平成27年度 入学試験問題 英 語 ( 6 0 分) 〔注 意〕 ① 問題は 1 ∼ 5 まであります。 ② 解答用紙はこの問題用紙の間にはさんであります。 ③ 解答用紙には受験番号、氏名を必ず記入のこと。 ④ 各問題とも解答は解答用紙の所定のところへ記入 のこと。 ⑤ リスニング問題は試験開始10分後に始めます。 西大和学園高等学校 問題は次のページから始まります。 (リスニング問題) この問題は試験開始10分後に始まる。 1 これから放送する対話文は、エマ(Emma)とその父親(Father)によるものである。 次の設問 A と 設問 B にそれぞれ答えよ。なお、対話文と設問 A の質問は 2 度放送される。 また、放送中に問題用紙にメモをとってもかまわない。 設問 A 対話文の内容について英語で 4 つの質問を行う。それぞれの質問に対する最も適当な 答えを選び、記号で答えよ。 (1) (ア)Electronics center. (イ)Restaurant. (ウ)Clothing store. (エ)Candy counter. (2) (ア)Whether it can be used for a long time. (イ)Whether it is cheaper than any other. (ウ)Whether it is too small for Emma. (エ)Whether it can be used anywhere. (3) (ア)Using carefully every day. (イ)Taking it to school. (ウ)Running along the street. (エ)Listening to music with her friends. (4) (ア)A big yellow one. (イ)A small black one. (ウ)A big brown one. (エ)A small pink one. 設問 B エマはスマートフォンの欠点をどのように考えているか。20字程度の日本語(句読 点を含む)で答えよ。 1 ― ― 問題は次のページに続きます。 2 ― ― 2 次の英文をよく読み、本文の内容に合う最も適当な英文を4つ選び、記号で答えよ。 (*は、あとに注釈のあることを示す。) A man came home from work late. He was tired and got angry because he found his little son waiting for him at the door. “ Daddy, may I ask you a question ? ” “ You should be in bed ! What is it ? ” replied the man. “ Daddy, how much money do you make an hour ? ” “ Why are you asking me that? *It’s none of your business! ” the angry man said. “ I just want to know. Please tell me. How much do you make an hour?” asked the little boy. “ If you must know, I make $20 an hour.” “ Oh,” the little boy replied with his head down. He looked up and said, “ Daddy may I borrow $10, please ? ” The father got even angrier. “Is that why you wanted to know how much money I make? So you can get some to buy a *silly little toy or something ? Go to your room and go to bed. I work long, hard hours every day and I don’t want to waste my money.” The little boy quietly went to his room and closed the door. The man thought about the little boy’s questioning, and then he sat down and started to get even angrier. “ Why did he ask such questions? Why was he so *selfish? ” After a while, the man calmed down, and started to think he was a little hard on his son. Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $10 and he really didn’t want money very often. The man went to the little boy’s room and opened the door. “Are you asleep? ” he asked. “ No, Daddy, I’m awake,” replied the boy. “ I’ve been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier,” said the man. “I’m sorry. It’s been a long day and I *took my anger out on you. Here’s that $10 you wanted.” The little boy sat straight up with a smile. “Oh, thank you, Daddy ! ” he said. Then he reached under his bed and pulled out some more *crushed bills. The man started to get angry again because he saw the boy already had plenty of money. The little boy slowly *counted out his money, then looked up at his father. “ Why did you want more money if you already had some? ” the father *complained. “Because I didn’t have enough, but now I do,” the little boy replied. 3 ― ― “ Daddy, I have $20 now. Can I buy an hour of your time ? Please come home early tomorrow. I want to have dinner with you.” The father was crushed and he put his arms around his little son. *)It’s none of your business ! : それはお前には関係ない ! silly: くだらない selfish : わがままな take one’s anger out on ∼ : ∼に八つ当たりする crushed : しわくちゃになった count out : 数え上げる complain : 不満を言う (ア)The father got angry because his little son asked him why he came home late that night. (イ) At first, the father could not understand why his son asked how much money he made an hour. (ウ)The little boy made his father angrier because he said that he wanted to get something like a little toy. (エ)After the father considered why his son wanted money, he calmed down, and then changed his mind. (オ)The little boy was angry with his father for saying no to what he said, so he could not fall asleep. (カ)The little boy finally got $20 by adding $10 from his father to his own money he kept under his bed. (キ)The father started to get angry again when he found $20 the little boy already had under his bed. (ク)The little boy wanted to spend time having dinner with his father, so he wanted to get much money to buy some food. (ケ)The father was moved because his son’s words let him know how much he thought about his father. (コ)After the little boy got enough money to buy an hour of his father’s time, he had dinner with his father that night. 