MISSISSAUGA AGENDA ROAD SAFETY MISSISSAUGA ADVISORY COMMITTEE THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF MISSISSAUGA http://www.mississauga.ca TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2014- 9:00 AM COMMITTEE ROOM A- 2°d FLOOR, CIVIC CENTRE 300 CITY CENTRE DRIVE, MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO, LSB 3Cl APPOINTED MEMBERS: AGENCY REPRESENTATIVES STAFF REPRESENTATIVES Peter Hamilton-Smith (Chair) Rick Carew, Citizen Member (Vice-Chair) Councillor Bonnie Crombie (Ward 5) Councillor Pat Saito (Ward 9) Mubina Rahim, Citizen Member Gargi Guhathakurta, Citizen Member Zia Hanif, Citizen Member Simmer Kaur, Citizen Member Inspector A.M. (Andre) Phelps, OPP Port Credit Shelley Thompson, Peel Regional Police, Traffic Services Don Clipperton, Mississauga Insurance Brokers Association Seema Ansari, Technical Analyst, Traffic Safety, Region of Peel Elliott Silverstein, Manager of Govermnent Relations, CAA South Central Ontario Jim Kilpatrick, Manager, Collision.free! Young Drivers Canada George Smagala, Infrastructure Health and Safety Association Ken Wilden, Director, DriveWise Natalie Zeitoun, MTO Road Safety Colin Patterson, Coordinator, Integrated Road Safety Program William Wright, Traffic Technologist Farhad Shahla, Transportation Project, Engineer CONTACT: Angie Melo, Legislative Coordinator Office of the City Clerk, Telephone: 905-615-3200, ext. 5423; Fax: 905-615-4181 [email protected] Road Safety Mississauga Advisory Committee - 1- March 25, 2014 CALL TO ORDER APPROVAL OF AGENDA DECLARATIONS OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST DEPUTATIONS Natalie Zeitoun, Regional Marketing Planner, Ministry of Transportation regarding the matter of Culture Counts: Meeting the Road Safety Needs of Newcomers. MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED 1. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meetings Minutes of the Road Safety Mississauga Advisory Committee meeting held on October 22, 2013. RECOMMEND APPROVAL 2. Concerns with Highway Driving, Driver Retesting and Continuing Driver Education Memorandum dated March 20, 2014 from Angie Melo, Legislative Coordinator, with respect to Recommendation RSM-0019-2013. DIRECTION REQUIRED 3. Pedestrian Railway Safetv The Transportation Committee meeting referred TC-0043-2014 at its meeting on February 19, 2014 that Road Safety Mississauga review pedestrian railway safety into Road Safety Mississauga programs. "RECOMMENDATION TC-0043-2014 That the deputation made by Denise Davy with respect to pedestrian railway safety be received. 2. That Transportation and Works staff review the pedestrian railway safety practices that the City of Burlington has implemented and any other appropriate measure to improve pedestrian safety around railways. 3. That the deputation be referred to Road Safety Mississauga and Safe City Mississauga to review pedestrian railway safety into their programs. " 1. Road Safety Mississauga Advisory Committee 4. -2- March 25, 2014 Safety Signs for Cul-de-Sacs/Courts Email dated March 3, 2014 from Councillor Pat Saito suggesting that Road Safety Mississauga review signage for cul-de-sacs/courts where there are no sidewalks and children must play on the road. 5. 2014 Projects/Initiatives The Road Safety Mississauga Advisory Committee to discuss the projects/initiatives for 2014. 6. 2014 Road Safety Mississauga Advisorv Committee Budget The Road Safety Mississauga Advisory Committee to review the budget for 2014. 7. Distracted Driving Toronto Star Article dated March 18, 2014, entitled "6 things to know about new distracted driving rules". 8. ROAD WATCH Program Statistics Mississauga ROAD WATCH program statistics for October and November 2013. RECOMMEND RECEIPT OTHER BUSINESS NEXT MEETING DATE- 9:00 a.m., Tuesday, April 22, 2014- Committee Room A ADJOURNMENT , MISSISSAUGA MINUTES ROAD SAFETY MISSISSAUGA ADVISORY COMMITTEE THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF http://www.mississauga.~l' TUESDAY, OCTOBER COMMITTEE ROOM A - /:;~~~t~'·:_ 9:15 zn ()R,.~c CENT 300 CITY CENTRE DRIVE, MISSISSAU . . .. