AGENDA INFORMATION ~· Regular Meeting D Workshop (open to public} Date:April th, 2014 Date:_ _ _ __ _ _ __ The District of North Vancouver REPORT TO COUNCIL March 31 , 2014 File: 02.0930.20/481 AUTHOR: Janine Ryder- Property Services Agent SUBJECT: Proposed Highway Closing and Dedication Removal Bylaw 8059 1300 Block West 1st Street- Land Exchange with Metro Vancouver RECOMMENDATION: THAT "West 1st Highway Closure Bylaw 8059 2014" is given FIRST READING. REASON FOR REPORT: "West 1st Highway Closure Bylaw 8059, 2014" will authorize the closure and the raising of title to 2,906 square feet of road within the 1300 Block of West 1st Street (the "Road Allowance"), and will authorize the subsequent transfer of the two portions of surplus road allowance to Metro Vancouver ("Metro Van") for the purpose of consolidation with the future Metro Vancouver Sanitation Plant property. SUMMARY: The District has entered into a Land Exchange Agreement (the "Agreement") with Metro Van for the exchange of two portions of surplus road allowance with a total area of 2,906 square feet (270 square metres) (See Attachment 1), for 151 square feet of Metro Van property, required for the Philip Overpass Project. Due to the differences in the size of properties being exchanged Metro Vancouver will compensate the DNV in the amount of $137,750. Prior to completing the transaction contemplated in the Agreement, the District must close to traffic, and remove that dedication of this portion of road as set out in the proposed Bylaw (See Attachment 2). BACKGROUND: At a closed meeting held on March 24, 2014 Council authorised Mayor and Clerk to execute the Land Exchange Agreement for the exchange of two portions of surplus road allowance within the 1300 Block of West 1st Street for 151 square feet of Metro Van property, and a payment of $137,750 payable to the DNV, subject to the required road closure processes. Document: 2302158 SUBJECT: Proposed Highway Closing and Dedication Removal Bylaw - 1300 Block West 1st Street- Land Exchange with Metro Vancouver March 31 , 2014 Page 2 ------~------------------------------------------------------- EXISTING POLICY: Sections 26 and 40 of the Community Charter, governs road closures and dispositions of municipal land. Timing/Approval Process: In accordance with Section 40 and Section 94 of the Community Charter council must provide notice of its intention to close a portion of Road Allowance. Council must then provide an opportunity for persons who consider they are affected by the bylaw to make representations to Council. Notification for the disposition of the surplus road allowance has already been approved by Council and will be advertised concurrently. Concurrence: The proposed Road Closure has been reviewed and approved by the Finance and Transportation departments. Financial Impacts: Both Metro Vancouver and DNV obtained their own property appraisals and both appraisers concluded similar industrial land values of approximately $50 per square foot so the value of the 151 square foot of Metro Vancouver property is $7,650 and the value of the DNV road allowance is worth $145,400. Due to the differences in the size of properties being exchanged Metro Vancouver will compensate the DNV with a balancing of $137, 750. These funds from the disposition will be deposited into the Land Opportunity Fund. Liability/Risk: The portions of Road Allowance do not contain any utilities and are surplus to District requirements. The Exchange will allow the District to acquire 151 square feet of property required for the Philip Avenue Overpass. Public Input: There will be opportunities for public input on this application before the adoption of the road closure bylaw. Conclusion: Staff recommends that Council give the proposed Bylaw 8059 first reading and direct staff to publish notice of the road closure and disposition in accordance with the Community Charter. Document: 2302158 SUBJECT: Proposed Highway Closing and Dedication Removal Bylaw -1300 Block West 1st Street- Land Exchange with Metro Vancouver March 31, 2014 Page 3 ------~----------------------------------------------------------- Options: 1. Council to give the proposed Bylaw 8059 first reading and direct staff to publish notice of road closure in accordance of the Community Charter. 2. Council could not give the proposed Bylaw 8059 first reading. 3. Council could choose to make changes to the proposed Bylaw prior to First Reading. Respectfully submitted, Janine Ryder Property Services Agent REVIEWED WITH: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sustainable Community Dev. Development Services Utilities 0 0 External Agencies: Clerk's Office Communications rJ/ Finance Engineering Operations 0 Parks & Environment OITS Fire Services Economic Development 0 Human resources OGJS Solicitor _..£._ 0 0 Library Board NS Health 0RCMP 0 0 0 Recreation Com. Museum & Arch. Other: Document: 2302158 Attachment 1 Site Plan Two portions of surplus road to be exchanged and closed Not to Scale The Corporation of the District of North Vancouver Bylaw 8059 A bylaw to close and remove highway dedication . WHEREAS under the Community Charter the Council may close to traffic and remove the dedication of a highway; and , WHEREAS the Council has posted and published notices of its intention to close the highway referred to in this Bylaw and remove its dedication, and has provided an opportunity for persons who consider they are affected to make representations to the Council; and , WHEREAS the Council does not consider that the closure will affect the transmission or distribution facilities or works of utility operators; The Council for The Corporation of the District of North Vancouver enacts as follows: 1. Citation This bylaw may be cited as 'West 1st Street Highway Closure Bylaw 8059, 2014". 2. Bylaw to close and remove highway dedication 2.1 The portion of highway dedicated by Highway Plan EPP39628 which is shown outlined in bold of the Plan attached to this bylaw as Schedule A, are closed to all types of traffic and the dedication as highway of both is removed. 2.2 The Mayor and Clerk are authorized to execute and delivered such transfers, deeds of land , plans and other documents as are required to effect the aforesaid closure and removal of highway dedication. READ a first time this the NOTICE given under Section 94 of the Community Charter this the OPPORTUNITY for representations to Council provided in accordance with Section 40 of the Community Charter READ a second time this the READ a third time this the Document: 2302203 Certified a true copy of "West 1st Street Highway Closure Bylaw 8059, 2014" as at Third Reading Municipal Clerk APPROVED by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure on this the ADOPTED this the Mayor Municipal Clerk Certified a true copy Document: 2302203 Schedule A Road Closure Plan PLAN EPP _ _ REFERENCE PLAN 10 ACCOMPANY B'tl.AW NO_ _ DISTRICT OF NORTH VANCOUVER TO CLOSE ROAD DEDICATED ON PLANS 4680 AND REFERENCE PLAN 19275 ALL IN DISlRICT LOT 266 NEW WESlMINTER DISlRICT P.MW•'i' ttc'l't«'i ro srcnct. 120 or .a or 1t£ wo~t.a.r·m'Y TMt ~AJCJ l11lL •~u WEST 1ST SlREE T CHA.R'lt' oc:c~. ~ru::. --·...·---·.....·-" ... _,__ ..._., .... ., ~Wl>~·• • 10PIII. r • .... ~ """'oeo: .. ... 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