I translated from English to Japanese for a voice-over script in 2011

I translated from English to Japanese for a voice-over script in 2011.
Kahului Town
Welcome to Kahului Town, your first taste of Maui! Sometimes ignored in favor of
other famous tourist spots, this old sugar trading town has become the commercial
center of Maui and should not be overlooked during your trip.
Kahului town was named for Kapaniwai o ‘Iao, a famous battle fought in 1790 between
King Kamehameha I from the Big Island and Chief Kalanikûpule of Maui. This was part
of Kamehameha’s effort to unify all the Hawaiian Islands. After conquering the forces
on Maui he dubbed the area Kahului, or “the winning.”
When the first sugar plantation was built in the 1870’s, Kahului Town began to develop
into a commercial center. Irrigation projects and sugar mills soon followed. But in
1900, all progress was lost when an outbreak of the bubonic plague forced the
inhabitants to burn the town to the ground. Despite its history the sugar cane industry
in Maui is still intact. In fact, sugar is still one of the top exports of Kahului with sugar
plantations dotting the island.
After rebuilding the city in the early 1900s, Kahului began its rise to the economic hub
of Maui. The Kahului Railroad Company transported sugarcane and pineapple from
the nearby plantations to a newly constructed wharf, which over the years was
expanded to become Kahului Harbor. Few remember that the December 7th attacks
on Pearl Harbor in 1941 were echoed on January 1st, 1942 when Japanese submarines
fired on Hilo, Nāwiliwili, and Kahului Harbor. Today, the area of the harbor known as
Kahului Breakwater Park is a popular place to surf and fish.
うことがありますが、 この歴史ある砂糖取引の街は、マウイ島の商業の中心地となりました。
カフルイ・タウンは、1790 年、ビッグアイランドのカメハメハ1世とマウイの酋長カラニオプウとの
激しい戦いで有名なカパニワイ・オ・イアオに因んで名づけられました。 ハワイ諸島を統一しよ
うとしたカメハメハ王族の頃です。 マウイ島の勢力を制圧後、この地域を「勝利」という意味
1870 年代に初の砂糖プランテーションが造られ、カフルイ・タウンは商業中心地へと発展を始
めました。すぐに灌漑計画やシュガーミルが後に続きました。 しかし 1900 年、すべての成長
さねばならなかったのです。 このような歴史にもかかわらず、マウイ島のサトウキビ産業は現在
1900 年代初期、町の再建後、カフルイはマウイ島の経済の中心地へと頭角を現し始めまし
た。 カフルイ鉄道会社は、近くのプランテーションから新しく建造された港へ、サトウキビやパイ
ナップルを輸送しました。数十年後、その港は拡大し、カフルイ・ハーバーになりました。 1941
年 12 月 7 日の真珠湾攻撃が、1942 年 1 月 1 日の出来事の下敷きとなっていることは、あ