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBJ;~,~~;~·>E H . . ·f, Citizen Member simriiil,f·~~!llf, Citizen Member \·1-z~2:~ AGENCY REPRESENTA'·. STAFF REPRESENTATIVES Kilpatrick, Manager, Collisior!fi-ee! Young Drivers Canada Colin Patterson, Coordinator, Integrated Road Safety Program William Wright, Traffic Technologist Stephanie Smith, Legislative Coordinator Road Safety Mississauga Advisory Committee - 1- October 22, 2013 Rick Carew, Citizen Member Chaired the meeting. CALL TO ORDER-9:15 AM. DECLARATIONS OF DIRECT OR INDIRECT PECUNIARY INTEREST - Nil DEPUTATIONS Teens Learn to Drive Anne Marie Hayes, President, Teens Learn to Drive addressec!i1• e purpose and mission of the non-profit organization, Teelli!/fiJl!aifi,to Driv . . events created; Teen Driver Challenge and Raising a Sllf~T ;~n Driver. J;Y Councillor Crombie spoke to teen drivers not being p license and that stricter testing is needed. Discussion ensued with respect to the ne • new drivers, having a driver contract with rivyrs training for teens and tr public education. RECOMMENDATION 0;G~/·:c· c-20/- That the deputation,¢':'' teens learning to drive b · ,c-:-1f;~Et~f:~~:l:J~~ Receivedi?~'Haniil·j~ Reco~iidation RSM~ MA~~~~~j~SIDERED "-2:~~K~~'" "~~;J2~'-~- 1. oad Safety Mississauga Advisory Committee meeting held on June 25, 2013. APPROVED (R. Carew) I. dRoad Safety Mississauga Advisory Committee 2. -2- October 22, 2013 Community Crime Prevention Awareness - September 21, 2013 Peter Hamilton-Smith, Chair discussed the Community Crime Prevention Awareness Event held on September 21, 2013. He noted that the event was held on Celebration Square and felt the event was not a success due to the lack of people who attended and that it did not have the right target audience. Discussion ensued with respect to the Share the Road mag ·''1~d_'~bncems were have plastic bumpers expressed that the font was too small and that newer m~, resulting in the magnets not being able to stick. The cc{Jljmittee\ er discussed excess funds in the 2013 budget and the need for speed awf'ru:e~'~ss units. /0:''"-':""""'':k'\, - RECOMMENDATION l=~:1~;=r;::f"' That members of the Road Safety Mississauga'.· e a li~EoJ recommendatllifi~ be brought back to the Committee to be sent to the · • ~~ ~f Transportatio~ and Minister of Health to include but not limited to; concerns wi way driving, driver retesting and continuing drivers education. 1 Received (Councillor Saito) ..019-2013 3. ~·-<~ - ent1~flctions, C South Central Ontario spoke to the CAA's . paigir'~tsSlNG. He noted that the campaign is designed to remind "' be mi~~~g if a collision occurred due to distracted driving. ; ~;.}-"' ulated Mr. Ennis on a great campaign and addressed the need to illg event with CAA, Peel Regional Police and the Road Safety Committee. RECOMMENDATION 1. That funds be allocated to the Educational and Promotions Subcommittee before the next Road Safety Mississauga (RSM) Committee meeting and that the Educational and Promotions Subcommittee be authorized to purchase items of behalf of the RSM Committee. \ . :::, Road Safety Mississauga Advisory Committee October 22, 2013 -3- (3) 2. That the Road Safety Mississauga Committee (RSM) allocate up to a maximum of $20,000.00 from the 2013 RSM budget to purchase speed awareness units. Approved (Councillor Crombie) Recommendation RSM-0020-2013 4. ROAD WATCH Program Statistics Committee members reviewed the Road Watch statis RECOMMENDATION That the Mississauga Road Watch progra / 2013 be received. ugust Received (Councillor Crombie) Recommendation RSM-0021-201 . OTHER BUSINESS Colin Patterson, Coord· Pilot Project at Hu ;·;· ted Road Saf~ty noted that the Traffic Calming ve has recei~~g,R~sitive feedback. A~~:;j/ ,~~ft'l'" Memorandum • 4 TO: Chair and Members of Road Safety Mississauga Advisory Committee FROM: Angie Melo, Legislative Coordinator DATE: March 20, 2014 SUBJECT: List to be sent to the Minister of Transportation and the Minister of Health regarding concerns with highway driving, driver retesting and continuing driver education At the October 22, 2013 Road Safety Mississauga Advisory Committee meeting, members of the Committee recommended that a list be sent to the Minister of Transportation and the Minister of Health regarding concerns with highway driving, driver retesting and continuing driver education: "Recommendation: RSM-0019-2013 That members of the Road Safety Mississauga make a list of recommendations be brought back to the Committee to be sent to the Minister of Transportation and Minister of Health to include but not limited to; concerns with highway driving, driver