Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament Ytmd Fwzwrk B :0xxc The Preaching of Mattai Chapter: 2 in the days of of Yehuda Ymwyb to Urishlim Nm 0rpsw the least like this Ybr Herodus we saw and heard and he gathered Jwhlk $nkw to them 0ky0d of Yehuda for hbkwk ryg Nyzx all <of them> that where dlytm .2 0klm Sdwrh Nyd (m4 .3 chief 0nhk would be born 0xy4m Bytk priests Herodus Nyrm0w his star 0xndmb (yztt0w and scribes it is written for in the East .1 and they said wky0 and all and was troubled the king the Messiah when 0klm Sdwrh where is he 0klm Nyt0w hm9 Ml4rw0 hlkw 0m9d and the king wt0 the king and we have come dgsml of the people was born <they> came 04wgm 0ydwhyd to worship Urishlim Magoshi of the Jews dlyt0d with him from 0xndm who has been born hl Yeshua 0dwhyd Mxl-tybb Mxl tybb (w4y dlyt0 Nyd dk the East Ml4rw0l him in Beth-Lekhem was [he] Jwhl and asking 0wh in Beth-Lekhem answered .4 L04mw and they ryg 0nkh 0dwhyd Mxl-tybb Mxl tybb wrm0 Nyd Jwnh .5 will you be not of Yehuda Beth-Lekhem you and 0rycb Ytywh f 0dwhyd Mxl-tyb Mxl tyb Ytn0 P0 .6 among the kings will shepherd 0klmb 04wgml rd4w a king in secret 0ybnb will go out therefore from you Yhwy9rn whd 0klm to the Magoshi called and sent who by the prophet Qwpn Herodus ryg of Yehuda Yknm 0dwhyd then Israel my people 0rq ty0y4=m Sdwrh Nydyh .7 Ly0rsy0 Ym9l the star to them appeared .8 0bkwk Jwhl Yzxt0 very carefully the boy on inquire go time by which from them 0nbz 0ny0b Jwhnm to them and said and learned Plyw to Beth-Lekhem them ty0=ypx 0yl= L9 wbq9 wlz Jwhl rm0w Mxl-tybl Mxl tybl Jwn0 can go Lz0 I 0n0 so that also P0d they departed the king wlz0 from inform me come you have found him Ynw0wx wt Yhynwtxk40d heard when and they him 0klm Nm w9m4 dk Nyd Jwnh .9 hl before them was going Jwhymdq 0wh Lz0 in the East they saw 0xndmb 1 wzxd which and when 0mw [and] worship the star wh 0bkwk dwgs0 and behold 0hw Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament Ytmd Fwzwrk B :0xxc The Preaching of Mattai Chapter: 2 the boy was [with] great joy where from over [and] stood that it came 0yl= Yhwty0d 0ky0 Nm L9l Fbr Maryam they rejoiced Fwdx with wydx the boy and they saw Mq the star the house Jwhtmys and was shown wxtpw and incense Yzxt0w him Herodus appeared hl when and they entered to they went and take arise .11 B=d wlpnw gold gifts they should return hm0 to him tell to him and said until and offered to Yosip and there the boy in a dream wlz0 Frx0 the angel 0yrmd 0k0lm and flee Nyrcml Qwr9w to seek different in a dream of the LORD to Misrayin to them 0mlxb Jwhl Jwhrt0l rm0w Pswyl 0mlxb remain as fd wbrqw to their country they went Kl 0n0 rm0d 0md9 Ywh Nmtw to destroy him that not Jwkphn when 0yl=l rbd Mwq hl .10 very wl9w wdgs Yzxt0 wlz0 Nyd dk .13 I and 0md9 [and] worshipped and they fell his mother and myrhh 0xrw0bw Sdwrh twl you they saw .12 Fnwblw 0rwmw 0bhd 0nbrwq hl and by a road the boy F0d 0bkwkl Yhw0zx Nyd dk Myrm M9 0yl=l Yhw0zxw Fybl their treasures and they opened until Herodus for and his mother hm0lw <he> is going Yhwydbwnd Ky0 0yl=l hy9bml Sdwrh ryg wh dyt9 in the night 0yllb of Herodus and his mother the boy hm0lw the death until 0ybnb when Herodus 0yrm there then my son L=q very Mdm tyrq he was angry the Magoshi from its borders Yosip Nyrcm 04wgm Nm and of all that might be fulfilled Misrayin by and fled Nyrcml Qr9w .15 the thing I have called rd4w B= tmxt0 two and to Misrayin 0whw rm0t0d dk Sdwrh Nydyh .16 Yrbl [and] killed and sent and remained from that was spoken Nm arose 0yl=l hlq4 Mq Nyd Pswy .14 Sdwrhd htwml 0md9 Nmt by the prophet the LORD took fmtnd that from which said Nmd rm0d that he was mocked he saw Xzbt0d of Beth-Lekhem all 0zx the boys Nytrt rb Nm hymwxt Jwhlkdw Mxl-tybd Mxl tybd Jwhlk 0yl= 2 Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear New Testament Ytmd Fwzwrk B :0xxc The Preaching of Mattai Chapter: 2 the Magoshi from 04wgm that he inquired the time Nm Bq9d 0nbz Aramiyah through that was spoken 0ymr0 dyb and wailing crying Ky0 the thing rm0t0d in Ramtha according to and under was heard w0ybtml the king and not 0ybc Herodus a voice to the land and died when Pswyl Lzw hm0lw were who seeking the life h4pn wwh Ny9bd and came and his mother F0w was hm0lw that Arkhilius to go Nmtl Lz0nd Lxd of Galeela to the land fylgd so 0rt0l Nasrath Ky0 trcn that a Nasraya 0yrcnd the boy great those take arise for they Jwnh ryg Jwhl the boy not because appeared 0yrmd 0k0lm Yzxt0 to him 0yl=l rbd Mwq hl took arose and said rm0w have died .20 of Israel wtym Ly0rsy0d and Yosip of the boy 0yl=l rbd Mq Pswyw .21 0yl=d and his father when of Israel Herodus that he should go Lz0nd in Yehuda Plx 0mlxb 0yrqtmd Fnydmb rm0t0d in place of in a dream in the city by the prophet which was spoken to the land .22 Ly0rsy0d 09r0l Yhwb0 Sdwrh that is called 0ybnb Rakhiel of the LORD the angel 0mlxb he heard he was afraid crying 0ybn .19 Jwhyty0 fd L=m 0wh Sw0lkr0d (m4 Nyd dk there .18 rm0d they were in a dream and go and his mother 09r0l the prophet fw hynb L9 0ykb Lyxr 00ygs to Yosip Nyrcmb Nydyh .17 who said her sons for 0klm Sdwrh Nyd tym dk in Misrayin then Ylmt0 0yl0w 0ykb Fmrb (mt40 fq to be comforted desiring txtlw Nyn4 was fulfilled Mdm years [and] dwelled rm9 the thing Mdm dwhyb 0klm to him hl king and was revealed Yzxt0w and he came F0w .23 that might be fulfilled fmtnd he will be called 0rqtn 3
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