www.semicoloniow.org June 2014 What we do The Semi Colon Group (SCG) supports patients and families affected by bowel cancer at any time following diagnosis. We offer a safe and friendly environment for members to meet and talk with others who have been through similar experiences. Our team of trained volunteers offer support to patients and their families and friends and can help to provide interim measures while people develop their own coping strategies. We also try to ensure that all available services are accessible. If you feel in need of help or advice, please call me for a chat. Pat Cousins 853822 [email protected] MEETING DATES 16th July 2014 15th October 2014 All meetings will be at Wessex Cancer Support Centre Lugley Street Newport and start at 6pm Meetings are open to all members of SCG DATES FOR YOUR DIARY No social events booked yet for SCG members. There seems to be little interest from the majority of the members The Macmillan Big Coffee Morning date is 26th September 2014 SCG Coffee mornings at the Wessex Centre 3rd Wednesday every month Seated Exercise Class There will be a seated exercise class starting in September at The Wessex Cancer Centre, Lugley St. Newport. It will be taken by Paul Fifield who runs other seated classes across the Island. To give some idea of what its about have a look at his website www.wightseatedexcersice.com The classes will be free of charge for the first six classes, and a small charge will be made for each class after that, providing sufficient member attend to allow the classes to continue. Classes will generally be the first Friday each month staring on Friday 5th September, and following on 3rd Contact: Colin Tinson 01983 611673 Mob: 07730 459790 Email: [email protected] October: 7th November: 5th December: no class January: 6th February: 6th March: All classes start at 10.30pm and last 45-60mins. and 8 maybe 9 people per class can attend. Lesley 529697 or Doreen 293510 are the ones to talk too for more information or to book a place. NOTE FROM BEHIND THE CHAIR In the relatively short time of my position I have come to know some of the members of the Semi Colon Group, and would like to take this opportunity of making my observations known. I have felt privileged to have met such wonderfully dedicated people, who selflessly give of their time and effort for this Group. The amount of time given up, the effort and even heartache that goes into making this Group function is overwhelming at times, and I am pleased to have become part of such worthwhile effort. My part, I admit, has been very small – but I can appreciate even more the goodwill that has been extended to me since becoming involved. A lot of time is spent by the committee in doing background work, writing letters, telephoning, organizing events and the volunteers to cover them. Their work goes on unrelenting and mostly unrewarded – they also take the brickbats of any complaints. From the frontline meetings with people in need to the dedication of keeping all the accounts audited, from the meeting of the general public at places where they shop or visit to their homes and kitchens providing all the biscuits, cakes and other food – all the people involved make this a pleasure to be a small part of. I have enjoyed the many various social gatherings, where I have met some of you who do not attend the four general meetings of the Group, and it is nice to see familiar faces at these. However, I know the Group numbers are over 100 – where are you all? Do come along and be part of this wonderful group of people that do such sterling work. Pam Crowson Printing sponsored by BAE Systems Cowes Page 1 The Semi Colon Group offer their condolences to Clare Topley on the recent passing of her husband Keith. Our thoughts are with you Clare. EMH The Hospice at Home Scheme Tony welcomed Lesley Evans and Jill George from EMH to the AGM meeting. Jill explained about the Hospice at Home pilot scheme The Hospice at Home scheme was started approximately seven years ago and they work closely with the Macmillan Team. A grant was obtained for the Innovation Centre with funding from Macmillan to run the pilot at the old King Edward VII hospital in Midhurst which has run since 2006. The grant is for £250,000 over two years, which will be spent on staff enabling them to go into people’s homes, making them feel more comfortable, trying to keep patients in their own homes as long as possible, etc. This includes their own home, care homes and nursing homes, which is where patients state they want to be. They are currently interviewing for two new community support workers and will be for patients with all cancers. The Hospice at Home consists of one nurse per shift who works closely with the community nurses. There could be a cross-over with the hospital to palliative care. At Midhurst they have 70 volunteers who have stated they prefer patient contact rather than just