114 CHAPTER 5 LONGITUDINAL CONTROL ORGANIZATION Sensors used for track sensing, track sensing methods and steering control methods based on sensing strategies are discussed in chapters 2, 3 and 4. The algorithms for adaptive speed control of the vehicle, obstacle detection and collision avoidance, vehicle communication used for intersection collision avoidance and vehicle platooning concepts are discussed in this chapter which forms the longitudinal control of the vehicle. 5.1 INTRODUCTION Driving in traffic jam conditions is one of the most challenging topics of large city traffic management. The data on Madrid (Spain) indicate that almost one million workers every day waste more than 30 minutes at rush hours because of traffic jams. This problem is being tackled by both the automotive industry and transport research groups with the goal of reducing these figures. With respect to the automotive sector, particular effort has been put into developing automatic vehicle speed control. The longitudinal control of a vehicle includes various aspects regarding the speed of the vehicle. It covers adaptive speed control, adaptive cruise control, vehicle communication and platooning. Due to various inescapable reasons the speed of the vehicle might get changed, than the expected speed(Lin et al 2010). Some major instance that changes the speed of the vehicle is the effect of changes in the power supplied by the battery, the friction produced between the wheels and the track as the vehicle takes a turn, slopes in road, load variations, etc. 115 Presence of turns in the track is unavoidable and hence a suitable algorithm needs to be developed and employed to overcome this impediment. Thus adaptive speed control becomes mandatory in automated self guided vehicle. Different speed control and optimization techniques are implemented and their performances are analyzed in this chapter. 5.2 LITERATURE SURVEY The main aim of these longitudinal controllers is to improve the safety of the occupants by relieving the human driver of tedious tasks so as to make driving easier, as well as making traffic flow more efficient. A first implementation was cruise control (CC) based on controlling the accelerator pedal (Aono and Kowatari 2006). This was then extended to Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) systems (Moon et al 2009), developed to maintain certain speeds. A study of the impact of the wide spread inclusion of CC systems shows that there was a 50% reduction in crashes with injuries to the vehicle’s occupants. For urban environments, several advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) (Lindgren et al 2009), have been developed based on acoustics and visual signals to warn the driver of potential collisions, but the trend for the future is to develop automatic driving controls instead of developing driving aids (Milanes et al 2011). With these premises, research on autonomous systems capable of adapting a vehicle’s speed in urban environments is one of the most important targets for the mid-term future of the market. Such systems, based on combined actions on the accelerator and brake pedals, are known as intelligent cruise control (ICC) (Girad et al 2005). Recent approach towards this problem was studied in scaled vehicles (Cai et al 2010), but gasoline-propelled vehicle dynamics at very low speeds are highly non-linear and difficult to translate from a scaled vehicle to the real world. Since the essential mechanism to generate friction or braking efforts is 116 the tire road interaction, which is a very complex phenomenon and depends on many poorly, known factors, the control strategies chosen for this work have a common point and they are all based on model free control approaches. The recent explosion of electric vehicle capabilities, including batteries, plug-in-hybrids, fuel cells, and in-wheel/hub motor technologies, has fostered a significantly increased pace toward electric ground vehicles (EGVs) with independently actuated axial and in-wheel/hub motors. In-wheel motor technology has become mature and allows fast and accurate torque control for each of the EGV wheels (Hallowell and Ray 2003). Electric concept cars with independently actuated in-wheel motors, such as GM Geo Storm, Mitsubishi iMIEV, and Volvo Recharge, have already proceeded into the prototyping. Compared with the conventional vehicle drive train architectures where the driving and braking actions of different wheels are coupled, EGVs with independently actuated axial or in-wheel motors can offer higher control flexibility and many other potential advantages. The