Carter Lawson, Jeri From: Sent: To: Subject: Dones, Donna Tuesday, September 23, 2014 8:17AM Carter Lawson, Jeri FW: Texas Public Information Request - Trinity Watershed Management FYI Donna Dones CBU Trinity Watershed Managem ent (214) 243-1164 From: Fernandez, Elizabeth Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 7:56AM To: Dones, Donna; 1ippie, Kristina; Cottingham, Jennifer Cc: Nguyen, Than Subject: FW: Texas Public Information Request- Trinity Watershed Management Please address From: Hal Barker [mailto:hbarker [email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 6:10AM To: OpenRecords Cc: Fernandez, Elizabeth Subject: RE: Texas Public Information Request - Trinity Watershed Management Correction in Open Records Request To Trinity Watershed Management. In my September 22 2014 request below, I had identified Borrow Area D AKA Borrow Area 3. This should be Borrow Area D AKA Borrow Area 4. For further clarification, this is also located on the Burrescia property noted in maps south of Elam Road. Please note this correction in my request. Hal Barker 9191 Garland Road 1126 Dallas, TX 75218 Hbarker 2011 From: Hal Barker [mailto:hbarker [email protected]] Sent: Monday, September 22, 2014 9:24AM To: 'OpenRecords' Cc: 'Fernandez, Elizabeth' Subject: Texas Public Information Request - Trinity Watershed Management Greetings, This is a request under the Texas Public Information Act. Records relating to Trinity Watershed Management Reference: Proposal Documents for Simpkins Remediation- Vegetative Support Layer PBSWM007, File NO. 428D-20, 251D-l. A Notice to all Bidders dated April 25, 2014. I have a 186 page set of records relating to this filing. I do not need an additional copy. Clarification: Recently, I was told by officials ofthe Trinity Watershed Management that Borrow Area D, AKA Borrow Area 3, was originally designated for most if not all borrow soil needs for the Simpkins Remediation and additional facilities needs ( in conjunction with Borrow Area C south of Loop 12). The statements were that the City of Dallas determined that due to a stand of trees in Borrow Area D, and the desire to protect these trees, Borrow Area A was designated to provide soil needs for the Simpkins Remediation. Request: I request copies of all communications, including emails and communications reduced to writing, relating to the Borrow Area D, AKA Borrow Area 3, from the date January 1 2013 to date of this request. This should include all communications between Trinity Watershed Management and the City Arborist relating to Borrow Area D. If any contracts were let and signed for removal of soil from Borrow Area D, please provide a copy of the contract. If you have any questions, please let me know. If this appears overly broad in scope, we can discuss narrowing the scope of this request. Hal Barker 9191 Garland Road 1126 Dallas, TX 75218 Hbarker [email protected] 2 Nguyen, Than From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Jim Barger <J [email protected]> Thursday, November 07, 2013 12:11 PM Nguyen, Than RE: Nearby Borrow Source for Golf Course Trinity Forest - Elam Borrow Areas.pdf Than, Use this file . I think I was looking at your exhibit incorrectly. I believe your Lake A is theE & F areas in this file. Your lake A (areas E & Fin the attached) is certainly viable but PK should look at all the utilities in this area. Jim From: Jim Barger Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2013 11 :53 AM To: 'Nguyen, Than' Subject: RE: Nearby Borrow Source for Golf Course Than, Here is where we are with the borrow area. Think we 're pretty close but would like to: 1. Maximize Lake A/B excavatron . 