Connecting Sun and Heliosphere – EPD contributions Robert Wimmer-Schweingruber [email protected] Christian Albrechts University Kiel Kiel, Germany for the Solar Orbiter EPD Team rfws, ieap, cau METIS Team meeting, Prague, 2014-10-16 1 Contents Summary of the problem... Connecting the Sun with the heliosphere What can EPD contribute? Summary rfws, ieap, cau METIS Team meeting, Prague, 2014-10-16 2 The Problem From the Solar Orbiter Red Book: How do solar eruptions produce energetic particle radiation that fills the heliosphere? 1) How and where are energetic particles accelerated at the Sun? 2) How are energetic particles released from their sources and distributed in space and time? 3) What are the seed populations for energetic particles? rfws, ieap, cau METIS Team meeting, Prague, 2014-10-16 3 The Problem To be an energetic particle, you need to be: - injected From the Solar Orbiter Red Book: How do solar eruptions produce energetic particle radiation that fills the heliosphere? - accelerated 3) What are the seed populations for energetic particles? 1) How and where are energetic particles accelerated at the Sun? - transported rfws, ieap, cau 2) How are energetic particles released from their sources and distributed in space and time? METIS Team meeting, Prague, 2014-10-16 4 The Problem To be an energetic particle, you need to be: - injected Suprathermal seed particles - accelerated Flares, shocks, and compression - transported Charged particles tied to B rfws, ieap, cau METIS Team meeting, Prague, 2014-10-16 5 The Problem To be an energetic particle, you need to be: - injected Suprathermal seed particles Origin not understood - accelerated Flares, shocks, and compression Increasing role of turbulence - transported Charged particles tied to B Perpendicular diffusion not understood rfws, ieap, cau METIS Team meeting, Prague, 2014-10-16 6 Connect Sun to heliosphere Particles don't only get accelerated 'by the flare'! (not only by reconnection, waves, etc.) Shocks are efficient particle “Shock genesis” accelerators. rfws, ieap, cau Geometry Rules! (but also its velocity, compression ratio, Mach number) METIS Team meeting, Prague, 2014-10-16 Time 7 Shock or diffusive (Fermi 2) acceleration Turbulent structures moving towards you stepwise acceleration via turbulent motions Some particles gain energy in every reflection (Fermi acceleration) rfws, ieap, cau This scenario ultimately leads to the observed power-law distribution in energy. If the shock is Turbulent structures large enough, it can moving towards you explain large events. 8 METIS Team meeting, Prague, 2014-10-16 Connect Sun to heliosphere Transport As we move close enough to the Sun, we expect to observe: - less “smearing out” - clearer injections - smaller events … in other words, less influence of transport effects. How close is close enough? Kallenrode & Wibberenz, 1991 rfws, ieap, cau METIS Team meeting, Prague, 2014-10-16 9 Connect Sun to heliosphere SO & SP+ SO rfws, ieap, cau IUGG/IAGA 2011 METIS Team meeting, Session A101 - Prague, July 2/3 2014-10-16 10 Connect Sun to heliosphere G A A M W S tc . e SO & SP+ SO I U E IX T S rfws, ieap, cau E W P R D P IUGG/IAGA 2011 METIS Team meeting, Session A101 - Prague, July 2/3 2014-10-16 11 Information from EPD 3He is preferentially accelerated in flares (probably wave-particle Velocity dispersion indicates rapid interaction) → flare origin! acceleration and good connection → no time for diffusion! rfws, ieap, cau METIS Team meeting, Prague, 2014-10-16 12 Information from EPD Velocity dispersion also indicates that particles are flowing towards observer from the source. The flow is anisotropic. Velocity dispersion indicates rapid acceleration and good connection → no time for diffusion! For good connection: → 3He, large e/p ratio → velocity dispersion → anisotropies → type III radio emission → minimal onset delay Such events are seen at 1 AU, albeit rarely (e.g., Klassen et al. 2011). rfws, ieap, cau METIS Team meeting, Prague, 2014-10-16 13 Information from EPD Velocity dispersion also indicates that particles are flowing towards observer from the source. The flow is anisotropic. For good connection: → 3He, large e/p ratio → velocity dispersion → anisotropies → type II radio emission → minimal onset delay This translates into measurement requirements on EPD: - electrons from few keV to MeV - protons from few keV to 100 MeV - ions from 10 keV to 100 MeV/n - He isotopic composition - high time resolution - multiple fields of view (anisotropy) Such events are seen at 1 AU, albeit rarely (e.g., Klassen et al. 2011). rfws, ieap, cau METIS