JANESVILLE DAILY GAZETTE VOL.109. NO. 47. 109th YEAR JANESVILLE, WISCONSIN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1953. 32 PAGES. 2 SECTIONS SIXCENISL Hunt Kidnap Accomplice in East U. S. and Britain Give Occupation Zone to Italy Trieste Area Turned Over to Rome for Administration Police of Seven Janesville Man, States Alerted Father of 5, Is ior 3rd Suspect Killed on U.S. 51 Half of Ransom Money StiU Is Missing, Report Mcin Resembling Marsh Reported at Opposite Ends of N. Y. State Cctr-Truck Crash Fatal Axe and Shovel, Found at Heady Home. Are Being Eseonuned WASHINGTON W) - The United to Howard Kraus, 30, States and Britain jointly announced today they will turn over Employed in Rockiord their occupation zone in the Trieste a r e a to the Italian government for administration " a t the earliest Howard E. Kraus, 30, 236 Water St., Janesville, a foreman at t h e practicable date." Rockford, 111., Ordnance Plant and This decision was disclosed as a father of five children, Wednesday step to halt the "recent deteriorabecame R o c k ticKi in the relations between Italy Traffic deaths County's second in Rock coun and Yugoslavia." Both countries October traffic claim the entire free territory of ty since Jan. fatality w h e n I, 1953, now Trieste. the c a r he was total American and British troops driving struck have occupied Zone A, including a semi-trailer on Highway 51 the city and port of Trieste, for about 2% miles nearly eight years. At present some To same date south of Janes 4,000 American and 3,000 British in 1952, the ville. , troops garrison the area. Yugo n u m b e r of NEW YORK ( a > - R e p o r t s of BULLETIN men resembling suspected kidnapr KANSAS CITY w - T h e IKW slayer Thomas John Marsh came from opposite ends of New York BibUlty that Cari Ansthi HaU and State today, raising the possibility Mrs. Baanie Brown Heady, both that he was in the New York City noder arrest, carried «at the area. kldniqi-slayhic of Bobb/ GreenThe FBI here had no comment, leaae by themselves grew today however, and referred querries to as the FBI kept a close-lipped Washington. tUence ia the hunt for a tbiid Police of seven states have been alerted. suspect In the lower Hudson Valley local police communications buzzed with KANSAS CITY W - A hunt w a s descriptions of the 37-year-old man on today for both an ex-convict wanted in the Bobby Greenlease accused of being an accomplice case. in the kidnap-slaying of 6-year«ld Orders went out to hold any man Bobby Greenlease and some $300,wearing a green Army combat 000 of ransom money still missing. jacket who answered Marsh's de The FBI refused to answer any Kraus d i e d slavia occupies the remainder of traffic deaths scription. Guards were placed on questions about its part in the hunt immediately of was 19. the area, known as Zone B. Hudson River crossings. for Thomas John Marsh, 37-yearPAIR HELD IN KIDNAPING - Carl Austin HaU, 37, and Mrs. Bonnie Brown Heady, 41, sit old former Missouri convict, in the h e a d injuries In Syracuse, N. Y., a citizen re The British and American troops • ^ . o ^ ° . ' ^ s t r i c t pohce station, where Uiey were questioned in the kidnaping and slaysustained in the crash. His body ported to police he saw a man who ing of Bobby Greenlease, 6, of Kansas City whose body was found buried in the yard of the house face of reports from numerous will be withdrawn, the announce was thrown from the car and was HOWARD E. KRAUS cities across the nation it had is might have been Marsh at 8 o' where Mrs. Heady lived in St. Joseph, Mo. (AP wirephoto). ment of the decision said. ' found lying in the roadside ditch sued no pick-up order. clock Wednesday night in a parked " I t is the firm belief of the two was about to pass an automobile auto with Missouri licene plates. governments that this step will near the automobile. in front of his truck when Kraus' All the F B I here would say is ' contribute to stabilization of a Driver of the semi, owned by car, ^also headed north, hit the The report said the ipan was that there has been no federal situation which has distributed the the Kupfer Foundry and Iron vehicle from behind. The truck wearing a green combat jacket and complaint issued against Marsh. Italo-Yugoslav relations during re Works of Madison, was John R. was halfway into the center lane needed a shave. The U. S. district attorney's office cent y e a r s , " the State Department Lybeck Jr., 23, Mafdison. Neither Shortiy before midnight. New said it had no comment a t this he nor his wife. Donna, 21, a pas when struck he said. said. York City police boarded a subway stage beyond saying it was in the Went Under