Directorate General, C.R.P.F. (IT WING) Block No.1, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-03 (Grih Mantralaya/Bharat Sarkar) (Tele No-011-24361992, Email: [email protected]) No. M.V-01/2014-15-IT-DA.IV Dated, the 18 June’ 2014 LIMITED TENDER NOTICE Quotations are invited for Awarding of Comprehensive AMC of Tritronics make UPS’s installed at UPS Room of R.K.Puram, Shaurya and Server Room at CGO Complex Directorate General, CRPF, Block No. 1, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi. The detailed specification of the UPS’s with quantity are given in Appendix-A. The actual number may either increase or decrease at the time of start of contract. Tender documents duly completed are required to be submitted by 1030 hrs on 17/07/2014 and the tenders documents will be opened in the presence of tenderers at 1130 hrs on the same date at Office of the DIGP (IT), Directorate General, CRPF, Block No.1, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-03. Tenderers are requested to submit tender document well before the date of opening of tender to avoid last minute rush. In case, date of opening of tender happens to be a closed holiday, the tenders will be opened on next working day at the stipulated time. As a token of acceptance of all the terms and condition mentioned in this document, the bidder is required to sign all pages of this document and return the same along with their bid. Tenders of unsigned documents will be rejected. 2 All bidders are required to submit their offers in two covers. First cover containing Technical bids (not indicating the rates quoted) along with Earnest money, Performance statement of last year etc. Second cover containing Price Bid including details of rates, taxes, and discounts if any quoted by the bidder. Rates must be clearly written in figures as well as in words. The Performa of Financial Bid is given in Appendix-B. Both the above mentioned covers should be sealed separately and superscripted with the tender number, stores and date of tender opening and this cover thereafter be kept in a third cover and again sealed. This cover should also be superscripted with the tender number, stores and date of tender opening. (Details of two bid system at para 17 ) 3. Tenderers are advised to study all technical and commercial aspects, instructions, forms, terms and specifications carefully in the tender document. Failure to furnish all information required in the Tender Document or submission of a bid not substantially responsive to the Tender document in every respect will be at the tenderer’s risk and may result in the rejection of the bid. 4. Sealed offers prepared in accordance with the procedure should be submitted to the DIG (IT), Directorate General, CRPF, CGO COMPLEX, LODHI ROAD, NEW DELHI on or before 17/07/2014 at 1030 hrs in the ADM Box at reception counter-II . ( Contd p-2) (Page-2) 5 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs. 15,000/- (Rupees Fifteen thousand) only in form of crossed demand draft/pay order/NSC/Bond or any Government Bond in favour of DIG (ADM), Directorate General CRPF New Delhi shall be deposited with Technical Bid. Tender received without EMD shall be summarily rejected. In case firm registered with DGS&D/ NSIC,relevant documentary proof should be attached with the quotation. 6. The categories of items and quantity indicated in the Tender Document are tentative, CRPF reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity or delete some or all of the items depending on the needs of the Department without assigning any reasons. 7. The bidders should indicate the Basic Price, Taxes/ Service Tax/ other charges (if any) against each item. No additional information will be entertained after due date. 8. The bidders should clearly indicate the validity period of tender. 9. The UPS’s are required to be repaired at our location mentioned at para -1 of Tender Enquiry at freight, risk and cost of the bidders. 10. The bidders should clearly indicate the availability of service and maintenance facilities at Delhi for the items quoted. 11. The above mentioned details particularly the Sales Taxes/excise duty, VAT, any other duty, if not quoted properly, the bid can be cancelled. 12. No advance payment or payment against Performa invoice will be made. Half yearly payment will only be made after successfully completion of each half year. 13. Schedule for Invitation to Tender a. Last date and time for receipt of tender : 17/07/2014 at 1030 hrs. b. Time and Date of opening of Tender 17/07/2014 at 1130 hrs. : c. Validity of offer : The tender shall remain open for acceptance till 180 days from the date of opening of tender. d. Tender documents duly completed in all respect are to be submitted in the Tender Box of Administrative Branch kept at Reception Counter-II, Directorate General, CRPF, Block No-1 CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 before specified time and date mentioned in the Tender. Late/delayed tender shall not be opened and returned in original to the bidder. ( Contd on p-3) (Page-3) 14 GENERAL REQUIREMENT :i) Maintenance Support Post implementation, the bidders are required to provide onsite repair for UPS’s established both the places for a period of 1 year from the