retesting and continuing drivers education." Council adopted this recommendation (Resolution 0183-2013) on October 30, 2013. The Committee should discuss the matter as noted in RSM-0019-2013. Angie Melo Legislative Coordinator (905) 615-3200 ext. 5423 Angie Melo From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Pat Saito 2014/03/03 12:52 PM Angie Melo Adrienne Kennedy; Andy Bate; Vivian Mansour ACTION: High speeds on court where children play Request to review at Road Safety - Ref. Rainboth-Gilbert FW: SR# 2448004 RE: Action::High speeds on court where children play request for signage - ref. Rainboth-Gilbert - Strata Crt Importance: High Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Follow up Completed Good afternoon, Further to the correspondence below, Councillor Saito wishes to bring the matter to the attention of the Road Safety Committee for future agenda placement and appropriate studies. Please find attached Traffic staffs response, which was shared with the resident. Councillor would appreciate the Road Safety Committee review and suggest that it look at some type of signage that can be used on courts where there are usually no sidewalks and children must play on the road. Perhaps a different type of signage may work in these situations. Councillor looks forward to staff's response. Thank you kindly, Michelle Stefancic Administrative Assistant Ward 9 Councillor Pat Saito "This e-mail may not be forwarded to anyone for any reason without express written permission of the author." Sent: March 2, 2014 11:00 AM To: Pat Saito Subject: RE: High speeds on court where children play I thank you for the response unfortunately I have to say I am very disappointed. First off the street name you quoted isn't correct. I did search the name you quoted and Mississauga doesn't have one so I can only assume that that the research was done on the correct street. I am well aware of the speed limit on my street and stated it in my original e-mail to you. My question on how do we get the speed limit lowered was not answered. I am completely insulted that the concerns for the safety of the children in my neighbourhood were completely minimized. You do not live on this street and can not say that the "incidents are isolated and sporadic", you are making an unfounded assumption. I challenge you to safely drive 50 km down my street and around the comer and safely stop if required. The comer is a blind comer. There was one consistent offender who was new to the street and this situation has been rectified by the community. We spoke to the new neighbour to address the concerns. We as a community can not effectively address the visitors to the area or one of the many people who turn down our street. Additionally with all the cuts to policing how do you expect the police to sit on my street to police this? There are many other higher priority calls that they must attend. I just pray that the police don't have to 1 come to my street because of a fatality because of the cities inaction on making the streets safer. I will share your response with my neighbourhood. From: rainboth-gilbert Sent: February 2, 2014 10:38 AM To: Pat Saito Subject: High speeds on court where children play I am writing you to ask for some guidance on how to make my street safer for my children and the other children on my street. I have been living on Strata Court for just over two years and have noticed that the speeds in which some cars are coming onto the court are increasing drasticly. Myself and other families on the court with children consistantly play outside on the street every day that the weather allows. I feel it is important that children get as much time outside as possible and play is the best way. Over the past while I have become increasingly hesitant to have the kids on the street because of the speeds. I have purchased a children at play sign that I place in the middle of the street when the kids are playing but unfortunately that hasn't helped all that much. How do I go about having the city place a "drive slow children at play" sign on my street and reducing the speed limit on the street? Currently there is no posted speed limit on my street so I assume the limit would be SO km/hr. In my opinion far to fast for a court with a very sharp corner and on the other side of that corner children playing, riding bikes etc. Any help or guidance you can provide would be greatly appreciated. 