" Cfjl~fcl~ 3ll<J.Cfff. ~ ~ (~ql'<Cfj) OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF CUSTOMS (PREVENTIVE) G lflt>f. 3T1!~-143001 The Mall, Amritsar - 143001 Tel. 0183-2506408, Fax 0183-2506440 lPT.x=t&rr:VIII -16 (1) Techl Transshipmentl Adani/ 2013 : )1-06.2014 ~ 11~1-'l1 xiIJ\J1~45 Subject: ~ R'lRq 2. ~ 3i1CFtll 45 45I~em;'1 cB- ~ CllIQIR45 ~ "ffFrr ~ ~ dated 23.06.2014 Execution of Exports Carrier Bond from ICD/CFS Ludhiana to Gateway Ports - Request by Mls. Adani Logistics Limited, Gurgaon - regarding rq ~ 1. ~ : 14/CUS/2014 (Public Notice) ~ ~ cnI ~ x=MI ~ ~ ~ %:- ~ W.\f€f.~. I ~145111C1xi~R'lllll 31tfAx~ C!J1'!~~I'11 <:rg~ mt 31tfAx~ C!J1'!~~I'1'i cB- ~ tR ~ CllFck1<11 cnI~~~\JfR~1 4. ~~,"ffFrr ~ 5. ~~, ~ ~ ~ f.'j ell'! Cl5,~~ ~ ~ t\ql~Q«1'1, "ffFrr ~(ilO;$lll<t> ~ ~ I aBr), ~ 17 W, ilO~'1lld I llTt~1 7. xit\lll45 ~(~) ClTCR-l2TI ~ cm- ~ I ~ cB- ~ fcp ~ ~ ai5jxil~c tR ~ ~ cnI • SPEED POST 3fRCf =lHCb I'l Govt. of India fcmr ~, ~ fcMT<T Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue ~ ~ I~ I 3l1~CfdIC'1q Customs (Preventive) Commissionerate, ~ l=fT"C'1",~-143001 Tel. 0183-2506408, Fax 0183-2506440 C. No. VIII- 16(1) TechlTransshipment/Adani/20131 Public Notice No. : 14/Cus/2014 Subject: Dated: .OG.20'li\ dated 23.06.2014 Transshipment of Export Containers by M/s. Adani Logistics Ltd, Gurgaon from M/s. OWPL, Ludhiana and M/s. KCM, Ludhiana to Gateway Ports by multi-modal transport via Container Rail Terminal (CRT), Ahmedgarh, Ludhiana Attention is invited to the Notification of the Government of India, Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue) No. 12/97 -Cus (NT) dated 02.04.1997 issued under Section 7 ( aa ) of the Customs Act, 1962, where under the Central Government has appointed Ludhiana (in the State of Punjab) as Inland Container Depot for the purposes of unloading of imported goods and loading of export goods. M/s. Overseas Warehousing Pvt. Ltd., Ludhiana (herein after referred to as CFS, OWPL, Ludhiana) has been notified as Container Freight Station (CFS) vide Notification No. 01 11999-Cus dated 10.03.1999 under Section 8 of the Customs Act, 1962. Similarly, M/s. Krishna Cargo Movers Pvt. Ltd., adjoining Focal Point, Phase-VII, Village Gobindgarh Road, Ludhiana (hereinafter referred to as CFS, KCM, Ludhiana) has been notified as Container Freight Station (CFS) vide Notification No. 02/2008-Cus dated 19.02.2008 issued by the Commissioner of Customs, Amritsar 2. M/s. Adani Logistics Limited, Adani House, Plot No. 83, Institutional Area, • Sector 32, Gurgaon 1220 001 (the 'Carrier') has been granted permission to transship export containers from CFS, OWPL, Ludhiana and CFS, KCM, Ludhiana via road up to Container Rail Terminal ( CRT ) , Ahmedgarh, Ludhiana and therefrom via rail up to Gateway Ports JNPT, GTIL, NSICT, PIPAVAV, MICT and MUNORA by the Commissioner, Customs (Preventive) Commissionerate, The Mall, Amritsar vide order dated 24.10.2013 in file No.vIlI-16(1)TechlTransshipmenU Adani/2013. The permission to transship of export containers is subject to the Carrier filing necessary Carrier Bond which has been duly executed by the Carrier on 04.12.20'13 for Rs. 54.00 Crores, to be renewed from time to time. 3. Export containers from CFS, OWPL, Ludhiana and I or CFS, KCM Ludhiana will be transported by road in motor vehicles I trucks trailers, etc., to CRT, Ahmedgarh Railway Station, which has been notified as a Container Rail Terminal by the Ministry of Railways vide Notification No.42/AC/Container Depot/ ICO/05/L dated 02.12.08. The export containers shall be transported from CRT, Ahmedgarh to the gateway ports by rail. 4. The Provisions of the Goods Imported (Conditions of Transshipment) Regulations, 1995, which are applicable for imported goods shall apply mutatis mutandis to the transshipment of the export goods as well. 5. The detailed procedure for the transshipment of the export goods by the Carrier shall be as under: i. After the recording of Let Export Order in the EOI, six copies of Shipping Bills will be generated from the EOI System. The exporter or his agent shall collect his copies of Shipping Bills (Exporter's copy, Exchange control copy, EP copy, TR-I copy, TR-II copy) and obtain signature of the concerned Customs Officers on them. The EP copy of Shipping Bill shall be endorsed I stamped by the Customs staff concerned at CFS, OWPL and I or CFS, KCM that goods are to be transshipped at the gateway port mentioned on the Shipping Bill for their destination outside India. ii. After the container has been sealed, endorsement ilSealed with one time bottle seal having marks and number " shall be made on the transference copies of the • Shipping Bills (TR-I and TR-II copies) each export container. and on ARE-1 form, as the case may be, of Both the TR-I and TR-II copies shall be handed over to the Exporter or his representative who in turn will hand over the same to the Carrier in a sealed cover who shall present them to the proper officer of Customs at the gateway ports along with the sealed container. iii. The Carrier will