Team meeting, Prague, 2014-10-16 14 Summary Injection: suprathermal particles (STEP, SIS, SWA/HIS, SPICE, METIS/EUI (?)) Acceleration: plasma properties & turbulence (all EPD, MAG, SWA, RPW, METIS, SPICE) Transport: plasma properties & turbulence, source (EPD, MAG, SWA, RPW, STIX, EUI) Connectivity: anisotropy, dispersion, source (EPD, MAG, RPW, SWA, STIX, EUI, SPICE, PHI,...) Combination with other instruments is crucial. Payload is meant to be used together, as a suite. Combination with SP+, Earth, & other assets. EPD provides its part of information using different measurement techniques. rfws, ieap, cau METIS Team meeting, Prague, 2014-10-16 15 Backup Slides rfws, ieap, cau METIS Team meeting, Prague, 2014-10-16 16 Connect Sun to heliosphere Wide spread events seen in - ions, - electrons, - and 3He This is sobering... (can we connect S-H?) … but also at 1 AU! (Gomez-Herrero et al., under review) rfws, ieap, cau METIS Team meeting, Prague, 2014-10-16 (Richardson et al., 2014) 17 Connect Sun to heliosphere Richardson et al. (2014) investigated 209 >25 MeV protons events And found that: 1) all were accompanied by CMEs 2) 36% seen at only 1 SC, 34% at two, 17% at three, 13% unclear 3) Most intense events generally seen by > 1 SC 4) 92% of events accompanied by radio type III emissions 5) Single-SC events typically occur at well-connected SC, Peak intensity < 10-2 (MeV cm2 s)-1, CME speeds < 1000 km/s They present a list of possible explanations (perp transport, coronal transport, expansive coronal shocks, EUV waves, largescale magnetic loops) For Solar Orbiter: → Look for small, well-connected events (small delays) → Use all information available with Solar Orbiter, SP+, Earth, … rfws, ieap, cau METIS Team meeting, Prague, 2014-10-16 18 Information about EPD How do energetic particles behave close to the Sun? Which are injected? How are they accelerated? What influences their transport? rfws, ieap, cau METIS Team meeting, Prague, 2014-10-16 19 Information about EPD SupraThermal Electrons and Protons (STEP) • Spacecraft mounted – STEP will measure e- [2 - 100 keV], p+ [3 - 100 keV] • Instrument Heritage: – STEP has direct heritage from STEREO/STE and SEPT rfws, ieap, cau METIS Team meeting, Prague, 2014-10-16 20 Information about EPD Electron-Proton Telescope (EPT) • Measures electrons and protons – EPT will measure e- [0.02-0.7MeV], p+ [0.02-7MeV] – Four view directions (in and out of orbital plane) with two units – EPT and HET sensors share the same Electronics Box • Instrument Heritage: – EPT has direct heritage from STEREO/SEPT rfws, ieap, cau METIS Team meeting, Prague, 2014-10-16 21 Information about EPD Suprathermal Ion Spectrograph (SIS) • Measures all elements from helium to iron and samples trans-iron elements – Energy range: 8 keV/nuc – 10 MeV/n (oxygen) – Two telescopes view forward and aft directions; single electronics box • Instrument Heritage – SIS has heritage from ACE/ULEIS and STEREO/SIS known distances Start #2 Stop MCP 22° FOV SSDs ToF Start #1 rfws, ieap, cau → speed E = ½ m v2 Energy mass Prague, 2014-10-16 METIS Team meeting, 22 Information about EPD High-Energy Telescope (HET) – Measures e- [0.3-20MeV], p+ [10-100MeV] and ions [10s-200MeV/nuc species-dependent] • Four view directions (in and out of orbital plane) with two units • EPT and HET sensors share the same Electronics Box • Instrument Heritage: – HET has heritage from the MSL/RAD instrument rfws, ieap, cau METIS Team meeting, Prague, 2014-10-16 23 Information about EPD EPD will measure electrons from 2keV – 20 MeV, protons from 3keV – 100 MeV, ions from 8 keV – 200 MeV/nuc At high cadence In up to 4 view directions (STEP: 15) rfws, ieap, cau METIS Team meeting, Prague, 2014-10-16 24 Contents Summary of the problem... Connecting the Sun with the heliosphere What can EPD contribute? EPD – the Energetic Particle Detector ICU STEP EPT SIS HET Summary rfws, ieap, cau METIS Team meeting, Prague, 2014-10-16 25 Summary Injection: suprathermal particles (STEP, SIS, SWA/HIS, SPICE, METIS) Acceleration: plasma properties & turbulence (all EPD, MAG, SWA, RPW, METIS, SPICE) Transport: plasma properties & turbulence, source (all EPD, MAG, SWA, RPW, STIX, EUI) Connectivity: anisotropy, dispersion, source (all EPD, MAG, RPW, SWA, STIX, EUI, SPICE, etc.) Combination with other instruments is crucial. Payload is meant to be used together, as a suite. Combination with SP+, Earth, & other assets. EPD provides its part of information using different measurement techniques. rfws, ieap, cau METIS Team meeting, Prague, 2014-10-16 26
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