Get Lucky - Melbourne Fringe

25 July 2014
Get Lucky
The only thing Brien could get HARD was LIFE!
GET LUCKY presented by the Grey Matter Theatre Collective
Brien is unlucky in love, due to his inability to get an erection. As a soldier in the army,
he is surrounded by male role models, yet no matter what lengths Brien goes to, the
only thing that he can make hard is his life.
A surprise sell out success at this year's Anywhere Theatre Festival, GET LUCKY is a
new work from writers Edwin Zigterman and Brendan Glanville.
The play follows Brien as his girlfriend of two months leaves him. Confiding in fellow soldier Greens, Brien
decides that he needs to GET LUCKY. Life takes a tragic turn when Danny, a misogynistic player who has slept
with 300+ women, decides to take Brien into his less than gentle care. What ensues is hilarity, even if it is
closely followed by a cringe or two.
Directed by Glanville, and acted by Zigterman, this creative duo is joined by 5 other brave cast members who
go where no other comedy has dared to go - male erectile disfunction.
Matt Peacock (his real name) is the man who plays Brien. He is charged with the mammoth job of staying
sensitive to the topic, while keeping in mind that people have paid for a comedy. This is a job he does like a
master. Samantha Oconnor is another actor with a huge job. She plays every female character from a virgin to
a horny hen's night chick, and does so with only minutes to change.
We live in a fast food society where Tinder for straight people and Grinder for gay folk, mean people are having
sex before going out. GET LUCKY examines what it means to be a man and the confusing nature of sexuality.
The language is crude and the story's heart is huge. Audiences will be taken on a journey where they will be
wanting more.
GET LUCKY will be a stand out in this year's festival, come see it and root for Brien (excuse the pun) as he
makes sense of sex in the modern world.
"GET LUCKY by Edwin Zigterman and Brendan Glanville is a crowd-pleasing romp that will attract a diverse and
committed fan base from across all demographics. With its theme of sexuality in a modern world an enduring
topic that is sure to attract audiences" - Paul Osuch CEO/Artistic Director Anywhere Theatre Festival
"Grey Matter Collective’s GET LUCKY is an hilarious romp through love, lust, and everything between
the sheets." - Bobbi-Lea Dionysius review for
Get Lucky
12 Elizabeth St
Kensington, Victoria 3031
DATES: 23-30 Sep and 1-4 Oct
TIME: 7.00pm (60min)
Full: $25
Concession: $19
Tightarse Tuesday: $16
Group: $19
TO BOOK visit or call (03) 9660 9666