South West Area letter Spring 2014 Area Representative for S W England and S Wales DEPUTATION PROGRAMME/COMMITMENTS for 2014 SASRA basis of belief The basis upon which the work of the Association is carried on is belief in: “The supreme authority and sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures, as originally given in the Old and New Testaments as being (not merely containing) the Word of God, revealing His will to men: the unity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in the Godhead; the love of God to the world; Man’s fall and spiritual death; redemption from sin and from the wrath to come only through the Propitiatory Sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ; justification by faith; the necessity of the direct work of the Holy Spirit to impart and sustain spiritual life; the essential oneness of all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ: and the obligation resting upon all those who name His Name, to afford evidence of their discipleship by a life of obedience to His commands.” ‘Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh’ Matthew 24:44 Leaving a Legacy If you would like to add SASRA as a beneficiary to your will and would like advice on how to do this, please contact SASRA HQ April 5 − 13 Cornwall MG From Matthew Glass May 10 − 15 19 − 22 North Devon Cardiff/South Wales MG MG Mr M J Glass, BA (Hons) 4 Burnham Drive, Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset BS24 9LW June 1−5 3−5 13 − 23 28 − 30 Mid. Wales & District HQ/Area Representative conference Guernsey Swansea & District TD MG MG NW/MG July 1−3 11 − 17 Swansea & District Pembrokeshire NW/MG MG/BE September 7 − 11 Cardiff/South Wales 19 − 21 Prayer Conference & Fellowship (Amport) 27 − 30 Additional Cornwall “…that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance …” Ephesians 1:18 ESV MG MG/LM MG October 1 5 − 12 We are told that the British economy is at last making some solid progress after the years of economic doom and gloom. However, of far greater importance are the ‘riches’ that can be ours as believers, both now and in the world to come: and, the ‘riches’ have nothing to do with money! Additional Cornwall Worcestershire/Gloucestershire/Herefordshire MG TBN November 2−6 9 10 − 13 15 24 − 27 Local Area/Cardiff/South Wales Remembrance Sunday Local Area/Cardiff/South Wales “Our Day” (TBA) Local Area/Cardiff/South Wales MG MG MG MG MG December 1 − 12 Local Area/Cardiff/South Wales MG Key: MG Matthew Glass; TD ASR Tiaan de Klerk; NW ASR Nick Wilson; BE ASR Bob Elliott; LM ASR Lee McDade NB Please note that all dates, not set aside for tours which can still be booked via Local Representatives or this office, I can take one off meetings or short tours. One off meetings should ideally be within one – one & half hours travelling, unless accommodation can be offered. Tel: 01934 813244 or Mobile: 07917 757390 E-mail: [email protected] Dear Praying Friends, In the limited space available, here are just a few examples of the ‘riches’ that can be ours as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ: an insight (be it somewhat limited), of our God and His Son, “… to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God’s mystery, which is Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Col 2:2-3 ESV; of Jesus Christ living in us, “… the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Col 1:27 ESV; of knowing that God will meet our needs, “And my God will supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Phil 4:19 ESV; of redemption through His blood, “In Him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, which He lavished upon us.” Eph1:7-8 ESV How wonderful that God’s Word promises us such ‘riches’ untold. Henry B. Hartzler’s hymn, ‘The riches of love’, articulates this so well: (v. 1) The treasures of earth are not mine, I hold not its silver and gold; but a treasure far greater is mine, I have riches of value untold. Chorus: O the depth of the riches of love, the riches of love in Christ Jesus! Far better than gold, or wealth untold, are the riches of love in Christ Jesus. (v. 2) The treasures of earth must all fail, its riches and honour Havelock House, Barrack Road, Aldershot, Hampshire GU11 3NP Tel: 01252 310033 Fax: 01252 341804 Email: [email protected] Text: +44 (0)7887554744 Registered in London Reg No.329268 as a company limited by guarantee 19687 Spring Newsletters 2014 South West.indd 1 04/03/2014 08:53 President General Lord Dannatt of Keswick GCB CBE MC • Chairman Brig W I C Dobbie General Secretary Sqn Ldr C R Woodland 19687 Spring Newsletters 2014 South West.indd 2 Please tick ✔ if you do not require a receipt Thank you for all your prayers. May the Lord Jesus equip and enable you in your service for Him. Matthew Glass Havelock House, Barrack Road Aldershot, Hampshire GU11 3NP SASRA is a Registered Charity No. 235708. Registered in Scotland No. SCO39130 Colerne: I am well received also on this camp and the authorities have invited me for their Regimental Day. I have had some excellent conversations with the men and women on the camp. If you would like to attend please send me a £25 deposit per person, payable to SASRA, (this makes up part of the fee). This will secure you a place. Please tick one box MOD St. Athan: I have had some good contacts on this camp particularly with 2 RAF Junior Technicians, who used to serve there as trainees. It is heartening to see that they are going on well with the Lord. They recently gave their testimonies