Sartobind® Ion Exchange Sheet

Sartobind® Ion Exchange Sheet
A Separation Technology Based on Microporous Membranes
Operating Instructions
1. Introduction
Traditional chromatography uses porous particles packed into
columns. As liquid flows through the column and around the beads,
biomolecules in the liquid diffuse into the pores of the particles to
binding sites on the inner surface of the pores. The rate limiting
factor in low pressure column chromatography is the time required
for the molecules to diffuse into and out of the pores where the
binding sites are. The various steps of equilibration, loading, washing,
elution and regeneration can take hours.
Sartorius Stedim Biotech has attached various functional groups
covalently to the inner surface of synthetic macro­porous membranes.
Pressure forces the liquid through the macro-pores of the membrane,
bringing target substances into direct contact with the binding sites.
This direct convection to the binding sites minimizes diffusion
limitation of mass transfer without sacrificing capacity.
2. Storage before use
Store unused membrane dry at room temperature.
3. Operation of the membrane
The Sartobind® Membrane Adsorber sheet is intended for use in
filtration devices. Improper use can lead to failure and malfunction
of the Membrane Adsorbers. The sheets are dried out of a 20%
glycerol solution. A preliminary wash with equilibration buffer
before use is necessary.
3.1 Removal of air
Make sure that the device is completely filled with fluid on both sides
of the membrane. Any remaining air will diminish the effective
membrane area and will lead to a reduction of binding capacity.
3.2 Fluid distribution
It is essential that your filter holder has an adequate fluid distribution.
Central or uneven loading is indicative of an inadequate fluid
distribution system.
5. Technical specifications
S >29 mg/ml
>0.8 mg/cm2
Binding capacity of protein
Test proteins:
Lysozyme for S and albumine
for Q and D
Q >29 mg/ml
>0.8 mg/cm2
D > 22 mg/ml
>0.6 mg/cm2
Flow rate at 0.1 MPa
(1 bar, 14.5 psi)
>80 ml/cm2 + min
Pore size
>3 µm
Ligand density
S, Q and D: 4-6 µeg/cm2
1 ml membrane
36.4 cm2
6. Order numbers and Description
Sartobind® S
Sartobind® Q
Sartobind® D
Pack of 1 DIN A4 sheet
Format: 210 + 297 mm (624 cm2)
7. Safety precautions
Use membranes only as described in this operation instruction.
For research use only.
For more information about applications, scale-up, or other
membrane formats or types please contact your nearest Sartorius
Stedim Biotech office or visit our homepage.
3.3 Determination of optimal flow rate
Uneven loading of your target substance may occur at extremely
high flow rates. You must experimentally determine the optimal flow
rate where preferential loading will not occur.
4. Functional groups
Sulfonic acid (S) R-CH2-SO3-
Strong acidic cation exchanger
Quaternary amine (Q)
R-CH2-N+ (CH3)3
Strong basic anion exchanger
Diethylamine (D)
R-CH2-N (C2H5)2
Weak basic anion exchanger
Sartorius Stedim Biotech GmbH
August-Spindler-Strasse 11
37079 Goettingen, Germany
Phone +49.551.308.0
Fax +49.551.308.3289
Specifications subject to change
without notice. Printed and copyrighted
by Sartorius Stedim Biotech GmbH. | W
Publication No.: SL-6110-e12124
Ver. 12 | 2012