date of signing on the AMC Agreement. The Tenderer shall be required to provide 24*7 Maintenance Support on Call basis for the duration of AMC. Such support to be provided within 4 hours of the call made/registered from telephones No. 011-24366387, 24361992 and Mobile No- 9968842884, 9560955302. ii) AMC The Vendor is required to provide AMC on the equipment for a period of 1 year from the date of signing on the AMC Agreement. During the period of AMC the Vendor is required to provide Maintenance services and support free of all costs. iii) SYSTEM PERFORMANCE The Vendor must ensure system performance of 100% during the AMC period. All the UPS’s must be in working condition. Any break down must be attended by the Vendor promptly and every call be treat as most urgent. iv) OPTION CLAUSE The DG CRPF reserves the right to renew the AMC for one more years at the rates quoted at the time of placement of contract or during the currency of the contract. 15. ELIGIBILITY TERMS & CONDITIONS:A) Annual Turnover for last financial years is not less than Rs. 10 lakh, B) The bidders should have the previous experience for providing the AMC of Similar equipments in Govt. organizations / other department / PSUs etc. C) The bidder should have its own qualified engineers in the firm for direct support of all kind of equipments. (CV of engineers should be enclosed). D The firm must be registered with Delhi Sales Tax/ Service Tax department for works contract Tax. Supporting evidence should be attached. E) Income tax clearance certificate for the last years must be attached. F) Profile of the company. G) The awardees has to provide services at all three places on routine basis as and when required even on Saturday, Sunday on holiday also. ( Contd on p-4) (Page-4) H) The contract will be valid for a period of one year and the period of AMC shall be informed after finalization of the contract. The rate quoted shall remain in force for the full period of the Contract. No demand for revision of rates on any account shall be entertained during the contract period. I) The successful tenderer / firm will be required to furnish BG/BD/FD for an amount of 10% of contract value within 10 days from the date of AMC contract , which will be released on successfully completion of the contract. J) The DG CRPF has the right to terminate the contract without assigning any reason at any time if the service of the firm is found unsatisfactory without making payment and the Bank Guarantee submitted will be encashed. K) It may also be noted that in case of contractor backing out in between without any explicit consent of this department, he will be liable to recovery at higher rates, vis-à-vis, those contracted with it, which may have to be incurred by this department on maintenance of machines for the balance period of contract through alternative means. L) Incomplete offers, offers not conforming fully to T/E requirements or with vague replies or without earnest money will not be considered. M) Firms claiming exemption from depositing EARNEST MONEY must enclose copy of their valid registration certificate along with all its amendments for the subject stores otherwise specification offers received without these details and without EARNEST MONEY will not be entertained. N) The payment will be made quarterly after rendering satisfactory service. TDS, Service tax and any other applicable taxes as per prevailing rates, will be deducted before making the payment. O) Before finalizing the contract a Board Of Officer will be detailed to check and verify the infrastructure facility of the firm with its existing repairs facilities and staff and to judge the facts whether firm will be able to undertake the AMC or otherwise. P) Annual maintenance contract is on comprehensive basis. Q) After finalization of contract, firm have to submit an under taking about his ( Contd on page-5) (Page-5) R) Adequate spares should be available with vendor for immediate repair. S) In case equipment is not repaired within one day, a standby should be provided on same day. 16. SLA CLAUSE :i) Firm should respond within 4 hours after attending the telephone calls from the following telephone numbers i.e. 011-24366387, 24361992 and mobile Numbers 9968842884, 9560955302. ii) If, firm fails to repair the equipment within 12 hours or providing of replacement of faulty equipment within 12 hours failing which penalty for each UPS will be calculated on the basis of total value of the AMC Charges of all UPS’s & will be imposed as per details given below :- 17. Sl No. Nos of the day’s Penalty calculated 1. 01 to 10 days 0.1 % of the total value of the equipment 2. 11 to 20 days 0.25% of the total value of the equipment 3. 