proposed work uses the Electric Ground Vehicle (EGV) and uses different algorithms for longitudinal control which includes adaptive speed control algorithm, adaptive acceleration control algorithm and obstacle detection and collision avoidance algorithm. These algorithms are simulated and the performances of these algorithms are tested in the prototype vehicles in real time. 5.2.1 Vehicle Communication Vehicle to Vehicle communication is a popular area of research because of the numerous application possibilities for driver safety and comfort. More specifically Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANET’s) are of interest because they have the potential for low latencies, and allow network connection between vehicles to stay active even when they are moving at high speeds. 117 The development of vehicle communication systems and related technologies has been the subject of numerous projects around the globe as well as for standardization working groups. The summary of the large majority of such recent efforts is shown in Table 5.1. From Table 5.1, it is understood that all the projects having complementary but often similar objectives and approaches. This multitude of concerted efforts and approaches indicates the need for coordination between vehicles. Table 5.1 Vehicle Communication Projects Worldwide Project name Project Information Period 2006 AKTIV to 2010 External funding Brief description of objectives Design, development, and evaluation of Ministry of driver assistance systems, knowledge Economics and and information technologies, efficient Technology traffic management, and V2V and V2I communication; Germany http://www.aktiv-online.org/index.html Car to Car Communication On Consort- going ium (C2CCC) N/A Development of a European industry standard for VC communication systems, active safety applications prototyping and demonstrations, harmonization of VC standards worldwide, realistic deployment strategies and business models; http://www.car-2-car.org/ COM2 REACT Distributed Traffic Application, based 2007 on cellular and V2V communication, into European Union car and V2V communication systems, vehicle to center communication: 2008 http: //www.com2react-project.org/ 118 Table 5.1 (Continued) Project name Project Information Period External funding Brief description of objectives Telematic applications for the road infrastructure, cooperative traffic 2006 to Coopers European Union management involving vehicles and 2010 roadside infrastructure; www.coopers-ip.eu/ Cyber Cars 2 ETSI TC ITS Cooperation between vehicles running at close range (platooning) and at 2006 to European Union intersections (merging, crossing); 2008 http:cybercars.org/ On going N/A Standardization activities to support the development and implementation of intelligent transportation systems; http://portal.etsi.org/Portal_Common/ho me.asp Automated metering, queue assistance, temporary auto-pilot, and active green 2008 to HAVE-IT European Union driving mechanisms, integrated in six 2011 demonstrator vehicles; http://www.haveit-eu.org Smart Way Ministry of Driving safety support systems based on Land, 2006 to Infrastructure, vehicle-highway cooperation. 2010 Transport and http://www.mlit.go.jp/road/ITS/ Tourism, Japan PATH Multidisciplinary research program administrated by the UC Berkeley California Institute of Transportation Studies and Department of CalTrans; activities in four areas; policy Transportation and behavioral, transportation safety and (CalTrans) traffic and transit operations research. http://www.path.berkeley.edu/ On going 119 Wireless transmission and medium access technologies adapted to the vehicle communication environment are the primary enabling technology. Conceptually, on top of them, networking technologies allow for data exchange among nearby and remote devices (vehicles, roadside infrastructure units and other servers). The vehicle communication computing platform is functionally independent and responsible for running the vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication protocols and the supported applications. The vehicle-vehicle communication capability is used to coordinate manoeuvring. These manoeuvres include lane changing, in which a vehicle safely coordinates its lane change with adjacent vehicles, so that they do not try to occupy the same place at the same time, and platoon join and split manoeuvres, decreasing the space between vehicles to form a platoon and increasing the space to separate from a platoon. An important component of Intelligent Vehicle Highway System and Automated Highway Systems are