December 2014 - frsolanuscasey

D E C EM B ER 20 1 4
Knights Line
My Brother Knights,
Vivat Jesus!
We had a wonderful turnout for the Memorial Mass in Nov. held at St. Margaret of Scotland. Thank you
to all who came to share a mass and prayers for our deceased Brother Knights and members of the
Daughters of Isabella.
On December 5th, we are having our annual Council Christmas Party for the Adults. Doors open at
6:30pm/Dinner at 7:00 pm. There is a sign up sheet in the Club Room so we know how many to
expect. Don't forget to bring some non-perishable food stuffs and one unwrapped toy to help with
the Council Food Baskets. The Children's Christmas party will be held on Dec. 14th for the Council's
children and grandchildren. A sign up sheet will be in the Club room so we will know how many children
to expect. . There will be a First Degree being held at the Council on Dec. 15th at 8 p.m. If you have
anyone going through this class, please get their application in as soon as possible so they can be
We have a tentative date for a Corporate Communion on January 25th, 2015 at St. Margaret of
Scotland, 10 a.m. Mass with a breakfast to follow. Where the breakfast will be held it yet to be
decided. Keep watching the Knightline for further details. A Free Throw contest is tentatively scheduled
for Sunday, Jan 18th at St. Margaret of Scotland. Contact D.G.K. Wilczynski if you have someone who
wishes to enter.
We will be packing Christmas Food Baskets on Dec. 19th (FRI). If you can help in anyway contact
the chairman D.G.K. Wilczynski. The Council will be selling car magnets to support KEEP CHRIST IN
CHRISTMAS. See the D.G.K. if you wish to purchase one.
On behalf of my family and myself, I wish everyone a very Blessed Christmas and a Happy and
Healthy New Year. May HIS peace and love be with you always.
John W Kelleher, Grand Knight
Rosary Chain
Sick List, Remember them in your prayers
Marcella Weiss, Sheila Vandamme,
Glen Hardy, Harry Gorney, Bernadette
Miele, Angelo Miele,
Phillip Cracchiolo,
Richard Edwards Sr., Charles Elert,
Robert Gileghem, Joseph Hobart,
Santino Lupo, Michael Petty
When a brother Knight passes away, it is a comfort to the
family when the Brother Knights honor him in praying the
Our Rosary Chain assures that every Knight is remembered.
We need more members to join.
Contact Lenny Bartold 586-773-1527
Wed, Dec 3
Officers Mtg, 7:30 pm
D of I Mtg, 6:00 pm
Fri, Dec 5
Adult Xmas Party, Doors open 6:30
pm/Dinner 7:00 pm
Mon, Dec 8
Bldg Board, 7:00 pm
Wed, Dec 10 Membership Mtg, 8:00 pm
Sun, Dec 14
Lunch w/Santa, NOON
Mon, Dec 15 News Articles due NLT 7:00 pm
1st Degree, 7:30 PM
Fri, Dec 19
Pack Xmas Boxes
Sat, Dec 20
Deliver Xmas Boxes
Wed, Dec 24 Xmas Eve - NO 4th Mtg
First Degree Exemplification will be held on the
following dates:
Reg-7:30 PM, 8:00 PM Start
No Listing
Election for a spot on the Building Board will be held
at the December General meeting. Nominations will
be taken from the floor at that time.
Sam Locaino
Building Board President
Brother Knights: The council is putting together an e-mail
list in order to better communicate meetings, events and
other important information. If you would like to be included in this, please forward your contact information to: [email protected]. Thank You for your Help.
Spiritual Sight
Lord, I thank you for the gift of spiritual sight. Help me to
see things through your eyes and with your heart. Help me
keep my eyes full of your light.
Lenny Bartold
Church Director
(33rd in a series)
In 1330, a young girl of 9 years old named Imelda Lambertini entered the convent of Santa Maria in Valdipietra near Bologna, Italy. In 1333, the 12 year old Imelda longed for Holy Communion. After Mass, the
sisters noticed a bright white Host was suspended in the air above Imelda’s head. A priest came with a paten,
the Host descended. He gave Imelda her First Holy Communion. She received the sacrament. The child went
into ecstasy and died, May 12, 1933. Her body remains incorrupt.
At our meeting in December, we will hold our annual Christmas dinner. The members are asked to bring
non-perishable items, paper products, personal hygiene items and toys. All the items that we collect, will be
given to the Knights of Columbus. They will add them to the baskets that they distribute at Christmas time.