2. Stay away from the Horse Park, or any areas not adjacent to the landfills (to minimize haul distances) 3. Explore Lakes C, D and E, or some variant of them . Thanks, Jim PS· Attached a complete vcard for me for your contacts. From: Nguyen, Than [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2013 4:25PM To: Jim Barger Subject: FW: Nearby Borrow Source for Golf Course We are getting close to finalizing the scope of work with Pacheco Koch on these ponds. Let me know 1f you agree w1 th the new ponds as a borrow source. Than From: Nguyen, Than Sent: Friday, September 06, 2013 6:25 PM To: 'Jim Barger' Cc: 'Jim Barger' Subject: Nearby Borrow Source for Golf Course Hi Jim, Long time no hear. I know that the last t ime we met, we discussed the nearby offsite borrow source needed and how the sand layer at the Burrescia property (5950 Elam Road) was needed for your project as a total of 450,000 cubic yards of borrow material was needed north of Loop 12. We discussed this internally and found a solution for this needed dirt as this borrow source will consist of 3 ponds; 2 new ponds (1 northwest of the western end of Elam Road and 1 on the northern portion of the Burrescia property) and an enhancement of an existing pond near the entrance into the Horse Park; see enclosed figure. Pacheco Koch revised the hydraulic modeling for the approved fill permit. Let me know if you agree with the 3 ponds as the sand borrow source is still there. Than This email was Anti Virus checked by Astaro Security Gateway. ttto://www . astaro . com 2 Nguyen, Than From: Sent: To: Subject: Jim Barger <[email protected] > Thursday, June 06, 2013 10:04 AM Nguyen, Than RE: Borrow Area and Irrigation Pond Location Than, The darker blue area should take care of everything. May be less than thls ... JUSt depends upon how deep we can go. This is less area disturbed than the fill permit plan . The lighter area south is if more •s needed . Jim From: Nguyen, Than [mailto:[email protected] Sent: Wednesday, June OS, 2013 11:35 AM To: Jim Barger SUbject: Borrow Area and Irrigation Pond Location Jim, Do you have a sketch or conceptual layout for the Burrescia property to use as a borrow area/pond and the irrigation pond? If so, please provide so we have an idea of the layout. Thanks. Than This email was l\.nti Virus checked by Astaro Security Gateway. http://ww•,., 2 Carter Lawson, Jeri From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments : Fernandez, Elizabeth Thursday, September 18, 2014 10:53 AM Clark, Dorey FW: Tree Survey for Borrow Areas A, B, C, and D Combined Tree removal pdf; Simpkins Remediation - Vegetative Support Layer (PBSWM007} Overview Map.pdf FYI --Origin al Message -From: Nguyen, Than Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 201 '1: 3:3~) PM To: Fernandez , Elizabeth Cc: Standifer, Sarah; Cottingha m, Jennifer Subject: RE: Tree Survey for Borrow Areas A, B, C, and D Liz, The index cover page was old but has been updated; see enclosed. I inserted an aerial overlay to help out for Borrow Area A. Below is the tree count and mitigation inches for each Borrow Area: Borrow Area A- 'i94 trees- 3511 inches (Selected due to the lower concentrat ion of trees) Borrow Area B- 172 trees- 2,329 inches (Large and heavily wooded and near abandoned United Gas line easement). A lot smaller in size than Borrow Area A. Borrow Area C- "1·.'34 trees - 5,562 inches (lrrigation Pond) Borrow Area D- 14· trees- 31 S inches (Burrescia Property- small number of trees but they were all very large pecan trees) Than --Origin al Message -From: Fernandez , Elizabeth Serit: Tuesday, September 16, 2014 10:29 AM To: Nguyen, Than Cc: Standifer, Sarah; Cottingha m, Jennifer Su~ject: Re: Tree Survey for Borrow Areas A, B, C, and D Than, This is the old borrow A. vVhat is the new borrow A tree count? > On Sep 1.5, 201 <~, at 2:00 PM, "Nguyen, Than" <than.ngu yen@dalla scityhall.c om> wrote: > >Sarah, > > Enclosed is the finalized tree survey for Borrow Areas A, B, C (Irrigation Pond), and D (Burrescia Property). We do not plan on using Borrow Area Band D. \Ve chose Borrow Area A dues to the amount of tree in that area. We may slight modifications to BoHow Area A & C in the construction phase as the enclosed file has the updated survey information. > >Than > <Tree Survey for Borrow Areas A, B, C & D.pdf> 2 •• ..