Membranes and Membrane Processes in Environmental Protection Monographs of the Environmental Engineering Committee Polish Academy of Sciences 2014, vol. 119, 373-380 ISBN 978-83-63714-18-5 GYPSUM LAYER GROWTH ON A CATION-EXCHANGE MEMBRANE Krzysztof MITKO1*, Marian TUREK1 Abstract: Scaling, a crystallization of sparingly soluble salts on the membrane surface, remains one of the main problems in electrodialytic desalination. A crystallization of calcium sulphate from the artificial, supersaturated solution flowing through the thin intermembrane channel has been studied using ultrasonic time-domain reflectometry (UTDR). The gypsum layer growth on a Neosepta CMX cation-exchange membrane caused the shift in the arrival time of the ultrasonic signal, allowing to establish a kinetic model of scaling. The results show that the method could be used for in-situ studies on membrane scaling. Keywords: scaling, calcium sulphate, ultrasonic reflectometry. INTRODUCTION Crystallization of the sparingly soluble salts – i.e. calcium sulphate, calcium carbonate – at the membrane surface remains the major obstacle in achieving high water recovery during the electrodialytic desalination of brackish waters, mine drainages and seawater. Scaling increases the electric resistance of the membrane stack, increasing the operating costs of the electrodialysis, and can eventually lead to the deterioration of the membrane surface. In order to assess the scaling risk during the electrodialytic desalination, an investigation of crystallization kinetics of sparingly soluble salts in the membrane is required. Several methods can be applied for the scaling investigation: general observation of membrane stack voltage drop; electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) [1], which utilizes membrane voltage response to alternating current of different frequencies; capacitance spectroscopy [2], which is based on equilibrium capacitance measurements at no mass transfer conditions; the optical methods, as ex-situ scale observation detectors (EXSOD) [3] or laser sheet at grazing incidence (LSGI) [4]; observation of changes in the 1 Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Inorganic, Analytical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, B. Krzywoustego 6, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland * corresponding author: [email protected] 374 Mitko K., Turek M. hydrodynamic conditions in the membrane module [5,6]; and the ultrasonic timedomain reflectometry (UTDR) [7-10]. The principle of UTDR measurements is as follows: transducer is contacted with the specimen under investigation. Ultrasounds, a mechanical wave generated by the transducer, move through the tested specimen. At the interface between the media (e.g. at the interface between the membrane and the solution), part of the wave is reflected, generating the ultrasonic echo. Based on the sound velocity in the media under investigation, V, and the time required for the echoed signal to return to the transducer, Δt, a media layer thickness, s, can be calculated as [7]: 1 s V t 2 (1) Whenever the fouling or scaling appears, a difference in arrival time of the ultrasonic echo should allow detection of newly grown deposit layer. UTDR has been applied in the investigation of scaling in reverse osmosis [7-9], both in flatsheet and spiral wound modules, and fouling in microfiltration in a hollow fibre module [10]. In case of electromembrane processes, an important advantage of ultrasonic reflectometry is that no optical window is required [7], i.e. it can observe the phenomena occurring behind the non-transparent electrodes, contrary to the optical methods. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the scaling growth on an ion-exchange membrane and to test whether the UTDR method can be applied for an in-situ study of the electrodialytic desalination of sparingly soluble salts solutions. EXPERIMENTAL During the experiments, a 10 MHz single crystal contact transducer with plane wave emitting surface, provided and calibrated by Optel Co. Ltd., was used. The transducer was connected to an OPLabBox 1v2 pulser-receiver with band pass amplifier controlled by the OPBOX 2.0 ultrasonic box. The pulse voltage was 400 V; bandwidth was set to 30 MHz. The received signal sampling frequency was 0.05 Hz. The transducer was covered with sonic couplant and contacted with a testing stack, which consisted of platinised titanium electrode, Neosepta CMX cation-exchange membrane, 0.4 mm thick intermembrane spacer, second Neosepta CMX membrane and the second electrode. A schematic view of the stack is presented in Fig. 1. The crystallization compartment had a cuboid shape of 3 cm x 3 cm x 0.4 mm. The calcium chloride (0.2 M) and sodium sulphate (0.2 M) solutions were introduced into the compartment by the separate nozzles, in order to make sure crystallization does not start outside the module. The linear flow velocity of both inlet streams was 1.5 cm/s, the CaCl2 and Na2SO4 streams were not recycled. All of the experiments have been repeated twice. The experimental conditions were designed to simulate conditions inside the concentrate compartment Calcium sulfate scaling risk during electrodialytic desalination 375 of the single-pass electrodialyzer, i.e. when the supersaturated calcium sulphate solution flow trough a narrow channel between two ion-exchange membranes. PULSER-RECEIVER calcium chloride TRANSDUCER t1 t2 t3 t4 electrode CMX membrane intermembrane spacer CMX membrane sodium sulphate electrode Fig. 1. A scheme of the experimental setup. RESULTS A fragment of the obtained ultrasonic signal can be seen in Fig. 2. The position of the arrival times was estimated based on the approximate sound velocities in the medium (ca. 6100 m/s in titanium, 2500 m/s in polymeric materials and 1500 m/s in brine) and known membrane, electrode and intermembrane spacer thickness. The arrival times represent, the interface between the electrode and the ion-exchange membrane (t1), the interface between the first ion-exchange membrane and the upside of the flowing solution (t2), the interface between the downside of the flowing solution and the second ion-exchange membrane (t3) and the interface between the second ion-exchange membrane and the second electrode (t4). After the gypsum crystallization occurred, the arrival time t3 decreased, probably because the gypsum deposition at the membrane surface. The arrival times t1 and t2 were practically identical, which was an expected behaviour, knowing that the scale layer would form at the bottom of the channel. Changes in arrival times throughout the experiment are presented in Fig. 3. The occurrence of the gypsum crystallization was confirmed during the process, when the gypsum crystals were forming in a tank collecting the outlet stream, and after the dismantling of the module, when a layer of a white deposit was visible on the membrane surface. 