soft tissues managed?!

B.V. Diensten
B.V. Diensten
NVvP Voorjaarscongres
voor Parodontologie
voor Parodontologie
NVvP Voorjaarscongres
Go easy
on pink:
soft tissues
Prof. Dr. Hannes Wachtel
34 34
1633 1633
ZG Avenhorn
ZG Avenhorn
14.00 • 15.00 / 15.45 • 16.45
0229 0229
- 540148
- 540148
0229 0229
- 543467
- 543467
Periodontal and Implant Surgery:
a microsurgical concept
Go easy
on pink:
BV Diensten NVvP
Postbus 34
Sponsors NVvP 2014
soft tissues
Prof. Dr. Hannes Wachtel
Frankeren als briefkaart
Hannes Wachtel received his dental degree in 1982 at the University of Tübingen, Germany. In
1982/83 he followed the Postgraduate Program in prosthodontics at the University of Southern
California, Los Angeles, USA. Beginning of 1984, he served as Associate Professor in the Department
of Periodontology at the Free University of Berlin for ten years and received a Ph.D. in 1992. Since 1994
he maintains a private clinic in Munich, together with Dr. Bolz, devoted to periodontology, implantology and restorative dentistry and established with his partner Dr. Bolz the Institute for Periodontology
and Implantology, IPI GmbH, Munich. In 1997 Prof. Hürzeler and Dr. Zuhr joined the clinic and the IPI.
In 2009 he founded with his partner Wolfgang Bolz the “BolzWachtel Dental Clinic” and headed the
Institute of Periodontology and Implantology (IPI Munich).
He is in the editorial board of several journals and lectures extensively nationally and internationally
in the fields of periodontics, plastic periodontal surgery, implantology and aesthetics. Prof. Wachtel
is author and co-author of over 100 scientific articles and book chapters. He is member of numerous
dental societies, including active member of EAED dentistry as well as member in the editorial board
of the Journal of Clinical Periodontology. Currently he is Professor at the University of Berlin, Medicine
Charité. From 1998 till 2008 he was board member of the German Society of Periodontology (DGP).
He is boarded specialist in Periodontology and Implantology. Since 2005 he holds a faculty position
as clinical professor in the Postgraduate Program of the Department of Periodontology, University of
Gothenburg, Sweden
soft tissues
Go easy
on pink:
soft tissues
Basisontwerp: PeterVanPeetzen bv / Vormgeving: Aat Doek bno
1633 ZG Avenhorn
In reconstructive surgery flap design and soft tissue manipulation are key elements in
obtaining predictable treatment results. An important step improving the surgical outcome
is to achieve and maintain primary soft tissue closure thereby improving wound healing in
particular in delicate areas like the interdental papilla. In addition we have clear evidence
that the result of augmentation procedures irrespective the materials used depend mainly
on flap closure during the entire healing period.
Thus a microsurgical concept involving loupes, special designed instruments and
microsurgical suture material has been introduced resulting in improved visual acuity
and superior soft tissue handling. On the basis of that concept different flap designs have
been developed with focus on periodontal regenerative and plastic surgery as well as
implant surgery primarily in the esthetic anterior zone. The presentation will focus on the
clinic of different microsurgical techniques starting with papilla preservation flaps, soft
tissue grafting, recession coverage and ridge enlargement as well as soft and hard tissue
augmentation procedures prior to or simultaneously with implant installation.
Go easy
on pink:
[email protected]
[email protected]
• Burkhardt
• Wachtel
Vrijdag 11 april 2014
Cinemec, Ede
Go easy
on pink: NVvP Voorjaarscongres
soft tissues
8.45 - 9.15
9.45 - 10.45 Rino Burkhardt
periode in april weer is afgesloten. Alhoewel… om nog een beetje in
de sfeer te blijven, hebben wij voor ons voorjaarscongres de Europese
Wound stability in periodontal and implant surgery:
from biological basis to clinical practice
wintersportgebieden als centraal thema genomen.
Twee wereldtoppers uit Zwitserland en Zuid-Duitsland komen op
11 april a.s. naar Ede om u alles over soft tissue management te vertellen.
Ons motto die dag? Go easy on pink!