The stores already put out Christmas merchandise. I am not ready to think of Christmas just yet. I don't know
about you, but I can't believe that 2014 is also coming to a close. This year just flew by.
I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Sandra Mihalic, Regent
Prolife volunteers earn election payoff on behalf of the most defenseless
Because of the selfless work of prolife people, the 2014 midterm election saw 86 percent of candidates endorsed by the Right to Life of Michigan Political Action Committee win their races, a historic result. Highlights include 100 percent of the endorsed candidates for the U.S. House and Michigan Senate winning their
races, as well as 90 percent of endorsed Michigan House candidates Despite huge cash infusions from
teacher unions and the efforts of paid election workers, . Planned Parenthood routinely downplays their
commitment to abortion, but Michigan voters were not fooled and returned solid prolife majorities to the
Michigan Legislature.
Prolife volunteers, working hard for free, made a difference in key races, some of which were decided by
less than 100 votes. Before the election, Detroit Free Press columnist Brian Dickerson begrudgingly recognized the unique success the Right to Life of Michigan has with elections and legislation. Thank you for
your efforts and your support this election season.
John Smith, Pro-Life Chairman. ( "Merry Christmas to all Knights and Families."
Page 3
December 2014
Breakfast With Dora & Diego
Face painting optional $1.00
Saturday January 3rd 10:00am till 1:00pm
Father Solanus Casey Banquet Hall
Scrambled Eggs, French Toast, Sausage Links, Potatoes
Adults $6.00 Children $3.00
Detroit Lions Foot Ball Games
The Grill Is Open
Sunday December 7th 1:00pm Tampa Bay
Sunday December 14th 1:00pm Minnesota
Sunday December 21st 12:00pm Chicago
Sunday December 28th 12:00pm Greenbay
Wings, Fries, Cole slaw, Chips
Cheese Burgers & Fries
Game Beer Specials' Bottle $1.50 Glass $1.00
Fr. Solanus Casey Council #3797
Serving it's Members
2014 Children’s Christmas Party
Father Solanus Casey Knights of Columbus Council #3797
“Lunch with Santa”
Location: 16831 Twelve Mile Rd. Roseville, Mi. 48066
Date: Sunday December 14th, 2013
Duration: 12 P.M.—2 P.M.
Food and beverages will be served
Admission: Children eat free and $5 per adult
Get on Santa’s good list by making your reservations by December 1st!
Please contact Kris Jones (1-586-863-3699) or Joe Surmont at (1-586-899-7171) for reservations or questions. A sign-up sheet will be posted in the clubroom for your convenience.
2014 Christmas Food Baskets
Once again the Knights of Father Solanus Casey Council 3797, will prepare Christmas food baskets for the
needy of Macomb County.
In the past we have supplied the needy with, groceries, and toys for the children during the Christmas Holiday
Season. Each year you have been very generous and we are hoping we can count on you again this holiday
We are in need of non perishable food items, personal hygiene items, Toys, and donations. Whatever you can
donate will be gratefully appreciated. There will be boxes in the club room for your donations. If you cannot
shop your money donations can be deposited in the club room or you can mail a check made out to the Knights
of Columbus Council #3797 earmarked “Food Baskets” and send to the council. The council will purchase the
perishable items the day before we distribute the boxes. The Council will take care of packing boxes on Friday
December 19. We need your help with packing boxes and deliveries will be on Saturday the 20th. See signup sheet for helping in the club room.
Please use the sign up form below for the needy families place it in the special box in the club room, drop it
off at the membership meetings or mail it to the council earmarked “FOOD BASKETS”. This form must be
submitted on or before December 13th.
------------------------------------------cut here and submit--------------------------------------------------2014 Christmas food Basket --- Families in need.
Final Date TO Submit slips --- Saturday December 13th
Family Name: ______________________________________________________
Address:___________________________________ Zip ____________________
Phone no:______________________________( must have your number or theirs).
Number of Adults ______________
Number of Children ____________
Submitted by:____________________________________ Phone No. _______________
I Will ______ Will Not ______ be able to deliver this family’s basket. We will call the home the day before to
set up a delivery. This form must be filled out completely or we cannot deliver!