load the export containers completing iv. the appropriate \'\1 Customs formalities. The Carrier being person-in-charge by presenting from CFS, OWPL and / or CFS, f':Cr"~ it electronically of the conveyance at ICD, Ludhiana shall deliver 'Export Manifest', in accordance with the provisions of Section 41 of the Customs Act, 1962. v. A Continuity Bond Register will be maintained export containers lifted from both CFS, OWPL and CFS, KCM and the FOB value of the export container will be debited from continuity the Customs. The bond will be credited the Shipping Bill from the gateway Ludhiana, by the Customs staff at CFS, OWPL for photocopy port. Since, the bond is maintained of the TR-I transference copy of the Shipping (Export Shed), CFS, OWPL for deputing loading of export containers from motor vehicles same on to the train at CRT, Ahmedgarh, payment of fees Regulation Regulation, levied for rendering 3(1) of the Customs to the expected Commissioner of of the un- I truck trailers and loading of the Ludhiana (Fees for Rendering along with a copy of proof of by the Customs Services Officers by Customs under Officers) staff must be filed at least 24 hours prior time of arrival of train at CRT, Ahmedgarh. The Carrier shall take the responsibility for the export containers required to pay the amount equal to drawback The export containers CRT, Ahmedgarh transported in areas marked Shed), CFS, OWPL in transit and will be I duty amount or other benefits availed by the exporter in case of loss of goods / containers viii. at OWPL, Bill received at officers for supervision of service 1998. The request for deputing copy of (Export Shed) OWPL, Ludhiana. The Carrier shall submit a written request to the Deputy I Assistant Customs, vii. by the Carrier with back on receipt of TR-I transference KCM, Ludhiana will be sent to the Superintendent vi. bond executed in transit. by road to CRT, Ahmedgarh shall be placed at for the purpose .by AC/DC, and there shall be no mixing of export Customs containers (Export with the • domestic containers at CRT, Ahmedgarh and no storage I aggregation I detention of cargo at the CRT Ahmedgarh, Ludhiana shall be permissible. The details of export containers lying at CRT, Ahmedgarh beyond 24 hours shall be immediately submitted to AC/DC, Customs (Export Shed), OWPL, who shall then initiate proper action under law to safeguard revenue interest. ix. The Carrier may move the export containers by rail from CRT, Ahmedgarh to any of the following gateway ports - JNPCT, GTIL, NSICT, PIPAVAV, MICT and MUNDRA. x. At the gateway ports.. both the transference copies of Shipping Bills would be presented by the Carrier to the proper officer of Customs who would verify the genuineness of documents and check the marks and numbers of seal on container as recorded on the documents. xi. In case the Customs seal on the container is found broken or tampered with or some discrepancy is found in seal number at the gateway port concerned, then such expo: t container would be subjected to 100% examination. xii. The Preventive Officer supervising the export of container at the gateway port would endorse the fact of shipment in both the transference copies of the Shipping Bills and retain TR-II copy of the Shipping Bill for records at the gateway port. TR-I copy of the Shipping Bill along with a copy of EGM filed by the Steamer Agent would be sent back by the Deputy I Assistant Commissioner of Customs of the gateway port concerned under registered acknowledgement to the originating CFS, OWPL or CFS, KCM, as the case may be. xiii. On receipt of the TR-I copy of the Shipping Bill and the Export Manifest pertaining to their port, the Superintendent (Export Shed) CFS, OWPL & CFS, KCM would match it with the duplicate copy of the Shipping Bill and other relevant documents to ensure that the goods have indeed been exported and close the Export Manifest. xiv. If TR-I copy of the Shipping Bill and the copy of EGM is not received within 90 days of the date of transshipment from the gateway port, the Deputy I Assistant Commissioner of Customs (Export Shed), CFS OWPL I CFS KCM, as the case may be, shall raise a demand on the Carrier, i.e., M/s. Adani Logistics Limited, Gurgaon equal to the duty and drawback I export incentive claimed on the export goods in addition to initiation of other attendant action against the exporter and also intimate the DGFT and RBI for ------- / .. / • appropriate action by them. Photocopy of the Transference copy of the Shipping Bill pertaining to the export containers lifted from CFS, KCM will be sent by the Superintendent, (Export Shed) CFS, KCM to Superintendent, (Export Shed), CFS, OWPL who shall also grant necessary credit in the continuity bond for exports effected from CFS, OWPL executed by the carrier. 6. The permission is subject to observance by the Carrier of the procedures and other conditions outlined above and following all the Rules and Regulations prescribed under the Customs Act, 1962 in this regard
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