Youth Volunteer Application Form

Youth Volunteer Application Form Position Preference Camp Assistant: o March Break o Summer July/August General Volunteer: o Various Weekends Personal Information Last Name: _________________Middle Initial: ___First Name: _____________________ Address_________________________________________________________________ City__________________________ Province______ Postal Code___________________ Home Phone number:(____)___________________ Cell Phone number:(____)_____________________ Email address: ____________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: __________________________ Gender: M F Spoken Language(s): English French Other______________________________ References 1. Name:_____________________________ Phone number:(_____)_______________ 2. Name:_____________________________ Phone number:(_____)_______________ Experience & Interest Have you worked with children before? _________If yes, in what capacity? ________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any visual art experience? ________________________________________________________________________ Previous volunteer experience: 1.Organization: ________________ Position Held: ______________Nature of Work: ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Organization: ________________ Position Held: ______________Nature of Work: ________________________________________________________________________ 3. Organization: ________________ Position Held: ______________Nature of Work: ________________________________________________________________________ What are your reasons for applying for volunteer work at VAM: ________________________________________________________________________ Qualified applicants will be contacted and will participate in group interviews, information and training sessions. Please fill out side two. Signatures are required. │ Mississauga, ON │ L5C 2S7 │ T 905.277.5086 │ Fax 905.277.4340 │ [email protected]
4170 Riverwood Park Lane
Applicants Signature By signing below, I authorize Visual Arts Mississauga to collect personal information appropriate to the position for which I have applied concerning employment, volunteer history and verifying the reference I have supplied. I understand that the information obtained will be confidential. I acknowledge and understand that if I am over the age of 18 that I must obtain a Vulnerable Sector Search, Police Records Search that is acceptable to Visual Arts Mississauga. I understand that I am responsible for any costs associated with this process, if applicable. Last Name:________________________ First Name:____________________________ Signature of Applicant:______________________________ Date:__________________ Parent/Guardian Signature (for Volunteers under the age of 18) Name of Parent:________________________ Phone Number:(_____)_______________ I would be in support of this volunteer activity and give my permission for my son or daughter ___________________ to apply to participate as a volunteer with Visual Arts Mississauga. By signing below, I authorize Visual Arts Mississauga to collect personal information about my son or daughter and myself appropriate to the position, for which my son or daughter has applied concerning employment, volunteer history and verifying the references supplied. I understand that the information obtained will be confidential. Signature of Parent/Guardian:_____________________________Date:______________ How did you hear about Visual Arts Mississauga? Family/Friends School Past Volunteer Website Other ___________________________________________________________________ *Personal information collected on this form is collected under the guidelines of Bill C-­‐6 of the Federal Personal Information Protection & Electronic Act. Questions about collection should be addressed to Visual Arts Mississauga Administration, 4170 Riverwood Park Lane, Mississauga, ON L5C 2S7 │ Mississauga, ON │ L5C 2S7 │ T 905.277.5086 │ Fax 905.277.4340 │ [email protected]
4170 Riverwood Park Lane