Career Track: Who is Moving Up in Jacksonville | eEdition Activate | Subscribe GO Visit N ow Tom orrow Thursday Site H OM E Mon, Feb 24, 2014 @ 2:48 pm Stellar added tw o m arketers and tw o business developers to its com pany:Justin Bridegan,m arketing m anager;K risten G reene, m arketing assistant;Bernie Johnson,business developer, Therm alConstruction Services;K irk W endland,director, business developm ent,com m ercial. Alan Mosley joined JaxChamber as vice president of transportation, energy and logistics. In that position, he will be executive director of the North Florida Transportation Business Alliance. 1 of 6 2/25/2014 8:00 AM Career Track: Who is Moving Up in Jacksonville | Burdette Ketchum made two new hires. Tim Kinney is the vice president of strategy, insights and planning. Kinney previously was vice president for area agencies including Brunet-Garcia Advertising and was the founder and principal consultant for PopLogix. RECO M M EN D A TIO N S FO R YO U Jam eis W inston is FSU 's show -stopper on baseballfield Adam Szarmack is digital project manager. Prior to joining Burdette Ketchum, Szarmack was project manager, partner development for TrueCar, Inc and business development manager at Carperks, He is also owner and operator of Szarmack Photography. Four attorneys joined the Duval County Office of the Public Defender as assistant public defenders: William L. Donley, misdemeanors; Christina A. Tatum, county court unit; Form er Jacksonville Bank V P facin g 30 years in prison in $10m em bezzlem en t Jason Love, juvenile unit; retired Circuit Court Judge McCarthy “Mack” Crenshaw Jr., juvenile unit. Lisa Almeida, co-owner of the Freedom Boat Club franchises in Jacksonville and St. Augustine, won national honors from the Marine Marketers of America for creating the best Florida releases con troversialscores on teacher effectiveness event marketing/sales promotion of the year. The Dalton Agency hired three new employees for its Jacksonville office. Heather Smith and Jack DeYoung joined the agency’s social media team as a community managers. Stephanie Parks is account coordinator in the account services department. N am e m ix-up in sexualbattery case sends w ron g Clay County teen to jailfor 35 days Cherron Newby, owner of CC Consulting & Training, was reappointed to the Florida Faith-Based and Community-Based Advisory Council. Advanced Disposal hired Mary Pat Stritof as senior director of information technology applications. She was most recently an executive consultant for The RGB Group. Advanced Disposal also hired Brian Beaudrie as vice president of maintenance. He was most recently a regional maintenance manager for Republic Services, Inc. BU SIN ESS N EW S Ruby Carey has joined Davidson Realty. Cindy Corey has joined Traditions Realty. Lindsey Tharp joined Beson4 Media Group as a Marketing Consultant. Tharp executes Form er Jacksonville Bank V P facing 30 years in prison in $10m em bezzlem ent 7:42am advertising sales in First Coast Magazine, HealthSource Magazine and North Florida Doctor. Cenveo to lay off 133 in Jacksonville Patty Crosby, co-anchor of “Good Morning Jacksonville,” has been voted president of the 2 of 6 4:25pm 2/25/2014 8:00 AM Career Track: Who is Moving Up in Jacksonville | HEAL Foundation (Healing Every Autistic Life) board of directors. She has been a member of the board since 2007. Career Track:W ho is M oving U p in Jacksonville 2:48pm Send items for this column to [email protected] D isney raises adm ission price at CentralFlorida parks 2:43pm PREV D isney raises adm ission price at CentralFlorida parks N EX T Cenveo to lay off 133 in Jacksonville Cold w inter pushing oil,gas prices higher 6:18pm The Color of M oney:A s you pay off debts,keep yourself m otivated 12:56am M O RE BU SIN ESS TW ITTER 3 of 6 2/25/2014 8:00 AM Career Track: Who is Moving Up in Jacksonville | 4 of 6 2/25/2014 8:00 AM Career Track: Who is Moving Up in Jacksonville | Follow Tweets jaxdotcom now @jaxdotcom Jameis Winston could be biggest road draw in #FSU baseball history. Is he coming to a town near you?: Expand jaxdotcom @jaxdotcom 29m Defense says Christopher Fries was attacked, but state argues premeditation in St. Augustine pub shooting trial… jaxdotcom 44m @jaxdotcom Fla. judge sets deadline for Justin Bieber video objections; meanwhile his single 'Baby' breaks 1 billion video views… jaxdotcom 49m @jaxdotcom Disney raises admission price at Central Florida parks Expand jaxdotcom @jaxdotcom FHP i ti ti f t l 54m id t US 90 t Tweet to @jaxdotcom Tim esU nion/ V isit our Custom er Service Center Contact U s/Staff Directory Tim es-U nion Subscriber Services 5 of 6 O ur N etw ork Sign up for new sletters M obile & apps Text A lerts RSS feeds Clay Sun M andarin Sun N assau Sun Shorelines Eco Latino H ope Fund Eve A w ards Redfish Tournam ent 2/25/2014 8:00 AM Career Track: Who is Moving Up in Jacksonville | Tim es-U nion Classifieds A dvertising Com pany Store Com pany H istory A rchives/Search Tim es-U nion e-Edition Find-It Business D irectory FAQ Find Jacksonville Jobs Southside Sun St.Johns Sun Skirt! 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