2 Angie Melo From: Vivian Mansour Sent: 2014/02/26 11:05 AM To: Pat Saito Andy Bate; Al Sousa; Adrienne Kennedy; Denna Yaunan; Yelena Adamopoulos; Debbie Foley; Michelle Stefancic; Max Gill FW: SR# 2448004 RE: Action::High speeds on court where children play request for signage - ref. Rainboth-Gilbert - Strata Crt Cc: Subject: Councillor Saito, With respect to the speeding concern on Starta Court brought forward to your office from Mr. Rain both Gilbert. The Transportation and Works Department provides you with the following information. As you know, Starta Court is a residential roadway with a speed limit of 50 km/h. Given the geometric design of the roadway, it is difficult for motorists to achieve excessive speeds. Any incidents of aggressive driving behaviour are isolated and sporadic. It should be noted that on a residential roadway such as Starta Court, those incidents of aggressive driving are likely being committed by local residents themselves. As per City Policy No. 10-04-03 "Speed Limit Signs", speed signing is not installed on local residential and industrial roads or on local residential and industrial collector roadways where the speed limit is the statutory 50 km/hr unless, there is a change in the speed limit. The Highway Traffic Act (HTA) sets a default municipal speed limit of SO km/h on roads within cities, towns, villages or built-up areas. The statutory SO km/h speed limit is posted at all entrances to the City and at all exits from the Provincial Highway system (QEW, 403, 401 etc.) With respect to your request for a warning sign related to children in the area, "Playground ahead" signs are limited to designated playground (parks or school zones) that is located adjacent to a downstream section of the road. They are not installed indiscriminately to indicate the potential presence of children in a residential neighbourhood. This would reduce their effectiveness in those specific areas mentioned where there is a regular presence and concentration of children in the area. With Respect to the feasibility of installing a "Drive Slowly Think of Us" sign on Starla Court. The Transportation and Works Department provides the following information. This sign is designed to remind motorists upon entering a residential area. In order for a "Drive Slowly Think of Us" sign to be installed, the following conditions must be met: The location of this sign is restricted primarily to local or minor collector residential streets at its intersection with a major roadway; and The requester must participate in the Neighbourhood Speed Watch program to help provide education and awareness to their neighbourhood. The Transportation and Works Department do not support the placement of the "Drive Slowly Think of Us" sign at Starla Court as for its not fulfilling the first requirement. Council has recently approved a traffic calming pilot program for the City of Mississauga. As part of this pilot program, a handful of locations will potentially receive physical traffic calming measures, and will be monitored by staff throughout the year. If the pilot is successful, staff will then recommend that Council adopt this program on a full time basis. At that time, the program may be expanded to evaluate other candidate locations. Unfortunately, aggressive driving is a common concern throughout the city. The most effective deterrent to this type of driver behaviour is strict and consistent police enforcement. However, given limited resources, police tend to concentrate enforcement efforts on the major collector and arterial roadways where higher volumes and speeds 1 can result in more severe collisions. It should be noted that on an isolated roadway such as Hem us Square, it is likely the local residents themselves that are driving in this manner. However, the city does recognize the impact aggressive driving has on roadway safety and has developed programs to address the situation. The Road Watch program is a community initiative that gives residents and visitors an opportunity to report dangerous and aggressive drivers to the police. When an incident of dangerous or aggressive driving is observed, the complainant fills out the Citizen Report Form which is available at the following Ii nk: http://www. m ississa uga .ca/po rta