the intelligent vehicles (IVs), which sense the environment around them using sensors (such as radar, lidar or machine vision techniques) and strive to achieve more efficient vehicle operation either by assisting the driver or by taking complete control of the vehicle (Bishop 2000). These IVs also support vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to roadside communication. Based on the extent to which the roadside and vehicle could work together (without human driver intervention), we can discern different types of Automated Highway Systems as follows 120 Autonomous Vehicle Systems Vehicles are equipped with sensors and computers to operate without roadside infrastructure assistance and without coordination with neighbouring vehicles. Cooperative Vehicle Systems Vehicles use sensors and wireless communication techniques to coordinate their manoeuvres with neighbouring vehicles without any roadside intervention. Infrastructure Supported Systems Vehicles communicate with each other and guidelines for decision making purposes are provided by the roadside infrastructure. Infrastructure Managed Systems Vehicles indicate their desired actions such as lane changes, exits and entries to the roadside infrastructure. The roadside system then provides the instructions for inter vehicle coordination of these manoeuvres. Infrastructure Controlled Systems The roadside infrastructure takes entire control of the vehicle operations, monitors the traffic, and optimizes the vehicle operations in such a way that, the network is utilized as well as possible (Baskar et al 2011). The proposed work implements autonomous vehicle systems, cooperative vehicle systems and infrastructure controlled systems in the prototype vehicles and its performances in the test bed environment are analyzed in real time. 121 5.2.2 Vehicle Platooning The concept of fully automated vehicles travelling in electronically coupled platoons is not new one (Caudill and Garrard 1977). The platoon demonstration was designed by researchers at the California PATH program to show how vehicle automation technology can be used to make a major contribution to relieving traffic congestion. The eight vehicles operating in tight coordination showed how an automated highway system can provide a significant increase in highway throughput (vehicles per lane per hour moving along the highway). Since platooning enables vehicles to operate much closer together than is possible under manual driving conditions, each lane can carry at least twice, as much traffic as it can today. This should make it possible to greatly reduce highway congestion. Also, at close spacing aerodynamic drag is significantly reduced which can lead to major reductions in fuel consumption and exhaust emissions. The high performance vehicle control system also increases the safety of highway travel, reduces driving stress and tedium, and provides a very smooth ride. Eight vehicles of the PATH platoon travelled at a fixed separation distance of 6.5 meters which is shown in Figure 5.1. At this spacing, eightvehicle platoons separated by a safe inter-platoon gap of 60 m and travelling at 65 mph would represent a “pipeline” capacity of about 5700 vehicles per hour. Reducing this by 25% to allow for the manoeuvring needed at entry and exit points corresponds to an effective throughput of about 4300 vehicles per lane per hour. Throughput under normal manual driving conditions at this speed would be approximately 2000 vehicles per lane per hour. 122 Figure 5.1 Eight Vehicles in Platoon Such short spacing between vehicles can produce a significant reduction in aerodynamic drag for all of the vehicles (leader as well as followers). These drag reductions are moderate at the 6.5 meter spacing of the Demo, but become more dramatic at spacing of half that length. Wind-tunnel tests at the University of Southern California have shown that the drag force can be cut in half when vehicles operate at a separation of about half a vehicle length. Analyses at UC Riverside have shown how that drag reduction translates into improvements of 20 to 25% in fuel economy and emissions reductions. The tight coordination of vehicle manoeuvring is achieved by combining range information from forward looking radar with information from a radio communication system that provides vehicle speed and acceleration updates 50 times per second. This means that the vehicles can respond to changes in the motions of the vehicles ahead of them much more quickly than human drivers. As a result, the space between the vehicles is so 123 close to constant that variations are imperceptible to the driver and passengers, producing the illusion of a mechanical coupling between the vehicles. The proposed work uses four vehicles for platooning which is discussed at the end of this chapter. 