> v -~ ~-\ "'\ . '0.:(·--,,.·-·-··''-,, . . ' f. ~ ~~ ]I r( · .._r --~ _:~-;;.--;;;;;-:_~--_ .-1 ~ I l"'"'!!!..~~~r .:.;l~·..h; --::·.: .. ~- ·~-··...... ~'-~:=E:::i:...!.~ I ~ ~ · :;:;.. --::!...:.!J.!_:_:.:.:::...:L __ ~ ~-1 • ) i I l · ]· --'-~-! ·---· · .·.::.~:.~:----~---'-·- --- - - I ~ · .. .!':~--= ......... _..................................................... ~~·- ~ ~~ ?l l l ,.,. ...r ! ,// ~-.-~ . ·' 3 ·c I i ( '"C"' ,; 1" ·, \ ' l.~-~~~---~------~/ " ' \ II' . '. ' _) ) / '"\ ... " ~ ... c:rr.: . . . ~ ,/ o-.: L•uf · Oo 11(1 .; '. ;' ·' <:!:! (~·:::!.;:::':i!!~,!-;; ..:·.i I. - t· ·----- !l ! 0 .~: ~~ f.i J 1· r--.. ... ' -· ·- - - Jt' I !I I ., ' ,: . l'l ''· . ' ... - :rol : <•.:lllr.l ff:WffllP~ l•"··t.w /--- ' . 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CliAI'tCS,C-.. ......... ~,. cr~ ;~,,, 10 ...G" r--~ Go¥/ / \ ~ ICIIIQI-··U'rlliFill ,... CMMt ONJI'·~~ C/TYOF.lWl.LA~' ,~.,- 8 I '" - -1-I"'·J--1~-1 ~· ~ I .. 1-;;,"1 ··-I I4:Z8DI _"'",.... ... ... 20 _~ Carter Lawson, Jeri From: Sent: To: Subject: Clark, Dorey Thursday, September 18, 2014 10:55 AM Fernandez, Elizabeth RE: Tree Survey for Borrow Areas A, 8, C, and D Includes non-protecte d in count. Dorey Clark Sr Project Coordinator Trinity Watershed Managemen t City of Dallas 2 H-.671.9583 --Original Message-From: Fernandez, Elizaheth Sent: Thursday, September IS, 201 <~ 10:53 AM To: Clark, Dorey Subject: FW: Tree Survey for Borrow Areas A, B, C, and D FYI --Original Message--From: Nguyen, Than Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2014 3:39PM To: Fernandez, Elizabeth Cc: Standifer, Sarah; Cottingham, Jennifer Subject: RE: Tree Survey for Borrow Areas A, B, C, and D Liz, The index cover page was old but has been updated; see enclosed. I inserted an aerial overlay to help out for Borrow Area A. Below is the tree count and mitigation inches tot· each Borrow Area: Borrow Area A- 294 trees- 3.51 1 inches (Selected due to the lower concentratio n of trees) Borrow Area B - 172 trees - 2,329 inches (Large and heavily wooded and near abandoned United Gas line easement). A lot smaller in size than Borrow Area A. Borrow Area C- 434 trees- 5,562 inches (Irrigation Pond) Borrow Area D- H trees- 31 S inches (Burrescia Property- small number of trees but they were all very large pecan trees) Than --Original Message-3 l From: Fernandez, Elizabeth Sent: Tuesday, September 16,2014 10:2~1 AM To: Nguyen, Than Cc: Standifer, Sarah; Cottingham, Jennifer Su~ject: Re: Tree Survey for Borrow Areas A, B, C, and 0 Than, This is the old borrow A. What is the new borrow A tree count? >On Sep 15, 20 1+, at 2:00PM, "Nguyen, Than" <[email protected]> wrote: > >Sarah, > > Enclosed is the finalized tree survey tor Borrow Areas A, B, C (Irrigation Pond), and 0 (Burrescia Property). We do not plan on using Borrow Area Band D. vVe chose Borrow Area A dues to the amount of tree in that area. We may slight moJifications to Borrow Area A & C in the construction phase as the enclosed file has the updated survey information. > >Than > <Tree Survey for Borrow Areas A, B, C & D.pdf> Carter Lawson, Jeri From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachmen ts: Nguyen, Than Tuesday, June 17, 2014 4:58PM dproctor@dcicontracting org Greg Sherman RE: Simpkins Remediati on- Rock Excavation, Other Issues Simpkins Remediation -Addendum #1 - Letter Only.pdf David, See my response in blue below: Than From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, June 13, 2014 10:02 AM To: Nguyen, Than Cc: Diviney, Patrick; Greg Sherman Subject: Simpkins Remediation - Rock Excavation, Other Issues Than, As requested per your previous e-mail, here is the additional cost for rock excavation : Based on a reduced depth of 16', this equates to an additiona l cost for 12,200 cu. )'ds (ii) $16 pc1· cu.p..l. = SJ 95,200.00 to If this material can be placed in a single layer in the bottom of the base ofthc