Lucky Draw D Eveent at CM MAC So ocial Dev velopmeent Center (CMA ACSDC, Kaos K Kro olor Disttrict, Batttambang g Provin nce On n 19 Septem mber 2014, nearly n 1,3000 CMAC sta aff, who vo oluntarily purchased p plots of lan nd at thee CMAC Social S Deveelopment Ceenter titled d Natural Morodok k Techo villlage, partiicipated in an event of lucky draws to recceive their purchased d land in Prey Toteun ng Villagee, Chhnall Moan ommune, Koas Kralor Co District, Ba attambang Province. This T excitin ng lucky draw event was presiided over by H.E He eng Ratan na, Delega ate of thee Royal Go overnment of Cambo odia, in charge as Diirector Gen neral of th he Cambod dian Mine Action A Ceenter (CMA AC). Th he 1,700 ha land is div vided into housing an nd agricultture plots ffor about 1,300 familees. It is inttended to provide p CM MAC staff with w affordaable and pro oductive lan nd for theirr families to o settle an nd generatee incomes frrom agricu ulture activiities on thee land. Thiss is a great historic eveent for CM MAC staff, most of wh hom did no ot have theiir own land d before due to multi-y year emplo oyment in CMAC seerving in mobile un nits. CMAC C will asssist the com mmunity with w comm munity deevelopmentt initiativess including g the publiic infrastru uctures, sch hools, hosp pital, clean water system as weell as irrigaation system m for the b benefits of the familiees who livee in the villlage as weell as the neearby villag ges. Du uring the ev vent at the CMAC Naatural Moro odok Techo o Village, H.E H Heng Ratana R states that thiis is just th he first stag ge in CMA AC Commu unity Devellopment Prroject. Therre is still a lot of wo ork to be done d in the future. Th here is a plaan to have electricity,, clean water system, model ho ouses, and other o infrasstructures. He notes th hat the land d area of th he village iss more than n 1,700 ha a. Currently y, close to 1,,300 CMAC C families w will get theiir land plotss. “It is a great g pleasu ure to see alll deminer ffamilies come to participate in the even nt with hoppe and H adds th hat the luck ky draw fo or land smiles”. He plots is conducted ffairly and trransparentlly. The result of the lucky draw is based on his or her luck; no one could predict beeforehand if i they would geet the plot o of their favo orite site. H.E. Hen ng Ratana also notes that a Can nadian Charity donates d ov ver 10,000 USD U to con nstruct two model housess, which will w be ussed as munity administtrative builldings for the comm villlage. There are also pledges by y a Japaneese charity to fund th he construcction of a school bu uilding with h 06 classro ooms; and CMAC is w working to o raise fund d to constru uct a clean n water faccility for th he village. Moreover, M C CMAC is planting p up p to 12,000 trees along g the roads in the villlage and encourage e the familiees to plantt more on their land propertiess. These treees are vo oluntarily co ontributed by CMAC staff. Att the end of o the even nt, H.E Hen ng Ratana expresses hiis sincere appreciatio on to all MAC staff at a the villag ge site for th heir effort CM an nd hard work to suppo ort the Dev velopment Viillage of CM MAC Natu ural Morod dok Techo in Prey Totteung Villlage Chhn nal Moan Co ommune Koas Krolor K Diistrit in Ba attambang province. p
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