5.3 PROPOSED LONGITUDINAL CONTROL ALGORITHMS In typical driving scenarios, when the human driver controls the vehicle in a predefined lane, the driver performs four main tasks. The first is to maintain an optimal speed as much as possible when no vehicle is in sight. The second task is to keep a safe distance from any vehicle ahead. The third is to deal with the situation when a sudden vehicle cuts in the driving lane. The last is to react immediately as a response to an emergency which usually implies a hard brake. The longitudinal controller designed should be able to perform all these four tasks. The longitudinal control of a vehicle includes three different algorithms which are proposed as shown in Figure 5.2, when combined enables the vehicle to manoeuvre the track in optimal speed. The first of the three calculates the critical speed with which the vehicle can travel for the given turn radius of the track which is obtained by the steer value of the vehicle and thereby setting the base speed of the vehicle. It tries to maintain the actual speed of the vehicle as close to base speed of the vehicle irrespective of the external conditions which is achieved by providing necessary speed boosts and brakes whenever required. Second algorithm focuses on altering the speed depending on the confidence obtained. (i.e.) when lateral control gets more and more perfect, the speed increases accordingly, and vice versa. Presence of an obstacle overrides the above two algorithm and brings the vehicle to a stop beforehand at safe distance by the third algorithm. These three algorithms running simultaneously in the vehicle enables to achieve the optimal speed control. Steer error based speed control 124 algorithm and critical speed estimation algorithm provides the safety and improves the performance to the vehicle in motion. Obstacle detection and collision avoidance algorithm Adaptive acceleration control algorithm Adaptive speed control algorithm Longitudinal Control Figure 5.2 Proposed Longitudinal Control Algorithms 5.3.1 Adaptive Speed Control with Encoders In order to make the vehicle to track the entire lap at desired speed irrespective of the curvature and terrain of the track, adaptive speed control algorithm is proposed. The speed acquisition module available in prototype vehicle-1 is an encoder as discussed in chapter, which is an electromechanical device that converts the angular position of a shaft or axle to a digital code, making it an angle transducer. The speed is dynamically controlled once in 0.5 seconds. The number of pulses in this interval is predetermined and regularly compared with the instantaneous count and appropriate speed control is performed using PWM. PACN10 register in S12x microcontroller gives the number of rotations. The maximum number of rotations per second is 10. The wheel circumference of the prototype vehicle is 16cm so the maximum speed of the 160 cm/s. prototype vehicle-1 is calculated as 125 The algorithm obtains feedback from the encoder corresponding to the vehicle speed and is compared with the speed desired. When the speed of the vehicle varies, the algorithm alters the PWM applied to the motor so as to maintain the speed in the desired level. Constant rotation value (CR) of the wheel is fixed for the constant speed of the vehicle. Current speed of the vehicle (ROT) is measured and compared periodically with CR. Based on the comparison result if the current speed is greater than the desired speed (i.e) ROT > CR the vehicle speed is slowed down by reducing the PWM. If the speed of the vehicle decreases from the desired speed (i.e) ROT < CR then speed factor (Ks) is incremented for every iteration which increases the speed by increasing the PWM duty gradually according to equation 5.1 until the vehicle reaches the desired speed. Equation 5.1 shows how the PWM value for the DC drive is assigned dynamically and they are given in Table 5.1. PWM_Duty = Constant Duty + (Ks x (CR – ROT)) (5.1) Table 5.2 Adaptive Speed Table KS PWM Duty cycle value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 1 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 2 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 3 68 71 74 77 80 83 86 89 4 69 73 77 81 85 89 93 97 5 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 6 71 77 83 89 95 101 107 113 7 72 79 86 93 100 107 114 121 (CR-ROT) 126 In Table 5.2 the first row