TraUer "They trust that It will provide senger, w a s hurt. middle of the investigation. The automobile apparentiy went train after getting an anonymous t h e basis for friendly and fruitful Lybeck told sheriff's deputies under the flatbed trailer of the tip that Marsh was aboard. Meanwhile a t St. Joseph, Mo., 55 cooperation between Italy a n ' d that he was traveling north and Their efforts were fruitless. ^ miles north of here, F B I men w e r e (ConUnnM M Pac* U , Col. t> Yugoslavia, which is as important But several hours later, around PLEASANTON, Kan. ( » - A shock father was a prominent attorney. reported minutely examining the to the" security of V/estem Europe l a . m. today, a Mount Vernon, wave went up and down the streets Postmaster Lawrence W. Leisure yard and home of one of the ab a s it is to the two countries con N. Y., tavern patron reported to in this town of 1,200 with the an knew HaU well. ductors held in St. Louis, 41-yearcerned." police that a green jacketed man nouncement one of its native sons " I just can't realize Carl is a old Mrs. Bonnie Brown Heady. A State Department spokesman resembling Marsh had stopped by kidnaper," Leisure said. "We don't Twenty FBI agents were report said the American-British decision to ask the way to the Whitestone took part in the kidnaping of Bob raise our boys down here likej ed even sifting garbage taken has been communicated to Imlh by Greenlease. tiiat." Hall is a World War U Bridge. from the home in the last tKo the Italian and Yugoslav govemMount Vernon is in Westchester There aren't many here who Marine Corps veteran. weeks. . ^ e n t s . He declined to report vihat thought Carl Austin Hall would County, just north of the New York "Something just happened to that Points Unsettled Highest Honor Is Won reaction came from M a r s h a l City line. The bridge connects the amount to much but hardly any boy a long time ago and he never The child's body was tog Tito's government which can be by Janesville Herd one ever figured he would be in came out of it," said Samuel Tuck DELAVAN — The 4-year-old son Bronx with Long Island. Wednesday from a shallow grave expected to oppose the transfer to volved in a kidnaping and murder. Fast driving could take a motor er, president pf the Pleasantcxi in Mrs. Heady's backyard after Owner at Waterloo of an Air Force sergeant stationed Italy. ist from Syracuse to Mount Vernon "Everybody was just dumbfound Telephone Company and close she and her boy friend, 34-year<fld at the radar base near Elkhom was ed," said Marsh Bradley, publish Carl Austin HaU, were arrested a t A national championship in the drowned this morning in Delavan in tJie time between the two re er of the Pleasanton Observer- friend of tiie HaU family. He add ports. ed: St. Louis for the kidnaping, ^ e Jersey breed came to Rock Coun Lake. Enterprise. "They just couldn't "His Ideas were too big; he arrests followed payment of a i«crealize that a home-town boy had ty Wednesday, when a n animal The victim was identified as ord $600,000 ransom by the hoj's wanted to have a lot of money a part in the fiendish crime they wealthy parents. but he didn't want to earn it." owned by Shiart Shadel. Janes Glenn Nashiro son ot S-Sgt. and had been reading and hearing so Hall was described as an aver Several key points in the ease ville painting contractor and farm Mrs. Robert Nashiro. both 24, by jmuch about." age student in grade and high were shrouded with uncertainly to Walworth County Coroner Robert er, took top hcHiors a t the Water Betzer. In Pleasanton, Hall isn't known school here. But some say he seem BOBBV G B E E N I f A S E day. ___ ST. LOUIS «>—Former President loo Dairy Catfle Congress. Kidnaped and Murdered What had happened to the $30B,Walworth County authorities said Harry S. Truman speaks here to so much for himself because his ed to dislike people, did not as family has been important in the 000 of ransom money missing? WASHINGTON t » —TTie United Tiie winner is Jester's Valiant the child feU Off a pier a t the Gene night and has announced he will community. HaU inherited $200,000 sociate with other boys and had HaU told St. Louis police he plan States sharply prodded Red China Jane, a cow undefeated in leading Fink property on South Shore have something to say about the in 1946. His parents are dead. His iUusions of making a lot <^ money in a hurry. ned the ransom payment alone aft and North Korea today to say state fairs of the Midwest through Drive. His sister, Joanne, 3, saw domestic policies of the Eisenhow er Marsh kiUed the boy a lew «1iether and when they will be out the year. She was first named him fall and