structura l fill, 12" be 18" pieces, then run O\-'Cr with a sheepsfoo t compacto r, then the additiona l cost fo excaYatc would $8.00 per cu. yd. x 12,200 cu. yd~;. = S97,600.00 excavation is not I have review the plans and spec book for this and feel that additional compensa tion for rock 1), "Technical justified. As stated within B-11 (Unclassified Excavation, Bid Item 103 & Alternate Bid Item talks about it 8-14, Within also." project this for apply will n} Informatio cal (Geotechni Specification B-14 shown in the spec book limestone fill material as shown in the Boring logs and Plan sheets. The boring logs were documents (plans and and plan sheets near the cross section pages. The soil stratums were presented in the bid of 656,418 cubic specificatio n book) and the volume accounted for in the cross sections and the bid quantity cost is unreasona ble proposed your and condition existing unforeseen an not was This yards of material needed. also. had a Additiona lly, at the pre-constr uctionlpar tnering meeting today, Greg Sherman and Jim Barger (Oncor) items: following the for together discussion and we w~:re asked to put some costs Aud .'50.50 I) Pond B -COD would like to eliminate and move that quantity, if needed, to Pond A (east) ..... 0 $40,457.0 = SO.SO x CY ,315 81 ..... yd per cu. yd to the Fill Area #2 lJUntcd unit price of S2.25 per cu. Borrow are priority} of order (in additiona l cost Per Addendum Ill, Note 119 says 'The primary borrow sources additional Areas A, C, 8, ond D. Barrow Area D will only be used is the City decides to not use Borrow Area 8 or can be amount this as soils are needed. The calculated amount of borrow dirt needed is 625,160 cubic yards as project this for used areas obtained from Borrow Areas A and C together. The City will decide on the borrow 103 Items Bid for the grading plans for the borrow areas may change". Note #16 says 'The bid quantities (Transport {Unclassified Excavation), 1341 (Transport Dirt to Fill Area 1}, 1342 (Transport Dirt to Fill Area 2}, 1343 or overages on Dirt to Fill Area 3}, and 1344 (Transport Dirt to Fill Area 4} will not be renegotiat ed based underage of these bid items." This additional cost is unjustified . copy of the contract. If any contracts were let and signed for removal of soil from Borrow Area D, please provide a discuss narrowing the scope If you have any questions, please let me know. If this appears overly broad in scope, we can of this request. Hal Barker 9191 Garland Road 1126 Dallas, TX 75218 Hbarker [email protected] 6 2) Pond C a) Haul limestone to structural fill area .... add $2.25 per cu. yd. to the fill area #2 quoted unit price of $2.25 prr cu. yd ...... I 2,200 cu. yds. x S2.25 = $27,450.00 additional cost This is already paid for in Bid Items 1341, 1342, 1343, and 1344. The Bid Item 1346 is to include survey staking, compaction, and geotechnical testing. Per Addendum Ill, Note 1115 says "For Bid Alternate 3 (Bid Item 1346- Process/Compact Fill at Structural Fill Locations), payment far this item will include survey staking, compaction, and geotechnical testing as this will be considered incidental to the bid item. Additional fill allowance shall be not be stockpiled and bidders are to assume an average haul distance to the center of each fiJI zone for this additional fill material. All additional fill material shall be spread by others." b) Haul approx. I 6,000 cu. yd. of sand from Pond "C" to Fill Area #2 ... .add $2.75 per cu. yd. = S4.:f,OOO.OO additional cost Per Addendum #1, Note #5 says '7here are 4 identified soil stratums in the borrow areas; clay, silty clay, limestone, and high quality sands. Landscapes Unlimited would like for soils from these stratums to be placed in specific areas within the fill areas as they will be spreading of the fill. Due to the size of the borrow areas and soil stratum depths, the amount of dirt from each stratum of each borrow source will be substantial sa this will not delay the Contractor's construction schedule. The Contractor will not be responsible for determining these soil stratums or the associated depths as Landscapes Unlimited will inform the Contractor on the depth and placement of this material in regions within the fill areas. However, Landscapes Unlimited requests that the Contractor use best efforts to inform Landscapes Unlimited when contractor observes a significant change in soil type, stratum, or encounters ground water during eKcavations." If the intended area for this sand is in another zone not planned, that Fill Zone price will apply. 