values are speed factor (Ks) which increments every iteration. The first column value is the difference of constant rotation value (CR) with the current speed (ROT). When the difference is zero, the vehicle moves in desired speed hence the row values are 65 which is the PWM duty value for the DC motor. When the difference is more, the PWM duty value is increased every iteration to attain the desired speed. Different possible PWM duty values with respect to the speed factor and speed difference is depicted in Table 5.2. Thus the speed of the vehicle is dynamically varied to maintain the desired speed independent of the road conditions. This is the adaptive speed control method which is proposed. The entire flow is shown in Figure 5.3. Set constant speed and make Ks=0 Get rotation (ROT) of the wheel Y ROT>=CR Make Ks=0 to set constant speed N Increment Ks at constant period Increase the speed Speed=Speed+(Ks*(CR-ROT) Figure 5.3 Adaptive Speed Control Algorithm 127 Figure 5.4 shows the relationship between three parameters CRROT, Ks and PWM Duty. From the Figure 5.4 it is clear that when the speed of the vehicle decreases, the vehicle will not move in the desired speed even though the desired PWM duty value is given. Now the difference (CR-ROT) will increase, which makes ‘Ks’ parameter to increment every iteration, which increases the PWM duty gradually until the vehicle reaches the desired speed. This process is clearly shown in Figure 5.3. From the Figure 5.4 if the CRROT value is seven and the Ks value is seven the PWM duty value is maximum up to 140. Similarly, CR-ROT =0 and then the PWM duty value is minimum of 65 as shown in the Table 5.1. The entire range of speed duty value with respect to ‘CR-ROT’ and ‘Ks’ value is plotted in Figure 5.4. This method of speed adaptation makes the vehicle to maintain the constant speed independent of road conditions and load conditions. Figure 5.4 PWM_DUTY Vs CR-ROT Vs Ks 128 5.3.2 Adaptive Speed Control with Feedback Current In this technique, the information about the speed of the vehicle during the run is obtained by the current feedback from the DC motors. The current drawn by the DC motor for various speed levels are as shown in Figure 5.5. Table 5.3 and 5.4 shows the DC motor PWM value under no load condition and full load condition for the differential drive DC motors. The present speed of the vehicle is calculated from the feedback current value and compared with the base speed. If the present speed is slower than the base speed PWM is increased iteratively to get the desired speed and vice versa. Current Feedback Current (adc value) 70 60 50 LEFT MOTOR 40 30 20 RIGHT MOTOR 10 0 50 100 150 200 250 Speed duty value 300 Figure 5.5 Feedback Current from DC Motor The speed of the motors vary involuntarily while making curves due to various reasons such as friction, centripetal force etc. and to compensate the above effect and to make the vehicle be in constant speed during turns, a boosting algorithm is employed based on the current feedback as shown in the Table 5.5. 129 Table 5.3 Feedback from DC Motors under No-Load Condition Left Motor (no load) Right Motor (no load) DC Motor PWM Duty Value Current feedback ADC Output (hex) DC Motor PWM Duty Value Current feedback ADC Output (hex) 50 05 50 06 100 0D 100 0E 150 18 150 17 200 24 200 25 250 2D 250 2E 300 38 300 3A The Table 5.5 shows how the DC motor’s PWM is varied in order to maintain the constant speed. In the table ‘BS’ denotes the base speed and ‘TS’ the true speed of the vehicle. The ‘Boost’ is computed as the difference between the base speed and the true speed depending upon the boost value the duty cycle is increased for every iterations in order to compensate the reduction in speed as in Table 5.4. Boost = BS –TS (5.2) New Speed = BS + (Boost * No. of iterations) (5.3) Table 5.4 Feedback from DC Motors under No-Load and Full-Load Current feedback values (from ADC (hex) ) No Load Condition Full Load Condition Left Motor Only 38 9B Right Motor Only 3A A4 (39, 3C) (9D, A0) Dual Drive (left, right) 130 The result of employing the boost algorithm rectifies the problem of speed reduction. The performance of the algorithm is shown in the Figure 5.6. From the Figure 5.6 it is observed that, for every iteration, the PWM duty value increases based on the boost value. Table 5.5 Adaptive Speed Control using Feedback Current Iteration 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 BS BS BS BS BS BS 1 BS+5 BS+10 BS+15 BS+20 BS+25 BS+30 2 BS+10 BS+20 BS+30 BS+40 BS+50 BS+60 3 BS+15 BS+30 BS+45 BS+60 BS+75 BS+90 4 BS+20 BS+40 BS+60 BS+80 BS+100 BS+120 