in local churches. The Chaplain has been very helpful and encouraging to me. Annual Prayer & Fellowship Conference: Our Annual Prayer & Fellowship Conference will be held at Amport House, Nr Andover, Hants, from 19th to 21st September. This provides a wonderful opportunity for prayer supporters to hear reports from Scripture Readers; to meet serving personnel; to pray and to experience good Christian fellowship. I am a UK tax payer and wish to giftaid my donations (Please send me a Declaration Form) I do not pay tax and therefore cannot giftaid I have already signed a giftaid declaration Chepstow is also going well, I am well received on this camp and get valuable support from the authorities. Spring Drum opening: Now is the time to open your SASRA drums. Please send the contents by either cheque or postal order made payable to ‘SASRA’ to either your Drum Secretary or SASRA HQ. If you do not require a receipt please indicate, ‘no receipt required’, as this greatly reduces administration and postage costs. Your gifts are very much appreciated. (Cheques made payable to “SASRA”) Drum donation Yes/No Brawdy also has gone better with a presentation by Haydn Davies, writer of ‘A Night Out With The Boys’. He also gave his testimony to approximately 200 soldiers who listened intently as he shared how he survived a severe car accident and how he came to know the Lord. Situations vacant: The Local Representative for South Devon would like to retire and the Local Representative for the Swansea & District area has moved to another County. (There are also other localities that could benefit from a Local Representative.) Do you feel called to assist us as a Local representative or are you able to provide accommodation and the occasional meal? I’d be most grateful to hear from you. £ Sennybridge has been very positive with many good contacts, especially at the 3 carol services. A Sgt Maj recently gave his testimony, which was very well received. I was asked to take the Remembrance Day service for the Royal Anglians. I had befriended Billy in the cookhouse. After the service he came twice to a Bible Study at Bulford Chapel. At the service I was only allowed to preach for four minutes, but I have had lots of positive feedback. Jason and Danny watched two Christian films in the jail on two consecutive weeks. They both enjoyed the films; seeds were sown. Every week it is so exciting to see them responding to a message they have not heard before. My children Suzanne and Robert are doing well. We pray that the Lord will keep us here for as long as He wants. Please accept my enclosed Donation of TSR Bob Elliott - Brawdy/St Athan/Chepstow/Blandford/Sennybridge writes: “I want to say a big thank you to my wife and family, and to all the SASRA family for their support and prayers throughout 2013. The work has been very emboldening. ASR Nick Wilson (Salisbury Plain) writes: “I thank God for the amazing opportunity Tiaan and I had, sharing the Gospel with 600 Recruits at Pirbright on their Multicultural Day. One Troop after another came in, and we had seven minutes each to share our testimony and the full Gospel. One group asked questions and we wished we could have more time to answer them. One “atheist” came up to Tiaan afterwards to surrender his life to Christ. Two NCO’s remembered me from Pirbright eight years ago when they did their basic training! POSTCODE At Christmas, I received a card that really excited me and I must share it with you. I first met Kaboi at RAF Lyneham and now he’s at RAF Brize Norton. He’s been prayed for and witnessed to for about four years. Though he’s in Afghanistan, in his card, which I’ve read over and over again, he wrote: ‘Receive my testimony that I’ve God’s grace, Jesus is my Saviour and Lord. I have chosen Christ the Son of God the most high creator who took my place, wore my shame, and most of all died to give me life.’ Whenever I challenged him to his need of the Saviour he would always reply, ‘I’m all right.’ What a difference eh! Watch this space for an update. Mike, Adrian and Martin have listened well and asked much concerning Scripture and each have received a specific book for deeper reading. May 2014, be another year of Salvation blessing.” So overall, I praise God for a very blessed and successful 2013 and I look forward to 2014. Pray that God will bring even greater blessing.” ADDRESS News from the front line ASR Meg Atkinson - Swindon writes: “Solomon was so right when he said: ‘The blessings of the Lord maketh rich,’ because I was certainly made richer over 2013. The two young soldiers who came to faith over Easter got involved in a local church; it was lovely to see them enjoying the Christingle service at my church. Deployment will soon take Luke away, but naturally I will be keeping in touch with him. My 34th Nijmegen was really great and Lord willing I will be walking the familiar towns, villages and countryside this year. Blandford: the authorities are also very supportive and I am still able to visit this camp on a limited basis. NAME decay; but the riches of love that are mine, even death cannot take them away. (v. 3) Compared with the riches of love, the wealth of the world is but dross; I will seek but Christ Jesus to win, and for Him I count all things but loss. (v. 4) Come, take of the riches of Christ, exhaustless, and free is the store; of its wonderful fullness receive, till you hunger and thirst nevermore.” 04/03/2014 08:53
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