4 ― ― 3 次の英文は、脳(the brain)の睡眠時の学習についての英文である。本文をよく読み、 あとの問いに答えよ。(* は、あとに注釈のあることを示す。) Studies have shown that people can learn while they ’re sleeping. Even ① ( make / much / and thinking / sleep / a short / can / your memory ) better. In a new study, a scientist who studies the sense of smell and her *coworkers did an *experiment to see how their *volunteers learn things during their sleep. To see it clearly, they tried to *investigate how the *connection between smell and sound was made by seeing how the sleeping volunteers’ *breaths changed. They finally reported that the brain can actually learn something new during sleep. In the past, scientists believed that a sleeping brain was taking a break. But it turns out that it can be taught a thing or two. あ “The brain is not taking a rest while you sleep,” Anat Arzi, a scientist, said. “It continues to work, actually. You can do quite a lot of things while you are sleeping.” い In the study, Arzi and her coworkers didn’t try to teach the sleeping volunteers any difficult things, like new words or mathematics. (So ② it is difficult to say that you can get a better result in the math or English exam by sleeping on the top of your notebook.) Actually, she just tried to teach them to make new connections between smells and sounds. う When we smell something nice, like a flower, we *automatically take deep breaths. When we smell something bad, like the *stench of a dumpster, we automatically take short breaths. By changing the *length of breaths automatically, we can enjoy good smells or we can keep ourselves away from bad smells even when we are sleeping. Arzi tried to use ③ this automatic change in order to investigate how the volunteers could make the connections between smells and sounds while they were sleeping. え After they did the experiment four times, the volunteers made a connection between the two different sounds and their smells. When the scientists played the sound that was played with good smells, they took deep breaths ― even when it was not played with good smells. And when the scientists played the other without bad smells, they took short 5 ― ― breaths. “ ④ They learned what each of the sound meant,” Arzi said. The next day, the volunteers woke up with the sound-smell connection in their brains. They took deep breaths when they heard one sound and made their breaths short when they heard the other. Maybe, they felt ( ⑤ ). How do you feel if you take a deep breath when you hear a sound on the street? *)coworker : 同僚,共同研究者 experiment : 実験 volunteer : 研究に協力する人々 investigate : 調査する connection : 結びつき breath: 呼吸 automatically : 自動的に stench of a dumpster: ゴミ箱の悪臭 length : 長さ 問1 下線部①の ( ) 内の語 ( 句 ) を、本文の内容に合うように並べかえて英文を完成させよ。 問 2 次の段落を入れるのに最も適当な箇所はどこか。本文中の あ ∼ え より 選び、記 号で答えよ。 When the volunteers fell asleep, the scientists gave them a smell of something good, like shampoo, and at the same time played a kind of sound. The volunteers didn’t wake up, but they seemed to hear the sound and smell because they took deep breaths. Then the scientists gave them a smell of something bad, like *rotten fish, and played a different kind of sound. Again, the volunteers seemed to hear and smell ― they took short breaths this time ― but didn’t wake up. The researchers did the experiment again and again while the volunteers were sleeping. *)rotten fish: 腐った魚 問3 下線部②を日本語にせよ。 問4 下線部③が指す内容を、次の書き出しに続けて、20字以内の日本語(句読点を含む)で 説明せよ。 においによって、・・・ 6 ― ― 問5 下線部④が指している内容として最も適当なものを2つ選び、記号で答えよ。 (ア) 良いにおいや悪いにおいと一緒に聞いた音を、においがない状態で聞いても、呼吸の 長さに変化が起きなかった。 (イ) 良いにおいと一緒に聞いた音を、においがない状態で聞いても、呼吸が深くなった。 (ウ) 悪いにおいと一緒に聞いた音を、においがない状態で聞いても、呼吸が深くなった。 (エ) 悪いにおいと一緒に聞いた音を、においがない状態で聞いても、呼吸が短くなった。 ( オ) 良いにおいと一緒に聞いた音を、においがない状態で聞いても、呼吸が短くなった。 問6 ( ⑤ ) に入る最も適当な語を選び、記号で答えよ。 (ア) happy (イ) tired (ウ) strange (エ) excited 7 ― ― 問題は次のページに続きます。 8 ― ― 4 次の英文をよく読み、あとの問いに答えよ。