5 BS+25 BS+50 BS+75 BS+100 BS+125 BS+150 Boost 350 PWM Duty Value 330 310 290 BOOST = 0 270 BOOST = 1 250 BOOST = 2 230 210 BOOST = 3 190 BOOST = 4 170 BOOST = 5 150 0 1 2 3 4 5 Iterations Figure 5.6 Speed Boost Performance 131 When the boost value is minimum, the PWM duty value is increased slowly for every iteration, but when the boost value is more the PWM value is increased gradually with more speed to meet the required speed condition. Because of the linear speed improvement we get better vehicle stability as well as smooth speed variations independent of the road condition as well as independent of the load condition. Thus the proposed adaptive speed control algorithm based on the current feedback works recursively and maintains the vehicle speed optimum over the entire lap of the proposed track. 5.3.3 Adaptive Acceleration Control Algorithm For achieving efficient performance from the vehicle, confidence level factor is introduced. The confidence level is a factor which is mimicked from human driving behaviour. When a particular task is performed without error for a specific duration of time the confidence level increases and on encountering errors often, the confidence level decreases. Similarly, the acceleration of the vehicle is varied. The algorithm is similar to adaptive delta algorithm where the delta change is made adaptive to the input signal. When the correlation between the previous steer values and the present steer value is high and also the error is minimum, then the vehicle is accelerated so as to optimize the speed. Conversely when the correlation among the previous and the present error values is low or the deviation from the track is high, then the vehicle is decelerated to optimize the control. Thus both speed and steer control of the vehicle is optimized by the use of adaptive acceleration control algorithm. The graph plotted between the acceleration and the error values is shown in the Figure 5.7. 132 Figure 5.7 Adaptive Acceleration Control Plot When the deviation is less the acceleration is more and when the deviation is more the acceleration is less. This technique improves the performance by increasing the speed to a maximum in straight path and maintains the optimum speed in the curves. This feature enables the vehicle to complete the desired path in short duration of time. The flow chart in Figure 5.8 clearly depicts the working of the obstacle detection and collision avoidance algorithm. The foresaid condition works fine until the distance between test vehicle and the preceding vehicle or obstacle (O) is greater than 30cm. When the distance is less than 30cm and greater than 20cm the speed is reduced by reducing the PWM duty value by 30%; When the distance is less than 20cm and greater than 10cm the speed is reduced by reducing the PWM value by 60% else reduce the speed up to 90 %. 133 Set Base Speed Speed Sensing Find True Speed N O > 30 N O > 20 Y Y N O > 10 30% Decrease Duty Cycle 90% Decrease Duty Cycle Y 60% Decrease Duty Cycle Y TS > BS Decrease Duty Cycle Set Base Speed N Increase Duty Cycle Figure 5.8 Obstacle Detection and Collision Avoidance Algorithm When the distance between the vehicle and obstacle increases the obstacle sensor value decreases and the speed is increased by increasing the duty cycle value as shown in Figure 5.9. 134 Longitudinal Control measured value 150 Distance 100 Obstacle Sensor Values 50 Duty Value 0 1 3 5 7 9 Distance 11 13 15 17 Sample Points Figure 5.9 Speed Adaptation Based on Obstacle From Figure 5.9, it is clear that the speed is directly proportional to distance of the obstacle. This speed control algorithm works based on the nature of the obstacle and prevents the collision and hence it helps in collision avoidance. 5.3.4 Steer Error based Speed Control In steer error based speed control, the speed control is applied to the vehicle without obtaining any feedback from the rear wheels at slow speed. This technique is based on the fact that the speed of the vehicle reduces during turns due to more frictional force and the reduction in speed is proportional to the radius of curvature of the turn. The steer based speed control method exploits this fact and the speed of the vehicle is varied in accordance to the steer angle of the vehicle. Table 5.6 shows the variation of speed with respect to the steer angle. From the Table 5.6, it is observed that speed PWM is directly proportional to the steer error. When the error is more the steer control algorithms steers the vehicle towards the centre of the track which increases the friction and reduces the speed. To compensate, the speed 135 is gradually increased when the error increased but only up to the error value which reaches 36. Table 5.6 Steer Error Based Speed Control Steer Error PWM Duty Cycle Value 1 to 8 50 9 to 15 52 16 to 22 54 23 to 28 56 29 to 36 58 >36 55 When error increases beyond 36 the vehicle goes out of track and the speed is reduced to prevent the vehicle moving away from the track. Now the retracing algorithm identifies the vehicle position whether the vehicle is in either right/left side of the track by referring the previous sensor values and steer the vehicle in the opposite direction to bring back the vehicle to the trajectory. 