LANCE M. HARTER E-12434 LANCE M. HARTER E-12434 This document, and the ideas and designs incorporated herein, as an instrument of professional service, is the property of Miller & Associates and is not to be used in whole or in part, for any other project without the written authorization of BROKEN BOW, NEBRASKA AERIAL PLANS BROKEN BOW 5TH AVENUE CONNECTOR TRAIL Miller & Associates. REVISIONS BY Consulting Engineers, P.C. Miller & Associates Kearney, NE (308) 234-6456 McCook, NE (308) 345-3710 LANCE M. HARTER E-12434 This document, and the ideas and designs incorporated herein, as an instrument of professional service, is the property of Miller & Associates and is not to be used in whole or in part, for any other project without the written authorization of BROKEN BOW, NEBRASKA AERIAL PLANS BROKEN BOW 5TH AVENUE CONNECTOR TRAIL Miller & Associates. REVISIONS BY Consulting Engineers, P.C. Miller & Associates Kearney, NE (308) 234-6456 McCook, NE (308) 345-3710 The City of Broken Bow NOTICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING Thursday, April 3, 2014; 4:00-6:00 PM Information Open House Public Meeting City Auditorium, 314 South 10th Avenue, Broken Bow, NE ENH-21(27) 5th Avenue Connector Trail Project; CN61548 The City of Broken Bow will hold a public information open house regarding the proposed construction of concrete pavement trail in Melham Park in Broken Bow. The meeting will be held at the Broken Bow Auditorium, Thursday, April 3, 2014, 4:00-6:00 P.M. Identified as the Broken Bow 5th Avenue Connector Trail, the proposed project would construct a concrete trail 2800 feet long, 6 inches thick and 10 feet wide. The trail will connect the City’s residential area, nearby high school, and track & field complex with Melham Park. The proposed trail starts at 5th Avenue and Memorial Drive and proceeds North and NE connecting to Melham Park and picnic area and also the 3-plex softball and soccer/football fields in Melham Park. The need for this project is due to the lack of a pedestrian/bike trail that connects all of these areas with the City residential area, high school and track and field complex, and will provide a safe route and exercise and recreational benefits for the public to walk, hike or bike to Melham Park and all of its amenities. The trail mainly on the east side of 5th Avenue will have very little conflict with trees, water, residential dwellings, and other obstacles. A permanent easement may need to be acquired near the Melham House within the Park. The project will be constructed within Melham Park which is considered 4(f) Land [Recreational Land]. Construction of the project is anticipated to begin in Fall 2014 or Spring 2015 and continue for approximately 60 days. A detour will not be required for this project. The public meeting will be held to provide information and receive input regarding the proposed alignment and the project purpose and need. The project team will gather information from the public about important issues and local concerns, existing conditions, and environmental issues. Project information is also available at the City Clerk’s office and the City website []. All citizens are invited to attend and present relevant comments and questions. Design Engineers and City of Broken Bow personnel will be present at the public meeting to answer questions and receive comments about the proposed project. The information “open house” format allows the public to come at any time during the posted hours, gather pertinent information about the project, and speak one-on-one with project personnel. Comments can be e-mailed, phoned, faxed or written on the comment sheets provided, and either submitted at the meeting or mailed to the following address by April 21, 2014: Attention: Lance M. Harter, P.E. 1111 Central Avenue Kearney, NE 68847 Phone: (308) 234-6456 Fax: (308) 234-1146 e-mail: [email protected] The City of Broken Bow will make every reasonable accommodation to provide an accessible meeting facility for all persons. The meeting location complies with current Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG). Appropriate provisions for the hearing and visually challenged or persons with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) will be made if the City is notified by April 1, 2014. Notification should be submitted to Lance Harter, using the contact information provided above. 5TH AVENUE CONNECTOR TRAIL PROJECT Preliminary Design Phase – Construction planned to start Fall 2014 or Spring 2015 CITIZEN COMMENTS Please provide information you feel is important and should be considered. PLEASE PRINT _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________ Thank you for your input and participation. The design team will review your comments. Name (please print) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Representing (if applicable) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ E-Mail _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please return your comments by April 21, 2014, to Lance Harter, Miller & Associates, Consulting Engineers, P.C., 1111 Central Avenue, Kearney, NE 68847. Additional questions may be directed to Lance Harter, 308-234-6546 ([email protected]). Project Number ENH-21(27), Control Number 61548
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