ran to tell their moth er administration. hours after the kidnaping Sept 28 prepared to enter a political con- blue ribbon aged cow of t h e Na er. She called the sheriff's depart The occasion is a dinner In Tru and disappeared. ferei^ce on Korea. tional Jersey, show, and then was ment, since Delavan Township po man's txmor at which he will re Is »IaT8h AUve? ceive the $1,000 annual award from A message dispatched througji m a d e senior champion and finally lice could not be reached. There was speculation here Diat Sheriff's Deputies Bumise 01- the Sidney Hillmem Foundation for the Swedish government told the grand champion. No such honor 1 Marsh himself may have been Reds that an early reply from has been won by a Rock County sen, Joe Dorr and ? a t Welch an meritorious public service. kUled. But tiie hunt continued a t swered the call along with the A delayed broadcast of the 8:30 both " i s imperative" if the con breeder'for many years. SPRINGFIELD, 111. (5) — Rlinois least on a state level; ference recommended in the Ko Valiant J a n e was shown by Stu Delavan Inlet and city d Delavan p. m. (CST) speech will be carried by the ABC radio network start Negotiations by Phone rescue squads. is going ahead with plans to con The F B I simply w a s n t talking. rean armistice agreement is to vert U.S. Highway 51 between] All it would say was that no fed take place in the time l e t in th? a r t Shadel Jr., who has been in Firemen recovered the body but ing at 10:35 p. m. (CST). for Boy's Release ch&rge of the herd on a tour of resuscittaion efforts failed. The award was established in Rockford and the Wisconsin line eral warrant had been issued. armistice agreement. Are Described into a four-lane, divided freeway. But their agents were reported The United States note was re state fairs. His parents and Scott The body was removed to tije memory of the late Sidney Hillto have found an axe at the Heady Gov. Stratt<Mi said today. leased here by the State Depart Hake, Janesville, were at the ring O'Brien and Betzer Funeral Home. man, who was president of the d O KANSAS a i Y Iff) - "We relied home. It was covered with a sub ment and it informed the Reds side when the purple ribbon was The Nashiro family originally Amalgamatei'. Clothing Workers of on a criminal's word. We had to. The heavily traveled road, which stance, resembling Wood. Also America. bluntly and officiaUy that efforts awarded. The cow and her owners came from Hawaii. is 18 feet wide, is nearly 30 years found at the home was a long But we lost." were featured on a TV and radio to have fte U. N. General Assem-1 old. The new dual slabs eacli wiU handled shovel, the kmd used \ ^ That summed up today the Rob bly reconsider its decision against broadcast from t h e " arena. The Foresters Ask More grave diggers and • sewer and be 24 feet wide. ert C. Greenlease family reaction grand championship for bulls went hicluding. neutral nations in the to a 10-day life-and-death gamble Stratton said Highway Division trench workers. It was new but Fire Protection Funds conference had been rejected so to F a r m e r Brown, a bull owned by engineers are working on designs has some particles of d o t on i t CUMBERLAND FALLS STATE with their 6-year-old son Bobby as that arrangements previously ap Pioneer F a r m in Connecticut, and j the stake—a gamble that ended in for the project and tiiat land ac Two of the boy's teeth were PARK, Ky. W—The Association proved for a conference of the two undefeated for two years. CHICAGO (SI — An extradition the tragic death of the child. quisition has started. Over-all cost missing when his body was dug up. of State Foresters wiU ask the next belligerent sides stand firm. hearing for Benjamui Hirsch of AlLof the principal dairy breeds is expected to run about 3% million St.. Jos'e{di jail trusties were at the "Our side," the United States hold their national shows in con suburban Glenview, charged with Congress to tack another two mil Robert Ledterman, a spokesman doUars, he said in a statement. Heady home today sifting dirt in said, "is prepared to negotiate in nection with the Waterloo Dairy bilking 52,075 from a Green Bay, lion dollars on the $9,00,000 now for the Greenlease family, gave SOUGHT—Thomas John Marsh an e&ort to find them and other all reasonableness and good faith." Cattle Congress, which climaxes Wis., w o m a n , was wMitinued spent anually for forest, fire pro details of the fruiUess negotiations (above), 37, an ex-convict, was clues. carried on with the kidnapers. tection. Wednesday for one week. the show season. Shadel' plans to Ledterman is a close friend and sought by police and