction *Heredity -Meaning of Transport & Communication -Means of Transport -Important Transport & Communication in the st 21 Century – Roadways, Pipelines, Waterways, Railways, Airways Ch:1 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe (Hist) -Unification of Germany, -Unification of Italy, -Case Study of Britain -Balkan Wars, -Greece Revolution, -Napoleon’s Administrative Policy Ch: 5 Popular Struggles and Movements (Pol Sc) Case Study- Nepal and Bolivia --Comparative study of struggles in Nepal and Bolivia - Pressure Groups and their role - Relationship between Pressure Groups and Political Parties. Ch 6: Manufacturing Industries (Geography) -Introduction -Importance of Manufacturing -Contribution of Industry to the National Economy -Industrial Location -Classification of conditional) .carte orange .carte imagine R .les stations de metro Questions and exercises form the text DECEMBER LITERATURE: Ozymandias MCB: UNIT V TRAVEL AND TOURISM A Land of All Seasons B. Eco Tourism C The Emerald Islands D A Tale of Three Villages E. Geological Heritage WRITING SKILLS: Itinerary, Preparing a Tourist Brochure GRAMMAR: Active Passive Voice, Process Description WORKBOOK: Modals CH – 10 CIRCLES CH – 5 ARITHMETIC PROGRESSION CH – 11 CONSTRUCTIONS PHYSICS : Ch-10 LIGHT REFLECTION AND REFRACTION -Lens formula -Magnification -Numericals based on lens formula Power of a lens Ch - 11, HUMAN EYE AND COLOURFUL WORLD Introduction Structure of a human eye CHEMISTRY : Ch: 4 Carbon and its compounds (Contd..) Some imp. Carbon compds. Properties of ethanol and ethanoic acid Soaps and detergent Cleansing action of soaps BIOLOGY : CH.9 HEREDITY AND EVOLUTION *Heredity (contd) Industries -Agro-based Industry Agro-based Industries (contd) -Mineral-based Industries Industrial Pollution And Environmental Degradation -Control of Environmental Degradation -NTPC and Its Objectives Ch: 7 Outcomes of Democracy (Pol Sc) - How to assess the outcomes of democracy -- Accountable, responsive and legitimate govt -- Economic Growth and Development Accommodation of Social Diversity Ch: 8 Challenges to Democracy (Pol Sc) -Meaning of challenges -Different challenges being faced by democracy -- Democratic or political reforms Li'kZ &dj pys ge fQnk] e/kqj&e/kqj esjs nhid ty] O;kdj.k & vuqPNsn] i= vifBr cks/k] eqgkojs] foKkiu ys[ku lap;u & Vksih ‘kqDyk Leçon 8Metro Boulot Dodo .si+plus-queparfait+condition nel passé Questions and exercises form the text JANUARY LITERATURE: Virtually True MCB: UNIT VI : NATIONAL INTEGRATION A. Unity in Diversity B. Challenges to National Integration C. Spirit of Unity D. Mile Sur Mera Tumhara CH – 11 CONSTRUCTIONS(Co ntd..) CH – 7 COORDINATE GEOMETRY CH – 12 AREAS RELATED TO CIRCLES WRITING SKILLS: Making short notes, writing captions, designing a stamp WORKBOOK: Reported speech, Active and Passive FEBRUARY LITERATURE: Snake CH – 13 SURFACE AREAS AND *Evolution *Speciation PHYSICS : Ch - 11, HUMAN EYE AND COLOURFUL WORLD Defects of vision and their correction Refraction of light through a prism Dispersion of white light by a glass prism. Formation of rainbow CHEMISTRY : Ch-5 Periodic classification of elements Early attempts at the classification of elements Dobereiner’s triads New lands law of octaves Mendeleev’s periodic table BIOLOGY : CH.9 HEREDITY AND EVOLUTION *Evolution and classification * Evolution should not be equated with progress CH. 16 MANAGEMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES *Why do we need to manage our resources? PHYSICS : Ch - 11, Ch:3 Nationalism in India (Hist ) - Impact of World War on India - Emergence of Gandhiji - Early works of Gandhiji - Causes for the launch of Non-Cooperation Movement - Aims of NonCooperation Movement -Withdrawal of NonCooperation Movement -Towards Civil Disobedience Li'kZ & ir>M+ esa VwVh ifRr;kWa] vkRe=k.k Ch:5 Consumer Rights (Eco) Li'kZ & dkjrwl O;kdj.k & vifBr dkO;ka'k] eqgkojs lap;u & Vksih ‘kqDyk Leçon 9Vive la République (long live republic) .le discours rapporté (direct and indirect speech) .le participle présent Questions and exercises form the text le gérondif (gerund) .le minitel .le système politique(politica l system) Questions and exercises form the text Leçon 10C’est bon le GRAMMAR: Headline Expansion MARCH Letter Writing (Formal and Informal) , E-Mail, Message, Diary Entry, Debate/ Speech ,Bio – sketch, Article, Notice, Writing a Story, Process Description, Advertisement, Transcoding Information From a Table/ Data Interpretation , Newspaper and Magazine Report , Writing Instructions, Poster Designing, Dialogue Writing Making Short Notes, Writing Captions, VOLUMES REVISION FOR Summative Assessment-2 HUMAN EYE AND COLOURFUL WORLD Atmospheric refraction Scattering of light CHEMISTRY : Ch-5 Periodic classification of elements(contd) The modern periodic law Trends in the modern periodic table Valency, atomic size ,metallic and nonmetallic properties. BIOLOGY : CH. 16 MANAGEMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES *Forests and wild life *Water for all * Coal and petroleum PHYSICS : REVISION CHEMISTRY : REVISION BIOLOGY : REVISION -Reasons for Consumer awareness - Ways of Consumer exploitation -Rights of the Consumers -Consumer Protection Act - taking Consumer Movement further Revision for Summative II O;kdj.k& vifBr cks/k] vuqPNsn progress (Its good progress) .le subjonctif .le mél (Email) l’internet Questions and exercises form the text Revision of Grammar Sample papers Comprehension écrite Expression écrite Culture et civilisation REVISION FOR FINAL EXAMS LESSONS 6-10 REVISION Iqkqujko`fRr++ REVISION Factual description ( Revision)
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