5.4 CRITICAL SPEED ESTIMATION ALGORITHM Speed of the vehicle during the turn in inversely proportional to the sharpness of the curve. Thus the speed limit identification is the critical requirement of the cruise control of the vehicle which assures the stability of the vehicle during steering. The vehicle cannot turn a sharp curve with any arbitrary speed. For safe cruising and skid avoidance, the maximum speed threshold with respect to the turn radius is to be estimated. 136 From the basic laws of physics, the centripetal force is given by, = (5.4) The frictional force acting on the vehicle is given as, = (5.5) From the equations we obtain the result to be = (5.6) where ‘ ’ is the static coefficient of friction, ‘g’ is acceleration due to gravity 9.81m/s2 and ‘r’ is the radius of the turn. The static coefficient of friction for KT board / flux surface is obtained to be equal to 0.577. The relationship between the critical speed and the radius of the curve are plotted and is shown Critical Speed (m/s) in Figure 5.10. 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 Critical Speed… 0.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Turn Radius (m) Figure 5.10 Critical Speed Vs Turn Radius 137 5.5 VEHICLE COMMUNICATION AND VEHICLE PLATOONING Vehicles are equipped with novel computing communication and sensing capabilities and user interfaces. It will support a spectrum of applications that enhance transportation safety and efficiency, but also provide new or integrate existing services for drivers and passengers. A key aspect of vehicle communication system is to expand the time horizon of information relevant to driving safety and transportation efficiency, introduce new information sources and improve its quality. The basis is a collaborative approach, with each vehicle and roadside infrastructure units contributing relevant information. Based on their own sensing and on information received from nearby peers and roadside infrastructure units vehicles can anticipate, detect, and avoid dangerous or unwanted situations. For example, timely notifications about lane changes, emergency braking, and unsafely approaching vehicles can be highly beneficial. The same is true for notifications about dangerous or heavy traffic conditions predicted by roadside infrastructure units locally or within a larger region with the help of other vehicles. Figure 5.11 Prototype-1 with Wireless Sensor Module and Obstacle Sensor 138 Figure 5.11 shows the prototype vehicle-1 with wireless sensor module for wireless communication. The specifications of these wireless sensor modules are discussed in chapter 2.4.4. Wireless sensor modules used in the prototype vehicles communicate among themselves and also with roadside infrastructure units which forms a collaborative communication system. In the proposed work cooperative vehicle system and infrastructure controlled system is used and its performance is analyzed in real time with the small scale vehicles. 5.5.1 Cooperative Vehicle System The task of entering and leaving the critical zone is taken as a metric for this cooperative vehicle systems analysis. If a vehicle enters a critical zone in the track, it broadcasts the information to the nearby vehicles to make all nearby vehicles to stop until the vehicle comes out from the critical zone. Once the vehicle comes out from the critical zone it broadcasts another message to the neighbouring vehicles to start manoeuvring. In the test bed track, the critical zone is the circle as shown in Figure 5.12. Whenever any vehicle enters the critical zone that vehicle broadcasts the information to other vehicles to stop in front of the critical zone until the vehicles exits the critical zone. When the vehicle exits the critical zone it broadcasts other message to make the next vehicle to enter into the critical zone. The vehicle in the critical zone and the remaining two vehicles which are waiting near the critical zone is shown in Figure 5.12. Thus