Brochure 2014 - Gas Storage Bergermeer
Flexible solutions for
your gas storage needs
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30/01/2014 09:55
Capacity auction
Transparent access
In previous open seasons, 13TWh was sold as long-term capacity. In September 2014 we are
auctioning again approximately 13TWh as short-term capacity. This capacity will commence
April 2015 ranging from 1 to 3 storage years.
Reserve multiplier
A reserve multiplier of 1.1 for the summer-winter spread will be used in the 2014 auction.
Gas Storage Bergermeer
Free choice of tenor and lot size
Gas Storage Bergermeer customers can bid during the 2014 annual auction for the tenor and lot size
that best fits their portfolio.
Europe’s largest, open-access gas storage
TAQA is committed to contributing to consistent, affordable, reliable and sustainable energy supplies to
Northwest Europe. Long-term analysis shows that the decline in gas production will create a substantial
decrease in flexibility in the market. To fill this gap we developed Europe’s largest, open-access gas
storage; providing the Northwest European gas market with 46 TWh of seasonal storage capacity.
Gas Storage Bergermeer will begin full commercial storage operations in 2015.
Independent storage operator
Gas Storage Bergermeer is an independent storage operator with service delivered at the TTF. We
offer a technically advanced, highly flexible, storage product. Gas Storage Bergermeer places great
importance on customer focus, providing transparent and innovative services to maximise value.
Fair and transparent
We strive to ensure our fair and transparent approach is evident in all we do. From our products and
services, to our Standard Storage Services Agreement - we treat all customers equally - both in terms
of the auctioning of capacities and our extensive support. We publish expert guidance to support your
legal and credit teams.
Product characteristics
Gas Storage Bergermeer provides highly flexible services:
3 steps to participate:
Sign the confidentiality agreement
• Receive Allen & Overy’s legal report, guide to the SSSA
and the Gas Foundation
• The Gas Storage Bergermeer team is always available
for support
Sign the SSSA
• Provide credit details and receive credit limit
• Operational readiness: set up all operational and IT
details to implement the contract
Register for the auction
Short re-nomination Service delivery
at the TTF: no
lead time allowing
within-day balancing transport costs
or associated
regulatory risks
No predefined
injection or
withdrawal periods
Pricing indexed to
the summer-winter
spread without caps
or floors
Firm capacities
independent of
other customers’
Access to unused
Gas Storage Bergermeer SSSA
All customers treated equally
Gas Storage Bergermeer’s Standard Storage Services Agreement was developed in consultation with our
customers. One SSSA that manages all current and future capacities where all customers are treated equally.
The Gas Storage Bergermeer team supports you and your internal stakeholders in every step towards
participating in the auctions, by sharing Q&As and by providing you access to the independent legal advice
written by Allen & Overy to support your legal and credit teams.
• Sign Power of Attorney
• Gas Storage Bergermeer and ICE Endex teams
available for support
Innovative services
To optimise your portfolio
ACCESS: Working gas as collateral
This unique and innovative service is offered by Gas Storage Bergermeer, in cooperation with our
customers and supporting banks, to foster optimal use of stored gas. We call this service ACCESS.
Secondary trading platform by ICE Endex
Gas Storage Bergermeer’s secondary trading platform, provided by ICE Endex, eliminates credit risk and
enables customers to anonymously trade bundles, unbundled capacity and Gas-In-Storage.
The Gas Foundation
The Gas Foundation is a bankruptcy-remote vehicle that guarantees access to your gas even in the most
extreme scenarios. The board of the Gas Foundation is formed by customers of Gas Storage Bergermeer.
For more information, please visit
Benefits of signing our SSSA:
One framework providing access to upcoming and
all future auctions
Access to unused capacities
Access to the secondary storage market
Gas Storage Bergermeer partners
Long-term vision and commitment
TAQA has a 60% stake in Gas Storage Bergermeer and is the operator of the
storage facility. TAQA Gas Storage B.V. acts as the marketing agent for all
storage capacity available for third parties.
EBN, an independent company with the Dutch State as its sole shareholder,
holds a 40% stake in Gas Storage Bergermeer. Together with TAQA, EBN is
investing €800 million in the design and construction of the gas storage facility.
As part of the realisation of this project, an agreement was made with Gazprom
Export in 2009 to deliver cushion gas to pressurise the reservoir. Gazprom
Export will receive storage capacity and a minority interest in the technical
operatorship of the facility.
TAQA, the international energy company from Abu Dhabi, is majority owned by
the Abu Dhabi Government and listed on the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange.
Our interests lie in conventional and alternative power generation, water
desalination, oil and gas exploration and production, pipelines and gas storage. We
operate in Canada, Ghana, India, Iraq, Morocco, the Netherlands, Oman, Saudi
Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Please visit:
Customer enquiries
TAQA Gas Storage B.V.
World Trade Center
Prinses Margrietplantsoen 40
2595 BR The Hague
The Netherlands
T: +31 88 8272 500
E: [email protected]
Issued 2014, no rights may be derived from the information contained in this brochure.
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