3) Structural fill a) East parking lor will not be filled to Q l 00. This lot will be filled to a .5% grade from existing to the south. How much is this reduced? See revised structural fill area email sent earlier today b) Emergency access road till eliminated. How much is this reduced? See revised structural fill area email sent earlier today c) "Bump-out" area at clubhouse pad eliminated. How much is this n~duccd? See revised structural fill area email sent earlier today 4) Stratum Excavation. What docs this mean? See 2 B) above 5) Fill area 4 may be deleted and the quantity moved to area 3. Add $0.50 per cu.yd. to the <JUOtcd unit price of S1.90 per cu. yd. for fill area 3. 58,217 cu . yds. x 0.51) =) 29,108.50 additional cost. I am unaware of this. Please provide more details 6) Need to polhole gas line ASAP. We will discuss and get Dig Tt.·ss ... Scott talking to Om·or 06-1214 Please pothole the DWU line also per Addendum 111, Note 1118 says "On the plans, there is an existing DWU wastewater easement along Elam Road and a United Gas easement in Borrow Area B. The Contractor shall pothole and verify the existence of any existing utility line in both areas as payment will be made through Bid Item 1652 (Locate Underground Utility Not Under Paving) for each of the 2 lines. Field verification is needed to determine if existing lines are still present or ever installed." 7) Various sand material hauled to various fill areas (small quantities) ... additional $200.00 per load Explained above as this does not apply Please let us know on lhcsc items as soon as possible. Thank you, David Proctor, Vice President DCI Contracting, Inc. 2 2045 E. Hwy 380, Suite I 00 Decatur, TX 76234 Ph. (940)626-0022 Fax (940)626--0047 Cell (940)453-2472 e-mail : dproctor@dcicontractint.! 3 CITY OF DALLAS April 25, 2014 TO: All PLANHO LDERS OF CITY OF DALLAS SIMPKIN S REMEDIA TION- VEGETAT IVE SUPPOR T LAYER (PBSWM 007) CONTRA CT NO. PBSWM0 07 ADDEND UM NO. 1 Attached is Addendum No. 1 to the subject contract. Please incorporate this addendum into your bidding documents. Steve Parker, P.E., CFM Program Manager Floodplain Managem ent Trinity Watershed Managem ent Simpkins Remediatio n- Vegetative Support Layer (PBSWM00 7)- Addendum #1 ADDEND UM NO. 1 FOR CONTRA CT NO. PBSWM0 07 SIMPKIN S REMEDIA TION - VEGETA TIVE SUPPOR T LAYER (PBSWM 007) April 25, 2014 NOTICE TO ALL BIDDERS The following constitutes Addendum No. 1 to the Plans, Special Provisions, and Proposal for this referenced project. This item is provided as clarification and general information, and is hereby included as part of the specifications for the subject project: 1. Due to the proposed city council approval date of May 14, 2014 for this construction contract and the City of Dallas's intent to issue a Notice to Proceed (NTP) date within 2 weeks of such approval, the Contracto r shall submit normal Business Inclusion and Development (BID) forms associated with a city council agenda item as part of their bid package. Attached are the forms to be completed as they can be downloaded at: http://www development/business inclusion forms.htrnl. Also attached are possible MWBE subcontractors to be considered based on the scope of work for this project. For any questions about the forms, please contact Lisa Brough at [email protected] & (214) 670-3335 . If the Contractor does not meet or exceed the BID goal of 25% for this project, the Contractor will need to complete the attached MWBE Documentation Form. 2. The bid closing date will remain unchanged, Thursday , May 1, 2014. 