Homework assignment 7: Graphene (due Nov 5)

Homework assignment 7: Graphene (due Nov 5)
Homework assignment 7: Graphene (due Nov 5)
ˆ = P 0 Uk0 −k [ˆ
1. Scattering in graphene. Consider the potential U
c†A,k0 cˆA,k + cˆ†B,k0 cˆB,k ]. This corresponds
to a U (r) = dk e−ik·r Uk potential in position representation, such that the potential is the same on
the A and B sublattice sites.
ˆ |+, qi for backward scattering from momentum q to
(a) Calculate the matrix element M = h+, −q|U
−q in graphene. The scattering rate would be ∝ |M |2 according to Fermi golden rule.
The eigenstates are as derived in the lectures:
|s, qi ≈
where ψˆs
s = ±1.
ψˆs(K) (q)|0i ,
(q) = (eiθq /2 , se−iθq /2 )/ 2, is the eigenstate vector for energy s,q = s~vF |q|, and
(b) Compare the result to Klein tunneling.
(c) What happens if the potential is not the same on A and B sublattices?
2. Graphene in magnetic field. Calculate the Landau levels, i.e., eigenenergies in a magnetic field:
−i∂x − ∂y + eAx /~ − ieAy /~
H = ~vF
, H
−i∂x + ∂y + eAx /~ + ieAy /~
The magnetic field is included via the minimal substitution ~k 7→ ~k−qA, k = −i∇. Consider the vector
potential A = (−By, 0, 0) corresponding to a magnetic field B = ∇ × A perpendicular to graphene.
(a) Find the eigenenergies n . Make the Ansatz a(x, y) = eikx x a(y), b(x, y) = eikx x b(y), eliminate a
to obtain a second-order equation for b. Note that the harmonic oscillator equation [−∂y2 /(2m) +
2 (y − y0 ) ]f (y) = Ef (y) has eigenenergies En =
m [n + 2 ], n = 0, 1, 2, . . ..
(b) Compute the LL energies in 2D electron gas, [ 2m
∗ (−i∂x − eBy/~) + 2m∗ (−i∂y ) + U0 ]ψ(x, y) =
ψ(x, y), using the same approach as above. How do the results differ from graphene?
(c) Calculate the degeneracy gn of graphene Landau levels in a sample of size Lx ×Ly . Do this by noting
that: (i) the LL energy is independent of kx , (ii) kx is box-quantized as usual, kx = (2π/Lx )nx ,
nx ∈ Z, (iii) the oscillator location y0 , which gives the y coordinate around which the wave function
is localized, must be inside the sample 0 < y0 < Ly . The degeneracy gn of LL n is then the number
of allowed nx -values corresponding to the energy n , times 4 (spin and valley).
(d) Calculate the coarse-grained density of states per volume, assuming the interval d contains a large
number of n levels (= assume n is continuous variable). That is, N () = LgxnLy dn
d . How does the
result compare to the situation without the magnetic field? How does the density of states look like
without the coarse-graining?
The unusual LL structure of the Dirac Hamiltonian
can be observed using a scanning tunneling miR
croscope. The tunneling current is I(V ) = g dE N (E)[f (E − V ) − f (E)], so at zero temperature
I(V ) = g 0 dE N (E) so that G(V ) = dV
∝ N (E = V ). You can check if you understand the results
from the following article: http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/v3/n9/full/nphys653.html
(updated 2014-10-28 16:30:05)