vehicles communicate among themselves whenever any vehicle enters/exits the critical zone thus preventing intersection collision of the vehicles. This type of communication improves the safety to the autonomous vehicles. collaborative 139 Figure 5.12 Cooperative Vehicle System 5.5.2 Road Side Infrastructure Controlled System Infrastructure is a roadside infrastructure unit which is used to communicate with the vehicles in the coverage zone. Infrastructure based control of vehicles is considered for this analysis. The method of start, stop and speed control information is transferred from the roadside infrastructure unit to the vehicles within the zone. The vehicles in that zone receive this information and act accordingly to the information received from the infrastructure. The vehicle acknowledges the infrastructure about the vehicle motion. Based on this information the roadside infrastructure unit can predict and control the traffic flow within the zone by communicating with the vehicles within the zone. The road side infrastructure with communication module and two vehicles in the track with communication modules are shown in Figure 5.13 are used for implementing the task. 140 Figure 5.13 Infrastructure Controlled System 5.5.3 Vehicle Platooning In vehicle platooning the leader vehicle communicates with the vehicles in the platoon to start/stop or accelerate/decelerate to maintain the smooth ride in the platoon. In case of emergency, the roadside infrastructure unit communicates with the vehicle for emergency stop thus proving roadside infrastructure unit to vehicle communication. The emergency vehicle informs the infrastructure about the vehicle. Then the infrastructure, signals the other vehicles intimating the emergency vehicle in the track. Four prototype vehicles in platoon as shown in Figure 5.14 are used for implementing the task. 141 Figure 5.14 Four Vehicles in Platoon 5.6 CONCLUSION This chapter discusses about the survey of the longitudinal control algorithms which include vehicle speed control, vehicle communication and vehicle platooning. The proposed longitudinal control algorithms and its simulation result are analyzed in real time using the prototype vehicles. Prototype vehicles-1 and 2 are used for testing the proposed longitudinal control algorithms in real time. The adaptive speed control algorithm used in prototype-1 uses encoder and prototype-2 uses current feedback to measure the speed of the vehicle. In the proposed algorithm current speed of the vehicle is compared with the reference speed and based on the difference in speed the speed correction is achieved smoothly. This proposed algorithm makes the vehicle to travel the test bed track with optimum speed, independent of the load, friction between the tire and the 142 road, etc., Adaptive acceleration control algorithm uses steer error based speed control where the delta difference between the present and past deviation is used for acceleration/deceleration which makes the vehicle to travel in the maximum speed in straight line as well as when the error is minimum, thus makes the vehicle to complete the desired lap is short duration of time. The speed variation of the vehicle according to the distance of the obstacle is discussed. The torque required to propel a vehicle is directly proportional to the steering angle of the wheel and inversely proportional to the speed of the vehicle. This condition is achieved by providing steer error based speed control techniques. Steer error based speed control and critical speed estimation algorithms improves the performance and provides safety for the vehicle in motion. Vehicle communication is established for implementing intersection collision avoidance between vehicles which forms cooperative vehicle systems. Infrastructure controlled systems, in which the vehicles in the coverage zone are controlled by the roadside infrastructure unit which prevents traffic congestion and smooth traffic flow is shown. Vehicle platooning concepts are discussed with four vehicles in platoon. Thus the proposed longitudinal control algorithms provide the best speed control for the proposed vehicles. The vehicle communication systems and vehicle platooning improves the performance of the autonomous vehicles in the track and increases the throughput and safety. The consolidated performance of the proposed sensing algorithms, lateral control algorithms and longitudinal control algorithms are tested in real time and the test results are plotted and tabulated, which will be discussed in chapter 6.
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