3. The structural fill area near the main entrance for South Loop Landfill within Fill Area 2 on Plan Sheet 13 will require removal of trees not currently identified on the plans as a tree survey for this area will be done but has not been completed at the time of this addendum issuance. The winning bidder will be given the completed tree survey in this area. No tree mitigation for this area will be needed by the Contractor. Payment for this bid item includes tree removal (including stumps and root ball) and offsite disposal unless arrangements are made for on site disposal as no additional payment will be made. All structural fill areas shall be cleared and grubbed in accordance with the structural fill requirements for site preparation. The trees to be removed as part of this project are primarily identified within the areas identified above. The City of borrow areas only, with the exception of those 51 Dallas (City) will begin construction on the 1 related project (remediation project Simpkins Remediation [PBSWM0 07]} within the next few weeks. All trees on the landfill footprint for Elam and South Loop Landfills will be removed as part of that project. There may be some additional trees to be removed in the identified fill areas Page 2 of7 Simpkins Remediati on- Vegetative Support Layer (PBSWM007) -Addendum #1 not on the landfill footprint. No payment will be made for additional trees to be removed for construction access, staging purposes, or not shown on the plans. As clarification for Bid Items 639A (Remove Trees 6 - 12 inches diameter), 639B (Remove Trees 13 -24 inches diameter). and 639C (Remove Trees over 24 inches diameter), payment for these bid items includes tree removal (including stumps and root ball). 4. The calculated quantity for Bid Item 101 (Clearing and Grubbing) is estimated at 32 .8 acres with a bid quantity of 35 acres as this is estimated for the borrow areas only. There may be some additional areas to clear and grub in the fill areas . 5. There are 4 identified soil stratums in the borrow areas; clay, silty clay, limestone, and high quality sands. Landscapes Unlimited would like for soils from these stratums to be placed in specific areas within the fill areas as they will be spreading of the fill . Due to the size of the borrow areas and soil stratum depths, the amount of dirt from each stratum of each borrow source will be substantial so this will not delay the Contractor's construction schedule. The Contractor will not be responsible for determining these soil stratums or the associated depths as Landscapes Unlimited will inform the Contractor on the depth and placement of this material in regions within the fill areas. However, Landscapes Unlimited requests that the Contractor use best efforts to inform Landscapes Unlimited when contractor observes a significant change in soil type, stratum, or encounters ground water during excavations. 6. The estimated amount of dirt to be processed by the Contractor is 5,000 cubic yards a day as the intent is to place the dirt in front of the earthwork equipment for Landscapes Unlimited to grade. If the Contractor processes more than 5,000 cubic yards a day (or more than Landscapes Unlimited can handle), an agreed upon stockpile location will be given within the fill areas to not slow operations by the Contractor. 7. For Alternate Bid 2 (Bid Item 1345A- Clay Cap for Borrow Areas A, B. and/or D), the Contractor shall install an 18-inch clay liner using native clay material having a minimum plasticity index of 25 and compact to 92%-98% at or above optimum moisture content to all areas under normal water surface elevations. Seal all permeable areas to restrict seepage from the ponds as no separate payment will be made . The City will procure a local geotechnical firm for this testing. The Contractor shall pay for any retesting fees not meeting these requirements. Payment for Bid Item 1345A will include unclassified excavation. transport to the fill area, and compaction . Payment will be based on a ground survey before and after by a Texas Registered Professional Land Surveyor (RPLS) and a summary report as this will be paid by the Contractor. Import material can be used and will be paid through delivery tickets. 