Elizabeth Arangio, National Grid

The Northeast Gas Association’s Pre-Winter
Briefing on the Northeast Natural Gas System
Liz Arangio
Director Gas Supply Planning
November 6, 2014
National Grid’s
Gas Supply Portfolios
 Boston Gas Company (Essex)
 Colonial Gas Company
Downstate New York
 KeySpan Gas East Corp.
 The Brooklyn Union Gas
Upstate New York
 Niagara Mohawk Power
Rhode Island
 The Narragansett Electric
National Grid’s Gas Supply
Planning Obligations
 Ensure gas supplies are adequate today and into the future to reliably
meet the projected design requirements of all National Grid gas
 Minimize gas costs to the extent possible without compromising
supply reliability
 Maintain a diversified portfolio of firm pipeline capacity, storage, and
peaking assets with access to a diverse mix of supply basins and
liquid market hubs
 Maintain flexibility to balance load for all gas customers and electric
generators on an intra-day, daily and seasonal basis
 Fulfill POLR obligation under Companies’ Customer Choice Programs
Gas Portfolio:
Forecasted Peak Day
Gas Portfolio:
Forecasted Peak Season
Last Winter
 The record breaking cold weather led to record high demand for natural
gas, challenging our gas system, and driving up commodity prices.
 Despite the obstacles,
 National Grid was been able to provide uninterrupted service to all of our firm
customers; and
 National Grid was been able to significantly mitigate natural gas supply cost
increases to customers as a result of our diverse gas supply portfolio, as well
as our hedging strategies.
 Post –Winter Opportunities:
 Cold weather allowed us to test our models
 Incorporate lessons learned:
 Coordination with upstream pipelines
 Customer Choice Programs
Changes Implemented for
2014/15 Winter
 Capacity Exempt Filing by all MA LDCs (DPU 14-111)
 Implemented use of Central Delivery Points (CDPs) with Tennessee
New York:
 Affidavit Required for Alternate Fuel Source for Electric Generators (DNY)
 Refined messaging regarding OFOs and interruptions
Rhode Island:
 Modified Hedging Program
 Implemented modifications to Customer Choice Program
National Grid
Winter Readiness Update
 All required gas supply will be under contract for the
winter season
Underground Storage:
 Underground storages are almost 100% full – some
space left open to handle early November swing
 LNG storages are nearly full in New England –
topping off tanks during the month of November
Communications Protocol:
 Winter Operations Meetings between Gas Supply,
Gas Control and Engineering scheduled for
November and December
 Daily afternoon and evening calls between Gas
Supply and Gas Control commenced Nov 1st
 Weekly Operations Call to commence in December
 Participate as member of NGA Gas Supply Task