Mark Kershisnik, Eli Lilly

Majority Report: Collaboration to create
high powered insights and immersive
CASRO Technology Conference
May 28, 2014
Mark Kershisnik
Brandon Fischer (Anacore)
©2014 Eli Lilly and Company
Customer Insight Collaboration
From: Choppy Understanding
©2014 Eli Lilly and Company
Uniform Action
Eli Lilly and Company
• Prescription Pharmaceutical Company based in Indianapolis, IN
• >$20+ billion sales,
• 143 countries
• 138 years old
• first American business established in China (1918)
• Deep pipeline with focus in: auto immune diseases, Alzheimer's,
Cancer, Diabetes & Neuroscience…
• Market Research Organization: 220 researchers worldwide
• Conduct ~ 900 Market Research projects per year initiated out of
Indianapolis (~500 OUS)
• 6 Strategic Insights providers (20 specialized)
“field” studies and provide collaborative thinking, consultation and know how….
• Deep technology Partnerships:
FocusVision, Northern Lights, Schlesinger, Anacore and Sensory Technologies
©2014 Eli Lilly and Company
2009 Lilly CMO Directive –
“Speed to Insight”
• More Lilly people must Learn more about our
• Develop Customer and market Insights faster
and more efficiently
• Deploy Customer Insights into all aspects of the
• Deliver Customer embraced solutions that help
create Customer desired outcomes.
© 2014 Eli Lilly and Company
How to power-up organizational
customer Learning & engagement?
HYPOTHESIS 1: Massive leverage of technology can enhance
organization wide customer learning, understanding and exploration on a
continuous and ongoing basis.
HYPOTHESIS 2: Cross Functional Team member engagement in
qualitative research (Ethnography, ethnographic Journals, day-in-the-life,
IDI’s in native environment, web based discussion groups) can deliver
enhanced and emotionally charged customer understanding.
HYPOTHESIS 3: Quantitative Market research, Social Media
Analysis and Clinical data combined with qualitative research expands
the knowledge and understanding of customers and can produce the most
powerful insights and organizational insight activation.
©2014 Eli Lilly and Company
Market Research request to IT (Nov. 2009)
“Please develop the capability to aid the creation and capture
of evolved human thought”
“p.s. And oh, by the way, make it real time collaborative and
“p.s.s. Immersive would be really good too!
….and we only have $900,000”
My next 60 e-mails began with WT!?#
The Big Guys Couldn’t do it.. So we turned to Anacore
©2014 Eli Lilly and Company
Software Company founded in 2006
- Brandon Fischer, Founder and CEO
- Headquartered in Carmel, IN
- Products: MediaStation and Synthesis
© 2014 Eli Lilly and Company
Value of Synthesis
• Real Speed• Assimilate and process information faster
• Real Innovation• Identify and capitalize on opportunities
• Real Results• Convert from a meeting culture to a getting work
done culture
© 2014 Eli Lilly and Company
Imagine an immersive world that allows you to connect to any individual(s)
in high definition video from any place on any device via any platform.
Where both people and mass content are equally shareable and anyone
can be the discussion leaders and have control at any time and everyone is present.
Welcome to the world of EXPLORER
©2009 Eli Lilly and Company
What is an Explorer Room?
• Extensible, Immersive, Virtual Interactive,
Collaboration environment
• Real time knowledge synthesis leveraging
contributor / participant knowledge
• Cloud connected, Super computing enabled,
Production Studio
• Able to connect to any content, any person and
any device at any time
• A story development experience that never
forgets and never ends…..
©2014 Eli Lilly and Company
Being in an Explorer Room is
“Immersed in the content”
“Connected to everything”
“Contained, yet boundless”
“Data comes to life”
“Intense – you feel the human”
“I can’t get it out of my head”
“It like a first time experience…..”
• “You can hear about it, see pictures, read about
it, but you have to feel the emotion and
experience the impact…..”
©2014 Eli Lilly and Company
Where are the Explorer Rooms?
The C.L.U.E. Center
©2014 Eli Lilly and Company
C.L.U.E. is…..
A window into our customers world
©2014 Eli Lilly and Company
The C.L.U.E. Common area
21,000 Sq. ft
10 Observation Rooms (10-32)
4 Moderator Suites
Total capacity – 210 observers
Lobby / Kitchen/Bathrooms
Security Access (by Invitation)
10,000 IDI’s / Focus Groups / Year
The Explorers (9)
©2014 Eli Lilly and Company
Powerful Insight Stories in Explorer
• Starts with a comprehensive customer Journey
• Outstanding Customer Research with Market Research
(Insights) Partners
• Deep Customer understanding
• Ethnographic and Emotional Depth
• Longitudinal data and information
• Primary Quant and Tracking studies
• Disease State and Clinical data
• Social media listening and analysis
• Collaborative Creation – It takes a Village
• Marketing, medical/regulatory, product development, basic
science, customer research, legal, Manufacturing, Customer
Advisory Boards, etc.
©2014 Eli Lilly and Company
Live From Explorer 3 - Indianapolis
Jim Gregory
A Short Snipit - Lupus Insights story
Company Confidential © 2014 Eli Lilly and Company
Live From Anacore Carmel, IN
©2014 Eli Lilly and Company
Synthesis Showrooms Worldwide:
Indianapolis, IN
San Jose, CA
New York, NY x2 (Schlesinger)
Chicago (July 2014)
London (July 2014)
Dubai, UAE
Beijing, China
Bangalore (June 2014)
© 2014 Eli Lilly and Company
© 2014 Eli Lilly and Company
©2014 Eli Lilly and Company