20 to 30 days 0.5 % of the total value of the equipment 4. Beyond 30 days 1 % of the total value of the equipment Procedure for submission of Bids (Two Bids System) All bidders are requested to submit their offers in two covers as under :a) First cover (Technical Bid ) should contain the following :i) Tender documents duly completed and signed but without indicating the rates of equipment. ii) Earnest money (if applicable) iii) Tender cost. iv) Performance statement of last years. v) Previous proof of the same work executed in Govt / PSU Deprtment b) Second cover (Commercial/price bids) should contain the following :i) Details of rates, taxes, excise duty and discount if any quoted by the bidders. These details should be submitted on their letter pad. ii) Rates must be clearly written in figures as well as in words. iii) There should not be any cutting / overwriting. ( Contd on page-6) (Page-6) Both the above mentioned covers should be sealed separately and super scribed with tender No. stores and date of tender opening. This cover should thereafter be kept in a 3rd cover and again sealed. This cover should also be super scribed with the tender No., stores and date of tender opening. The composite bids i.e. rate indicated in the technical bid “openly shall be ignored”. 18 Documents comprising the Bids The Bids prepared by the Tenderers shall comprise of following components: I) The Vendors should provide details with documentary proof of satisfied supply/Installation/Provide the AMC of the same items to Govt/other organisation in the past. II) Latest income tax return of the company. III) Profile of the company 19. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES : - In case the firm does not complete the supply within delivery period, liquidated damage will be charged @ 2% of the total cost of the item as per para 14.7(1) of DGS & D – 68 revised. 20. PERFORMANCE SECURITY :a) The successful firm shall have to deposit a security deposit of 10% of the contract value within 10 days from the placement of supply order for due performance as per provisions contained in clause 7 of DGS&D-68 (revised). Failure at the part of the firm to deposit the security deposit within stipulated time will make the supply order null and void. b) The performance security deposit submitted by the supplier will remain valid at least one year or the same period of AMC as agreed in the contract. c) If the supplier fails to deliver the stores in a promised period and places and a request for extension of time he will submit an undertaking on non judicial stamp paper of Rs. 10/- duly attested by notary public stating that the performance security deposit has already been extended for a six month further beyond the last date of supply promised in the request of extension of time of delivery. 21. Payment :- The 100 % payment will be made on half yearly payment basis after successfully completion of each half year. Sd on 18/06/14 DIGP (IT) For and on behalf of the President of India. ( Contd p-7) (Page-7) Appendix-A TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF EQUIPMENT SL No. 1 DESCRIPTION Sl No. OF UPS’s UPS TINY TRITONICS 20 KVA D001040712-1 ON LINE DATE PURCHASE 12/10/2012 2 -DO- D001060712-1 12/10/2012 3 -DO- D001030712-1 12/10/2012 4 -DO- D001050712-1 12/10/2012 UPS TINY TRITONICS 10 KVA D073280610-1 ON LINE 12/07/2010 5 6 -DO- D073290610-1 OF 12/07/2010 Sd on 18/06/14 DIGP (IT) Dte Genl CRPF For and on behalf of the President of India. ( Contd p-8) (Page-8) Appendix-“ B ” Financial Bid The Financial Bid may be submitted as per the technical bids covering the above item in the following format. SL No. DESCRIPTION Sl No. UPS’s OF Rate/Unit 1 UPS (TINY TRITONICS ) 20 KVA ON LINE D001040712-1 2 -DO- D001060712-1 3 -DO- D001030712-1 4 -DO- D001050712-1 5 UPS (TINY TRITONICS ) 10 KVA ON LINE D073280610-1 6 -DO- D073290610-1 Tax/VAT/ Amount With Service taxes Tax Sd on 18/06/14 DIGP (IT) Dte Genl CRPF For and on behalf of the President of India. ( Contd p-9) ( Page-9) DIRECTORATE GENERAL,CRPF, CGO COMPLEX, LODHI ROAD, NEW DELHI-110003 No. M.V-01/2014-15-IT.DA.IV Dated, the 18 June’2014 LIST OF FIRMS 01) M/S Cinesonic Audio Visual Pvt. Ltd, 127 Bhagat Singh Market, New Delhi 110001 . 02) M/S Logix Net Solutions, 687, Sector-23, Gurgaon (Haryana ) 03) M/S Vinayak Compserve Pvt.Ltd, J-52.IIND Floor,Sri Niwaspuri,New Delhi--65. 04) M/S Micro Labs,311, Deepali,92 Nehru Place,New Delhi-110019. 05) M/S Agmatel India Pvt Ltd, E-366, IInd Floor, Nirman Vihar, Vikas Marg, Delhi110092 06) M/S Level One Communication (India) Pvt,Ltd,2F Lanel, 45 Bharat Nagar,New Friends Colony, New Delhi-110065. 07) M/S Softlabs Solutions,139, Gr.Floor, Mohammad Pur,Near Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110 066. 08) M/S Tritronics (India) Pvt Ltd, 143, F.I.E, Patparganj Industrial Area, Patpar Ganj, Delhi-110092. 09) M/S Saga Info Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 53, Local Shopping Complex, A-Block, Ring Road, Naraina Vihar, New Delhi-110028. 10) M/S Gurusons Communication Pvt. Ltd. , 109, South Plaza-1, South Extention-II, New Delhi-110049. 11) 12) M/S HCL Infosys Ltd. ADP Complex, Pocket-3, Mayur Vihar, Phase-1, New Delhi-94. M/S Pranav Enterprises, C-368, Seikh Sarai, Phase-1, (SFS), New Delhi-110017 13) M/S ACPL System Pvt Ltd.,L-18,3rd floor Lajpat Nagar-II, New/Delhi-. 14) M/S Ved Associates, s-82/R-62, Khriki Jagadamba Camp, New Delhi-110017 15) Consortium Hi-Tech Pvt Ltd, A-98, 2nd Floor, Dayanand Colony, Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi-110024. 16) M/s Sneh Enterprise, S-82/R-21, Jagdamba Camp, Khirki, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi17 Sd on 18/06/14 DIGP (IT) Dte Genl CRPF For and on behalf of the President of India.
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