10.45 - 11.30
ruimschoots verdiend. Wachtel, hoogleraar in München, staat internationaal bekend
om zijn kennis inzake praktische chirurgische technieken en het werken met vergroting.
De Zwitserse Burkhardt is een ware fundamentalist op het gebied van post-operatieve
wondgenezing. Beide drukbezette heren hebben wij twee jaar geleden (!) al geboekt om
op het NVvP-voorjaarscongres 2014 hun kennis te delen. Het zijn ervaren sprekers die
hun toehoorders absoluut met prachtige lezingen weten te boeien.
Aan u de kans om hierbij aanwezig te zijn!
Go easy
on pink:
Wound stability in periodontal and implant surgery:
from biological basis to clinical practice
Periodontal and Implant Surgery:
a microsurgical concept
15.00 - 15.45
soft tissues
15.45 - 16.45 Hannes Wachtel
Periodontal and Implant Surgery:
a microsurgical concept
Voor het voorjaarscongres 2014 hebben wij een aantrekkelijke locatie gevonden:
Tussen de bioscoop-annex congreszalen bevindt zich een ruime beursvloer, waar u weer
14.00 - 15.00Hannes Wachtel
Naar de bioscoop
het Cinemec in Ede. De beslotenheid van dit filmtheater biedt verrassende mogelijkheden.
11.30 - 12.30Rino Burkhardt
12.30 - 14.00
Hannes Wachtel en Rino Burkhardt hebben hun sporen in ons vakgebied
16.45 - 17.00 Afsluiting
eens een ander zicht krijgt op de aanwezige industrie. Redenen genoeg dus om op
11-4 naar Ede af te reizen!
17.00 - 18.00
09.45 • 10.45 / 11.30 • 12.30
Algemene Ledenvergadering NVvP
9.30 - 9.45 Opening van het congres
Voor de wintersportfanatici onder ons geldt dat deze fijne sportieve
Dr. Rino Burkhardt
Wound stability in periodontal and implant
surgery: from biological basis to clinical practice
Go easy
on pink:
soft tissues
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factuuradres (invullen indien anders dan boven):
Wound healing after surgical trauma is a complex process requiring the collaborative
efforts of many different tissues and cell lineages. The behaviour of each of the contributing
cell types during the phases of proliferation, migration, matrix synthesis and contraction
as well as growth factors and matrix signals present at the wound site are now roughly
understood. It has also been shown that mechanical factors play an important role, must
not be underestimated and directly influence the wound healing mechanism.
It is the aim of this presentation to explain the basic aspects of mucosal wound healing
and transfer the knowledge into the clinical practice. Especially factors which can be
influenced by the surgeons will be discussed. To that belong: Enhancement of wound
stability by passive flap mobilization and appropriate suture techniques, reduction of flap
tension to avoid dehiscences and passive closures to prevent scar formations. As esthetics
play an important role in today’s plastic surgical interventions, this aspect will be
specifically focused.
Go easy
on pink:
Dr. Rino Burkhardt
Rino Burkhardt graduated from the University of Zurich and received his doctorate from
the Medical Faculty of the same University. He is an EFP (European Federation of
Periodontology) certified specialist in periodontology and received his Masters degree
from the Medical Faculty of the University of Berne (MAS in Periodontology).
Since 1995 he maintains a private practice in Zurich, limited to periodontology and
implantology. Additionally he acts as an associate professor at the University of Zurich
and honorary associate professor at the University of Hong Kong. He published numerous
articles and book chapters and got a research prize from the European Federation of
Periodontology. He is an active member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
(EAED), the European Association for Osseointegration (EAO), the Swiss Society of
Periodontology (SSP) and Board member of the Swiss Society of Implantology (SGI).
soft tissues
Congres vrijdag 11 april per deelnemer
bij inschrijving vóór 25 maart 2014
Leden NVvP q tandarts
s 360,00
q mondhygiënist s 245,00
q student
s 100,00
Toeslag inschrijving ná 21 maart 2014
prev. assistent
overig Niet leden
s 410,00 s 295,00
s 125,00
s 215,00
s 410,00 Totaal s
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na 4 april 2014 wordt 100% van de congreskosten in rekening gebracht. Het congres is in aanvraag
voor registratie bij het Kwaliteits Register Tandartsen voor 4 punten en bij het Kwaliteitsregister
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