volunteering in the shop. These volunteers are acting as ‘friends’ they do not act in any other capacity and the patient is asked first if they would like to have a visit There are several other areas in the pilot including, Dudley, Hull and Barnet and if the pilot works well then it will be taken to other areas. Jill reiterated the volunteers befriend, they find out what people want and link up with home care agencies. Accounts for year ending 28th February 2014 This is a brief breakdown of the accounts presented at the AGM. The income for the year was £1599, the bulk of this being a £1000 Grant from the Daisie Rich Trust. The rest made up of Donations £125, Social Events £418, and Fund Raising £56. The Social Events £418 is money in then money out (expenditure). See below. Administration accounts for £578, with the main payments being: Insurance £235, Website hosting and maintenance: £133, and Office Equipment (filling cabinet & Anti-virus for our laptop) £90. The rest is Newsletter, Telephone, Photocopying, & Postage. Cancer Awareness main expenditure was Polo Shirts for volunteers manning the stands £155 and SCG car stickers we purchased at £117. £61 was spent on advertising in the ‘Beacon’ (this has not been renewed) the rest includes, postage, leaflet printing, and coffee morning expenses. Client Costs for the year was £1013. This was spent on people who need our support. We use 2 companies to provide in house support and this totalled £550. We bought 2 Valley Cushions at a cost of £310. The remainder was used to help clients who perhaps need a boost like a small cash injection, or flowers to give them a lift. Premises costs are for payments to Riverside Ventures £75, and John Cheverton Centre EMH £684 for office space and meetings. We do not use either of these on a regular basis now. Social events have a total expenditure of £683 shown on the balance sheets made up as follows: Xmas gathering £100: Coach trips £433: Jazz & Big Band festival £150. But as I said above under Social Events income the money in was £418 therefore actual expenditure was £265. This is the amount SCG subsidised the events. Volunteer Costs is what it cost to run our support service. The total for last year was £292 made up as follows: Postage £7: Mobile phone contract: £145: Training £28: Volunteers expenses £112 Members Costs Costs & Gifts includes Gift voucher for Auditor £30: Flowers for members £32 Bank Charges for the year£52 Donations totalled £305 for the year. Wessex Cancer Trust does not charge us rent for using their facilities. It was agreed therefore that we would make a monthly donation of £50. Total to date is £300. The other £5 was a late payment to Macmillan from the coffee morning Our combined opening bank balance on 1st March 2013 was £12,252.58. £12,252.58 The combined closing balance on 28th February was £9,702.92. £9,702.92 Our deficit for the year was £2549.66. £2549.66 Ever stop to think, and forget to start again? Expenditure the year was £4154.44. This is about normal year on year. Contact: Colin Tinson 01983 611673 Mob: 07730 459790 Email: [email protected] Printing sponsored by BAE Systems Cowes Page 2 Brief report regarding Joint Macmillan and IOW Trust Project Redesigning the FollowFollow-Up Services/Treatment for Colorectal Cancer the entertainment was grand so thanks to all that made this happen, it’s just a shame that so few turned up. There will be a new consultant joining Dr Nelson and Dr Ellesmere. June Ring then had us tucking into the Wessex Cancer “All Groups” lunch at Medina Valley on 12th December. Once again, a most enjoyable visit, especially to meet up with our friends from other groups. It is a lovely venue and we looking forward to another visit after Easter 2014. The Easter lunch did happen on 23rd April 2014. I do not have a report for this but I believe it was well attended. I would add it was arranged by June Ring of Wessex Cancer Trust. The appointment of a new Band 4 Care Co-ordinator has been agreed to help Helen, which will be funded by Macmillan for two years and will allow Helen to do other follow-up work, as the hospital and commissioners are looking at a much more varied follow up which can be tailored to patients. All targets for scanning / investigations are being met, which is very good news, along with an enhanced recovery programme, and the Bowel Cancer Screening Programme is going well. Christmas Tree Festival Following on from the Autumn Newsletter we start with the Christmas Tree Festival at Brighstone on 5th to 8th December 2013. We were very fortunate to be sited in the pub in the centre of the village. Our sincere thanks go to Pat Cousins, June Gibbs and Peter Carver AND their families for devising the tree decorations. They put a lot of man hours in the preparation and we have a few photographs of their efforts. The Brighstone Christmas Tree Festival Committee sent us a cheque for £25 from the collection made