8. As clarification for General Note #44 on Page 2 of the plans , a trench burn pit will not be allowed on the landfill footprint due to safety concerns. However, a trench bum pit will Page 3 of 7 Simpkins Remediation -Vegetativ e Support Layer (PBSWM007) -Addendum #1 be allowed at a minimum distance of 500 feet away from the landfill footprint as the Contractor will obtain approval from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and Dallas Fire Rescue. The trench burn location must be approved by the Engineer as a trench burn pit may be allowed near Borrow Areas A. No payment will be made for removal of additional trees to accommodate this trench burn . The Contractor shall verify if the trench burn pit is located within the landfill permit. 9. The primary borrow sources (in order of priority) are Borrow Areas A, C, B, and D. Borrow Area D will only be used is the City decides to not use Borrow Area B or additional soils are needed. The calculated amount of borrow dirt needed is 625,160 cubic yards as this amount can be obtained from Borrow Areas A and C together. The City will decide on the borrow areas used for this project as the grading plans for the borrow areas may change. 10. As clarification for Bid Item 222A (Dewatering for Borrow Area D) -Alternate Bid 1, this bid item will also apply during the installation of the clay cap until it is completed. No additional payment will be made for dewatering associated with Alternate Bid 2. 11.As clarification for the cubic yards and bank yards notes shown on the fill area plan sheets, those 2 numbers reflect the range of dirt volumes that could be brought to that fill area as the final layout has not been finalized to date. The grading plans are for information purposes only as Landscapes Unlimited will perform the spreading of the fill material. 12. This is a closed landfill project as the 40-hour safety trained in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.120 is not required but recommended . Borrow areas are not located within the landfill footprint. 13. This project will start subsequent to the start of the 1st City project mentioned above but shall run concurrent with such project. It is recommended that the Contractor follows 51 the same sequencing as the 1 City project. 14.1f there are exposed waste as a result of the Contractor's recent construction activities, the Contractor shall place at least 2 feet of clay material on top of this area and inform the Engineer as this will be considered incidental with no separate payment. 15. For Bid Alternate 3 (Bid Item 1346 - Process/Compact Fill at Structural Fill Locations), payment for this item will include survey staking, compaction, and geotechnical testing as this will be considered incidental to the bid item. Additional fill allowance shall be not be stockpiled and bidders are to assume an average haul distance to the center of each fill zone for this additional fill material. All additional fill material shall be spread by others. 16. The bid quantities for Bid Items 103 (Unclassified Excavation), 1341 (Transport Dirt to Fill Area 1), 1342 (Transport Dirt to Fill Area 2) , 1343 (Transport Dirt to Fill Area 3), and Page 4 of7 Simpkins Remed iation- Vegetative Support Layer (PBSWM007) -Addendum #1 1344 (Transport Dirt to Fill Area 4) will not be renegotiated based on overages or underage of these bid items. 17. The Engineer (Than Nguyen), or an approved assignee, will sign all offsite waste manifests. 