I/residents/traffics i gn aIs ?paf gear id =9700018&ite m Id =400003 Should you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Regards, Vivian Mansour Traffic Operations Technician Transportation and Works Department 3185 Mavis Road City of Mississauga 905-615-3200 ext 4363 FAX: 905 - 896 - 5583 [email protected] From: Pat Saito Sent: 2014/02/03 3:17 PM To: Andy Bate; Adrienne Kennedy; Kimberley Leslie Subject: Action::High speeds on court where children play request for signage - ref. Rainboth-Gilbert - Strata Crt Hello, Please have staff investigate, take appropriate action and provide Councillor Saito with a follow-up response. Your assistance is appreciated. Ref. Rainboth-Gilbert I have been living on Strata Court for just over two years and have noticed that the speeds in which some cars are coming onto the court are increasing drastically. Myself and other families on the court with children consistently play outside on the street every day that the weather allows. I feel it is important that children get as much time outside as possible and play is the best way. Over the past while I have become increasingly hesitant to have the kids on the street because of the speeds. I have purchased a children at play sign that I place in the middle of the street when the kids are playing but unfortunately that hasn't helped all that much. How do I go about having the city place a "drive slow children at play" sign on my street and reducing the speed limit on the street? Currently there is no posted speed limit on my street so I assume the limit would be 50 km/hr. In my opinion far to fast for a court with a very sharp corner and on the other side of that corner children playing, riding bikes etc. Thank you kindly, Michelle Stefancic, ext. 5900 Administrative Assistant Ward 9 Councillor Pat Saito "This e-mail may not be forwarded to anyone for any reason without express written permission of the author." 2 2014 Activity Plan & Budget . ·.·.· . ·· Activity . ·.··. . ..... · .. . ·.·· .•. .. .·. Community Outreach - Events 2014: · . .·. ·.· . •. . ... Resourc.e .·· Budget Requirements .• Estimate • ·.· Driver Distraction Deterrence -Awareness and Education Outreach and education via City Facilities and community outreach events. Traffic Speed Compliance - Outreach Traffic Calming Devices Street Racing deterrence General compliance outreach ROAD WATCH Program via !New outreach campaign Brochure I Report Form for the Mississauga ROAD WATCH program, including quantity for distribution at the Road Safety exhibit, and inventory for continued supply to Mississauga Community Police Reporting offices, community centres, library branches, and the Civic Centre. Road Stifety Mississauga Advisory Committee Speed Watch Project A summer project will provide education via student manpower. . .. . . . •• . .. ·. $12,300.00 Road Safety Mississauga Advisory Committee web site Promote community use of the Road Safety Mississauga Advisory Committee web site and e-mail venue. $in-kind Community Safety Zones $in-kind Additional Resources Member Expenses (Conference I Seminar Attendance) 2014 Budget Total $38,800.00* *$26,500.00 not allocated 6 things to know about new distracted driving rules Page 1 of2 1-ROAD S/!YJ~fr A1ISSJsS/_-~/~c, ;-~I ADVISORY CWJ!'1Jn-;;~ News I Canada 6 things to know about new distracted driving rules Fines increase to $280 today independent of proposed legislation because of chief justice's decree. RANDY RISLING I TORONTO STAR FILE PHOTO A cyclist going west with traffic on Danforth Ave. New rules would increase fines for opening a door in front of a cyclist. By: thestar.com Published on Tue Mar 18 2014 New fines for distracted driving will change the rules of the road in Ontario. Here are the six top things you should know about the proposed legislation: The legislation is expected to pass in a vote early this spring and has all-party support. Fines for distracted driving jump from $155 to $280 today (Tuesday) regardless of the legislation. Annemarie Bonkalo, chief justice of the Ontario Court of Justice, decreed that last month in a judicial order. Fines range from $300 to $1,000, along with three demerit points, for using cellphones while driving, under the changes to the Highway Traffic Act. • Fines range from $300 to $1,000, and three demerit points, for opening a door in the path of a