376 Mitko K., Turek M. The appearance of additional layer should cause the appearance of a new peak; however, it can only be visible if the new layer thickness falls within the spatial resolution capabilities of the system [7]. Although this was probably not the case in the presented experiment, the arrival time shift [7] did appear, which suggest the scaling happened. After scaling Before scaling t1 t3 50 t2 t4 0 -50 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Arrival time [ s] Fig. 2. Positions and changes in arrival times of signals 1-4 during the experiment no. 1. t1 – electrode/membrane interface, t2 – membrane/solution interface, t3 – solution/membrane interface, t4 – membrane/electrode interface. Since the experiments did not allow to directly measure the thickness of the crystal layer, it was calculated based on the decreasing intermembrane distance: t t t 2 t s t 0.41 3 t 3 0 t 2 0 (2) where s(t) is the gypsum layer thickness [mm] at time t, t3(t) and t2(t) are the arrival times describing feed channel/membrane and membrane/electrode interfaces at time Calcium sulfate scaling risk during electrodialytic desalination 377 t, and t3(0) and t2(0) are the initial (t = 0) arrival times describing feed channel/membrane and membrane/electrode interfaces. The equation is based on the assumption, that decreasing intermembrane distance [mm] is proportional to the increasing thickness of the growing crystal layer [mm]. 0.022 Arrival time t3 [ s] Arrival time t1 [ s] 0.264 0.021 0.020 0.019 0.261 0.258 0.018 0.255 0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 Experiment time [s] 500 1000 1500 2000 Experiment time [s] 0.1175 0.376 Arrival time t4 [ s] Arrival time t2 [ s] 0.1170 0.1165 0.1160 0.372 0.368 0.1155 0.364 0.1150 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Experiment time [s] 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Experiment time [s] Fig. 3. Changes in arrival times of signals 1-4 during the experiment no. 1. Fig. 4 presents the calculated thickness of the gypsum layer growing on the ionexchange membrane surface. Following model was assumed for the description of gypsum layer growth: s t a t t ind b (3) where s is the scale layer thickness [mm] at time t [s], a and b are the empirical kinetic coefficients and tind is the induction time of scale layer growth [s]. In the 378 Mitko K., Turek M. experimental conditions, the gypsum supersaturation was 6.52, which corresponded to 9.34 s of gypsum nucleation induction time [11]. The model was fitted to the experimental data – the estimated parameters are presented in Tab. 1. Although there is a difference in a gypsum nucleation induction time and the scale layer growth induction time, these two parameters should not be directly compared. In a single-pass system, the scaling risk is strongly affected by the hydrodynamic conditions inside a module. When a calcium chloride stream is mixed with the sodium sulphate stream, a supersaturated calcium sulphate is created; the crystallization can be observed after the nucleation induction time passes. However, the supersaturated solution is not stationary – after the nucleation induction time, some fraction of the solution has already flowed to the different place, possibly even outside the module. The broader is the residence time distribution, the higher is the risk that enough growing crystal nuclei are not washed outside the module and stay inside to start the crystallization [12]. The calculated induction time of the scale layer growth means that at the given hydrodynamic conditions (flow velocity, residence time distribution, and spacer geometry) it took 39 s and 34 s for experiments no. 1 and 2, respectively, to accumulate enough crystal nuclei for the scale layer to be detectable. Scale layer thickness [mm] 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Experiment time [s] Fig. 4. Gypsum layer growth during the experiment no. 1. Points represent the experimentally-obtained values; solid line represents the fitted model. Calcium sulfate scaling risk during electrodialytic desalination 379 Table 1. Estimated values of scale layer growth model. Parameter Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Mean value 9.2 ± 0.7 10.0 ± 0.2 9.6 B 0.44 ± 0.02 0.40 ± 0.02 0.42 tind 39 ± 4 34 ± 10 36.5 A∙104 CONCLUSIONS The results show that the UTDR method can detect scale layer formation in a narrow channel between the ion-exchange membranes, which suggest the method could be utilized for scaling investigation during the electrodialytic desalination; moreover, the possibility of UTDR measurements behind the non-transparent electrode, a must-have in case of experiments with electromembrane processes, was confirmed. Although the previous studies do not address this issue, a more thorough investigation of the applied ultrasonic signal on the gypsum crystallization process is required. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was financed by the Polish National Science Centre upon decision no. DEC-2012/05/N/ST8/02951. REFERENCES 1. 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Narastanie warstwy gipsu na membranie Neosepta CMX spowodowało zmniejszenie czasu przybycia sygnału ultradźwiękowego, pozwalając na opracowanie modelu kinetyki scalingu. Wyniki pozwalają sądzić, że metoda UTDR może być zastosowana do badań in situ nad blokowaniem membran. Słowa kluczowe: blokowanie membran, reflektometria ultradźwiękowa, siarczan wapnia.
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