18. On the plans, there is an existing DWU wastewater easement along Elam Road and a United Gas easement in Borrow Area B. The Contractor shall pothole and verify the existence of any existing utility line in both areas as payment will be made through Bid Item 1652 (Locate Underground Utility Not Under Paving) for each of the 2 lines. Field verification is needed to determine if existing lines are still present or ever installed. All bidders shall be required to add the following sentence to the inside of the front cover sheet of the special Provisions and Proposal with signatures: ------------------ acknowledges --------------~--~~--~~--~~~ Organization) (Give Legal Name of Receipt of Addendum No.1, and has taken due cognizance of the said addendum in all its forms in the preparation and submission of this bid . Page 5 of 7 S1mpkins Remed1ahon -Vegetative Support Layer (PBSWM007) -Addendum #1 BID ITEMS AND QUANTITIES REVISE THE FOLLOWING BID ITEM & QUANTITIES: 1. As clarification for Bid Alternate 1, Bid Items 103A (Unclassified Excavation for Borrow Area~ and 222A (Dewatering and Debris Removal for Borrow Area~ has been changed to Bid Items 103A (Unclassified Excavation for Borrow Area Q) and 222A (Dewatering and Debris Removal for Borrow Area Q). Borrow Area 4 is referred to as Borrow Area D on the plans. 2. The bid quantity for Alternate Bid 1 (Bid Item 103A- Unclassified Excavation for Borrow Areas D) has been changed from 92,610 cubic yards to 120,000 cubic yards. 3. The bid quantity for Alternate Bid 2 (Bid Item 1345A - Clay Cap for Borrow Areas A, B, and/or D) has been changed from 34,000 cubic yards to 47,000 cubic yards. 4. Alternate Bid 4 includes 3 new bid items; Bid Items 640A (Remove Trees 6- 12 inches diameter), 640B (Remove Trees 13 -24 inches diameter}, and 640C (Remove Trees over 24 inches diameter} with bid quantities of 525, 110, and 20 respectively. 5. For Bid Alternate 5, additional dirt may be needed and includes 5 new bid items; so new bid items 103B (Unclassified Excavation for Contingency}, 1341 A (Transport Dirt to Fill Area 1}, 1342A (Transport Dirt to Fill Area 2}, 1343A (Transport Dirt to Fill Area 3}, and 1344A (Transport Dirt to Fill Area 4} with bid quantities of 68562, 1000, 65564, 1018, and 1000 cubic yards respectively. PROPOSAL Enclosed are Revised Bid Proposal Sheets 1 through 9 as they will replace the Original Bid Proposal Sheets 1 through 7. The attached bid proposal sheet shall apply in the preparation of bids for this project and will replace the corresponding page of the bid proposal included in the bid book. PLAN SHEETS Plan Sheet 4 has been updated with new surveying information. In addition, Plan Sheet T-0 has been revised with updated tree removal information. See attached Sheet 4 and T-O as both pages will replace the original Plan Sheet 4 and T-0. DELETE THE FOLLOWING PLAN SHEETS: 1. 2. Original Plan Sheet 4 Original Plan Sheet T-O Page 6 of? Simpkins Remediation -Vegetati ve Support layer (PBSWM007) -Addendu m #1 ADD THE FOLLOWING PLAN SHEETS: 1. 2. Revised Plan Sheet 4 Revised Plan Sheet T -0 Page 7 of? Carter Lawson, Jeri Nguyen, Than Thursday, September 18, 2014 4 57 PM Lou Nance RE: Borrow Source B and D Size From: Sent: To: Subject: Thanks. From: Lou Nance [mailto:[email protected] Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2014 4:31PM To: Nguyen, Than Cc: ChrisM. Jones Subject: RE: Borrow Source B and D Size Than: Borrow Area B: 4 2 acres, 13' deep Borrow Area D: 3.8 acres, 10' deep Thanks, Lou Nance Senior Project Coordinator Pacheco Koch 8350 N Cenlrol Expwy, Suite 1000. Dallas. TX 75206-1612 T: 972 235.3031 • F: 972.235.9544 • M: 214.926.6263 TBPE Firm No. F-469 • TBPLS Firm No. 10008000 [email protected] .l lm~ From: Nguyen, Than [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2014 3:50PM To: Lou Nance Subject: Borrow Source B and 0 Size Lou, What is the acreage size of Borrow Area Band D please? Depths also please. Than
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