the FBI BnUet Not Found It also will petition President Ei move his herd to Chicago for the in the kidnaping and slaying of Coroner Dr. H. F . Mundy said senhower to name a committee foi business associate of the 71-year- Bobby Greenlease of Kansas first International Dairy show, old father. the bullet fired into Utfle Bobby's research work on methods of pre opening there on Saturda|f. City. He was impUcated in the head had not been found either. venting mass fires such as might During the highly secret negotia Other Shadel winnings at Water case by two people arrested in occur under an atomic bomb a-| tions, Mrs. Greenlease twice went Law enforcement a g e n c i e s loo included second on bull calf, SANTA MONICA, Calif, im COLUMBUS, Ohio (»—Qarence tack. St. Louis. (AP wirephoto). to the telephone to plead for assiu:NEW YORK m—A. 17-yeai>old moved in swift retribution against Nigel Bruce, 58, veteran actor of' second on 2-year-oId bull and a H. Fields, 26, of Obetz, returned boy, fearing he had kiUed his the two held a t St. Louis for the Decision to take the action came ances her boy was safe. stage and screen who was best fifth on heifet calf. from a rat-killing expedition and Wednesday. Ledterman said the kidnaper ap father in an altercation, stood on kidnaping. State charges for mur known for his portrayal of Dr. placed his shotgun in a comer, parentiy had no fear of being a subway track Wednesday and der and kidnaping and federal Watson in the Sherlock Holmes WOULD INCLUDE BEDS stiU loaded. . traced through telephone caUs. He STOP BRITISH SHIP let a train grind him to death. charges of extortion have been filed movie series, died today in St. PARIS Paris newspapers re H i s 3-year-old son yelled, HONG KONG « 3 ' - The 1,925- caUed frequentiy. His father later was found un- against Mrs. Heady and Hall. John's -Hospital. ported today that Premier Joseph "There goes a r a t , " and blasted ton B r i t i s h freighter Admiral Talked Every Day [hurt from a punch thrown by the Reports from persons in scatter-" Bom in Ensenada, Mexico, Bruce Laniel's Cabinet appears t o favor away with the'gun. Hardy radioed today that an un " I talked to. him every day, WASHINGTON (ff) — New polio' boy. ed areas saying they have seen e a m e to Hollywood in 1934 and a five-power conference. Including Fields was in a St. Francis identified warship had stopped her and sometimes 10 minutes at a cases reported over the nation Police said Gerald Rosenthal, someone answering Marsh's de became a top character actor. Communist C h i . . a , to attempt Hospital bed today with a charge off the Communist Chinese port stretch," Ledterman said. totalled 1,459 last week, compared had in a pocket a note which r e a d : scription have been received since He played in many Sherlock setflement of issues in tiie F a r of buckshot in the back of his of Foochow but let her go 90 min T w i c e unsuccessful attempts " I just kiUed my fatiier. I leave word went out he was wanted for with 1,853 in the previous week Holmes movies opposite B a s i l East, especially Indochina. were inade to turn the ransom I lap. . * utes later. aU my worldly goods to m y t h ^ kidnap-slaying. Rattbone. money over to the kidnapers. Fi- and 3,226 in the corresponding motiier.". The Kansas <3ity police broad week of 1952. naUy the money, in accordance The motorman of the train, who! with instructions, was thrown over The Public Health Service an could not stop it in time, said the cast a pickup order for him, but Form Youth Killed insist it didn't know what, if any a bridge in eastern Jackson boy "covered his eyes with his thing, the F B I was doing in the Underneath Tractor County near Kansas a t y last Sun nounced this today and officials hand and waited." hunt. day night, where it was picked up. said they are now certain that this The boy had punched his father. MARSHFIEtD (f) - W i 111 a m "The kidnaper acknowledged in year's outbreak reached its' peak Jack Rosenthal, 47, during an ar The FBI caUed HaU the ring, Freudenfeldt, 15, Taylor County a telephone call that he had re during the week ended Aug. 22 gument and saw him stagger back leader hi arranging the kidnaping, farm youth, was killed in a tractor ceived the money. accident Wednesday. ward and appear to fall on a side burymg the boy's body and col when 2,251 cases were listed. lecting the ransom. He died of internal injuries and After the money finally was ex t h e r e have been 27,889 cases walk in front of then: home. a crushed chest suffered when the changed successfully, a telephone this year, compared witii 42,206 Notified of the boy's death, the tractor he was driving rolled .over caUer told the famUy to send a to this time in 1952. Last year was father, who had a small bruise, on him. The mishap occurred representative to Pittsburg, Kan., a record year with a total of 57,- said "He didn't hurt me. I didn't] while Freudenfeldt was pulling and await instructions on the re 879 cases. fall. He didn't have to do tins." logs on a woodlot on the farm of turn of Bobby. