GEM 1/ 20 Spatial Resolution of Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) Detectors Using Prototype Readout Boards Analysis from October 2013 Beam Test at Fermilab M.Phipps, V. Bhopatkar, J. Twigger, A. Zhang, M. Hohlmann Florida Academy of Sciences Conference Indian River State College March 7, 2014 1/20 GEM 2/ 20 Outline 1 Motivation Cost Reduction for the Electron Ion Collider (EIC) 2 FNAL Beam Test Beam Test Objectives Detector Resolution Methods Tracking and Alignment Spatial Resolution Results 3 Future Work 4 Summary 2/20 GEM 3/ 20 Motivation Cost Reduction for the Electron Ion Collider (EIC) Outline 1 Motivation Cost Reduction for the Electron Ion Collider (EIC) 2 FNAL Beam Test Beam Test Objectives Detector Resolution Methods Tracking and Alignment Spatial Resolution Results 3 Future Work 4 Summary 3/20 GEM 4/ 20 Motivation Cost Reduction for the Electron Ion Collider (EIC) Where does mass come from? EIC Mission What makes up normal matter? Atomic mass: 99.9% from nucleons Nucleon mass: Energy of massless gluons and nearly massless quarks Quark-Gluon interactions and dynamics (not the Higgs!) responsible for 99.9% of mass in visible universe Goal of EIC: Understand the role of sea quarks and gluons in the nucleus 4/20 GEM 5/ 20 Motivation Cost Reduction for the Electron Ion Collider (EIC) EIC Proposals: eRHIC (BNL) and ELIC (J Lab) Construction planned 2020-2024 5/20 GEM 6/ 20 Motivation Cost Reduction for the Electron Ion Collider (EIC) Large Area Tracker Proposals Challenge: Expand GEM detector size while reducing cost and retaining high spatial resolution Approach: Use radial zigzag readout to reduce number of readout channels by factor of 3 6/20 GEM 7/ 20 FNAL Beam Test Beam Test Objectives Outline 1 Motivation Cost Reduction for the Electron Ion Collider (EIC) 2 FNAL Beam Test Beam Test Objectives Detector Resolution Methods Tracking and Alignment Spatial Resolution Results 3 Future Work 4 Summary 7/20 GEM 8/ 20 FNAL Beam Test Beam Test Objectives Beam Test Objectives Characterize 1 meter CMS radial straight strip prototype (CMS oriented; Vallary’s presentation) Successfully use four reference detectors for alignment and tracking studies Compare the spatial resolution of radial straight strip readout to radial zigzag readout Test performance of various radial zigzag prototype boards to optimize future design (EIC oriented) 8/20 GEM 9/ 20 FNAL Beam Test Detector Resolution Methods Outline 1 Motivation Cost Reduction for the Electron Ion Collider (EIC) 2 FNAL Beam Test Beam Test Objectives Detector Resolution Methods Tracking and Alignment Spatial Resolution Results 3 Future Work 4 Summary 9/20 GEM 10/ 20 FNAL Beam Test Detector Resolution Methods Methods for Determining Detector Resolution ∆ Y distribution: Rough, initial estimate that requires two identical boards close together and coarsely aligned in the beamline (See: Jessie’s presentation) Residual distributions: Fine techique (Post-alignment; post-tracking) 10/20 GEM 11/ 20 FNAL Beam Test Detector Resolution Methods Resolution Measurement through Residual Distribution Spatial Resolution: σ 2 = σin σex 11/20 GEM 12/ 20 FNAL Beam Test Tracking and Alignment Outline 1 Motivation Cost Reduction for the Electron Ion Collider (EIC) 2 FNAL Beam Test Beam Test Objectives Detector Resolution Methods Tracking and Alignment Spatial Resolution Results 3 Future Work 4 Summary 12/20 GEM 13/ 20 FNAL Beam Test Tracking and Alignment Alignment of Straight Strip, 2d GEM Detectors 13/20 1 Center the position distribution. Mean values (multiplied by scale factor of 0.2) used as shift parameters. 2 Minimize the residual mean. Fine translational and rotational alignment technique 3 Minimize χ2 of linear track fits. Fine translational and rotational alignment technique GEM 14/ 20 FNAL Beam Test Tracking and Alignment Resolution of GEM Trackers Resolutions between 40-60 µm is a strong result and in line with expectation Exclusive residuals predictably biased up at end detectors Inclusive residuals overestimate the true resolution; exclusive residuals underestimate the true resolution; the geometric mean gives the best approximation 14/20 GEM 15/ 20 FNAL Beam Test Tracking and Alignment Alignment of Radial GEM Detectors: Method 15/20 p r = x2 + y2 Φ = atan( yx ) Φ : (−20mrad, +20mrad) Transfer tracker coordinates from (x,y) to (r,Φ) Both CMS readout boards (straight strip and zigzag) have fixed angle pitch and if origin shown above is adopted, the strips can be expressed in terms of Φ The distance to the origin of the CMS detector not measured in terms of (x,y) for trackers → Must align tracker detectors through optimization algorithm GEM 16/ 20 FNAL Beam Test Tracking and Alignment Alignment of Radial GEM Detectors: Method Iterative optimization algorithms: 16/20 1 Coarse align through χ2 minimization of inclusive linear fits in X,Y, and Φ 2 Fine align translation and rotation through minimization of residual means GEM 17/ 20 FNAL Beam Test Spatial Resolution Results Outline 1 Motivation Cost Reduction for the Electron Ion Collider (EIC) 2 FNAL Beam Test Beam Test Objectives Detector Resolution Methods Tracking and Alignment Spatial Resolution Results 3 Future Work 4 Summary 17/20 GEM 18/ 20 FNAL Beam Test Spatial Resolution Results Spatial Resolution: Initial Results Optimization of radial alignment is ongoing! Distribution for current alignment parameters still too wide ... shows an inflated resolution From the geometric acceptance of the detector, we can predict an upper bound on our resolution of 250 µm. Further optimization should bring our results down to at least that level 18/20 GEM 19/ 20 Future Work Future Work Finalize radial alignment parameters Compare spatial resolution for straight strip CMS readout to radial zigzag readout Compare different radial zigzag boards and optimize design for future beam test Test pixel and chevron readout boards (Liz’s presentation) 19/20 GEM 20/ 20 Summary Summary Spatial resolution for straight-strip trackers between 40-60 µm. This should allow good resolution measurements for the prototype detectors Final spatial resolution results for CMS radial straight strip and radial zigzag boards to be finished soon. Expectation: radial straight strip resolution below 200µm and slightly higher radial zigzag resolution Future Work: Optimize GEM detector readout design 20/20
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