during the festival. Close on the heels of this event, on 10th December, was the Christmas Party at Northwood WI Hall. The event was scheduled for the mid morning to encourage members to make an effort to support it. Sadly, only 23 members attended and we would make special mention of Clare Topley who attended just to present us with her special chocolate roulade (no party is a party without this item!) so thank you Clare. Also a thank you to Martin Cooper who kept us entertained on the piano. The food was good and plenty of it, Contact: Colin Tinson 01983 611673 Mob: 07730 459790 Email: [email protected] With our stamina not quite exhausted, we then joined Brenda and the IOW Tours Coach to visit the Salisbury Christmas Market on Wednesday 18th December. As we approached Salisbury it started to drizzle with rain and steadily got heavier throughout the day, but it didn’t stop the ladies bargain hunting for their last bits of Christmas shopping! A personal note (from Graham) for all these events is that to stage such events, WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT and it is with that in mind that we have only staged the regular Coffee Mornings at Wessex Cancer in Lugley Street. That is the THIRD WEDNESDAY in every month. Attendance has varied buy YOU will always be made welcome. p.s. I have just heard from Graham that no SCG members turned up for the May coffee morning. HELP!! We, that is the few who are trying to keep things going on the Semi Colon Group, desperately need your help. Not everyone at once, but a few here and there for a couple of hours at a time. It doesn’t need to be on a regular basis, maybe once, twice or three times a year would be great. What we need mostly is help with Cancer Awareness Days. This usually consists of a team of 3 or 4 at a venue handing out leaflets. We do not give medical advice, and there is no responsibility to help anyone Printing sponsored by BAE Systems Cowes Page 3 with their problems; but we would strongly advise anyone who has a problem to go to their GP, or if they have already been diagnosed with a problem, we are the support group who can point them in the right direction. New volunteers needn’t be afraid of being thrown in at the deep end! There is always someone with the experience leading the group. Now if anyone is interested in coming along to our meetings, that would be very helpful – there are only 4 a year! We also need a Trustee to fill a vacancy in the Group. This doesn’t involve any work, unless you would like to, of course. If you are interested in any of the above, please contact me by phone or email, and I will take it from there. Colin Tinson Ed. & Tres. Contact details below. Graham wrote to several suitable venues and arranged visits to five locations with 2 days at some (8 visits in all) these being, Morrisons Stores, Lake. 1 visit St Mary’s Hospital. 2 visits B & Q Newport. 2 visits Busy Bee Garden Centre, Ryde. 1 visit Tesco Stores, Ryde. 2 visits arranged, but both abandoned due to Tesco ‘overbooking’ On the whole feedback was good, and some excellent. Thanks go to Graham Gibbons not only for attending but also for arranging everything. Others to thank for giving their time, Tony Crowson; Doreen Stevens; Lesley Cooper; Carol Duffy; Pat Cousins; June Gibbs; Peter Carver; & Jim Howkin. If I have missed someone, my apologies, but thanks as well. A few pictures of our Awareness Volunteers at ‘work’ follow. I smile because I don't know what the hell is going on. Whats on at Wessex Centre Coffee mornings 1st Wednesday of the month 10.30am-12.00noon Radiotherapy Group 1st Thursday of the month 10.30am-12.00noon Upper G. I. Group 2nd Wednesday of the month 10.30am-12noon Head & Neck Group Also 1.30pm-3pm Lung Cancer Group 3rd Wednesday of the month 10.15am-12.00noon Semi Colon Group 3rd Thursday of the month 10.30am-12.00noon Skin Cancer Group (check day with Wessex 824186) Wessex Cancer Trust also offer, Befriending; Counselling; Therapies; Information; Patient Grants; Transport: To find out more ring the centre on 524186, or email Lynda Blenkinsop the Centre Manager on [email protected]. Opening times for the Centre are 10.00am – 4.00pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Cancer Awareness As you may have been aware April was Cancer Awareness month. To this end Graham tried to blitz as many venues with our stand, leaflets and our band of loyal volunteers would allow. Contact: Colin Tinson 01983 611673 Mob: 07730 459790 Email: [email protected] That’s all for now folks. Not a great deal happened or is happening at the moment. I will hopefully have more information for the next issue. In the meantime have a relaxing summer, and if you have an exciting holiday why not tell us about it, with a few pics of course. Colin Tinson Ed. A hangover is the wrath of grapes. Printing sponsored by BAE Systems Cowes Page 4
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