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Waited Two Days BERLIN (51— Angry crowds Freudenfeldt. Ledterman said he and another clashed with Communist police in business associate, Norbert O'Neil, a t least two Russian zone d t i e s ^ stayed in Pittsburg two days hut on the state holiday marking t h e ' lAMESVniE SOBSCRIBERS finally gave up hope of a contact fourth anniversary oi the E a s t neoM Dial 33il by 5:30 p. m. it and returned to Kansas C5ty. yeui Gat»tta is not Mivmnd. [German Republic Wednesday, adPolice recovered $293,992 of the KANSAS CITY (ffl—Within a few vaults, counted and placed in four cording t o t h e West Berlin newih $600,000 when they arrested Hall minutes after the kidnaping of smciU, canvas bags. paper Der Tag. THE WEATHER in St. Louis. HaU said he thought Bobby Greenlease had been an "We just wanted to have it The paper said tiie,clashes oc WI8COK81N —MosUy fair looliht aad he got drunk and lost another suit nounced, $100,000 was packaged instanfly available," Eisenhower curred at Erfurt, Thuringia, and rritejr. Not M cool extreme Math case fiUed with mraiey. and held ready for a ransom de said today. "But, as it turned out, Dresden, Saxony, when People's ••(M. IHrainc colder over rnont of itate FiMay. Low lonlxht 31-39 norih, 3I.45 Mrs. Heady was picked up in mand. our estimate of the amount which Police squads were sent out to WMtk. HUk Fridsy S56e aortk. M a St. Louis apartment the couple Arthur B. Eisenhower, brother would be needed was far too low." remove anti-Communist slogans oii MEtk. was sharing. The arrests came of President Eisenhower and ex The day foUowing tiie kidnaping. government and Commiinist party Barometric pressure: 6 p.m. 30.04; 6 after a tip from an alert taxicab ecutive vice president of the Com Robert C. Greenlease, the father, buUdings. The slogans demanded •.m. 30.02; 12 noon 29.98. driver who told a police lieutenant merce Trust Co. here, said he and Robert Ledterman, friend and the holding of free elections. Sunriie. 6:02; sunset, S:28 about a man "loaded with m«iey acted on his own initiative to make business associate, went to the Koon to mldnlilit, Oct. 1 I 1| 2| 3| 4| 51 6| 7| 8| 9|10imi2 and carrying a pistol." Hour the money avaUable. C.1PTURE • JUNKS bank and told Eisenhower the de |53155157|58|57|53|51|48|47|45|43|42 Hall blamed Marsh, s a y i n g ' h e He is a friend of the Greenlease mand was $600,000. UNCOVER BODY OF KIDNAPED BOY — While a state trooper, police, and curious townspeo Temp. TAIPEH, Formosa (ffi—Seiabome ple watch, a workman uncovers the body of 6-year-oId Bobby Greenlease from its shalfow grave turned the child over to him and family. MMnitlit to noon, Oct. 8 Arrangements were made to ob-' Chinese Nationalist guerrillas have at tiie rear of a house at 1201 Soutii 38tti St., in St. Joseph, Mo. The child's body was encased in a later found the boy dead with a He learned of the kidnaping in tain that huge sum in the p r ( ^ r | captured nine Communist junks in I 11 2| 3| 41 51 61 7| 81 9|10|U|12 Hour plastic covering m which lime had been placed. The house was the residence of Mrs. Bonnie Brown |42|4H41|39|39139|40|44|49|55|57|59 pis'tol beside the Ixidy in the. base Tempr Heady wlio was arrested in S t Louis along with Cari Austin Hall who were held a s the body's kid ment of Mrs. Heady's St. Joseph] a telei*one caU from his wife and denominations and tiie money was tiie past three years, the official Temperature a year K G today, higheit immediately ordered that $100,000 picked up at the bank, late S^rtur- Central News Agency reported tonapers. (AP wirephoto). ' •«= >~ug'• aiup U 0 M home. Mi lowtM at. be withdrawn from the bank day aftemumu Iday. 23 HaU Wanted Big Money Without Earning Its Say Neighbors in Home Town Shadel Jersey Boy, Age 4, National Champ Is Drowned at Delavan Prods Reds on Political Conference HST in St. Louis for Night Speech 17. S. 51 WiU Be 4 Lanes to Rockiord Mother Pleaded With Kidnapers Seek Extradition in Bilking Case Sherlock Holmes Portrayer Dead Thought He Had Killed Dad; Boy Dies Under Train Wrong Rat Polio Incidence on Wane in U. S. Red Zone Crowds Clash With Police Ransom Fund Ready Few Minutes Alter Kidnaping
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