Knights of Columbus Fr. Solanus Casey Council 3797
Basket Ball Free Throw Contest
Boys & Girls ages 10 thru 14
January 18th 1:00pm
St Margaret Of Scotland 21201 13 mile rd. (at Harper)
Contact Gerald Wilczynski 586 294-8173
(Please park in North parking lot)
Top 10 prizes, Advance to State Level
First 25 registrations receive a shoulder patch
Walk in welcome
Free refreshments
January 18 2014
12:30 -2:30pm
Assembly 0521
Fourth Degree
Vivat Jesus!
Assembly 0521
Rev. Ronald De Hondt
Thomas Podeszwik PGK
John Kelleher PFN
Alarie Jefferson, Sr.
Sir Knights,
Here I am, last minute again. Just returned from pursuit of the Mighty
Stag in the North Country. SK's I will start this month’s article with a
moment of silence for the passing of Lady Betty Michaels, wife of SK
Michael Michaels PFN. Lady Betty passed on October 25th. Let’s
keep her and Michael in our prayers.
Motions have been made in the past fraternal year to change the starting time of our monthly meetings. Since the 8:00pm start time is written in our By-Laws it will need a change to be voted on by the membership. In January, I will establish a 3 man committee to review our
By-Laws to see if there is need to amend those in force. Any suggested amendments will be posted in this column prior to a vote at the following meeting.
Russell Kreinbring, PFN, PGK
Color Corps thank yous for your presence at Father Solanus Casey
Council 3797 Memorial Mass and breakfast on November 2nd. (Great
Job Gentlemen)
Matthew Cebulski, PGK
If I failed to acknowledge any of you in the past for you Birthday or
you and your ladies Wedding Anniversary it was because I did not
have it in files I received or it was not received in time for publication. So Belated Happy Anniversary wishes go to SK Mike and Lady
Marcella Weiss, Oct - SK George and Pat Wingert Oct 10th and SK
Chuck and Lady Rosemary Borowicz Nov 9th. We only have one
Anniversary Wish for Dec and that is to SK Peter and Lady Mary Ann
Ashbaugh Dec 7th. If you would like to be included on our Anniversary List, please contact me at 586-779-0787 or E-mail [email protected].
Aldo Cardosi
Gerald Wilczynski, PFN PGK
Inner Sentinel
Michael S. Weiss, Sr.
Outer Sentinel
Roy Anzell
Trustee-3 yr Thomas Neil
December Birthday Wishes go out to the following Sir Knights - J.
Bogdziewicz, C. Borowicz, A. Cardosi, G. DeCarlo, R. Garofola, J.
Gibbons, H. Gorney, G. Gutierrez, R. Hinkle, A. Jefferson Sr., N.
Johnson, M. Miller, A. Montella, R. Surma, J. Surmont, D.
VanDamme Jr., J. Zelmanski. Best Wishes to you all and God Willing
many more.
If I do not see you at this month’s meeting, I wish you and yours a
Happy Thanksgiving.
Trustee-2 yr Ronald Surma
Your brother - TOM FN, PGK
Trustee-1 yr Fred Payne
F r . S o l a n u s C a se y C o u n c i l
1 6 8 3 1 E 1 2 Mi l e ,
Officers Council 3797
District Deputy
Grand Knight
Immediate Past Grand Knight
Deputy Grand Knight
Financial Secretary
Recording Secretary
Trustee 3rd Year
Trustee 2nd Year
Trustee 1st Year
Inside Guard
Outside Guard
Rev Ronald De Hondt
Larry Pitruzzello
John Kelleher PFN
Peter C. Wilhelm, FDD PGK PFN
Gerald Wilczynski PGK PFN
Michael Weiss, Jr
Robert Tasiemski
Tom H. Doherty
Thomas Mudry
Kristopher Jones
Paul Desjardins
George Wingert PFN
Donald Vandamme Sr PGK PFN
Peter Wilhelm PGK PFN FDD
Dominic Aquisto
Jim Wietecha
Building Corp President
Sam Locaino
Hall and Canteen Manger
Scott Solak
Insurance Agent
Insurance General Agent, Don Wesley,
888-393-7539 Email: [email protected]
Membership Director
Russell Kreinbring PGK PFN
Program Director
Vito Faraci PGK PFN
Sick Call Chairman
Michael Weiss 586-443-3476
Rosary Chairmen
Michael Weiss Jr 586-443-3476
Bob Tasiemski 586-777-7343
Pro-life Chairman
John F Smith
Catholic Activities Chairman
Lenny Bartold
Vocations Chairman
Joseph Gomez PGK PFN
Paula Kreinbring
[email protected]
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