cyclist. Motorists would have to keep one metre from cyclists on the road. Fines range from $60 to $500 for cyclists not using required lights and reflectors. What exactly is distracted driving? According to Const. Clint Stibbe, with the Toronto police's Traffic Services, distracted driving occurs any time a person is operating a motor vehicle while holding a mobile device. This means the device doesn't need to be turned on, and the car can't just be stopped; the device must be located away from the driver, and the car must be fully parked. For http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2014/03/l 8/5 _ things_to _know_about_new_distract... 2014/03/20 6 things to know about new distracted driving rules 1\ Page 2 of2 example, using a mobile device while stopped at a red light can still result in a ticket, Stibbe told the Star. http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2014/03/18/5_things_to_know_about_new_distract... 2014/03/20 ..,..................................................................~...................................,............,.....................,.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................~~,""----~ ~~.....~~.......... ROADWATCH STATISTICS Mississauga Count of Alleaed Violation Alleqed Violation Other Driving Making Unsafe Lane Change(s) i=:xcesslve Speed Following loo Closely Failing to come to a Complete Stop Drive-Handheld Device 176 160 136 I I Making an Improper Turn Disobey a School Crossing Guard Grand Total Incomplete Forni 97 No Offence Not Roadwatch (blank) Grand Total 86 61 60 Fafling to Stop for Schoo[ Bus Failing to Stop for Red Light Count of Road Watch Action Road Watch Action First Letter Improper Veh/Plate Total Count of Complaint Tvr'le Complaint Type Drop Off Fax (blank) Online Grand Total Total 549 139 151 8 38 Total 77 58 751 886 885 49 31 15 871 ' ~') / ! i 1 !MONTH Count of Alleqed Violation Alleaed Violation Excessive Speed Falling to come to a Complete Stop Failing to Stop for Red Light Failing to Slop tor School Bus Following too Closely Making Unsafe Lane Change(s) Making an Improper Turn Other Driving (blank) D1ive-Handheld Device Grand Totat I · loct MONTH Count of f{oad Watch Action Road Watch Action Total 21 First Lelter 13 Improper Veh/Plate Incomplete Form 6 8 14 20 No Offence Not Roadwatch Grand Total I- JOct !MONTH I !Oct Count o!_ COt'!:'E!~Jn.~ Tvne Total 62 22 15 3 3 105 Complaint Tvpe Drop Off Fax Online Grand Total Total 7 " 4 13, ,'C' •Ii "' 0:1 94 105 ~ t/l' G] ~-J () ":-1 N~~I. 4 11 n "'' ~);'I ' "Oji ~~,I r~ <;:I 5 102 ~ I ()() Ste~en Murphy 12/2/2013 rA - ROADWATCH STATISTICS Mississauga ------··-·Count of Road Watch Action Roa-d Watch Action Total 618 First Letter Improper Veh/Plate 163 lncon1plete Form 161 No Offence 11 Not Roadwatch 40 (blank) Grand Total 993 r·~ I Count of Alleqed Vlolation A!leqed Violation Making Unsafe Lane Change(s) Other Driving Excessive Speed Following too Closely Falling to come to a Complete Stop Drive-Handheld Device Falling to Stop for School Bus Failing to Stop for Red Light Making an ln1proper Turn Disobey a Schoo! Crossing Guard Disobey Posted Sign T13005148 Grand Total Total 191 188 158 112 89 65 62 Count of Complaint Tvpe Comolaint Tvpe Drop Off E1nai! Fax Mall (blank) Online Grand Total Total 78 16 61 6 833 994 54 39 16 3 1 978 t) ;~ :~\ ;·_;,.·~·;c,J,r·-., "N:J,:-::>; 7 ~\-·; :, ,: =-~-=:::_--~-_-;:;_~:;1.:~;1::::--: IMONTH Count of AUeaed Violation Alleged Violation Disobey a School Crossing Guard Disobey Posted Sign Excessive Speed Faillng to come to a Con1p1ete Stop Falllng to Slop for Red Light Falllng to Stop for School Bus Following too Closely Making Unsafe Lane Change(s) Making an Improper lurn Other Driving (blank) Drive-Handhe\d Device T13005148 Grand Tota! <r'.;;-;'::.--: · INov l Total 1 3 22 3 5 2 15 31 EF:)-tlRECrFtt:M?NTffi~ ., :_· ;- --;_,_;1. ,, IMONTH Count of Road Watct1 Action Road Watch Action F[1·st Letter Improper Veh/Plate !ncomplete Fann No Offence f:lot Roadwatch (blank) Grand Tota! -- ::,·afLi~~~'_;;;:.~trr~_'.(t>;~~if~'~ ~::·i1~:<-:'.,'·-: .:".- > INov I Total 69 24 10 3 2 108 IMONTH _-~ _"., __._"-'·\;:~ INov I Count of Complaint Tvne Complainl Tvpe Prop Off Emai! Fax Mall (blank) Online Grand Total - Total 1 16 3 6 82 108 s 12 4 1 107 -- Steven Murphy 112212014
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