(*は、あとに注釈のあることを示す。) The stranger arrived early in February, ( ① ) a day of cold wind and snow. He walked over the hill from the station. He was wearing black gloves, and a long coat, and he was covered ( ② ) head to foot. His hat hid his face. He threw open the front door of the hotel, and walked in. “A fire!” he called. “ A A room and a fire! ” He followed the *landlady Mrs. Hall into the guest room and paid her the ten pounds she asked for. She started to *light the fire. She left him by the fire and went to the kitchen to cook him a meal. This stranger was great news for her. Visitors were *rare in this village in winter, and visitors with money were rare at any time. She started her cooking and then picked up some plates and a glass and carried them through to the table in his room. She ③ ( her visitor / to / that / was still / see / was / wearing / surprised ) his coat and hat. He was standing by the window with his back to her. “ Can I take your hat and coat, sir ? ” she asked. “ I can put them to dry in the kitchen.” “ No,” he answered. “ B ” He turned to look at her, and she saw that he was wearing dark glasses. He had a thick *beard and she could not see his face at all. “ As you like, sir,” she answered. He did not answer, and he turned his face away again. She left the room, and returned to the kitchen. She came back with his food, *knocked on the door, and walked straight in. The stranger moved quickly and she saw something white. She put down the food and then saw that his wet coat and hat were on a chair by the fire. His wet *boots were standing beside them. “ I’ll take these now, to dry,” she said, and started to pick them up. “Leave the hat!” he said suddenly, and she turned to look at him. For a moment she was too surprised to speak. あ “Leave the hat!” he said again in a loud voice. She became a little scared. But then she remembered the [ ④ ]. She put the hat back on the chair. “ They’ll be dry soon,” she said calmly, and left the room with his coat 9 ― ― and boots. At four o’clock in the afternoon, Mrs. Hall’s friend, Teddy, came into the hotel. “Good evening, Teddy,” said Mrs. Hall. “ C We’ve got a problem with the clock in the guest room. The minute hand is fine, but the hour hand doesn’t move. ⑤ It just sits on six. Could you look at it? I know you’re good with clocks.” “Certainly,” said Teddy, and he followed her to the guest room. “Excuse me, sir,” she said. “This man needs to look at the clock in this room.” “Look at the clock?” he answered. “Certainly.” Teddy started to work on the clock. He took off the minute hand and the hour hand. He saw the problem at once, but wanted to talk to this stranger, so he started to push at things inside the clock. The stranger just stood and watched him. ⑥ “Cold today, isn’t it ? ” Teddy said. “Why don’t you just finish?” said the stranger, angrily. “You just need to fix the hour hand. You’re playing.” “Certainly, sir,” said Teddy. “ D ” He fixed the two hands back quickly, packed up his things and went out of the room. “I think he’s hiding something,” Teddy said to Mrs. Hall. He tried to discuss the stranger with her. But she did not want to listen. She was worried about the stranger, too, but he had [ ④ ], and that was the most important thing. *)landlady : 女主人 light the fire: 暖炉に火をともす rare: まれな beard : あごひげ knock : ノックする boots: ブーツ 問1 ( ① ) ( ② ) に入る最も適当な語を選び、記号で答えよ。 ( ① ) : ( ア ) at ( イ ) for ( ウ ) in ( エ ) on ( ② ) : ( ア ) by ( イ ) for ( ウ ) from ( オ ) with ( エ ) over 10 ― ― ( オ ) with 問2 本文中の A ∼ D に入る最も適当な英文を選び、記号で答えよ。 ただし、同じ記号を複数回用いてはならない。 ( ア ) I’m glad you’re here. ( イ ) Oh yes, I see the problem now. ( ウ ) And quickly, please. ( エ ) I’d like to keep them on. 問3 下線部③の ( ) 内の語 ( 句 ) を、本文の内容に最も合うように並べかえて、英文を完 成させよ。ただし、解答欄には並べかえた英語だけを書くこと。 問4 あ に本文の内容に最も合うように、( ア ) ∼ ( エ ) の英文を並べかえよ。た だし、解答欄には並べかえた英文の記号を書くこと。 ( ア ) What really surprised her was a white *bandage above his dark glasses. *)bandage : 包帯 ( イ ) But it was not the thing which surprised her. ( ウ ) Another bandage covered his ears. ( エ ) He was holding a white handkerchief over the lower part of his face. 問5 本文中に2 カ所ある [ ④ ] に共通して入る最も適当な 1 語を、本文の中から抜き出 して答えよ。 問6 下線部 ⑤ を、It の指す内容を明らかにして日本語にせよ。 問7 下線部 ⑥について、Teddy の心情を表す内容として最も適当なものを選び、記号で答 えよ。 ( ア ) 本当に寒い。今日は早く家に帰りたいよ。 ( イ ) こいつは何者だ。正体を知りたいな。 ( ウ ) 困ったぞ。この時計の修理は難しく手に負えない。 ( エ ) 嫌だな。見られていると緊張で冷や汗が出る。 11 ― ― 問題は次のページに続きます。 12 ― ― 5 次の日本文に合うように、下の空所 ①∼③ に適当な英文を入れよ。 A : 古い写真ですね。誰が撮ったのか教えてください。 B: これは、私が生まれた時に祖父が撮った写真です。だから、15年前に撮られたことにな りますね。 A : どこか有名な場所ですか。 B : 春日大社で撮ったそうです。春日大社をご存知ですか。 A: あぁ、知ってます。 3 年前に、奈良に住んでいる友人と行ったことがあります。とても 有名な神社ですよね。 B: 有名ですよ。とても有名なので、毎年たくさんの外国の人々が、そこを訪れます。 A : This picture is very old. Please ① ( ). B : This is a picture my grandfather took when I was born. So it was taken fifteen years ago. A : Is this a famous place? B : I hear that he took this picture in Kasuga Taisha. Do you know Kasuga Taisha? A : Oh, I know it. ② ( B : Yes. It is ③ ( ). It is a very famous shrine, isn’t it? ) every year. 13 ― ― 17 ― ―
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